The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2832
  • @sunshine looks like I missed breakfast! Maybe tomorrow I'll stop in for my coffee. :)
    And yes my daughter is still a committed pescetarian - no meat but she does still eat seafood. Good memory you have!

    Hello everyone else! Like the reunion party idea.

    @patz I have no idea why you have so many coins - it makes no sense since you just downloaded the game. Don't know why there's an exclamation point there. Have you tried spending any of them? What happens when you tap on the coins?

  • Oooops sorry @kathy. I haven't changed a page in forecer!
  • Ill have to send you scary gumby in a private message @sunshine IT SCARES KATHY REALLY BADLY
  • @sunshine check your friend requests :)
  • @gumby done!!! Lol ;D
    @karen68 that's cool, if your ok with meal planning. ;)
  • @sunshine the first time I don't think it worked so I resent
  • OK @all I think I am going to watch a movie ( at least until I fall asleep ) lol. See everybody tomorrow :)
  • actually @all a little nap sounds good to me also.. sorry to be a party pooper but I'm pooped!!
  • @karen68 @hunnybunny @bernersenn @catsnbirds @kathy @rat @wrw01 @stocktoad @lesleyg @wanda @trishohara @iammighty @rdnzlrips82 @gumby @birdlearder @sal9 @estar Good Morning!!!!! :D
    Coffee is on and breakfast is ready!!! (Love that smell of fresh coffee and bacon!).
  • Mmm, thanks @sunshine! One large black coffee & a pigmuffin to go please!
    Have a great Friday all!
  • Hey @sunshine , good morning back at you! Coffee and a yogurt parfait please.
  • @karen68 and @catsnbirds enjoy you coffee, pigmuffin and yogurt parfait!! I hope you both have a delightful day! Happy flinging and good luck on today's challenge! Utopia mix for everyone!!
  • Oh @hunnybunny are you looking for a glass of wine??? I played the challenge for the first time in years today in honor of @rat I even improved my score!!! ;D
  • Hey girls, thanks for notes @Karen68 and Lady @Kathy and @hunnybunny. Here's just things on the coins:

    Clicking the exclamation point takes me to the screen to buy more coins. I'm pretty sure the last time I was there I bought 9,000 coins. A bit after that is when I noticed the big number. I didn't see any other action the made me rich.

    I have spent a bunch on those levels at the bottom of the screen where you have to accumulate stars or feathers or pay to get into the level. The costs are deducted normally.

    I haven't bought power ups when offered nor have I used any except trying them out or using that line scope a few times to get my flinging practice before flinging legal.

    I just went into Rio to check again all the things i told you above - it's all the same: 272,300 now.

  • Was it me who complained about the very hot and humid weather here? Now it's grey and damp and nasty....
    My fault
    Nighty night from the other side of the pond xx

    PS Winter WonderHam sucks...
    @sunshine whoops I seem to have skipped breakfast and lunch LOL. 4 Coffees and then Dinner :)
    @hunnybunny I will take a bit of grey and nasty if you take out Hot and Humid :)
  • @gumby @hunnybunny @kathy I agree grey and nasty is better then this heat and humidity any day!!!!!
    Beer, wine, anything for anyone? H2O?
  • @Gumby @Sunshine Waaassssuupppp???
    Gumby be careful what you wish for!! it's gonna be grey and gloomy tomorrow with thunderstorms!! great day too be moving someone 60 miles away!!
  • @kathy @gumby sounds like you are getting what we had today! Who knew? Kathy you will be able to get everthing done without a problem!!! ;D
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Good Morning all!
    It's Moving Day , finally cant wait until is over!
    My apologies to all i haven't been able to read back or Catch up, thanks everyone for popping in
    Hope to see you all for the Big Reunion Party!
    Busy day ahead see you all later!
  • @sunshine sent you a pm, you lovely lady xx
  • @sunshine forget last
    Emailed you xx
  • @hunnybunny I got it! Perfect!! ;)
  • Nighty night, birdy friends
    Watching The Foo Fighters at Glastonbury (on TV, of course, I'm not the type of girl who camps. No hairdryer for a start!)
  • Night night @hunnybunny uhmmm better late than never¿ Sweet Dreams sleep well my friend
    @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp???
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
    Where are Snicker and Snort when i need them lol!
  • Hey Princess @kathy, @all_gals'n'guys, I'm hanging my head in shame. . . how long can anyone go MIA, this has to be a record. Sooooo sorry, big comms problems, after a lot of hassle, it turned out that landline telephone wire was kaput due to its insulation being completely worn away. So it was fixed, plus we got a new box and, at long last, I got a new iPad, which I'd been putting off for ages. It's good to be able to play Seasons again! I managed to 3*** all Pig Days and am currently struggling with Piggy Farm.

    Suffering from the heat, as is the cat who's lying on the floor full-stretched, looking like a rather scruffy oriental rug.

    Sincere apologies to all the birddays I missed *grovel*

    OB! Spritzers all round for cool refreshment: recipe:

    The world's smartest parrots:

    Angry Birds theme, trombone:

    Bach bird:

    Sir David Attenborough's commentary rudely interrupted by Paradise Bird:

    Lovely songs for bedtime:

    Lisa Gerrard: "Solemn march":

    2Cellos: "Moon River":

    Love, hugz and purrs
  • @tompuss welcome back! Your face has been missed around here! We are planning a reunion party, so you are back just time!! Cheers! :D
  • Hello everyone!! Moving is Done!!!
    @Tompuss ((((((((Hugs))))))) So good to see you!!! :D Happy to hear you got your connection issues fixed And a new iPad to boot!!! You know if you log into Seasons with FB it saves your progress, you don't even have to have FB on your device, just log into it from your browser!
    can't wait to view the videos, although no can do atm.. unless i or my headphones in, but we are watching t.v so I'll have to wait! Hope to see you more often and at the Reunion party!
  • @all Update on our Resident @Rat9 from his wife who is very kind to keep me updated so i can further update all His Birdie friends!

    Tom is improving, but progress is slow. He remains on the ventilator, but he is less reliant than before and they are able to remove the tube a couple of times a day and have him breathe entirely on his own. He's eating and can sit up and stand for a few seconds.

    On his Doctors recommendation, I have been able to arrange an air ambulance to transport him back to the US to continue treatment and rehab. We leave on Monday. Tom's very excited to be headed home.
  • Hey @kathy, @sunshine, @all So sorry to hear about Tom. . Princess, please send love and good wishes❤

    A reunion party sounds great!
  • @tompuss bring your favorite food, music and memories! Oh, and friends!!!! Invite everyone!!! ;) the more invitations that go out, the better!
  • Lol @tompuss lovely to see you again xx
    I'm off to bed
    Goodnight all xx
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡ I'm trying to be good..:/
  • Good morning (or whatever) @all!

    @sunshine Thanks for party info!

    @hunnybunny Hi! Lovely to see you again!

    Princess @kathy OMG, I scrolled back and found that Tom had been in a PARIS hospital all this time. . . This makes me feel even worse about not writing sooner. Is it this Monday (i.e. today) he leaves?
  • Wooot!! Party!!!! Thanks @sunshine looks great!!!
  • @Tompuss I'm so sorry I should have sent you a pm about Tom!! yes today i believe he was being flown home! @sglouk was going to try to visit him also, he is in Paris as well, but Tom's condition was not good enough to receive visitors.
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡
    Hope you're home safe and sound , well home back in the States, I'm sure you'll improve much faster just for the fact your back on this side of the pond ♡
    Take notice 2 nights in a row in being a good girl ::)
  • @kathy lol @ being good.
    @sunshine nice banner
    @tompuss nice to see you are back around
  • ***whisper in @gumby 's ear - wait, does he have an ear?*** @hunnybunny made it!!! Nice job! Right! ;D
  • Oops.
  • @hunnybunny did I do something wrong???? :/
  • @hunnybunny I don't think @gumby heard me. Have you not noticed? He doesn't have ears!
  • @sunshine not at all...
    Just joking
    Never noticed @gumby had no ears!!!
  • There is a reason why I am making no comments
    Just typing
  • There is still the same reason
  • And again
Post in the New Forum!