The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2791
  • Great to look forward to with all this fog and cold, here's hoping that misery is away for your journey to Gatwick. Ah depends where you get the haggis from and cooked. Difference can be like day and night. @hunnybunny
  • Heading off now, got early start in the morning. Hope to be back tomorrow. Goodnight @hunnybunny
  • @ixan57 you just stole The Princess's Crown (Kathy) for opening up the next page! Better look out, she's fierce!
    We're flying from Cardiff, just twenty minutes away, which is why we didn't go somewhere more exotic
  • We do i and the lovely Mr Bunny do nothing for months and then splurge? Having booked Lanzarote in February we just booked London for March. A show and two starred Michelin restaurant, just to start!
  • @Hunnybunny

    Good evening!

    As a nosy Londoner foodie - which is the 2 starred eaterie?
  • @pellystar Benares, the one I recommended to you, lol, now got two stars!
    If your about 10/11th March we could have birdy meet!
  • @Hunnybunny

    Will reply to your messages in a mo but before I do so, to share, am listening to Nick Drake, a bottle of Malbec to the good :)

    Which is delaying proper responding
  • @Hunnybunny

    Ah yes....a classic Duran Duran revival...even better than anything they did in the '80's IMNSHO.

    A bit like Federer in the AO 2017 perhaps? Or Nadal.

    Benares was excellent, a 5 star real life birdie recommendation. There are some other classy ruby joints worthy of your and Mr Bunny's consideration, but sounds like you are sorted for this particular jaunt.

    And...I should be around on 10th March (and in a good mood as off to Barbados for cricket on 13th). Would you and Mr Bunny care for lunch.

  • @pellystar We would certainly consider lunch, but may look green with envy: cricket and Barbados! Two things we love...
  • Hello everyone
    @Gumby Waaaassssuuuppp????
    @Pellystar nice to see you as always :)
    Hi there @hunnybunny
    @ixan57 so sorry i missed you, i was at that ugly place i call work!! Lol just kidding I'm happy to have a job , just wish i didn't have to get out of bed to go there!!
    I'm happy OB took care of your horse, and you had a nice chat with the local Mrs. Bunny :D
  • @Hunnybunny

    Let me know re 10/03....if possible sooner rather than later as diary fills up mainly due to annoying work stuff. L

    Carpe Diem.....have taken the view that whenever Eng are playing somewhere pleasant, I will go and see them. And am lucky enough to have a few friends to join me.

    On the March trip, it's only an ODI. But still great fun and we will have beers, go on boat trips, have a laugh with the locals etc.
  • @Kathy

    Thanks and good evening!

    Hope life is good for you right now.
  • Ooohhh How exciting a Birdie meet up!!! @Pellystar @hunnybunny !! Hope it happens!!
  • Life is treating me o.k Thank you @Pellystar :)
  • @pellystar sent you a PM

    Nighty night all xx
    @hunnybunny hope you and @pellystar get to meet up :)
    @ixan57 you drank all the cold beers, you have to restock the fridge ya know LOL
  • @Gumby see pm asap
  • Hey OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion if you don't mind!! And a round for the house..heeehee i get off cheap , unless Minnie and the gang show up and want cheese..yikes , ya seen the price of cheese lately!! They are eating us out of Bar and corral!!
  • Well looks like that time again..headphones are in, listening to my book..
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Sorry flingers. I've hardly been a lurker, let alone a flinger, lately.
    Nighty night @Ma
  • OMGarsh!!! May I just say, I'm so glad I put that "mushy" (as our beloved @rat9 called it), post here in the BP when I did...because, I kid you not...Here I am, posting a comment in the BP @ 2:48AM my time!!! Because...I am still working! But I couldn't stand the fact that I have not been able to respond to my posts I have received here lately, waaayyy ;-(

    When I wrote that, my point was to say, I've truly missed it here and you guys, and it really is so meaningful to me and I would make a point to find the time to come and visit because you guys bring me joy...and isn't that just the way, that I have been MIA basically ever since! HOWEVER...Not by choice...just wanted you all to know that :D

    I have many things I'd like to share with you guys, however, it's late and I still have about 17 pages left of my contract to write for my apt @11am...geeezzz by time I get there, my clients will look at me like, "Wow...You look like S$!$!" Tee Hee...good thing they are existing clients I've had for over 10 years and have made them at least 50K!!!

    Anyway...just want to pop in and say, "Hey, How you doin'"...I haven't been birdie flinging either. Withdrawals are upon me! Tee Hee.

    Disclosure, I am the type that feels the need to respond to each mention to me I have received with that said, I apologize in advance as it may fall back to 5 days ago or whatever :-) I only got a chance to briefly read some of the back pages, and I may not be able to help myself...hehehehe:D I have a short home video that I wanted to post here last night but it was 1:45am when I got done with that contract...and it would have needed explanation which I didn't have enough "Oomph"
    left... ya'll...back to work I go...Oh Geez! now it's 3AM..Yikes! I still have about 30 mins left to go on the contract :-?/ wish me could turn out to be nearly 1/4 of an average yearly income!!!
    God Bless!

  • @lesleyg WTG girl, you'll get that contract...
  • @kathy The Pats made BBC radio news today! A commentator called "Oti" talking about their their game against The Clippers (or possibly not, but something like that)
    Oti or whatever he is called had the most wonderful voice and personality
    You'll put me right
  • Hee hee @hunnybunny i had to look that one up, That Oti (from enteri gather) is a basketball player , the San Diego Clippers are playing the Boston Celtics this weekend, i know not much of basketball sorry :/
    Now some one can set me straight lol!!
  • Lol @kathy American sport is mystery to me. But they were certainly talking the about the Super Bowl, which is not basketball.
    Just googled, Atlantic Falcons (not clippers) versus The Pats
    I had the most amazing "oh my god, did I really do that?" moment. In Mexico, a the year the Green Bay Packers (am I right on the name?) won. Walking through a fabulous marbled hallway from restaurant to bar, I glimpsed the super bowl in a sports bar to my right, looked at score, missed three marble steps and went arse over tit.
  • Lol @hunnybunny Everybody is talking about the Superbowl , in Boston anyway, and apparently in Britain!
    You got the Green Bay Packers right, damn those Marble hallways, i never like them heehee!
  • Nighy night @Kathy Any news from an unnamed Rodent who appears to missing?
    Edit: appears to 'be' missing
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny
    No not heard from @Pa since his previous post.

    Gonna pm him..
  • @kathy WASSSSSUUPPP- what pm? I don't see one?
    @hunnybunny yo long time no see
    @lesleyg no worries, and YA work tends to get in the way of Angrybirds and the nest
  • @gumby Waaaassssuuuppp??
    Never mind about the pm , it was about the ads/ video thing i think lol
    Ya that was it..
  • OB seems I'm alone now, but for the lurkers..
    I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion..
    I'll be back.. Lurking myself...
  • Nighty night @Pa...
  • Just stopped by to say

    Good Mornin' @Ma
  • Good Mornin' @Pa:)
  • OB ..??? What's Not going on?
    I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, thanks
    Wonder where anyone is??
    It's Friday...hmmm
  • @gumby. Waaaassssuuuppp???
    @rat hello
    @hunnybunny your green friend is right over here -----> @gumby
  • As always, blue mongoes go on my tab!
    Hey hunny, one for you too!
  • Thanks @knichy :)
    Where is the bunny?? Not seen her all day!!
    Her Funday Sunday , turned into Saturday , has it now extended to Friday...
    Those heels must be getting a workout!!
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • You're right Mrs. Bunny. No news because the Rat is missing.
    Hi and good night Gumby.

    Nighty nite @Ma

    Edit: is "all but" missing
  • Hello... Hello heloooooo...
    Hmm not a soul all day: (
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion, thanks
    Going back to flinging, please have the blues keep em' coming , they know where i am;)
  • @gumby @kathy @rat @all
    I'm back!
    I normally fling in the mornings, do Bunny stuff in the afternoons, spend the evenings with Mr Bunny, and look at PMs and BP after that, when the old git has gone to bed.
    Everything turned on its head for the last couple of days, and Birdy things came last.
    Sorry I missed you @gumby as we are so unlikely to be here at the same
    Mister Rat I guess you ain't feeling too good. Best bunny wishes to you. (Dear Lord, I'm being nice to the Rodent, someone get me a shrink!)
  • Hey there @hunnybunny missed you , hope'everything turned on its head' was not to serious?
    And seee it didn't kill ya to say something nice to the resident rodent , *, lovingly referred to as @Pa ;)
  • @kathy nothing serious, just a change of routine and a couple of social engagements.
    Now all we need is the Rodent to be nice to the Wabbit.
    Pigs might fly.....
    But of course they do, when you blow them to their porcine maker lol
  • Well that's good @hunnybunny nothing serious
    I'm sure Mr. Rat can and will be nice, most times he's just funning with you, you know that , and you give as good as you get;) as long as it's understood is all in fun everyone is happy:)
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