The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2776
  • true @Gumby but asher doesn't have a 'pixaltor ' like @Pa lol
    that was a great comeback btw Pa!!
    but seriously I'm glad tensions have eased a bit , asher knows now what we think of him (not highly) and we can now joke about it openly in walkthroughs..
    i gotta think about getting some sleep soon, listening to my book..
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Not only does Asher have a larger screen, he also has larger margins to see stuff we can't. Whaaa!
    Good luck with you're new setup @Gumby. I don't know if you've noticed but I've been shooting top scores for the last three days to keep you off my wounded tail. he he
    Nighty night @Ma

    Edit: Change to last four days
  • Nighty night @Pa
    Typed that last night forgot to hit post:/
  • Uh oh @Ma! You did post it. Read up three posts. They say your memory is the second thing to go as you get older.
    @rat yes I have noticed , you got scared of the green guy LOL, I am however lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting to pounce
  • I ain't ascared a no eraser.
  • hmmm @Pa it was still pending,:/
    @gumby Waaassssuupppp????
    *sets out baskets of eaplugs, on the bar and in all the booths, *
    there's a lot of Whining going on these days,!!
    when @karen68 starts to whining on the daily challenges you know it's tough!!

    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion.. thanks ,:D
  • @kathy nmh I am a zombie today
  • Why @Gumby? you just had a day off yesterday??
  • @kathy YEP but the 80 hours working before that is sometimes tough to recover from. What I need is a vacation.
  • my Avatar is hard to see the words :( gotta find a better one!!
  • Ha ha I thought it was my eyesight getting worst @Ma.
  • haha @Pa ;) nope its a blurry avatar!!
    i put it on cuz I'm sick and Angry at all the senseless acts of crazy people!!
  • Teeth out, headphones in, listening to my book
    Flinging a bit more need a
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Night @Ma
  • Ooohh, so sorry @bernersenn. No words to say, just sadness and tears. She was a beautiful girl that will always be in your hearts. :'(
  • OB, a cup of hot tea with lemon and honey please. Started feeling a cold coming on yesterday and I'm fighting it! Terrible time to be sick. Ugh. Well it's back to bed for me, this coughing is kicking my butt!
  • Thanks @mvnla2 for your sweet words.
  • @SweetP I hope it's not that Canadian cold @Karen68 gave the wife and, through her, me. After two months we're still feeling the effects of it. I thought I'd break ribs coughing.
  • @bernersenn I think you meant @sweetp I'm sure she'll forgive you
  • Nighty night, all
  • I know what you mean, @rat9! My ribs hurt so much, I have to take some Tylenol to ease the pain. Hope you and Mrs. @rat9 feel better soon.

    Night-night @hunnbunny.
  • @kathy WASSSUUPP
    @sweetp sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, get some rest and hope you fell better
    @rat due to technical difficulties I can't fling atm and not sure when I can resume. I am hoping to fix this tonight
  • We're dealing with the remnants of the cough @SweetP. Almost gone. I hope you recover much faster than we did. They evidently have some healthy germs in Canada.
    Good luck on the catch-up @Gumby.
  • Oh dear @rat9 will you ever forgive me & my country for those nasty colds? I guess our weather makes us a hearty bunch, although I get my fair share of colds too. I hope you & Mrs. Rat can kick the last of those germs out for good.
    @sweetp feel better soon - horrible time of year to get sick :(
  • Hope you feel better soon @sweetp
  • Good morning guys,
    @hunnybunny I haven't forgotten @sweetp. I thanked her via another channel.
  • OB wake up, I'll have three fingers of the special stock, and drinks on me should anyone else turn up. Nighty night fellow flingers xx
  • OB I'll have what she 's ( @ hunnybunny )
    *clink Mrs . Bunny , Merry Christmas
    I'll send you some pics of the ☀
  • @kathy WASSSUUUPPP you must be psyched for your vacation :)
  • @gumby waaaasssuuuupp??
  • awfully quiet in here tonight. :(
  • So sad @Gumby. You get a score in the top three(?) and you're 22k away from a top score. Poor Gumby. he he
    Don't fret too much. I suspect that top score will disappear.
  • @gumby Waaassssuuuupppp????
    Now I'm done packing , except for a few last minute things, that have to wait until morning
    Sure is quiet.. Everyone getting ready for Christmas I guess.
  • @rat yes I suspect that score has to be a typo or something.
    @kathy have a great time on your trip :) I think everything is good with the syncing now :)
  • I am off to dreamland, see you all tomorrow
  • Thanks @gumby , now my devices Were syncing , or so I thought , but I got a halfway decent score on 22 on my spare and it's not on my new ,:/ but it's on my phone.. I give up lol!!
  • Gotta get up in 4 hours ,headphones in ,listening to my book for a short time..
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Enjoy the plane ride @Ma. It's better than an "E" ticket at Disneyland. What? They don't use alphabetical tickets anymore? Have fun in the sun in Florida.
    Nite nite @Ma

    @Gumby You and Mrs. Bunny have had some great scores over the last three days. How do I know? Because you beat my great scores. ha ha
  • Good morning OB:D
    I'll have my favorite Pig muffin and a Mimosa please, maybe some coffee
    Wooott arriving at the Airport now !!
  • Through the TSA and inside the gate, me and Dave .Stubborn Mother got in the wrong line and now is deep in the crowd:(
  • Wow none of my notes came through, i told ya to look up and Wave @Pa but that was half an hour ago, we've passed through South Carolina already.
    About another hour to touch down lol
  • About to syst l start descent bbl
  • Welcome to the Sunshine State @Ma. I did wave back. I guess you didn't see me.
  • Lol Mr Rat I said to Mr Bunny I can beat the Rodent on this one. I did. But I know your fat thumb will come back...
  • @kathy WASSSSUPPPP in the south? having fun yet? I hope so.
  • @gumby Waaassssuuuupppp??
    It was touch and go on the 'fun' part but now all is good, got the room to myself for a while they went to sisters while I took a nap :D it's 77°. Here now :D
    I think n I'm still in the same timezone right?
    But I thought @knichy was an hour ahead for some reason?
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