The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2646
  • @knichy I've never paid more than $1.99 for opening up Angry Birds, I've played mainly Seasons, but dabbled in Space, Rio and Stars Wars, for three or four years. That's less than $8.
    Never lost progress, always on iPad, updated and backed up iPad, no extra cost. No power ups, no coins, no bird wear, just old fashioned flinging. Cheap deal: $2 a year!

    Loch Ness opened for me when the last Pig Days opened. Unfortunately it also shut down Pig Days one to five pages. Once I'd reinstalled them, loads of faff, Loch Ness had gone! I'm pretty sure it's due to "officially" open in four or five days, when the wonderful Admins will post the walkthrough and leaderboard. Just Rovio mucking stuff up, again....
  • Woo Hoo @gumby I'm still awake!
    And, no, Rat and me occasionally speak politely, debate, and even like each other!
    Sorry @princess did you again
  • @hunnybunny :) You must have had some coffee because usually you are long gone aka off to sleep by now
  • @gumby gone midnight on this side of the pond, and Mr Bunny doesn't work Fridays, so I have to be up, bright eyed and bushy tailed. No more flinging or posting for me. Goodnight xx
  • PS never drink coffee or tea or coke, or eat chocolate. Caffeine allergy. Only miss CHOCOLATE,
  • @hunnybunny If I had a caffeine allergy I would have to kill myself.
  • Thanks for the advice @knichy I'll try that from now on it i get that message, is just so weired to me that overseas don't want to allow us to view their videos, Why¿
    Wow @hunybunny did you gather all that about slavery, and the rest from the Movie Gone with the Wind? I've never seen it , but what you say doesn't sound like what really was to me! And I see you've adopted my 'Dot' lol:)
    Funny your minds eye about Mrs. Rat i almost cried laughing hee hee!
  • @Gumby Waaasuuupp !! OMGirrafe I fell asleep with my headphones in listening to my book, never rolled over as I usually do, woke up, confused, and with a stiff neck! What's the challenge tonight?
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please:)
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams :) and i didn't set up the page change this time, it was gumby i was typing at the same time though!
  • @Gumby I hardly believe I started a commotion by including Mrs. Bunny in the same category as Mrs. Rat. Quite the opposite. I'm positive Mrs. Bunny saw it as a compliment.

    Edit: Oops! I didn't see the next page of comments. She already explained our relationship to you.
  • *sniiffs self* hmmm I did wear deodorant today, wonder where everyone went :/
  • @hunnybuny now you have to pay 1.99 for ham-dunk 2 and ham dunk 3
    I had no prob when loch ness opened

  • Too bad, so sad for you Mrs. Bunny. I like caffeine. I just finished a black coffee while eating a Ghirardelli dark chocolate bar and a dozen lusciously ripe strawberries. Yum!

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately @Ma. I don't go outside to smoke as often when I'm not flinging.
  • hi @Pa :)sorry I was flinging
    @knichy why u gotta pay for all 3 ?now they are combined into 1?
  • Hi @all -- My goodness! I can't believe how many pages there are since I last dropped in! Had to skim through them, but it looks like a lot of people who have been more MIA than me stopped by.
    Going away for the weekend, so not sure how many days I'll miss.
  • OK -- What / where is Loc Ness? I don't see anything about it except here, and it isn't in my seasons.
  • Duh @Mvnla2. Nessie's in Scotland.
  • @rat -- It sounded like there was a Loc Ness level / episode? Duh! I know where Nessie is.
  • Hi @mvnla2 Yes it's been busy lately, comes and goes
    I meant to ask about Loch Ness also, I don't have it either, but it seems it opened early for some and not others, I'm on Android so i figured that was why but your on iPad right? Hmm
    I assume it's the next Pig Days level
    Enjoy your weekend vacation:)
  • Darn I typed that a half hour ago, stupid error message!!
    Funny Pa , but understandable not being a seasons flinger, I also assumed it was a new seasons level , @mvnla2 but i don't have it either yet
  • It's late again ,Book off ,I'm tired night @Pa
    night all
  • Night @Ma
  • Mornin' @Pa
  • @kathy @mvnla2 Loch Ness Monster (fondly known as Nessie in Scotland and the rest of the U.K. - where are you @jlz-666?) is mythical. As the level appears to be!
    It opened in Seasons Pig Days for some, I caught a glimpse, but after faffing around restoring lost Pig Days levels, she had gone again.
    Was it a Rovio joke? If so, I'm impressed.
    But I'm sure she reappears in a couple of days, check Pig Days, coming soon, and will be with us forever.
    Will try to find best Nessie video ever!
  • Hopeful, it's taken a while to work out how transfer Facebook stuff here...

    It looks a bit "CGI" to me, but Nessie may exist!

    Hit the blank bit, if it doesn't appear...
  • OB should anyone drop in tonight. Drinks on me!
    Goodnight OB and The Blues, and, of course, Nessie
  • @hunnybunny hello
    @kathy WASSSUPPP and I fell asleep it wasn't anything to do with whether you used deodorant or not
  • This rabbit foot is working already. I just got a free drink when I came in the BP.
    Thanks Mrs. Bunny.

    @Ma, it's not fair. I have an average rank of 2.0 for all levels of Mirror Cold Cuts and I'm in second place. I guess I need to get 1st place on all the levels.
  • @rat but we all got free drinks, and we don't have any rabbits feet
  • Yeah @Gumby. But we got the free drinks because Mrs. Bunny feels better after she got rid of that "Manky" foot.
    Therefore we all got the drinks because of my rabbits foot.

    I still wonder why she wanted to borrow my flesh-eating beetles. Hmmmm?
    Edit: Look out Mr. Bunny!
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! happy to know I didn't smell lol and good point, thanks for the drink @hunnybunny,, eggsellent video of Nessie hee hee
    awww @Pa sorry ,I'm afraid to ask who's in first? also afraid to peek at my boards!
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please :)
  • @hunnybunny @kathy that may be the most credible video evidence of the Lochness monster yet
    @rat maybe thats right
  • You know who @Ma. He's got an extra 6k on level 30, the glitch level. Pure luck. You know how I love those.
  • Ya I know who @Pa :( sooryy hope you can get back to flinging soon, now that you have your lucky rabbit's foot maybe you'll feel better ¿
    Lol @gumby I did see some kinda ghostly image that maybe could be ¿
  • Ya I know who @Pa :( sooryy hope you can get back to flinging soon, now that you have your lucky rabbit's foot maybe you'll feel better ¿
    Lol @gumby I did see some kinda ghostly image that maybe could be ¿
    Oh and @hunnybunny i Think @jlz666 is in Scotland or Wales somewhere in the U.K lol, you know me and my European geography heehee
    Nighty night sweet dreams, i noticed you've been getting out earlier since i poofed you home lol!!
  • timt to watch some X files, then probably fall asleep
  • Nighty night @gumby enjoy your show:)
  • Whoo hoo! I threw a few birds today @Ma.
  • Woohoo @Pa did ya take your #1 spot back?
  • sorry was argument with someone who has Not a clue what they are arguing about, no point so i put my book in my ears lol, end of argument! like I'm Not frustrated enough flinging birds to have to try and teach an idiot How to have an intelligent conversation ,raising your voice doesn't make you right,and there are TWO people talking,,one at a time, and supposedly listrning to the other, am i wrong, isn't that the definition of 'conversation? arghhh
    OB yes another Pigkiller please and @sunshine 's super whatever it is!
  • @kathy sounds like life. Life is full of idiots. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an #$$, and pretty much all of em stink. Last part is my personal corolary. Keep calm, fling on. We need a tee shirt.
  • And a round of blue mongos for anyone still up
  • Mmmm ...Blue Mongo that makes everything better:) Thanks @knichy :)
  • For anyone following hers, loch Ness is a pig days level that opened for me a few days back. Sounds like it didn't work for everyone, which is maybe why there isn't a walkthrough yet. But I nails the 3* threshold and posted here a few pages back. I'll leave it as an exercise for the user to find it.
  • I just went back and loch Ness is gone!
  • Don't make me get Snort @Ma.
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