The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2793
  • Good morning everyone! It's going to be a beautiful sunny, but cold day.

    OB, a round of whatever anyone here wants to drink or eat on my tab please! I'll also have a mug of coffee and a breakfast burrito, please.

    Off to work for me, have a great day y'all!
  • Oh dear, sorry 'bout that @kathy. I'll take good care of it, and give it a nice shine☆for you. ;) ♡
  • Good Morning @Sweetp , that's o.k about the crown you haven't worn it for a long while, thanks for the Drink, OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion :) and whadda you call cold @Sweetp this morning it was 5° here, with which i promptly crawled back under my covers , and called in sick lol :D it's now 25° a bit better...but....
  • Smart move getting back under the covers this morning @Ma. Nothing good could come of a day that starts out that cold. Brrrrrr! It's warming up a bit here this morning.
    Darn @SweetP. I thought for a moment there was another badge out there. The Dead Zone badge. I wanted one. ha ha
    Thanks for the info @knichy. But there isn't too much about Space that I don't know.
  • Ya @Pa it was cccoold..brrrr.. not much to do at work anyway, :/
  • Here I am. Got busy on other things instead of taking care of Angry Birds Nest business (stuff happens)

    Wow! I unleashed responses. Thank you @hunnybunny @kathy @Rat @sweetP. I hope I got those right.

    Yep - I figured it out. Just got too excited about a badge that I mixed up thinking I could get one for "score addict" anywhere. Shucky darn - it would be nice.

    So, after studying up on the site hunnybunny referred me to (trying not to get excited) - I think I get a badge for "Over The Moon 5-20" score actual 177,820; score cap claimed at 159,000, in Angry Birds Star Wars. Whatcha think?

    I plan on being done with the "excited" business now.
  • To all: Oops. Forgot about the screen shot. It's on my album - main page, I think. Had to take picture with my new phone since I did site on old one. I'll work on figuring link, etc later.
  • Welcome back @Patz Yeppers real life does tend to interrupt the Nest business lol
    And yes sounds like you qualify for 'over the moon' that would be @Sweetp dept. She is admin in charge of badges , and most everything .. No offense to other admins,
    You need to put your screenshot in the 5-20 walkthrough with attn: @Sweetp Congratulations on the badge!! Nice job!! That was a tough one if I remember correctly
    And you know about the ranking? 10 points for signing in each day (i just stay logged in,, and it comes automatically) then 5 points , per comment , on walkthrough for your first comment on any given walkthrough. Follow up comments on the same walkthrough don't earn extra points.
  • I'm excited lol , i love seeing New Nesters!!
  • Hi there @Patz @kathy @rat @sweetp
    Hoping the little rodents are back soon, my feet like the nibbling
    @gumby I hope you meant "bunny was snatched from the cradle" lol
    Mr Bunny had a good birthday, well as good as you can get on a Tuesday when you have to work Wednesday and it's pouring with rain.
    Nine days to go for Sun Sun Sun!
    Nighty night fellow flingers xx
  • @Kathy - again thanks. I did manage to get a screen shot onto my album; came out upside down but it's there! Didn't know about sending one to @sweetP which I will work on now. Might even be right side up !
  • Lol @Patz I've had them upside down, as well, @sweetp doesn't mind,
    If you copy the ,uhmm , i think the third link down the one that says 'text' then paste it in the walkthrough with a short comment , she'll get it. She is on the west coast, so timezones , but she'll see it..
  • @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Thanks @patz, you're learning quickly. You'll see the info in the FAQ page link I mentioned above on how to include your screenshot in the walkthrough page comments.

    Hello @hunnybunny! Good to hear Mr Bunny had a good time.

    Gotta run, going to the dentist for teeth cleaning.

    Have a great flinging evening everyone!
  • Good luck at the dentist @Sweetp :) and thanks for popping in, while we help @Patz get around the Nest and get her well deserved badge:)
  • Uhhhm @sweetp that FAQ page needs to be updated. .. It doesn't really say about uploading a screenshot for certain badges such as 'over the moon' which one cannot be nominated for , it's an earned badge requiring screenshot on the walkthrough.
    The page also says amslimfordy is still n one of those in charge. Just saying , maybe a bit confusing for new members.
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP
    @sweetp long time no see
    @patz welcome
    @hunnybunny hope Mr Bunnys B-Day went well :)
  • @Gumby about time lol.. Waaaassssuuuppp???
  • Watch what you ask for Mrs. Bunny. The walls are full of toe nibblers. Pass on my CongRATz to Mr. Bunny on his milestone. And thanks. I didn't know the 63rd birthday present was a trollop. he he I'm sure he enjoyed his present. Only 17 more months till my present. Whoo hoo!

    Why do y'all keep referring to @Patz with feminine pronouns? Pat's a man's name. Oh no! Surely he's not another cheek-pinching hugger with "feelings". ha ha ha NOOOooo...

    Hi @SweetP. Always a pleasure. How do you find the time to drop by? At least you're making a fortune with all the hours you work for Greg, I mean BirdLeader.

    @Ma Ditto
  • Uhmm good question @Pa. , i just assumed @patz was a she.. Pat is a girl's name as well Patricia, at first i thought a Pats fan.. But she/he is from Washington ,
    Goshdarnit now you've got me all confused!!
  • Well i guess i thought she, because of the excitement and idk forget it!!
  • Oh. I meant to copy @kathy @rat9 @hunnybunny on this note to sweetp to thank them for their help in my muddling through.

    Second copy:
    @sweetp. If this is right – it’s by accident.

    Ah ha! From the NEWBIE: As you said, I looked on FAQ but all I could see was “…AND provide a link to a screenshot of the 3-star score tally, which appears after you complete a level. Screenshots must show the initial highscore tally directly below the 3 stars. …”.

    “Provide a link to …
    It must be somewhere else that says
    Go to your album section
    Choose upload picture
    Choose upload file
    Da da da etc
    Of course save and save then what are the embed and href – and how do those work?

    I did manage after a while to muddle. You might find stuff from me is 2 or 3 places – but hey – that’s what newbies do right

  • Oops sorry @Patz i thought you already had the screenshot uploaded to your album.. My bad, but seems you figured that out.. And oopsy can't see your pic , you must have it set to private, at this point you can go to your album, select the pic and check Off 'public' so that others can view it.. Sorry I'm not great at explaining, I'm trying..
    The links are 'embed thumb' which if you select will show a small pic on the site, I've no idea what href is, i just choose the one that says 'text' the third one down, but you have to make it so everyone can see it.. Hope that makes sense

    Hey someone help me out here!!
  • Howdy @all ;-) It's been awhile, ;-( @Kathy - you still around this evening? I know, I's already late...just wanted to pop in and say helloooooooo ;-)
  • Helloo @lesleyg ..I just put my headphones in to listen to my book..
    Stayed home sick from work today, Dave sick , his mom sick , I'm not as bad as them but still headache , sore muscles..wah wah sorry
    Nice that you popped in though, always a pleasure, maybe you could help @Patz. , She (i think) is new and could use some guidance , or another voice besides mine lol

    Night night
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Aww @Kathy , so sorry you all are sick! Hopfully it isn't the doozy that I had!...Anyway, I won't set your "dinger" off again, but I'm glad I got a chance to say Nighty Night anyway ;-) I'll be in earlier tomorrow...hoping for a much needed light day of work!
  • Now to the IMPORTANT stuff.

    I love the picture with this statement from rat:

    "Surely he's not another cheek-pinching hugger with "feelings". ha ha ha NOOOooo...

    I am a she (thank heavens) but it almost sounded that rat has had some experience to know what a "cheek-pinching hugger with "feelings" Actually is. ha ha ha ...

    The Patz is playing a bit with my last name - Lazzarotto which is a good name for an artist which I am. Been working on my Web site (other than Angry Birds) - PATLAZZ.COM. Still have paintings to load and polishing to do. That takes figuring too.

    @rat or is that @pa with a ditto to @ma and/or @kathy @sweetP @hunnybunny @gumby
  • I have many, many pages to get caught up on...but too late for that tonight...perhaps over a morning cup of coffee ;D Hope to visit with all my peeps soon :D
  • Lol @Patz see i knew it Woman's intuition..
    Sorry can't stay , I'm knackered.. Nighty night..
  • Nighty night @lesleyg. ..
    @Patz hope to see you tomorrow and ya @rat9 is @pa to me @Ma. , long story .. We don't even know it just happened lol..
  • well hello @PATz ;-) I'm AngryAdvisor, but to make it more confusing, my username on the main site is lesleyg...a story for another day! But Welcome to the Nest! Glad you found your way to the must have been an invite from our beloved Kathy...who I won't put an @ in front of at the moment because she's off to bed!
  • I guess I will go "fling a few" to wind down for bed...clears the mind from the long day over "over-thinking", tee hee...but before I go, good to see you @rat9 - all though I haven't had a chance to catch up so I'm hoping you are feeling in better spirits...had a few "silly's I wanted to share with you ;D
  • @lesleyg hey whats up, I was off flinging because this time of night the BP is usually pretty empty LOL
  • Good night @Ma♥ you too Lesley
  • Too bad about the "she" thing @Patz. I'll try to forgive you as you had no say in it. he he
    As to your question about my "ditto" response, in the past I was a man of few words. Mrs. Bunny(aka @Hunnybunny, wabbit) and the other female members of the now defunct AB coffee klatch had worked hard to make me more verbose. Much to the wabbit's chagrin. *snicker* But it seems I'm reverting back to my old ways. Hence the "ditto" meaning I concurred with @Ma's comment.

    I could use a few silly's @angryadvisor. Were you able to meet the contract deadline? I was concerned you were avoiding it the other morning.
  • Wow @patz you can paint!
  • @kathy just learnt a fact about Wales. It has the greatest concentration of Castles of any other country in the whole world! If anyone wins the lottery, birdy party here: visiting castles....
  • Popping by, catching up - @patz, rat (@rat9) and Kathy (@Kathy) call each other ma and pa.
  • Hi everybody !! That's good news @hunnybunny Wales it is!!
    Interesting play on your name @Patz!!:D
    Don't mind @Pa lol.. He's a funny guy (but not in that 'cheek pinching hugger with feelings way) Roflmao !!
  • Don't know if my friends on the other side of the pond can access this link (it's BBC) but OMGiraffe

    What a mad woman

    Nighty night, fellow flingers xx
    @hunnybunny nighty night
  • Howdy everyone!!! It's 6:30 my time...I suppose that it is "earlier" as I previously mentioned...However, I'd hope to be here waaaaaaay before now, haha..Oh well...I'm here now, tee hee :D Who's around???
  • Nighty Night @hunnybunny -
    @Kathy - I'm sure you are around...hope you are feeling better
    @rat9 - yippee!!! Your back...even if you're sliding on a slippery slope of reverting back to your old ways! We'll take what we can get! I for one know exactly what you mean as I totally go through these fazes 8-/
  • OMGiraffe is Right @hunnbunny !!!!! I know you are going nighty night, but WTH! I'm sorry, is it just me or do you think maybe she kinda "made it happen" then realized what a silly mistake it was and panicked, lollolololooloo!! I'm just saying, I find it a bit hard to believe that, "Oopsies, my Ball Python slipped in my ear hole", Tee Hee Hee...I have to wonder if she posted it as the seemingly attention seeker, with her hashtags, that she seems to be??? Perhaps she didn't see it going down like this...ROTFLMAO ;-D
  • ok...have some stuff to write you guys but...I think I will wait for someone else to post or @gumby might tell me to take a breath, lol :-D Going flinging,,,,I'll be back...I somehow got Top Score on Piggywood Studios part 2, level 2-30 (Yippee!) and need to upload my screenies and strat!!!... I never got to finish it so I'm playing that episode these days:D
  • @Gumby Wassuuuppp???
    @hunnybunny can't watch your link now,, i will later!
    Hey @Lesleyg, I'm about to get ready for dinner but I'll be back shortly!!
    Lol you drew @Pa out of his walll, better give him those promised sillies before he crawls back in there heeehee :D
  • @lesleyg HELLO how are you?
    @kathy just keep flinging :)
  • Ooh forgot to say I'm back!!
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion!!
    Thanks and it anyone pops in,, drinks on my tab!! :)
  • Nite nite @Ma
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