The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2532
  • @mvnla2 hi, i had trouble finding the self-destroying forum, i finally found it, but strange when i did a'search' using the search kept referring me to the Bloated Pig. Also when i looked in 'All things Nest' it was nowhere to be found. I guess 'All things Nest' does not include 'Old Forums ' hmm..
  • @all All drinks and food on me tonight - to celebrate NO chemo!!! OB and Blues, get your skates on!

    Rube Goldberg machine (not a vine this time @mvnla2!):

    Thanks for all your good wishes and ((((vibes)))), they worked!
  • @tompuss
    Yippee ((((hugs))))) kisses xxxxx
    What a relief
    OB champagne, please, to toast TomPuss
    I'll be sat out the back, twirling my black lace parasol, in celebration...
  • @rat @kathy get in here, twirl your black lace parasols (rat excused, unless you want to explore your feminine side!) Good news and champagne. What more can you ask?
  • WOOOOT!!! Thats Awesome news @tompuss!!! ((((((HUGS)))))
    OB fill the ice buckets!! *Clink*
    @Estar @jlz666 @Mumsie @bonneypattycat ,@mvnla2 great news get your butts in here!!!
  • @TomPuss -- Yeah! Great news! Sorry for the late response. I can't even imagine how relieved you are. It will make keeping up with the physical therapy that much easier. Hope you go to a 3* restaurant to celebrate (well maybe only a 1*, since a 3* could break your bank account).
  • @TomPuss -- Great Rube Goldberg machine!
  • That's wonderful news @tompuss!!!! I'm so happy and relieved you can now focus on getting your strength back. Huge ((HUGS)) to you XXXX I'll certainly join you in a glass of bubbly but if OB wouldn't mind making mine a Buck's Fizz as its only 10-30am! How funny that it's socially acceptable to drink alcohol in the morning as long as it contains fruit juice ;) Have a fantastic weekend Tompuss,you truly deserve it XX
  • Thank you @all !!!! Wow, let's all relax - like Maru in his hammock:

    @JLZ666 I wouldn't have bothered with the orange juice! Now have a real one -:) And say hi to Nessie for me if you see her. . .

  • Well sadly I'm home now @tompuss but if I had seen Nessie I would've been shocked and just a little bit in awe at her capabilities as we were at Loch Lomond which is around 120 miles from Loch Ness!! I'll help myself to an undiluted glass of bubbly now. Cheers!
  • Awwww heck! Now I can't stop laughing at the thought of Nessie tramping down the A9 with her suitcase off for her holiday in Loch Lomond!!!!
  • Nessie the monster packed her bag and tromped down to Loch Lomond. Off she went, with a trumpety trump, trump, trump, trump
    The call of the Jules was calling, far, far, away...
    They met one silvery night, on the road to the nine and A

    @jlz-666 it was the best I could do. Nellie the Elephant just jumped into my mind

  • @hunnybunny That's exactly what was going through my head lol! I've now got the most annoying ear worm!
    @tompuss My that girl can travel!
    @kathy Don't make me come into that walkthrough and talk broad Scots to you!! You messin with me girl? LOL!! It's bad enough that I can't understand it but now YOU can't? Haahaa!!
  • Haha @jlz -666 that's the last time I'll try a southern accent hee hee it didn't go well, Id probably have an easier time understanding your Scot than @rat9 southern drawl...:
  • I looooove the southern drawl @kathy I just can't make heads nor tails of it in words!
  • @jlz666 it does take a bit of deciphering i like it to it has a certain appeal, better to hear than read though.
  • Gotta go hop in the shower, going out to the yacht club tonight for an event. .i don't even want to go:(
    Have a great night all..
  • Well it looks like she's taking the back roads @kathy because that ain't the A9! Have a fab night at the yacht club. Sounds good to me I have to say! I'm just waiting on food delivery as I'm still in holiday mode.........Hmmmmm yacht club or take out in jammies??? ;)
  • Uhmmm @jlz666 that sounds better to me lol..:)
    Sweet Nighty nighty baw baws. .enjoy:D
  • @jlz-666 loving the "better than the A9" picture.
    Ear worm here too
    @kathy enjoy, you never know, sometimes the things you don't look forward to turn out to be the best...
  • Actually @hunnybunny @jlz666 your right, it's quite relaxing , nice breeze off the bay, music, food and drinks :)
  • My only regret is i didn't bring my tablet:( have to fling with my phone lol..

    And whats an 'ear worm ' ?
  • Thought I was going to get an early BD present of an iPad Air today, but instead got an iPad Air 2. Think I will really like it once the start-up problems are solved. The graphics are great!
    @hunnybunny -- Hope you had a better experience getting your iPad Air 2 up and running than I am. I thought all my games would automatically appear with progress intact. They weren't there, so I've had to download all from the App Store. Most restore progress without much fuss. However, I had to delete and reinstall AB Epic to even get it to start!
  • @tompuss i forgot to say ,i loved the Rube Goldberg video amazing! And the Rat hero was very interesting :) amazing they can sense the mines.
    @mvnla2 soo the Ipad devices automatically restore progress? My android does not hmmm
    Is the Ipad air 2 better than the regular ipad air?
    I'm really thinking of getting an iPad, but I'm not sure how progress restore will work from android
  • @Kathy -- HWDNF and the salesman were very persuasive. I probably won't update for several years, so it makes sense to get the SOA. I do like it.
    Well, I thought it was going to be easier (i.e. no effort on my part) to install all apps on my old iPad and the progress. I had to install apps manually, but in general, the progress was restored, at least without much effort.
  • Hmm @mvnla2 I'll have to give it more thought and consult with my freind who helps me restore. Like i said not sure how it would work between platforms
    Still at the club, boring really ,the band is somewhat o.k but I'd rather be hoje, batery dying to boot:/
  • @mvnla2 I just backed up old iPad, through iCloud. started new iPad Air2, went through instructions, clicked set up new iPad through iCloud back up, and there it was. Done. Even the Safari pages I had open transferred. Don't play Epic, so can't comment.
    But iPad Air2 is rather good. The colour is amazing, compared to my ancient pad.

    @kathy I guess going from Andriod to iOS means transferring .lua files. It's not as hard as you may think. I transferred mine to a laptop when the old iPad appeared to be fatally injured twelve months ago. It wasn't, after a brief "hospital" trip, it came back, and .lua files not needed. I found the instructions somewhere on the nest. Slim or e-star will surely help

    Happy flinging xx
  • Fantastic News @TomPuss. Awesome, Great, Whoo Hoo!
    I know that's a load off your mind.
  • @jlz666 Listening to all this talk about relaxing, popping the clasp, and putting on PJ's reminded me of a little ditty.

    Do your ___s hang low?
    Do they wobble to and fro?
    Can you tie 'em in a knot?
    Can you tie 'em in a bow?
    Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder
    Like a regimental soldier
    Do your ___s hang low?

    Get your minds out of the gutter everybody. The missing word in case you don't remember the song is "ear". Do your ears hang low? Shame on anyone, other than me, who thought different. ha ha

    Sorry JLZ. I'm still a young kid at heart.
  • Ahhhh playground ditties.....yes "ditties" ;) The boys at our school obviously had never heard the "ear" version ;) Sadly my hubby still sings this "sighhhh* Yep you are all kids at heart @rat. Luckily the words are easily changeable so there's an equally offensive male version lol!
    @hunnybunny @mvnla2 Hubby got his iPad air 2 a couple of months ago and cannot be parted from it! It's beautiful! He doesn't play games on it though.......what a waste ;)
    @kathy Hope you had fun at the yacht club,it looked gorg! You need to get your priorities right woman! That view,a band,food and drink and you're main concern was that you could only fling on your phone???? If I had been caught flinging I'd have ended up in the water! Oh and an ear worm is when you get stuck with a song in your head that just plays on and on and on..........It's brain torture :(
    Still have another week off work so we're up early today. We're freshening up the kitchen so need paint supplies etc. believe it or not I actually enjoy that kind of work. On Wednesday all the carpets are being cleaned and hopefully thurs/Frid we'll get the deck washed and oiled. I say hopefully as that's weather permitting. I could really do with a month off work with the list we've got to do :(
    Better scoot. However at the moment sitting in the garden on a beautiful sunny morning with a pot of coffee so dragging my butt indoors will be tough.
  • @jlz666 I knew I was being less than subliminal using the word ditty to describe the song. ha ha A male version you say? Surely not! Young children can be so cruel. Not like us mature adults. Enjoy your chores while you can. They become more chore-like the older you get.

    I haven't seen the blue error box in a long time. He's baaaaaaccckkk!
  • @rat Personally I prefer the male version. Try getting those images out of your head!!!
    *cough* Anyoooooooooooooooo................
    I've changed my mind about my enjoyment of decorating. I must have lost it on my birthday so yeah it's an age thing. I didn't realise until we started the prep work. It took hours just to clean everything (including woodwork) and we've finally said enough is enough for today as that's all the doors and skirtings painted. I'm tired and my back is killing me but Oh my what a difference ! I'm actually shocked at how yellowed the woodwork was. It's a well used kitchen but still. It was only done about 4 yrs ago :( Tomorrow is ceiling and walls so I'm sure it'll look fantastic when it's done. Only issue is keeping my black kitties away from the wet white paint!
  • Oh for *#!#!#!#!#!#*!!!!!!
    I now have a cat prematurely aged down one side :((((
  • lol @jlz-666 prematurely aged cat! I love it
    We, too, are painting, after bathrooms refurbishment. Done both bathrooms, and a bedroom. I'll do the study. But the lounge, the two flights of stairs: "Call Phil the painter and decorator"
  • @jlz666 @Hunnybunny All the women must be synced up. SWDNF brought home color strips Saturday. Spooky! I hadn't thought about corralling our cat during the painting. Thanks for reminding me with the funny image of your cat I now have in my head.
  • Oh my @jlz666 a half aged kitty :( poor thing. .try Dawn dish liquid, I've heard of it taking out oil from ducks and such getting caught up in oil spills,if it's an oil based paint it may help. Poor baby..
  • Believe it or not, the Ice cream man that drives our neighborhood plays that very tune! ! Everday i have the song stuck in my head! ! The Ears version I've never heard the other...
    Do your ears hang low argghh it drives me nutters!-
  • Nighty night all..but first. .Whhinnee Tuesday. .
    *sets out baskets of earplugs, ahh screw it..hands baskets to the blues.."set these out please there's 3 of you after all and I'm tired..'
    Nighty night Pa ♡
    Night all
  • Haahaaa! @kathy your ice cream van plays "do your ears hang low"??????????? What kind of neighbourhood do you live in?! I tried wiping her down with warm water and fairy liquid and some came off but I'll just try to brush out the rest today. If it had been Oscar it might have made him look quite distinguished but it was Lily! She reminds me of that poor kitty in that cartoon that gets a white paint stripe on her and Pepe le pew thinks she's another skunk!
    @hunnybunny YES.....get Phil in!
    @rat it must be that time of the month I guess lol!!
  • Oh BTW @hunnybunny Download the Dulux visualiser app. You take a photo of the room or wall you want to paint,pick a colour and it shows you what it would look like! It's awesome!
  • @kathy Please, get the earplugs out!! I really must let out a huge Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine about Ham Dunk 4-9, I have flung and flung and cannot 3*** it!! OB, a G&T please to drown my sorrows!
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