The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2494
  • *Strecth...Yawn *"
    Night Pa ♡
  • @Estar -- Glad to hear you had a good time at Rovio, if not on the trip there and back. Excitedly waiting for your full report of the visit to Rovio!
    How on earth do you get from the Netherlands to Finland by train. Well yeah, I suppose it's possible, but surprised it only takes 33 hrs.
  • Night Ma
  • Hi @all!

    @EStar Wow, welcome home! I dream almost every night of missing trains and losing stuff. . Quel PITA about your ID!! But the important thing is that you're home safe and you had such a rockin' time at Rovio! Can't wait for full report and pix!
    BTW we don't fly any more. . the nicest flights I had, back in the day, were to visit my mum - 20min to Orly, then 2hr flight to Newcastle, and 20min from there to her house, arriving in time for lunch! A couple of times they surprised me with a jet - only one hour in the air (reliable Dutchie planes - the Fokker F27 and F28, respectively). These days, flights to anywhere we'd want to go depart from the hellish Roissy-Charles de Gaulle. .
    Also, living near Orly, we've too often seen planes flying low over our house - obviously in trouble and well off course.
    The worst was this Tarom Airlines incident in 1994: we were just getting out of our car when we saw this plane, its engines screaming, right in front of where we live, struggling to recover from the dive you can see for real at the end of this reconstruction:

    Terra firma from now on!

    @hunnybunny That's a nasty eye problem for sure! Yukissimo! Mine are all puffy and weeping all the time, no idea why, maybe allergy, maybe the meds, who knows? Hope yours get better very soon.
    Thanks for the video - that's a really beautiful place where you live.

    Here's one for you - aircraft carrier footage, I love it:

    Have you ever seen "The Final Countdown", that fabulous movie about the Nimitz? Here's a clip for you @all:

    @JLZ666 Is this the Daniel Craig skit you mentioned?

    Yesterday I watched "Ring" again. . Brilliant! I'd love to hear your opinion!

    I managed to 3-star Ham Dunk 13, but no progress on the others -:(
    Maybe we should've asked @EStar to put extra birds on her Rovio shopping-list for those other wretched levels. .

    @mvnla 2 Here's another glorious voice - just discovered her when reading the daily paper. Her name is Pumeza, she's from South Africa and sings both opera and traditional songs:

    Thula baba:

    Mi chiamano Mimi:

    God bless Africa:

    Love, hugz and purrs to @all
  • Purrs back @tompuss (not sure a rabbit can purr, but I'll give it my best) great video. And I'm with you on Charles de Gaulle. Equal in awfulness to Schiphol Airport. We took a cruise that involved Heathrow to Amsterdam, and on to Athens. Flights were free with the cruise company. Return was supposed to be Istanbul to Paris and back to to Heathrow. HWDNF did the honourable thing and paid 200 euros for a direct flight back to Heathrow. Best 200 euros he ever spent!
  • Thanks @tompuss for the great links as usual!! Keeps Ob on his uh.m.m toes ? Lol during these slow days. again I'm sorry i haven't been in just been hectic in life and when is not I'm no energy much but mindlessly fling birds:/
  • Night Pa♢
  • Sweet Dreams Ma

    Congratulations on setting a new record for snow fall in a winter season. Ain't y'all lucky?
  • *runs in places baskets of earplugs on the bar and booths *
    Welcome to WWWwwwHhhhhiiiinnnnneeee Tuesday*
    Have a Fantabulous Day all!!
  • Oh ya Pa I feel sooo lucky.. Do we get a Prize? Lol
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day !!
    Now I'm going to have a good long
    WWwwwHhhhhiiiinnnnneeee !! Revisiting DZ and level 12 is sooooo Random! !
  • @kathy wwwwhhhiiinneee here too. Pellystar nicked my Seasons Bonus Levels crown. I just can't get it back. Made no progress with Brass Hogs, at all. And most of the challenges recently have been levels I don't play. Today's St.Paddys day (GGGL) is not proving lucky, at all! Good luck on DZ, haven't played that, other than missions on Brass Hogs..
  • Aww @Hunnybunny ya got watch that @P@Pellystar..sneaks up the boards when your not looking:(
    I'm changing my Wwwhhiiiinnnneeees to DZ 13...
    OB I'll have a good old fashioned Irish coffee please *wink wink* don't forget the 'good stuff'
  • OB I'll take @kathy's recommended Irish Coffee. To go, please.
    Goodnight all, four new books arrived from Amazon today. Time to read xx
  • Night @hunnybunny enjoy your book:)
  • @kathy The DZ levels I hated most are 9, 10, 21, and above all 17. BUT there are some levels where a big screen is crucial if you want a good score. #19 is the best example. With a small screen, this one is probably the most frustrating as it is impossible to make the one-birder (on an old iPhone 4, for example). Good luck!
  • Thanks @sglouk I'm playing on my tablet 7" so i guess that's better than when i last played on my phone lol but ya is still hard:( WWwwwHhhhhiiiinnnnneeee
  • @sglouk im only up to 13 on my revisit..i did o.k on 9 better on 10.. but jeez some are sooo randomly need luck so ty:)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @kathy that's good if you could improve on levels 9 and 10. I spent hours on those, on different platforms/versions, but could not get into the top 100.
  • Congratz on your puppy @Sglouk. I know that wasn't easy or quick.
  • night pa ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @rat
    Thanks. But it was much quicker than what I had expected. I presume that my slightly different aiming trajectory was crucial.

    Btw, would you mind having a look at mirror level M7-28? This is the last one I have not three-starred, and I am completely unable to perform the video walkthrough.
  • @Sglouk Go to the belly of the beast, not his tail, and expand. This gives you the added benefit of sending one of the tail triangles to explode the orb. Easy-peasy.
  • @rat
    Thanks. This is what I have been trying for hours since I could not follow the walkthrough, but without more success. I was never able to repeatedly explode the orb, therefore I conclude that I miserably failed to find the correct spot. However, I finally three-starred the level.
  • ya well Whiinnnnnneeeeeeeeee !! i know it's not Tuesday !!
    OB a Very strong SpacePigKiller please :/
  • Hey there OB yea things have been quiet today huh?..well you deserve a break after all..
    I'll take a SpacePigKiller and to let you know from here on antytime @karen68 pops in whatever she wants is on the House. keep plenty of Ripsy s special stock on hand. . :)
  • Oooh did I hear something about Ripsy's special stock? Thanks @kathy, it's been a crappy week so I'd love one, thanks OB.
    I'm off to DZ 19 to see if I can remember anything for you Kathy :)
  • Thanks @karen68 I finally got into the top 100 so no worries. . sit and enjoy your drink;) sorry to hear you had a bad week..join the club. .blame it on the never ending miserable weather. :/
    OB throw a couple logs on the fire to warm our weary bones and blues keep the drinks coming;)
  • Nice score you got there @kathy! I remember that level, that 1-birder is darn near impossible.
    I agree about the weather, we finally warmed up for a few days but now it's chilly again. And first day of spring tomorrow!
    Off to sleep soon.. Have a good night all. :)
  • thanks @Karen68 i couldn't see the one birder happening so i took what i could get ! thanks again:) good night..keep warm.
    happy first day of spring lol...if only it was real:(
  • Night Pa didn't realize it was so late;/
    Tgif ...
  • Don't feel too bad Ma. I couldn't get 19 either. My eyesight isn't what it use to be. ha ha
    Night Ma
  • Hi @rat9

    Thanks for invoking me with @beautifulvvworld which is annoying to write long & cautious ID even for me. Anyhow still hope to come back soon.
  • Just popping in to let you all know I haven't forgotten I promised to do a full report on my visit to Rovio last week. But have to say the trip rocked me more than I realised. Been a bit out of sorts and have been laying low on doctors orders :/ Nothing major, just need to take things a bit slower than my brain wants me to. I plan on sorting thru the photos and videos this weekend, but I wanted to pop in and let Mister @rat and my dear Pops @wrw01 know that I have had a conversation with the executive producer of on of the AB games and talked with him about the bans in the Apple Game center. He is happy to look into them as he hated to hear about this injustice. He wants solve the issue for the both of you (or anyone that has the same problem). All he needs is your Game Center ID's and a screenshot of the level with the extreme score (which would explain the super high score count you have). I would have send a PM to the both of you, but wanted others to know they can contact me if they have the same problem :D
  • @tompuss WOW! hahaha that video of the reconstruction looks like my worst nightmare for sure. Thank heavens they landed safely! One week later and nope, we are not going to fly ever again (probably, as one never can say never right). Which on the one hand is unfortunate, but on the other hand, me and my hubby weren't the real travelers to begin with. But I certainly never would have wanted to miss this adventure as it brought me so much happy memories as well :D
  • Thanks for looking into the Game Center issue while you were at Rovio @Estar. I did send a message to Rovio when I got dumped. But I didn't think to include a screen shot of my ridiculous score on S-15. Duh? I assumed the lua files, which are harder to tamper with than a screen shot, would suffice. Live and learn.

    Never fly again? I don't know why. You didn't have any of the normal problems associated with plane travel. Lost luggage. Delays. Routing to another airport. Buffeting from bad weather. Seating inadequate for your body. (This is a big one for me) Etc., Etc., Etc. There's a big world out there. I hate that you might miss it.

    I look forward to hearing how this trip came about and all about your visit. But take care of yourself first. We can wait.............are you ready yet?
  • @BeautifulVVorld Good to hear from you. All work and no play makes @Romo a dull boy. Hurry back. I'm waiting.
  • @rat you don't have to understand why... it just is... hate the feeling it gave me and although I know you are right, there is a big world out there, not all of us humans have to have a hands on experience. I am pretty content with learning about different cultures thru my fine birdie friends in the nest and the few good shows on the television. So don't feel sad for me not exploring more, I am 100% happy with my lack of desire to fly all over the world and see all the wonders of the world myself.

    As for the Game Center issue, I am not sure if the screen would have helped in your initial contact or not, all I know is I have a direct contact now and that usually helps in these cases. The people I met during my visit at Rovio all really really want to do justice to all us fans and applaud any input I gave them and I plan on keeping those contacts "warm" (not sure if this saying only applies to Dutch) as I think it could benefit both us here in the Nest and Rovio.

    ...ready..... ehhh lemme think... nope! stay tuned ;p
  • @estar
    It seems that the GC problem has gone much worse since the Brass Hogs release. At the moment, on the non HD version, there is absolutely no score above 32M on the overall leaderboard. Well, I appear from time to time at 34M, but never longer than a few hours. Therefore, I believe that *any* account with a score larger than 32M is considered as suspicious, independently of the individual episode scores. This is something that could deserve being notified to your contact. There is also another issue with the GC scores: the overall mirror world score does not match at all the actual one. Mine is probably around 24M (I did not update it here, so I do not know exactly the total), but the GC gives me almost 35M (which is probably my actual non mirror world score). They obviously made some mistake with the last update. I would be happy if we could have some contact at Rovio to explain this in detail.
  • Hello @all!
    @EStar It's been soooo quiet in here, everyone has been laying low, waiting for you to come in with news hot off the presses! Sorry you're out of sorts and do hope you'll feel better soon. That airplane - pilot landed, against all odds. . but he got the sack, if I remember aright. . That thing could've hit our house!
  • @estar glad you enjoyed your trip, even though you wouldn't do it again. Each to their own.
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Nitey nite Ma
  • OB wake up, a customer! Watching the rugby today. Excellent, although Wales set a really high bar, Ireland jumped way high above, and England managed to just clear.
    I expect that OB and the Blues have no idea what I'm talking about, as will very few customers. JLZ666 will know, but won't be happy. Scotland hardly competed.
    OB vodka, rocks, lots of, no fruit (I heard a guy order that years ago in Florida, it's what I drank at the time, but never heard it ordered like that before)
  • Still not there guys.... sorry, waiting for some additional pictures from my contact in Finland and... yup procrastinating :p sorry

    Mister @rat I am about to email the info about the Game Center ban.. do you have a picture in your album with the crazy score? I did see you GC name, so I have that to pass on, but not sure if the Pig Dipper image in your album is the crazy score. Let me know :D
  • @tompuss LOL I think it will be lukewarm at best, but I am doing my best to sort everything in my head so the story will make sense... hate to make you all read an incoherent report. I planned on doing it today, but like always stuff got in the way and I didn't have all the photos I wanted to guide me thru writing it all. I do feel a lot better today, so my guess is I am almost back to normal... that is... what would be normal for crazy me ;)
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