The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2833
  • @hunnybunny no ears, not even one does @gumby have. Poor guy!
  • The reason I made stupid posts on the last page is now clear. @Kathy @Sunshine it needs to be top of the page
    Let's start inviting people xx
  • @hunnybunny and @kathy go for it!!! Party!!!! Reunion Party starts July1-4! Potluck bring your favorite dish! Music & memories!!!!! :D
  • @Gumby Waaassupppp??
    @hunnybunny @sunshine Roflmao !!!
    Now i understand those posts on the previous page!!
    so every time the page changes from now until the party , whoever of the three of us that takes the crown or rather is the first to post between the three of us will post the banner¿ sound good? So there will be always kinda at the top of the page :)
    @sunshine and @hunnybunny you two are silly LOL
    @rat hope you made it back stateside OK and are feeling better???
  • So, I thought I had my avatar up since it shows on profile page and on challenge leaderboard where I placed, but not Here. Hmm?

    Any ideas? @kathy. @hunnybunny

    PS. I didn't want to do gravatar yet since I haven't decided on a universal image.
  • @rat Happy Birthday! Cheers!
  • We miss you @rat!! Happy Birthday!
  • @rat The BP misses you, not to mention all the rat kin in the walls!!! Hope being home will up your recovery.

    @patz Only gravatar avatars will appear in the old forum, of which the BP is a part.
  • @rat Mrs Bunny misses you (yes I really said that) Happy Birthday. Get back here soon...

    @kathy give Carol the link to BP so Tom can see our birthday wishes
  • Hey thanks for the note @catsnbirds. I will pursue that direction then

    Cc @Kathy and @hunnybunny

  • Btw I'm now battling FaceBook to take down scam posts
    Mark Zuckerberg be ashamed of youself and watch out Bunny is coming....
  • Hello everybody!!
    @Hunnybunny what do you mean FB, scam posts, are you doing this on your own? just for the halibut??
    @Patz yes definitely gravatar, do you still have the link? you can change it at anytime ..i change mine often for different occasions!
    @Pa I hope your feeling better, now that your stateside .. My wish for your birthday and every day past and future is a Speedy recovery!! We love and miss our sarcastic , lovable rodent!!
  • and I know tomorrow is @heyyougettouttamyway birthday, there will be celebrating in the walls!!! heehee!!
  • @karhy Halibut? Fishes swimming around Facebook? Nibbling users? Kathy strikes again
  • . Lol I meant Hellovit Like Hell of it , but was trying to be creative!! Roflmao Halibut¿
  • "These bacon sandwiches are delicious" said Pooh
    You may need to British to understand
    Good night all xx
  • That's Winnie the Pooh Right @Hunnybunny ?? That's popular here ;)
    nighty night ..
  • @hunnybunny We did Winnie-the-Pooh as a senior play in high school, toured all of the elementary schools with it. I was the second tallest person in the show, and played Piglet! My two younger sisters thought it was great to be able to point me out on stage to their friends. They got me ceramic WTP bookends the next Christmas. Hmmm, fifty years ago. Yikes!
  • Time flies @catsnbirds doesn't it?? !!
  • Lol @catsnbirds The second tallest person plays piglet!! I bet that casting director didn't go far in that field!! but you must have been the best at the character I'm sure!
    My two daughters were in the Drama club in elementary and Junior high, my youngest wouldn't participate if she wasn't the lead, ie: Mary in the church play, then Alice, then honestly i forget there were a few, the final straw was when she didn't get picked for the lead so she quit!! can you say spoiled ? lol!
    my older daughter was just happy to be a part of something..
  • We didn't have drama club until HS @kathy . I was an active member, and even spent my first two years at college as a theater major. But I was interested in the production aspect, directing, lighting, props, etc. then, oops, my attention moved to other disciplines.
  • @rat Best Birthday wishes to you
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • I do have the gravatar addresses. Thanks @Kathy
  • Lol @kathy @catsnbirds I never knew Pooh Bear was that global, just thought it was a very British thing. And @catsnbirds you were far to tall to play piglet
    Guess you both missed the irony in my post though..
  • @hunnybunny Yes, I was much taller than the girl who played Pooh, but sure had a good time! I did get the irony, but, as a vegetarian AND a previous Piglet, just passed it by ...
  • @Rat9 -- I hope you're feeling well enough to drop by the party for just a bit! We will, of course, have anything allowed by your diet, or anything you want to sneak by the diet police. Glad to hear you're home.
    @kathy @sunshine -- The poster says the party starts July 1. When does it end?
    I'll be back this weekend with some old fashioned July 4th entertainment. Are we celebrating anything other than the 4th, or did we decide to be non-parochial?
  • Holy moly @sunshine how long did it take you to type all those names!! Thanks for the great comprehensive list!
    Looking forward to it.
  • @karen68 I screwed up a few names :(
  • Hey everyone!! @hunnybunny no I obviously didn't get the irony of the Piglet Pooh post ¿
    @Sunshine roflmao you sure are a great Party planner!! whhoo Can anyone imagine if I tried to type all those names!!! you did a great job!!
    @mvnla2 so happy to see you will pop in to join us!!
    and The great surprise is @Kimmiecv may pop in as well!!!!
    is gonna be a busy busy 4 days!!
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy Pooh ate Piglet. Oh no!
    @catsnbirds sorry, I didn't mean to offend, or suggest that we should gobble up Piglet! We love Piglet, even an extraordinary tall one...
  • oooohhhh @hunnybunny !! duh :/ Now i get it lol !!
  • No one has posted music here for months
    Watching my favourite BBC4 Friday night music programme
    And this came on

    It is so good
  • @hunnybunny @Sunshine posted some just the other day i thought.?
    I answered your le pm on my tablet but the wheel is still spinning. i even turned on mobile connection WiFi is slow due to storm blowing in!
  • @kathy probably TomPuss She posted a load of stuff, which to my eternal shame I didn't read
    Never mind about the pm, I'm off to bed, will catch up tomorrow xx
  • Well, you never really go away

    Goodnight again
  • lol @Hunnybunny nighty night Sweet dreams ♡
  • Nighty nighty @Pa
  • Hi @all! Well, @hunnybunny, you still have time to listen! And the first thing I planned for today was to send a coupla songs for the juke-box!
    Just two for the moment: Remember Pernell Roberts? Best known for Bonanza? Great actor, gorgeous guy with a beautiful singing and speaking voice. .

    "Early one morning":

    "Come all ye fair and tender ladies":

    Seeya nearer aperitif time!
Post in the New Forum!