The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2561
  • Cancel that OB & The blues , I've had enough going to bed
    Nighty night all
    Night Pa
  • @knichy lol thanks, as long as they don't start thrown the coffee into the ocean I'll be ok :)
  • @hunnybunny thx for the link, its too hard for my frazzled brain right now.
  • @OB @TheBlues duck, hide, run away!
    I'm chucking my towel long and hard, and definitely in
    Whine, whine, whine!
    Ski or Squeal
    Do or die
    I'm dying out there....
  • I hear yes @hunnnybunnny and I join you in your
    Whine Whine
    Ski or Squeal
    Can't think of a rhyme so I'll just
    And have a double Pigkilller please OB providing your not still ducking the towel¿
  • @kathy your squeal was so loud that you forgot the letter U. LOL
  • @kathy also what is a certified nester, does it mean men in white coats and straight jackets :P
  • Lol @gumby I did didn't I hee hee
    And yes certified nester means we've been here and actively participated more than in real life Haha , Have you been certified?
    Seriously see the above 'About' section and look at 'Badges and Rank' it tells what it means
  • @kathy well thats better than straight jackets although some may need them before Ski and Squeal is finished LOL
  • Uhmmm Yeppers @gumby I need one already lol, site keeps going down, I'm trying to find help on 15 ,can't do it:/
    *checks all letters* yeppers its a whine:)
  • @gumby you gotta get your face on!! Go to Puhleeezzze lol;)
  • Bbl debate on. ....
    I'll be lurking
  • @kathy I tried to do gravatar, didn't work. And for 15 aim for the detonator high in the sky then other 2 shots same as everyone 156k here
  • WHat is gravatar!!!!
  • @knichy Is a site to add your avatar so it shoiwsy in forum;
    @mvnla2 can you give the link is not working for me
  • @gumby i can't find the spirit in the sky:( ohh the detonator lol;)
  • @gumby Whadda ya mean it didn't work? You gotta sign in (email addy and pw) then upload pics from your gallery (found in 'docs' on android) I understand , when i first started i needed help figuring it out also
  • ewps 4 minutes too late LOL
  • Lol @gumby so you got it, why doesn't it work for you, mind you it takes up to 15 minutes for your avatar to change:/
  • @kathy cuz Im a dum $%!@ I have been trying still with no success. 30 minutes now
  • Your not a dumb @#$$ It can be confusing @gumby :(
    Wait till tommorow maybe @mvnla2 can explain better than I, :(
    I'm not the greatest explainer ..I try though
  • @kathy its not you its the way the site is set up, very confusing
  • Yes it is sorry @gumby, hopefully @mvnla2 can help better than I
  • @kathy I think Ill wait another 30 mins to see if it actually uploads then off to bed
  • It will @gumby Yay You'll have a face in the morning !!! Lol
    Now we need @knichy heehee

    I'm off to fling bbiab
  • @gumby before you go, how do I get the detonator in the sky? I've tried everything:/
  • @kathy shoot the moon, pull close to to slingshot post as close as you can
  • K thanks @gumby I'll keep trying
  • @kathy goodluck and I did get a 1 birder with that shot 1 time but only scored in 140's even thou the building on the ledge fell over, most of the concrete blocks failed to break.
  • Ackkk 12:30 I gotta go to bed

    Nighty night Pa..where are you ¿
  • @knichy See here if you haven't already:

    When I was having trouble, @EStar was a wonderful help! Good luck!
  • @all Star Wars a capella! By Jimmy Fallon & Co:

  • Whoo Hoo!! I played catch-up this morning. Not great scores but it put me in the lead for the next 30 seconds or so. Ha ha
    I'll be in about thirtieth place as soon as others enter their scores. Sorry team.
  • @trev17piano -- See @TomPuss's video of Star Wars theme above.
    Didn't you play classical piano? Listened to a couple of your arrangements. Very impressive. Have you considered composing something entirely new?
    @gumby @knichy @kathy -- Yesterday was a golf day, then watched the debate, so missed ABN entirely.
    TomPuss's link on how to use gravatar is probably the best advice. I haven't checked to see how accurate it is, because the tutorial was probably made years ago. Don't skip the final important step, which is to rate your avatar. It needs to be family friendly, or equivalent, to appear on this site.
    If you have trouble, please tell us on what step.
    Estar (with an @ before it, of course), would probably be willing to help.
    Kathy probably said this, but the old forum, which is where the BP is, only uses Gravatar, for reasons unknown to us mere mortals.
  • Gravitas, gravatar. @gumby worked fine for me and only took about 10 min to actually appear. and it does retroactively appear by your old posts
  • Yay!! We can see @knichy Woot!!
    C'mon @ gumby your turn;)
  • @kathy @knichy @mvnla2 I am trying still, not having any luck actually getting a picture uploaded, and I can't see knichy gravatar???
  • @kathy @knichy @mvnla2 after I choose the image to be uploaded and click next, nothing happens except it says you can crop your photo using the dotted box below. No image shows and no dotted box. Am I doing something wrong???
  • this is what I get

    Crop your photo using the dotted box below

    Click here for help

    Small Preview

    Large Preview

    The previews above show what your new gravatar will look like after clicking Crop and Finish

    Developer Resources
    Technical Support
    An Automattic Team
    Privacy Policy
  • matter of fact I only see Rat gravatar just says Rat in his icon box, everyone else is blank
  • K @gumby never mind trying to crop it, when it says that just scroll down and hit 'crop and finish'
    Then it will give you an option to 'Rate your avatar' choose' everyone' then hit 'Donee' important hit Done

    Then never mind 'small preview' ) large preview..preview schmeview and never mind that list I've never seen that, Dont click Previews;)
    Then just close the page . and wait good luck,
  • @kathy there is no image and it doesn't say crop and finish anywhere
  • Mine has my name on it, you just can't see it because its dark, and the reason our avatars (Rat and I) because @estar made them for us personalized.

    Edit : sorry misunderstood @gumby ¿you can't see anyone avatar? Just Rat?
  • Hmmm @gumby I don't get it¿ so the thing says 'crop image' but there no image?
  • @gumby -- Been Christmas shopping. Will have to try. I don't understand why you can't see Rat's avatar. You may have to refresh the page and/or close and reopen your browser.
  • O.k @gumby After you choose image , Then click 'Upload ' try that then the steps again
  • @gumby -- Sounds like all is going OK but you aren't really selecting the file to upload???
    1) I signed in
    2) Chose “My Gravatars” at the top of page "
    3) Page is Manage Gravatars
    * Choices are Pick email to modify (I only have one)
    * Add email address
    * Pick new image (shows all the gravatars I have used
    * Add new image — Pick this one
    4) Page is now Upload image and I picked upload new
    5) Page now Upload new image
    * Select choose file and find a picture on your computer to upload (has to be an image file)
    * Select the file to upload. The name of the file selected should appear where in says "choose file." Click next
    6) I get the Crop your photo using the dotted box below
    * The crop and finish is a blue box immediately below the crop box
    7) After you pick crop and finish, you need to select a rating
    * Pick the G rating
    8) You are returned to the Manage Gravatar page with a new gravatar.
  • @gumby -- And I now have a pretty meaningless gravatar.
    If you are here, get to the upload new image page and let me know and we can try to go through it together.
Post in the New Forum!