The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2792
  • Night night, I'm off, but having trouble leaving all those little "heyyous" or whatever they are called are running around the BP. Get back in the walls!
  • Oops, stole the crown, sorry Princess...
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny
    No worries about the Crown
    @heyyousgettouttamyway, Beat it back to the wall, stop bother the patrons!
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPP
    @hunnybunny nice to see ya :) and pigs do fly in some of the levels. Either in flying contraptions or winged cupid pigs etc...
  • Or sometimes entrapped in a hollow box, propelled to their ultimate demise in a spectacular fashion!
  • What? I'm always nice to the bunny. You just need to read between the lines to see it. I couldn't toy with her if she wasn't such a great person and friend. With me, you need to worry when I stop dunking your pigtails in the inkwells. lol
    *this message will definitely self destruct*

  • I'm feeling a bit better @Ma. I've been in a funk for the last couple of weeks.
    I hope your late night efforts on the contract were fruitful Lesley.
  • The Heyyou's aren't trying to bother you Mrs. Bunny. Quite the opposite. I asked them to hug your toes every time you come in the BP so you'd feel loved. Who doesn't want twenty thousand rats fawning over them?
    You're welcome. *snicker*
  • @gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Good to hear you feeling a bit better @Pa , i know your always nice to Mrs. Bunny , She knows it to ! Lol, but neither v of you admit it!! Until now :D
  • OB Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion
    And whatever anyone else wants on my tab!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nighty night @Ma
    @hunnybunny where you hiding?? Have your feet fallen off due to way too much dancing in heels?
    @rat self destructing messages don't work, lol this is the internet. Once its out there, it is out there forever.
  • @gumby Wassuuuppp?!?
  • How goes the anti-diet @Ma? You'd feel better with a tad of body fat on ya. I've got extra in case you can't find it yourself.
  • Not going well @Pa , I'm trying though.. Is not easy, maybe when i get my own kitchen it will be better.. But if you have extra Fed-ex it on my
  • Well it's that time..headphones in , on my way to Dreamland
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Blue mongoes all around !!!
    Or another fave, lemony gingertinis!
    I'll post the recipe if anyone is interested and int to put in a half hour of work for a pitcher of delicious drink
  • None for me @knichy.
    Nite nite @Ma
  • @gumby no, my feet are still firmly attached to my ankles, and the baby rodents hug my feet every time I come in. Ever seen those foot spas where fish nibble your hard skin? Well baby rodents feel a bit like Ugg boots crossed with nibbling fish!
    It's my knees that suffer from high heels and dancing. Knees improved a lot after losing 30 pounds and walking ten+ miles a week, but can't get them back to ABBA 1976 "Dancing Queen" standard!!!
  • Hey there Mister Rat, a couple of months ago I had lunch with a friend the same age and size of @Kathy, she looked gorgeous, slim, elegant. As does Kathy! I'm sure you agree.
  • @knichy I'll recommend a 1942 Martini: tequila, vermouth, orange bitters, a twist of orange zest....
    OB drinks all round should anyone pop in
  • Maybe I'm forgetting again Mrs. Bunny, but didn't @Ma say she weighed about 83 pounds? Every fiber in my body sez she needs another 10% body fat. That's only about 8 pounds. She'd still only weigh around 90. I think she'd look even better at 90 pounds. Sorry, I'm talking as if you weren't in the room @Ma. I know this is a proverbial "third rail" topic but I care too much to stay silent. So go ahead and get mad at me. I don't care as long as you stay healthy.
  • Interesting description of your experience with the HeyYou's Mrs. Bunny. I assumed it would feel like a warm, albeit fuzzy, foot bath. I'll ask them to stop nibbling. They do get hungry. Nobody brings a wheel of cheese anymore.
  • Well hello flingers! I am rather new to playing online games and am only into Angry Birds Space and Angry Birds Star Wars at this time. I notice most of the people have played those 3-4 years ago. I really enjoy the Angry Birds Nest - especially the fun every one seems to have.

    i haven't been able to figure out how to get all those shiny badges you folks have on your home page. I have earned quite a bunch if I'm reading things right. For example, I have completed "score addict" for Angry Birds Space Red Planet which earns a badge.

    I just picked a name in the Angry Birds Nest to ask for help. Nesters @bernersenn and @birdleader - could you let me know how to do that?
  • Well, Mister Rat every fibre in my body says 7 pounds on Kathy is good, 70 off you is better! If you don't mind me saying so.
    Here ends the Rodent / Wabbit newly found friendship...
  • @Patz hi, don't think there is a red planet badge, but read here for badges and rankings
  • @Patz check out page one of BP to find drinks and food. First visit is free!!
  • I was thinking more like a hundred pounds off me Mrs. Bunny. I was 220-230 most of my life before my last surgery/medication change. I don't like the extra weight. Who am I kidding? I hate it. But I'm not sensitive about it.
  • Thanks @hunnybunny :) for the elegant comment and the drink:)
    But @Pa is right i need to gain some weight!! Aww now you didn't have to go there!!
    Welcome to the Nest @Patz and to the BP , you've come to the right place for help, and anything Space you just ask @rat9 (also i call him @Pa) lol long story that we really don't know heehee
    Make yourself comfy and OB(orange bird) will serve up any food or drink you like, and the blueettes will be happy to bring it to you!! Yes we are silly here, but we have fun :D
  • There is no Nest badge for Red Planet Addict @Patz. There is one, or was, for Danger Zone. But it's no longer available. Not really sure why.
  • Hi @Ma. I know your ears had to be burning. Sowwy
  • You've come to the right place to ask about Space @Patz. Three or four of the best Space flingers in the world frequent the BP. And they all like to help.
  • Lol @Pa no worries:)
  • Where'd @Patz go @Ma?
  • Good night all.
    Mr Bunny turns 63 tomorrow, and although he's working and will be off before I even get out of bed (I'm a lazy trollop) I need my beauty sleep and to be on top form for tomorrow night's celebrations.
    Actually a very quite fish and chip supper with two friends. Lol, we can only dream of champagne and lobster on a Tuesday night!!!
  • @rat I spoke to her first, guess she don't like wabbits. Nighty night
  • Dunno @Pa real life maybe lol,,timezones people timezones, Mrs, Wabbit,;)
    Enjoy your evening tomorrow, Happy birthday Mr. Bunny
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @rat I think shipping fat through the postal system might not be legal LOL
    @hunnybunny good to hear that your feet are still attached, and I see you have robbed the cradle with one Mr Bunny.
  • @gumby Wassssuuuppp???
  • Message self destructed. Hopefully before the wabbit read it. Trollop? ha ha
  • Sweet Dreams @Ma
  • Thanks @Pa Nighty night ♡
  • @Gumby It would probably be better if I brought my excess fat with me to Boston. That way I could get liposuction and @Ma could get lipo(what's the reverse of suction)augmentation? Win, win.

    Edit: Nope! Can't do it. With all the surgeries I've had I still cringe when I see Doctors using that trocar to remove body fat. Ugggh!
  • GO PATS!!
  • I'm more confused now than before your explanation @SweetP. What is this "Dead Zone" badge of which you speak?
  • Hay @Rat! There used to be a danger zone score addict badge for getting more than 3,100,000 or something like that. It's in the badges and rankings above, notated as closed.

    I weigh exactly the same as I did 20 years ago, actually less, the only problem is the "redistribution of wealth"

    mrs bunny - the 1942 sound delish, i'll take you up on one after quittin time if the offer is still good. And virtual champagne and lobster on me for your Tuesday cdelbration!
  • Oops, I meant "Danger Zone" sorry @rat9! Thanks for the explanation @knichy.
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