The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2560
  • @rat first of all: hit the snowball, then rinse and repeat. Got 187 now
  • Yikes! Missed loads, have sneaked away from visiting family for a ciggy. They'll be gone tomorrow, I'll catch up on BP, but Ski or Squeal catch up is daunting

    Happy and prosperous flinging, all xx
  • I'm playing get in and get out tactics @bernersenn. I don't have the stamina or desire for rinse and repeats.
  • @kathy -- Never heard of the Drop Kick Murphys before. Must be real hard core south Boston. Bet HWDNF, who grew up in Boston, hasn't either.
  • @mvlna2 The Drop kick Murphy's formed in 1996 in Quincy Ma.
    Don't know how long ago Hwdnf lived in Boston maybe, long before they were ever an icon to Boston music scene.
  • @Kathy -- HWDNF hasn't lived in Boston since the late '60s, but we still have lots of relatives there, and some who were there in the 90's. Will have to ask them.
  • @teamBP sorry I'm not helping, not like I'm not trying: ( as @,bernersenn says R&R seems to be the drill, I've been doing that on level 12 for , well all day going on 8 hours now off and on can't top 183k
  • @mvnla2 I'm sure it he has relatives in Boston they've heard of them there very well known, i think they might even have a soundtrack on one of the movies made here, not sure
    @gumby ¿
  • I'm flung out on this episodes, 9 hours of the same shot over and over with no improvements I'm about done all together, waste of time this episode.
    Night all

    Night Pa
  • Frustrated Ma? Nite nite.
  • Speaking of frustrated. You've let me get ahead of you @bernersenn. That's not right! How the mighty have fallen. Now get back up. Dust yourself off. And go get the first place you deserve.
  • Yes Pa:( But yea!! Finally a 4k improvement on -12:)
    Happy Sunday all!
  • @rat saw what happened. Can't do anything about it. It seems if my Ipad is limiting my scores (haha). But, I'm working on it. Thanks for the complements
  • You're right @bernersenn. It's the Ipad. Because my Ipad is limiting my scores too!! Whaaaaa!
  • WTG Ma! Only 10k off the top score. You're making progress.
  • Thanks Pa,:)
    Don't worry seems the AngryBirdsGodess only let's us score so many points before she shuts us down happening to me also on my Android tablet. Well well well haven't seen the little blue error box for a while but now it's found me again: (
  • @bernersenn just noticed your avatar how come your using a Pu bird for your image ¿ :(
  • Hi @kathy that Avatar is once created by our Persian friend. I liked it from the first moment, despite the PU. It is a wink to Rio.
  • Ok @rat mission accomplished (for now), got finally 200K on #9. Can now concentrate on the other games.
  • Oh I understand now @bernersenn, i do like it, was just wondering, hmm not sure who is our persian friend, i can't remember though¿
  • @kathy, it was (is) this guy:

    He offered me suddenly in short time two new avatars. The last one is still mine.
  • @teamBP levels 1-7 I'm OK. After that it's downhill all the way.

    @rat I let go of your tail due to a house load of family, greedy, eating, drinking, family. And I joined them... Bit rude to fling when I'm hosting

    @gumby go here
    To get your lovely green avatar in the BP
    And I've just seen Christmas Gumby lol

    @kathy glad to see you hosting the BP in your normal friendly way. Were would we be without you!

    Will try to fling, but tired, after onslaught of family. Love to see them, love to see them go. They've gone!
  • Oh yes @bernersenn, very good friend:)
    Thanks @hunnybunny I'm trying; )
    Thanks to all of you for popping in frequently ,males it worth it to see friendly folks enjoying company; )
  • I'm having so much trouble keeping up - usually I'm flinging like a mad woman but this December I can't seem to find the time. Real life keeps getting in the way.
    I'm a few levels behind, I'm stuck on level 11 trying to get above average. Am I allowed a little whiiine even though it's Sunday?
    Nice flinging everyone, I think I know how I'll be spending my time once Christmas is over - trying to catch you all!! :D
  • @mvnla2 Slim was a very active member and was always helping out fellow Nesters. He and I started talking regularly and I asked him if he'd like to be a moderator. It just grew from there.
  • @karen68 Whine away , I've officially declared Whine December for this whole ski and squeal episode:D
    I'm trying to improve on a couple previous levels 1-3 to start with I could use some help ¿
    Team BP any suggestions

    In the meantime OB I'll take a double Chilled Pigkiller and yes I'm gonna
  • Thanks for the info @birdleader :) I was more wondering what you were thinking, how you got started, and idk stuff like that.. Did you suddenly get frustrated flinging one day and say to yourself "self..I should start a website to help others conguer these piggies" haha and then recruit fuji and slim, and contact rovio to ask their permission¿
    Oh and who besides yourself was the very first member ¿
    I just think it would be interesting to know how this great site began from the start
  • Wooot!! The whine worked Got a one birder on level 3 :) not great score but 12k improvement:D
  • Whoa Is top score!!! Wahoooo !!!
  • Woohoo @kathy! Congrats on the top score! Level 3 is one where I can do better, so I'll use you as inspiration :D
    And great idea, December being whine month. Hope OB has a good supply of earplugs.
  • @BirdLeader -- Thanks for the info on Slim. I think he and Fuji were already admins when I joined, and I joined fairly early (as MVNLA, without the 2, as you might or might not remember).
    Hmmm... I know you've explained something about how ABN got started, but I can't find it now. It's not in the FAQs. From what I remember, you were playing AB with your son, and realized the need for someplace to go for help, i.e. walkthroughs. But more info, easily findable, would be good. How about listing "ABN Beginnings" or something similar under "About" and telling the whole story?
  • Thanks @karen68 and yeppers I've put OB on watch to replenish the earplug baskets regularly
    : D
  • Yes @mvnla2 that's a great idea, i was thinking along those lines but ty for putting into words, and i saw your post on 'ideas for abn' forum ty:)
  • Ok so the whine worked so well on 3 let me try for 4, supposedly terribletom says self destruction after bird one, I'm not seeing it.. Team any ideas besides me whining?
    C'mon teamBP we are slacking here ,Lets go go go !!
    Wwwwwwwhhhiiinnne for level 4 !!
  • That's it for me for tonight
    Goodnight to all, work tomorrow
  • I know it's only 10:40 but I'm trying to get to sleep earlier
    Nighty night Pa
    And everyone make sure to say Happy Birthday to @fatboyslick tomorrow , he who has provided lovely Christmas carols throughout this miserable SoS episode, and brings a smile in spite of it:)
  • @kathy @mvnla2 yes the Dropkick Murphys were on The Departed movie soundtrack

    @hunnybunny will check out gravatar sometime, Ive been MEGA busy and glad to see you like Santa Gumby :) feel free to nominate it for next year I will wear it into the new year.
  • Thanks @gumby I knew they were on one of those soundtracks, ya i thought the Departed but wasn't 100% sure, it all comes back to me now lol
    Nighty night
  • Why oh why can't i hit the lottery and not have restrictions on time:(
    Hee hee wishful thinking again good night
  • lol sleep well @kathy
  • @Kathy @mvlna2, I have been away but I do check up on the ol' community once in a while. Just wanted to let you know where I've been for the last couple years and how I became a part of ABN.

    So when my time started to dwindle here was during the time that sal9 came on board. When I was doing videos it was VERY rare that we'd be given any notice when an update would be released. I had a full time "8-5 style" job and new AB releases would often come out in the middle of the night. So I'd wake up every morning and the first thing I'd do is check my app store updates. Trouble was, I couldn't just call in sick and start playing...I still had to go to work. But for that evening I'd have to drop whatever I had planned and starting playing and recording and usually stay up until 2 or 3 am to get the videos edited and posted up on youtube so that BL could get them up on the website ASAP. At the time Sal9 came along, Slim was on board but wasn't doing a lot of recording yet but then both of them were able to record. Both Slim and Sal had more flexible jobs though, so while I has at work they were able to get the levels played and recorded which left me with much less to do by the time I got home that evening. But all of this didn't come at a bad time. I had just gotten engaged and was starting the full swing of wedding planning. Well, when the wedding was over if wasn't but a few months longer until we found out my wife was pregnant with our first and then right before "MiniToast" was born we had an unplanned and very quick purchase of a new home. (No really, we looked at a house on a whim on a sunday, looked again on monday, placed an offer on tuesday and the offer was finalized by wednesday and my son was born the following monday). So we had to prep our old house for sale and showings with a newborn while getting the other house ready to move in to. Owning, selling and caring for two houses and with newborn is a LOT of work. ;) I won't be able to convince my wife to do THAT again. So life has been changing in wonderful and busy ways and while I'm not ACTIVE here on ABN I still come back and check things out and see how things are going.

    As for the story of how I started at ABN.
    So back when Rovio released the first xmas edition of AB Seasons there was a glitch of sorts which was causing some explosions. At this time I was a member of some little, but very active Nokia forum dedicated to Angry Birds. We would share scores and tips and tricks and stuff. Well some people had been getting the explosions while others were not, so I starting figuring out how to record myself playing on my phone and would then upload them to youtube so that other forum members could see it. I started this while it was an advent calendar style release so I started recording each day and posting to youtube. (These videos should still be active on my FujiToast youtube channel btw.) Well I think it was like on christmas day or right after that I got a message from BL via youtube where he let me know that he had a site dedicated to Angry Birds walkthroughs but we was linking to OTHER peoples videos and not videos produced by ABN and he'd like to change that. So we got to talking more and I started producing videos specifically for ABN and then he got me going on comment moderation shortly after to assist him with that work load. We then started talking about scores and how it was huge on the other forum and then getting an ABN forum going so we could have a more active community. I was really just a sounding board and fellow idea man for BL as I didn't have any technical expertise in website building. And that's pretty much it! That's how BL and I got together!

    Hope everyone is doing well! Keep on flinging!
  • @fugitoast Saw your avatar was online, glad to find you here. So much going on with you! Congrats on the marriage, new home and baby. Thank-you for updating us, I've missed seeing the Toast and am so happy all is well with you.
  • GRRRRR level 14 driving me nuts. Not sure if its my colorblindness or if it is invisible wires, chains, walls or whatever. I can't see them thou. every time I think Im making a good shot it hits one of these invisible barriers :(
  • @fujitoast thank you for popping in & letting everyone know how you're doing. Sounds like you have a wonderfully full life, congrats on your very own "MiniToast" (love that!).
    Your awesome videos saved my sanity countless times in the early days. Good to hear all is well with you :D
  • Late starter on ABN but enjoyed reading the posts from @birdleader and @fujitoast (great name!) about how it all started. Thank you guys!

    @gumby 1-14 I have an idea, will post when it actually works!
  • @FujiToast! Go good to see you! Sounds like you're having a wonderful life, and I bet mini-Fuji is now a real handful! He must almost be old enough to start playing AB.
    I missed the Santa Hat Glitch. But joined shortly after and enjoyed watching that video, as well as many others you created. I do blame you in part for my AB addiction -- if it hadn't been for your videos I would never have started going for 3* and then above average.
  • Wow!! Thanks @fujitoast for posting your awesome story here:) Congratulations on the wonderful life you've built , though busy, sounds perfect, and so cool there's a 'mini-toast' heehee. We sure do miss you around here, but many many thanks for contributing part of your busy life to record videos and help @birdleader to get this site up and running for all of us birdies!
    In the beginning I was a website with only written stratedgy's so when I landed here in ABN I was thrilled to find your videos: D
    Thanks for sharing with us all that has happened in the past couple years, and Best wishes for the holiday season and the New Year to come, and many more.
    I can't fully blame you for my continued addiction to AB but you definitely had a hand in it, heehee:D and I'm loving every minute of it!
    Hope to see you again, maybe a Christmas tradition for you to pop in and say 'tweet tweet'
    Take care and enjoy life!
  • Yes, @fujitoast, Love a good backstory! I as well have followed your vids and they were one of the main draws that sucked me in, even though I am a relative newcomer. Understand about time, I have a Mrs and 3 mini-cnichys (and one full grown knichy)

    @Kathy, @gumby - early happy Tea Party Day! I heard East-India Tea sent over 100 pounds for the event
  • Thanks @knichy :D wow that's nice of East India, only to have it tossed in the ocean lol!
  • OMGiraffe !! Level 4 will be the end of me!!! No matter what, or how i fling, pray, plead or Wwwwhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnneeee I can't improve a flocking point!!! Not One!!
    OB I'll have .. Yep you guessed it make it a double!!! I'll be in Ski and Squeal keep em' coming.. Blues better get those wings in shape is gonna be a while!
Post in the New Forum!