The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2778
  • @kathy well its only good for a few more days LOL
  • ruh roh I stole the crown AGAIN
  • Lol @gumby that's how i earned my crown,,
    Soon we'll have to start calling you @princesspagechanger lol
    While I'm in Disney would you like me to bring you home a crown? Heehee
  • @kathy only if its solid gold with rubies, emeralds and diamonds. LOL
  • Lol @gumby , maybe just a replica..
  • I've sunken to a new low, I just begged Asher help in 25 lol.. Oh well
    OB while I'm here I'll take a Pigkiller please with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion:)
  • Finally got 3 stars, nowhere near average though..
  • @kathy you can do it, remember you can use 5 birds and still get above average
  • Thanks @gumby I'll keep at it,, I will get it before I sleep lol
  • Unfortunately i have to go to Dreamland
    Yeppers @Pa it's the only free place I've found ,unless you count the ladies room heehee
    One more day of park, then Thursday hanging out at the poolside bar with @lesleyg :D
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Evening @Pa
    We are Done!! Thank goodness !!
    Mommy Dearest gone for the night!
    Checking out at 10am..gonna get some breakfast, then meet @lesleyg by the poolside bar and grilll :) I'm so excited my 3rd real life meeting with a fellow Nester
    I must again Thank @Birdleader for making this possible:D
  • @gumby waaaasssuuuupp??? Lol i assume your in Dreamland now..nighty nightsweet dreams.
    OB ya its late bit wth I'll have Pigkiller with a shot of Sunshine's super secret flinging potion
    Thanks then bed
    Headphones in.
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nite nite @Ma
  • OMGiraffe what happened the whole Nest was very quiet all night!!
    Well at least everyone i know lol
    Meeting Lesley in an hour or so :D
  • Say "Hi" to Leslee for me @Ma.
  • Will do @Pa:)
  • WwoooHoooo @lesleyg is here!!!
  • @kathy everybody is probably recovering from the Holiday
  • Hi @all :D I haven't "flang" a bird ALL day, having withdrawals, BUT I had to make this my first stop in honor of my very, very FUN day with @Kathy ;D What a beautiful friend...inside and out...and may I add...Hello @rat9 - You are funny with your extra "ee's...tee hee ;-) I don't get notifications from the I'm not ignoring anyone... ;D
  • Hello @gumby too - it seems you are someone I would like to call my friend ;D
  • Ok...I'll check back...going to try and finish those Christmas levels...
  • Woot @lesleyg teehee..,yep I'm flinging too
    We did have an awesome day. I never wanted it to end..
  • Oh...but before I forget...Thank you to @bernersenn for letting @Kathy know I lived in the Orlando area ( or close enough) and @birdleader for creating the site for us all :D
    I had the BEST day ever!!!
  • Yes!! Ditto ..@bernersenn Can't thank you enough for making my meeting with Lesley possible:D
  • @lesleyg Hello , it sounds like your day with Kathy was filled with fun. Maybe someday if I get down to visit my Dad in Fla. maybe we could meet as well. No plans for anytime soon thou.
  • @kathy loving my larger play screen, its so much easier on my eyes :)
    @rat where ya hidin'
    @lesleyg swing into the BP a bit more often

    OK all I am gonna fling myself to sleep now, another 12 hours work tomorrow
  • I'm still here @gumby,,wish i could go in a private room, listen to my book and fling.but *sigh *.no sucb luck tonight.
  • Not hiding @Gumby. Visiting the wife's entire family for the holidays. We just had the last supper we'll ever have together. Long story for another time.
    Sure sounds like @Ma and @Lesleyg had fun today.
    All the sandbagged have appeared. You got bumped out of the top ten @bernersenn. Whaaaa!
  • @rat Karen wasn't sandbagging, she was having difficulty on a level. It looks like she got it figured out thou
  • Found a Private room .heehee can't find my headphones
    Nighty night all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • Nightly nite @Ma
  • Morning guys,
    @kathy @angryadvisor I'm really glad I could initiate your "coming together". It was simply a matter of combining.
    @rat out of top-10? It is what it is. You don't have any idea how much I tried to gain better scores. The Birdgods aren't with me during this period.
    Have a nice day guys
  • @kathy WASSUUUUPPPP can you see this from way up there in the sky? Don't forget to wave to @rat on the way over his house
    @rat I am bumped from the top 10 in Ragnahog also, oh well
  • @gumby waaaasssuuuupp??? Not in the air yet, just went through security, bags are checked boarding pass in hand, sitting at the airport bar, having a cold beer, we don't board for 40 minutes ish!9:05 board and flight at 9:40 ihsh i think is earlier..
  • @kathy ok cool, well have a safe flight.
  • @Pa I'm scared:( this plane is waayy smaller than the one weer took time get here, only 2 seats per asile and very narrow, i feel like I'm in a tin can do they justify the price on that?
    Me be claustrobobic right now:(
  • Anxious need a drink to swallow my zanex
  • In the air,beer in hand,zanex swallowed:)
  • I'll be back listening to my book, gonna take a nap until we Land.
  • I'm back home. Beat up pretty bad. I don't think I'll be headed to Tennessee Monday with the wife. I need to recover for a bit. Speaking of beat up, what happened @Gumby? Last time I looked all the sandbaggers had checked in and you were still in the top ten. Have you fallen and can't get up. Have you thought about getting a medic alert? he he
    Welcome home and good night @Ma
  • Home at last, happy your home to @Pa nighty night ♡
  • Good Morning @all ;-) Happy New Years Eve everyone!!! See @gumby, I am visiting the BP about that! @bernersenn thank you again, we had a wonderful day for sure!
  • @Kathy - I hope you are recovering from your vacation :-) I think you and @rat9 will need a vacation from your vacation, hahah :D That's usually the case, especially when visiting with family, tee hee ;-)
  • Ok, well I will check back in later for a visit and some champagne toasts! I am going to try and finish the rest of Ragnahog...I still have about four scores to enter and several that need improvement. I doubt I will be included in the top ten...what do yo mean by "sandbaggers" @rat9?
  • Good Afternoon everyone!!
    @bernersenn thanks that is awesome pic!!! And Happy New Year to you and to All!!
    @Pa I hope you feel better :( prolly best not to travel of your not feeling well..
    @lesleyg !! Happy you popped in!!! Happy new year :D and yes 'teehee' I do need a vacation from my vacation lol!!
  • Welcome home @lesleyg. It's like you never left.
    Happy New Year to all.
Post in the New Forum!