The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2533
  • @TomPuss loving Pusseyangelo

    Joining in with:

    That darned Pellystar is STILL number one in the Seasons Bonus Levels. My first ever top spot. It goes back to him, back to me. BUT Two days flinging and I made a meagre 550 points :-( nowhere near at present.
    And some other darned finger knocked out my number one spot in Timber Tumble. I haven't even been there!

    OB a very large whiskey, please...
  • Frustrating isn't it Mrs. Bunny? I guess we're just not good enough to maintain our rankings against these new WhipperSnappers. he he

    Has anyone else received a friendship request from ECObird? He joined the Nest today and every time I reject his request, it shows back up upon refresh. It must be done electronically because no one is that fast. Troll??
  • He he, indeed, Mister Rat. Not only can you maintain your top scores, but you are obviously more desirable as a friend. I only rejected ECObird once, and he never flew in again
  • @Tompuss Lol tooo funny with the pusseyangelo, i was confused why i got 2 notifications haha until i read it. AND the earplugs are out!! Putting extra baskets on !
    I need a Double Whiiiiinnneee Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee, Piglantis 2-2 The stupid glitch that wasn't available on Android when I played it, then Was and i missed it, is now gone again!!
    AND 2-4 I can't even reach my previous score:(
    OB I'll have a Double Whatever you dream up Strong!!
    Yes Pa igot that request also..never heard of Ecobirdi just ignore it..
  • OH and I'm losing trophies left and right in Space to one Mr. Romo and Birdmaniac :(
    Make that a Triple OB to go with my triple Whiiiiinnneee!
  • Ya Ya Whiskey that's it @hunnybunny give me a Triple Shot of that ,
    Hows the song Go? One Shot, One beer and one....hmm now i have to look it up,dagnabit!
  • One Bourben ,One Scotch and One Beer that's the ticket:D
  • @hunnybunny I included myself in the statement "We're not good enough to maintain our rankings". They're all over me too Mrs. Bunny! Ma's getting hurt as well. It looks like a coup. It's all those young rug-rats. You know, the under fifty crowd. They're learning how to play.
  • :( Pa you left me out of that:( Im losing hard earned trophies tooo!
    Whiiiiinnneee oopsy no you didn't sowwy
  • And besides..@Romo and @Birdmaniac aren't newbies anyway, but damn they are hitting my boards hard!
  • Yeah Ma, but they're under fifty. They're young WhipperSnappers in comparison.
  • Hey Ma. I'm flinging tonight for the first time in weeks. I've almost caught Romo in Mirrors Utopia. It's amazing how easy this is when you feel a little better. Of course I'm cheating. I'm using that high resolution iPad Air2. he he
  • Heee heee Pa, yes that qualifies them as Young Whippersnappers lol, glad to hear you feeling good to fling,And have the secret weapon!! GO Get em'
  • Uh oh! I flung for about two hours Ma. It was about an hour and a half too long. Da pain, da pain.
  • Dagnabit Pa ,I'm beginning to think you like my scolding you! ! DONT Or Should I say STOP Overdoing it!! See i haven't said that for a while And there you go,..Must I send you a Daily reminder??
  • Lol @Karen68 obviously i didn't read the header of 'Seasons just got easier' sorry about that haha. Ty for the help in 1-13 Piglantis. OB Break out the special stock for Karen please, 2 fingers i beilieve? Im sure you remember if I'm wrong. On the house of course:)
  • But it's been closer to three weeks since I flung Ma. I didn't think I had overdone it. If I fling any less, I'm not flingin'.
  • @rat9 Yes, I got ecobirds too. He's netted a huge number of "friends" already. .

    @kathy Wonderful song! First time I ever heard it, ty
  • @TomPuss But who is he? No profile info. No leaderboards. He's an enigma.
  • @rat9 Troll, I guess -:(
  • @Hunnybunny

    Just checked into ABS Bonus and I did clock Ms Bunny's creeping closer. Do I have the motivation to attempt to regain the top spot if she once again gains it? Not sure.

    As for being a 'Whippersnapper' hmmmm! Are you all over 50 on this thread? Saga flingers.


    Love the John Lee Hooker reference. Good to see a blues aficionado on ABN.
  • @pellystar two things:
    I'm Mrs Bunny not Ms. I hate Ms. We all had a rather boring long conversation here, sometime ago, on "Mrs" v "Ms" I would hate to subject you to that again.
    And I'm leaving you in the top spot for the time being. When I get competitive I'll give it my best shot.
    I'm in Piglantis! @kathy #5 was just a fab shot! #12 and #13 immediately gave me higher scores. I've played them loads of times (read loads = thousands) And 2-2 yuck! I'm with you there
    It's definitely got easier other than 2-2....
  • @pellystar just noticed, I'm one above you in Piglantis. Game on!
    (Why did I say that? Just about to flung into oblivion!)
  • @pellystar well I'm closer to sixty than fifty (only just) I'll leave Rat and Kathy, et al, to reveal their ages. And a Saga holiday! No way!
  • @Pellystar nice to see you pop in, And i am a year closer to 60 4 more to go *heavy sigh*

    Although I love the blues I am enthusiastic and an Avid blues listener, i wouldnt consider myself anaficionado, John Lee Hooker is one of my favorites among many Blues legends.
    @hunnybunny Cool I'm happy your in Piglantis with me :) I'm only on my first (serious) Pass i plan on going through again to try and get into the top 10 Haha like that's gonna happen! ! Hence the triple shot lol..2-2 I'm afraid has lost the glitch factor, version 5.2.5 which is a downfall for me i guess.
    Anyhoo I'm off to fling. .toddleoo
    Hers another favorite
  • @Pellystar Wow! I'm closer to seventy than fifty. Closer to seventy? I don't like the way that sounds. Actually, I celebrated my sixtieth in June. he he

    You're a great flinger Mr. Star but I'm afraid I must deny your friendship request. I looked at your leaderboards in Seasons, which seems to be your bailiwick, and found something that bothered me. As I looked at a dozen or so of your top scores, where you have beaten all other flingers by 3-10k, I never once found a strategy entered in the walkthroughs. I don't think a strategy entry should be mandatory as "Mrs." Bunny does, but any friend of mine should want to enter a strategy to help others. Sorry, but that's how I roll. Ask me again when you can beat everybody after telling them how to do it. ha ha

    Btw, are you related to @E-Star? And what's a Saga flinger?
  • @Pa , @Pellystar, And i can vouch is very forthcoming with a strat when he's done something other than the standards that have already been mentioned or videoed, and when asked will also provide that info, correct me if I'm wrong @Pellystar but i seem to remember you mention that. And yes I also wonder what 'saga flinger ' meant but forgot to ask.
  • PA What's a bailwick?
  • Take a look at his top scores in Seasons @Ma. Then come back and try to vouch for him again.

    A bailiwick /ˈbeɪlɨwɪk/ is usually the area of jurisdiction of a bailiff, and once also applied to territories in which a privately appointed bailiff exercised the sheriff's functions under a royal or imperial writ. The word is now more generally used in a metaphorical sense, to indicate a sphere of authority, experience, activity, study, or interest.
  • I Will Pa in the morning, getting late, I'd never make it as a defense lawyer thats for sure,lol..
    Kk ty fir the definition, again something for tomorrow reaearch. Bedtime for bonzo nighty night Pa ♡

    (To Tired to fix spelling) deal with it..hee hee
  • @all Wishing you good morning/good night with this Harp Twins cover of Metallica "One". . .

  • @tompuss sorry for late reply. Loved the kitty decorators! I couldn't stand to watch the girls but their take on "one" was sweet. I actually just recently listened to the "one" album again and think I'll stick to Metallica's version lol! I feel for you in that ham dunk level :( Have you 3 stared it yet? My score is just above the threshold so can't help apart from saying just follow the vids and pray! It's a nasty one for sure. I'm still decorating *sighhhh* Hubby decided he wanted a break so has gone off golfing for the day ;( The carpet cleaners were in yesterday so I couldn't get finished. I've got all the walls to do so have been up since 7am masking the ceiling and skirting. Great huh? He promised to move the fridge freezer etc away from the walls but low and behold when I came down they're still the same. I'm going to have to find a neighbour who's not at work. Great. As long as he has a lovely day out though that's all that matters right? ;)
    I see we're publicly member bashing again.........Not cool
    BTW Saga (holidays,insurance etc) is for over 50's
  • @all Angry Birds Theme - fun jazz rendition:

    @JLZ666 You might like the girls better in these clothes and a suitably Gothic venue!

  • @rat9
    It is your move on Cold Cuts!
  • @jlz666 @all
    If you listen carefully, you can hear the ice cream man in my neighborhood
  • @tompuss Wow that's some crazy piano!!
    And I absolutely Loovvveee Camille and Kennerly! That was beautiful ♡
  • @sglouk Stop tempting him lol..I told him NOT to overdo it!! Shame on you lol;)
  • Hello @Rat @Hunnybunny @Kathy and others

    Just checked in to see the criticisms!

    I have endeavoured to be forthcoming with strategies when I have had something original to offer. I cannot (clearly) live up to the high standards of the Rat but c'est la vie. If you check my messages I have offered strategies when I could. Most of the time I have played the levels late enough so that whatever strategy I used to get the high score, has already been described by someone else.

    I accept I haven't been as helpful as (say) Hunnybunny (BTW - seasons got easier thread is excellent so thank you), Mock the Mockingbird (excellent with detailed strategies), Karen68 and others. But they are high standards to live up to.

    Everything is relative, and so I would prefer it if you compared me with the infamous (and legendarily rude) 'AD' then you would be *queuing up* to be my friend LOL

    My apologies re the saga reference that is peculiar to the UK, Hunnybunny will know what I mean. (Saga is an organisation that represents over 50's and by the way I'm only a year and a half away myself).

    Now, time to watch Murray rescue his game vs Mannarino g'night all.

  • Hi @Pellystar nice to see you as always:D
    And there's Absolutely No comparison between you and the infamous As i call him AAD!
    I always find your help if i need it and appreciate it greatly:)
    Use your imagination lol..have a wonderful evening:)
  • @kathy

    Thank you, you are very kind. xxx
  • Shut it @rat
    Pellystar is a great flinger, taciturn, it must be said, but you are just being rude. We are not all like you (or me) who post all the time. I know I'd like to see more shared strategies, but being nice to someone may just get them to share more.
    I refuse, point blank, to get into a debate about this. I've said my piece.

    @all Saga is a British firm that provides holidays and cruises for the over 55s. They are ******* expensive and mainly taken by the over 80s

    @kathy up to #12 (last time I looked) in Piglantis
  • @Pellystar as are you my friend, xxx
  • Lol @pellystar I posted, and then saw you beat me to it!
  • @hunnybunny I'm on to 14, level 13 is killing me! Definitely not easier no less easy:(
    I came in for a Whiiiiinnneee i don't care What day it is lol!
    Are you going through again after? Your scores are pretty good, last i looked you are at spot 25 on the boards..nice flinging :)
  • Goodness gracious! We'd been out for a birthday meal with friends. Came home. I checked the BP site, said my piece, forgot about the tennis, put the tennis on, rushed upstairs to tell Mr Bunny I'd be late to bed. Mr Bunny has drunk two pints of larger, a glass of wine and a pint of Guinness. Mr Bunny is not a drinker. He's curled up in bed, glasses on, TV on, fast asleep, snoring! I recused the glasses - he's as blind as a bat without them. Guess he enjoyed himself.
  • Hee Hee @hunnybunny I can picture it..been there, done that lol!
  • @Kathy

    Aw shucks thanks for being nice. Andy Murray is showing his class as are you two. xxxxxx

    I still have an issue with being described as taciturn but that's because of the huge disconnect between online life (where I accept I am, or appear to be, taciturn) and offline (not at all). 99% of my social life is offline, I'm not even on facebook.

    NB I think Rat is a really good guy, and I'm sure doesn't mean to be rude, just has his standards.

    @Rat no relation to Estar my slightly ridiculous username comes from a nickname based on my real lief surname.
  • @kathy no I meant #12 on the leaderboard. Nearly top ten. But I did have a few magnificent scores from my first pass when it first came out. Can't explain why I didn't get one on 2-2 with its glitch though. I so clearly remember the raft exploding to the left. It was fun to watch!
  • Good on you @pellystar perhaps we are all sad here, talking to people we've never met in real life (but I do like some of them..)
  • Ohhh @hunnybunny! ! Congratulations Woot..
    How recently did you get the glitch on 2-2 ? It doesn't seem active to me?
    Idk what taciturn means? And im to lazy to look it up lol?
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