The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2531
  • @kathy it's an ugly 'hunny' bunny, which I matched with an ugly rat. Hopefully, the two of them will climb back into their respective holes, never to be seen again. Mister Rat is being his normal self, and I fall into his rat trap, every time...
    Feud? What feud?
  • Page change and good night from me.
    Off to see sis and niece tomorrow! Woo hoo! Girlies! Shopping! Shoes! More shopping! Shoes! Girlies! Drinkies! Shop, shop, shopping!
  • Lol @hunnybunny Nighty night, sweet dreams of Shoes, shopping,Shoes,Drinks,Shoes, drinks....etc...enjoy your Girlie day:)
  • That's not a feud Mrs. Bunny.
    And don't forget the shoes!
  • I'll be out of touch for i dont know how long, phone got wet,will not take a charge:(
    see everyone as soon as...
    nighty night me and my ugly pet are going to bed I'll scratch the poor thing under his whiskers lol..ty Pa....NOT..heehee
  • Wet? ha ha
    Night Ma
  • It sounds like either your battery or charging port might need replaced, @kathy.
    I would like to stop in and wish my Almost Birthday Buddy, @jlz666 a wonderful Birthday.
  • Speaking of Birthdays, Happy Birthday Ripsy.
    And todays birthday makes you twenty-nine again, right @JLZ666?
    Ad while I'm on a roll, Happy Birthday to you as well @Romo.
  • @mvnla2 Thanks for Bambi and Thumper - I loved it, they're adorable!

    @all Health: I'm feeling fine but am on pins waiting for post-op appointment with surgeon on 28th. Everyone please keep your birdie claws and wingtips crossed for no chemo!!
  • Happy Birdday @rdnzlrips82 and @blahalb09 !!!
    and Happy Birdday @jlz666 and @beautifulvvorld! !
    Hope you all have a wonderful day:D☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    I'll keep praying for you @tompuss hang in there, and think the best♡♡♡♡♡
  • Thanks @ripsy, i put it in the heat room at work this morning and it seems to be charging now:)
  • Awwwww @tompuss how wonderful!! Thank you soooo much! However I can safely say that I certainly don't look like that right now because I’m having an extremely indulgent day and I’m being well and truly spoiled. Croissants in bed for breakfast then smoked salmon for lunch and for dinner hubby is throwing some steaks on the bbq and making my fave dauphinois potatoes. I’ve just woken up from an afternoon snooze to a glass of Prosecco and a plate of cheese and crackers!! What a lovely day! We're currently at a beautiful lodge on Loch Lomond and it is breathtaking,one of the best we’ve ever stayed at. The decking is right over the water and there’s loads of ducks and swans constantly waiting to be fed……super cute!! The views are stunning and for the first time in a long time we're both utterly relaxed.
    Oh my,how bad do I feel Ripsy? I'm so terribly sorry I missed your birthday @rdnzlrips82. We arrived here yesterday and with the organising,travelling and general excitement I totally forgot to pop in and say Happy Birthday! So Happy belated Birthday to you x
    Thank you @kathy and @rat
    Well I'm not stopping so excuse me as I make friends with my first glass of bubbly of the day:D
    @tompuss thank you once again for taking the time to post your wonderful gifts and videos. It goes without saying I have everything crossed for good results X
  • Thank you @estar! XXX Hubby just put the steaks on the barbi and I've got the red wine breathing so we're good to go :) I got an IOU back and foot massage from him for after dinner so I'll be totally chilled out by bedtime! That or I'll be snoring by 9pm! Onwards and upwards for your health as well honeyXXX
  • @Rat
    Where the points come is obvious on an iPad, but not on a severely cracked iPhone 3 screen as it was for me when I discovered it! And yes, I agree that your score is high for a 0-birder.

    Don't wait, start level, go to bed, and hope for a surprise when you wake up.
  • As I said @Sglouk, I truly feel sorry for you. You found this zero-bird possibility and have been flinging twelve hours at a whack for over a week. The day you let he cat out of the bag, I fling once and get extremely L U C K Y ! It doesn't seem fair somehow. I don't know if it'll make you feel any better, but I've had the same thing done to me so many times I've lost count. Keep plugging at it. You'll get their.

    Edit: I shouldn't have said fling as all I did was activate the level. No birds were involved or hurt during my high score. ha ha
  • Darn it!! I just quick flung through Piglantis so i could play the challenge and i missed it!!
    I'm having no fun in TP..OB please I'll have a Strawberry pineapple daiquiri if there's such a thing, if not make it up, uhmm i think you need rum?
  • Pet the bunny Ma. Pet the bunny. Relax
  • 'Petting the bunny' Breathes'' Drinks deeply :D
  • All better now?
  • ahhh Yes Pa better ty:) I'll get another puppy another day; )
  • You probably haven't noticed but @Burpie beat @Sglouk on CC 2-5 after only two tries. I told him we better sleep with one eye open. @Sglouk is not a happy camper.
  • :( Poor sglouk didn't realize what he was up against when he challenge you And gave you tips to boot! go easy on him Pa, don't rub salt in the wounds to much:/ play nice. .hee hee
  • I'm out for the night , me and my ugly pet are going to dreamland
    Nighty night Pa♡
  • Awwww Shucks Ma. He started it. He got pigs to fly. And he sat on a couple of my thrones and now the cushions don't feel right. Whinnnnnne
    Night nite Ma
  • Thanks a lot everyone~!!
  • @Romo
    the iPhone and iPad versions of the game are, technically speaking, different games. (iPhone = standard, iPad = "HD"). They are not managed in the same way by the GC, and nothing guarantees that the caps for this or that leaderboard are consistent from one game to another. The same issue exists for the "Free" version.
  • Oh dear, so many belated birthday wishes to hand out :(
    Happy Birthday @rdnzlrips82, @blahalb09, @beautifulvvorld, & @jlz666! Hope they were all wonderful.

    My hubby & I escaped to Niagara Falls for a couple of days so I missed them all. But I'm back in time for wwhhiiinnneee Tuesday. I'm still stuck trying to get above average in a couple of levels in Brass Hogs so I think I'll whine about them.
    Have a good day all :)

  • Ugh. We have a spammer on board(s). I hate it when they strike late in day (late evening on east coast), nobody that can do anything about is around :/
  • I guess I am wrong, already taken care of! Way to go @admins :)
  • Guess i missed it @BPC were they in here? We had one in the Seasons got easier forum the other day as well, but sal9 quickly mopped up!
  • @Karen68 nice to see you, sounds like you had a nice time in Niagara Falls,
    I'm going to create Whine Week for TP lol, figures we pick the Only episode of Seasons that @Estar didn't make videos :( I think I'm going to try On Finn Ice next.
    sorry @hunnybunny i can't take it much longer:(
  • @kathy only a number of highly unlikely top scores (first came to my attention on Seasons Golden Eggs). All cleaned up now!
  • @rdnzlrips82, @blahalb09, @romo, & @jlz666 -- Belated Happy Birthday to all! Have been MIA for a couple of days, and missed all the action.
    @TomPuss -- Best wishes for a good diagnosis!
  • ohh thanks @BPC :D
    was wondering where you were @mvnla2, welcome back :)
  • Just back from shopping adventure with sis and niece. I only bought two pairs of shoes and a jumper, but splashed out a little on my adorable niece. As you do.
    Haven't read back, but happy birthday @jlz-666 Hope it was a good one xx
  • OB wakes up. A quiet day, after all the excitement of the birthdays, and the @rat / @Sglouk competition.
    He looks on, in amazement:
    Bunny is doing an excited Bunny dance, singing "iPad Air2, it's mine, all mine"
    OB puts his fingers in his ears, the singing is awful, poor old Bunny is tone deaf.
    The Blues flew away on the first note.

  • *rushes in after receiving a frantic call from OB raving about 'a crazy Bunny screaming something about Airpad ,making high pitched noises, 'The blues fleeing the coop,and afraid the windows will shatter! !!*
    Calm down OB, its just bunny over excited about her new IPad lol.
    Congrats @hunnybunny Enjoy:D
  • Lol @kathy my voice never shattered glass...
    But can clear a room
  • Lol @hunnybunny .. no worries ,Somebody had to Wake Ob and make some noise in here!
    Wonder where @rat9 is hiding,? Should we knock on the walls, lol
  • Don't do it! All those little rats, running everywhere...
  • Goodnight @kathy @OB @The Blues (now safely back in the bar, waiting to serve Kathy a mad cocktail of her own design, on Bunny's tab)
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams , Thanks for the drink:)
    OB uhmm I'll have a ...hmm..Long Island Iced tea please:)
    * you know better!! No fleeing at the first sign of excitement, need i send you to the Aviary for re-training?
    *The blues chatter excitedly, trying to explain @hunnybunny singing ,and keep chattering *
    O.k o.k no Aviary, now please fetch my drink and settle down. ..
  • Look out everybody! @Hunnybunny has a new toy with resolution. You don't need to worry about me though. Other than letting my ipad do the work on CC 2-5, I haven't flung in two weeks. Something must be wrong. @Sglouk has taken over Danger Zone and @Romo took Mirrors Utopia and I haven't responded. Hmmmm? Do I need to go see a head doctor? Don't answer that Mrs. Bunny.
  • WHAT!!! Pa you've just sat back and let these Usupers invade? ??
    OB quick call Dr. Crane tell him is an emergency!!
    Sooo that's the secret of the ipad over android, resolution hmmm...I see Pa let the cat out of the is settled Apple users Do have the advantage haha, i knew it!! Been waiting years for this secret that Idevice users hold close and never tell..Yes Pa i think your losing your touch, Apple users all over the Nest are gonna call you a Rat ..hmmm it all fits now. .
    *slinks to @Estar booth where she feels safe to mull over this previously undisclosed info*
    pssst OB another Long Island Iced tea please, deliver it directly, can't trust anyone...
  • I don't care what day it is. .
    Whiiiiinnneee. . Whiiiiinnneee ...Whiiiiinnneee. ..
    Sleepy Sleepy. .nighty night all...Happy Friday!
  • The iPad Air2 has higher resolution Ma. Not iPads in general.
    Btw Ma, I use Dr. Byrd.

    Nite nite
  • Hmm Pa i still think is a conspiracy ..hee hee everyone i know with I anything seem to have an advanced. .anyhoo I'll fling away on my measly android and continue to whine haha..
    Nighty night Pa ♡
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