The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3031
  • @Brian trouble is my middle name, my mum always said lol,
    I really feel like crap though
    And yes @DesperateDan let's hope the BP surgery theme has ended, no more Says the Princess! Don't forget my extra hugs for Twiggy, and also for Tigger @Gumby and many many thanks!
    I'm putting my foot down, from now on Sunny Days!
    Sorry I'm out of oopmph..
    Thanks @ixan57 for holding down the fort, and the Keys heehee :)
  • @kathy Welcome back home! Just in case you want to make a note, page 3028 is the only BP page without a note from you. Let’s not have any more!
  • Wow Thanks @catsnbirds I will make note of that! I can't believe I only missed one page!
    So there @BrianN :8~
  • This one's for all you window cleaners out there as April showers rumble on into May and beyond.

    BTW she's not singing "I can't stand Lorraine". Who could fail to love Dundee's finest TV presenter? Although she is a little bit too nicey nicey. (Probably smokes like a chimney and swears loudly at people when she's off camera).
  • @brianN I'm not even going to look, can't stand the woman.
    Oh and @kathy has the crown back, how fitting
  • @brianN i looked, not pebbles. Squeaky Kelly
  • Didn't Pebbles have a friend called Bambam?
  • Someone asked me if I thought Davey Jones reputation for sinking ships and killing sailors was justified? I said "yeah, he's always had that in his locker."
  • Speaking of avatars, which I'm sure we were several light years ago, what's yours all about @catsnbirds? I think I've managed to work @kathy's out. She's obviously supporting the People's Republic of China.
  • Brian, BamBam Rubble, neighbor to the Flintstones. Oh, was that a rhetoric comment?

    Avatar! Let’s see, my username as a picture. I have cats (surprise!), have always had tortoiseshell cats, they enjoy watching bird TV (the feeders just outside the windows) and I enjoy aiding the birds in their quest to stop the pigs.
  • Oohh and Yay I See I have my crown back :D
    @Brian where do you get the People's Republic of China , from my avatar? L it's clearly a beautiful Eagle With the American Flag in the background, which a dear friend and BP team member created for me¿?!
  • Speaking of which, Where is you avatar @Brian ??
  • I don't 'avatar @kathy.
  • Managed to view ur avatar enlarged @catsnbirds. It's a no power-up sign. And yes it was rhetorical. Just as my ref to PRC was ironical @kathy. I'm sure you knew that.
  • Lol @Brian yeah h I knew that ;) Uhmmm no I didn't really because I'm not very sleepy and I wouldn't know a sign from the PDF if it but me in the face haha *insert Rolly Guy* really I wouldn't.. shhhh.. now they'll target me :/
  • Why don't you avatar ?
  • I can't tell if I have my snowflake avatar on or my stars? Eyes getting old!
    I think tomorrow I'm gonna try out my new laptop.
  • Ooh.! New laptop. Bet it's not Huawei.
  • Saw a van and on the side it said:Bartec-(sliding door division)
    Bit pretentious I thought and in my vivid imagination I decided it was a guy with two vans and the other one said:Bartec-(batwing door division).
    In case your wondering, yes I'm in the car dodging the rain.
  • Well it's a very special day, for a very special Birdie Friend, although we can't post decorations
    I can post this
    Have a Wonderful Day @HunnyBunny
  • Later well get the jukebox going, a bit early on my side of the pond
    Waiting for the visiting nurse *sigh*
  • Happy birthday @HunnyBunny
  • @kathy i had a visiting nurse, had to get rid of her. The neighbours were complaining about the noise.
  • I tried explaining that she was only helping me with the painting
  • 26 again, just like @kathy and myself.
  • Does anyone have a clue what @brianN is on about? Please someone explain.
  • "It's raining again" I feel another song coming on. Don't worry @desperatedan the wet stuff sends me over the edge, even I don't know what I'm talking about.
  • Still raining. Hey can you come up with any un p c song titles they wouldn't get away with today? (no googling).
    "Nice legs shame about the face" comes to mind, can't remember who it was by.
    "That's why our kids are so ugly".
    Feel free to join in.
    "I think I'm turning Japanese" (That also is a song not a personal state of metamorphosis.)

  • Today on AB Space I got a mission to beat my score on Brass Hogs 10. You know? The one i had the top score on? Thanks game.
  • Oh hi there @azurill. Thought it might be you in the corner. Did you laugh or did you cry? Or did you just knuckle down and beat it again? My proudest moment was getting top score on the Challenge, getting beaten by @asher, and then rebeating him with a new strategy.
  • Er... Turning Japanese is (like passing wind in an elevator) just wrong on every level @brianN. I won't say in present company what it is on about but I suggest you Google it.
  • Squeeze Box by The Who is certainly dodgy. Anything by the Macc Lads (No sheep till Buxton is an example) and what about The Bangin' Man by Slade. Don't suppose these troubled the charts in the US but the Slade one got to number 3 over here.
  • @Azurill That's the worst! I hope you managed to beat your score? I hate it when that happens!
  • @kathy @desperatedan don't worry, i just deleted that mission! :P
  • I can remember the 70's being notable for it's pop innuendos. Comparing that to some of the misogynistic garbagefound in songs today(particularly rap music) seems quite tame. How about song titles that are just plain crazy? I reckon Capt Beefheart could have his own category. My personal favourite? "Making love to a vampire with a monkey on my knee"
    Don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon, sounds very tricky.

    Ps was aware of the Japanese thing.
  • Imagine turning English @ixan57? #@!*
  • I think "Mummy was an asteroid, Daddy was a small non-stick kitchen utensil" by Quiet Sun from 1976 takes some beating. Good bit of prog actually. Your namesake Brian Eno was involved.

    Check out Half Man Half Biscuit for genius song and album titles. Examples: The Trumpton Riots, CSI Ambleside, Joy Division Oven Glove, All I want for Xmas is a Dukla Prague away strip. None of this will make sense to anyone outside the UK and probably won't either to most people in the UK.
  • Aah you've brought back some great memories there Dan. HMHB what a joyous band. Did you ever come across the Saucy Haulier Ballads EP?
    One track is called "Tending the wrong grave for 23 years"
    Including the lyrics... "I've been sharing my innermost thoughts with an Edward McCrae
    I'm inconsolable and at times uncontrollable
    Ah but she wouldn't know 'cos she' s two hundred metres away"

    And who could forget "Dickie Davies Eyes".
  • As for Briano Eno I think he was in the original Roxy Music line up, did some production work with Bowie then went a bit arsey. (If anyone wants me to do his autobiography I'm available.)
  • Checking in. Hello. :)
    Can't let another page go by without me lol.
  • Hi @kathy hope your recuperation is going well. If you have some free time on your hands we're watching Mare of Eastown with Kate Winslett. (Well we're not actually watching it with her, she's in it.) Not sure if it's on Netflix but it's really good.
  • Hello Guys! I am a new user so I decided to come here first. Hope you all are having a good day.
  • Hello Flinger101, welcome to the madhouse.
  • So are you new to angry birds or just the nest?
  • Hi @flinger101. Whatever happened to the first 100 flingers I wonder? In fact while I am about it, whatever happened to the first 67 karens and the first 56 ixans? Never mind, one is enough of each. If you look really closely @flinger101, you will be able to pick out the very occasional piece of conversation about playing Angry Birds, to which I am not adverse. But you will probably learn more about obscure medical conditions and Netflix addiction here. Our hostess @kathy is suffering from the the latter so I guess it befalls to me to say head over to page 1 and choose yourself a drink on the house which Orange Bird (OB) will be pleased to serve you.
  • Hi guys, I think we're all friends here anyway but I decided to make it formal. Should you refuse my friendship request a curse on you all.
  • Also if I missed anyone out a curse on me.
  • We also double as the Half Man Half Biscuit fan club, or maybe that's just me and @desperatedan.
  • Hey @kathy, I seem to be taking on your role as BP gobby git. Just keeping your seat warm.
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