The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2493
  • Sglouk hahahaha I actually did know that… but forgot that I did, thanks for jogging that memory. also a strange "nice" name for such a device of torture huh? LOL @tompuss those are some pretty heavy weapons!

    @hunnybunny I have a feeling you might be right, this will open up a lot of opportunities to visit other places. The scandinavian countries were definitely on my list of places to go if we were to travel. LOL, yes so much world, so little time indeed… and money :p

    @bernersenn awww so sorry to hear the hand isn't healing more quickly! Good luck at the docs on friday!

    Mister @rat ehhhh what?!

    @wrw01 awwww Pops!! you dropped in the BP to wish me the best of times and wow! pure joy huh? Hugs and a kiss on the forehead Pops! Your messages are always a delight to read! I did get a window seat when I checked in online today, at the back of the plane, so no wings to obstruct the view of our marvelous globe. Really excited to see all the views! and I can totally see me in the child-like wondermoment of ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how beautiful!

    @tompuss you make me blush again, you are such a sweetheart! [[[hugggsss]]] and kisses hon!
  • dagnabit! a page change and I noticed @karen68 dropped in and Pops too... heading back!
  • @karen68 I am sure there will be lots and lots to tell. I am allowed to bring recording equipement with me, when and how I will be allowed to use it is unknown. But it looks like I will be able to share parts of my visit there and without a doubt I will be sharing it all with you wonderful friends! If not for all of you I wouldn't be going on this amazing adventure!

    You noticed the wrw02 to huh? I had to check twice to be sure our sweet ill Pops wasn't lost and created a new one. But I doubt @wrw01 would list himself as living in Vietnam LOL
  • @estar
    @rat was complaining about the fact that Rovio/Apple Game Center did some effort to remove cheaters from the Game Center leaderboard, which was a good idea. Unfortunately, because of the infamous Pig Dipper S-15 level glitch, Rat's score on this episode was so high (> 10M) that he was tagged as a probable cheater, and removed from the leaderboard (and he was not alone among good flingers!). Of course we all know that we deserve more credit to be on top of ABN leaderboard than on top of GC one, but still Rat is unhappy to have disappeared from that one. I had started a discussion here on ABN about this a few months ago. You may find it somewhere.
  • Sorry @Estar. I should have given you more info on why Rovio/Game Center doesn't list me as the leader in Space. They consider me a score hacker because my score on Pig Dipper S-15 is so high. (7.6 million) Others with high S-15 scores have been reinstated after contacting Rovio but for some reason mine was not. Don't go to any trouble as it doesn't really bother me.
    Did you say you are going to Finland tomorrow or next Thursday? I'm jealous. I know you will enjoy your first flight and the visit.
  • Sorry about the duplication @Estar. I didn't see @Sglouk had answered the question. Thanks for looking out for me @Sglouk.
  • @rat The biggest problem for you would be that someone uses an old version of the game to fling, say, a 10M score and get ahead of you!
  • @rat I know why I'm not even challenging top spot in Brass Hogs. There's levels I like (read: I can do) and levels I just can't make head or tails of.
    And those luck / time based, wait four hours, ****** levels. Ugh!

    I also have conjunctivitis at present. Not a good look (and I'm a very vain Bunny) Eyelids nearly stuck together, can beardy type, let alone fling

    @estar Scandavania is indeed worth visiting, but if your pocket is empty, don't try Norway. A couple of pizzas, a glass of wine and a small beer will cost about 50 euros / 45 dollars. An extra sprinkling of Parmesan cheese another six euros. Its a beautiful country despite its prices!

    @wrw01 what a beautiful description of flying
  • Ahhh makes more sense now indeed, thanks @sglouk and Mister @rat for explaining it. Not sure where the issue resides, with Rovio or Apple. I won't make a big deal out of it, but if it does come up in conversation I will be sure to ask about it.

    @hunnybunny WoW how much?! pfieeeuw even if my pockets could handle that I am not sure I would wanna :p

    I am going to finish up here and get ready for bed. We fly off just before noon, so we do need to set the alarm, but luckily not at an alarmingly early time. night night my lovely birdie friends!
  • @Hunnybunny thanks

    @estar just and FYI, I have been deleted from Game Center for Star Wars 2 for a 60-80 million post so if mentioned ahhhhh, let is go. You could tell them that I am not a cheat in game play but did have level had a glitch which I let run overnight because I had too many beers...ok, I know what you are going to say...ha, ha.
  • Good morning to you @all.
    I'm overwhelmed about the best wishes here, want to thank you all.
    @estar @karen68 @tompuss @rat @mvnla2 @kathy @hunnybunny you are all special.
    I can report that the 'red of the inflammation' (hope I am saying this right) is becoming light pink, so hope is coming back.
    @mvnla2 my score in the Pig Days shows again that luck sometimes is better than skills. It was my 8th of 9th retry when I reached the score. After this I tried several times but couldn't get in the neighborhood of my own score.

    @all I'll keep you informed, @Rat don't worry, things will be back to normal.
  • 'Gosh I've been awol for too long - OB a large G&T please while I try and catch up! '

    Mumsie reads back two pages and jumps up in excitement Estar is going flying!!! As OB mutters "so is your G&T! - i'll get you another!" Mumsie realises that there is lemon in her hair and ice cubes all over the table after she had knocked OB's tray but who cares!
    Have huuugggee amounts of fun and enjoy everything! Flying, Finland and the fab visit to Rovio.
    @bernersenn - so sorry to hear that the hand is still bad - hate to suggest it but do they need to take a look see inside to see if there is a foreign body that is causing the repeat infection? Or to take a swab so that they can target the bug with the appropriate antibiotic? Do hope your visit to the doc tomorrow brings some hope of a swift recovery.
    @tompuss - your videos are amazing - I never need to go prowling to find a good one I just need to pop in here. Hope you are feeling better - OB a little of whatever @tompusses tipple is on my tab please.
    @wrwo1 and @karen68 how lovely to see you - I am slowly getting my real life back under control so hoping that my virtual one will reassert itself soon!
    @rat - hope Mrs Rat is taking good care of you and hopefully the weather is less chilly to enable some longer flinging time during nictotine refills
    @Kathy (((hugs)))
    @hunnybunny - conjunctivitis yeuk! Bathing with cooled boiled water with salt in - one wipe per cotton wool ball - (mmmmm don't white rabbits often have pink eyes?)

    Hi @mvlna - been playing golf recently - I went out on Tuesday long game was ok but couldn't buy a putt!! Ruined my card!

    Hi @sglouk - sorry not sure we've met but as I am old we may have done and I've just forgotten!
    'What's that OB? No don't bring my rocking chair and basket of wool out of the stockroom just yet - I will try my best to pop in more often but......... Anyway drinks for all in my tab! '
  • @mumsie -- Good to see you, and great that you've been able to squeeze some golf in. I hate to remind you, but in golf they don't have IAPs, and you can't buy a put. If it's a friendly game, you can beg your opponents for a gimme, though.
  • @mumsie I am unsure we already met, so it is a real plasure. Glad to see that you have time to be here.
    @wrw01 I might be wrong, but it seems to me that your alphabetical neighbour, user wrw02, spends most of his time here posting suspicious scores and suspicious picture proofs to quickly get badges.
  • @mumsie lovely to see you, even if your rocker and basket of wool are not yet out of the store cupboard. Glad to report that the conjunctivitis is so much better, even though my left eye looks likes it's been hit by a cricket ball. And this bunny has blue eyes, albeit surrounded by red at present. Still not a good look!

    @estar hope Finland and the Rovio conference is sooo good you've not had time to post

    Anyone like ballet? Just back from Matthew Bourne's Edward Scissorhands. Weird, but weird ballet is right up my street....

  • @hunnybunny -- Love ballet, but not sure about Matthew Bourne.
  • Night Pa!♡
  • Good night Ma
  • Hi @all!
    @mumsie So happy to see you back! And thanks for the compliment (and the Becherovka on ice) - good to know I do something right, cos I'm a very mediocre flinger, average at best, and below most of the time. .

    @hunnybunny Me too, my eyes are a real mess right now, they make me look as if I were living a life of dissipation (chance'd be a fine thing!). . TG for shades!
    and @mvnla too: Ballet: friends saw Bourne's Swan Lake with all-male cast - loved it! Here's a trailer:

    @bernersenn Glad to hear you're "in the pink" and hope it's all cleared up soon.

    @JLZ666 What's the Ham Dunk level you can get only one star on? Is it 2? I've tried so hard and can't get more. Also 2⭐⭐only on levels 9, 12 and 13. . .
  • Hi @tompuss Yep it's HD level 2 that's the problem child. Levels 9 and 13 were IMO set ludicrously high and level 12 is luck of the bounce I'm afraid. Good luck with them all,especially level 2 ;(
  • @mvnla @tompuss
    Two "pas de quatre" from Swan Lake
    Matthew Bourne
  • I've seen the Bolshoi Swan Lake in St. Petersburg ( only the up and coming dancers, but excellent )
    But never seen the Matthew Bourne version. At present its touring Australia and China. A long way to go.......
  • *deep breath......sniff.....sob.....exhaaaaaaaale*
    NTS....Don't have a glass of wine after a long,tiring day then watch BBC Comic Relief "Red nose day"
    Incredibly funny and heartbreakingly sad. After just spending a stupid £60 in Tesco on let's be honest,utter junk,my guilty heart has just gave way. The charities that ached the most were for the elderly and alone in the UK and the hungry and destitute in Africa. I've seen those beautiful children in Africa and spent time a long time caring for my Grandmother so the tears are flowing.
    Jeez I hate but love this night.
    Can we just for one minute realise how bloody lucky we all are?
    BTW Daniel Craig as James Bond has just delivered a hilarious skit! Well worth a watch but nobody has posted it on YouTube yet. Please keep an eye open for a brilliantly funny 5mins!!
    Are you watching @hunnybunny @mumsie42?
  • @jlz666 HWDNF has complete control of the tweaky thingy. And would never watch. But he's just gone to bed, so hankies to the ready!
  • Yes indeedy! Wish I had shares in Kleenex!
  • Hope this works. It's were I live
  • *hands out hankies*
    I'm going to bed with serious sinus issues :(
    There's an even better skit involving Stephen Hawkings.... Brilliant!
    Beautiful flyover @hunnybunny!
    Hey @mumsie....GNGB XXXX
  • @hunnybunny @tompuss -- I guess I'm just a traditionalist. I know who Matthew Bourne is, but I don't like anything I've seen so far. Haven't seen Edward Scissorhands, but hate his version of Swan Lake.
    Not sure that "pas de quatre" from the Bolshoi is going to convince anyone, but I like the classical version very, very much better. The video of the Bolshoi is obviously very old, and it is surprising how emaciated those ballerinas look! Amazing they can get through the whole dance.
  • Night Pa
  • sorry i haven't read up all..busy day stressful night. wakes and other crap.
    more to come tommorow :(
    I'll try to catch up .. but be assured i do read all but can't reply to all
    nighty night
  • @AMSlimfordy @all -- Happy Pi Day! Rovio seems to have missed this one. OB, please serve everyone a piece of the pies I brought in. They are all handmade, and not by me, so they should be excellent. All made with fresh fruit. Topped with homemade vanilla ice cream, for those who want it.
  • Mrs Bunny wakes up OB (again) My usual, please
    Just one comment @TomPuss hope your eyes are better. (People of of delicate disposition, don't read any further!)
    Mine have gone past the green slugs crawling out of them, the grainy sandy feeling behind the eyeball, waking up with the left eye the size of a cricket ball, stuck together by dried up green slugs. Yuk. yuk. Yuk!
    I now have scaley lizard eye. With skin peeling everywhere. Still yuk!
  • Yum yum @mvnla I just helped myself, I had 3.14159 portions of pie!
  • @Hunnybunny -- You should have had a small tad more!
    @all @estar -- Has anyone heard from EStar about her trip. I looked at the twitter accounts of the visitors mentioned in a Rovio tweet. Very "interesting" bunch of people! EStar may feel she's gone through the looking glass, or down the rabbit hole or both!
  • @mvnla2 that's as many bites of pi I can manage!
  • @hunnybunny -- Shouldn't it be bits?
  • @Mvnla2 - Shouldn't it be digits?
  • It's Mother's Day in the UK (or Mothering Sunday, I think its called, in the US)
    OB get out the best stuff, and raise a glass to my mother in law (I baked her a cake) my mother who died three years ago (but still lives in the wardrobe! Her ashes were placed there until she was sprinkled in a bluebell wood. I still speak to her, in the wardrobe)

    And all mothers, everywhere.....

  • @mvnla2 @rat bits / digits? I wouldn't know the next in line without googling it, or perhaps I just bite the pi
  • Well Happy Mother's day to all those Mums in the U.K.
    *Clink* to your Mum in the bluebell wood @hunnybunny !
    Cheers to all mums *clink* just said goodbye to a wonderful Mom my daughter's Nana on her father's side May she Rest in Peace
  • "Clink" to @kathy's daughters nana

    And, of course, @mumsie very own Mumsie, who sadly passed away recently
  • Yes *clink * to @Mumsie mum
  • @mvnla2 no word from our marvelous star ..i think Rovio loved her so much they kept her:/
    Can you possibly send me that link ? I looked on twitter but something i think went amiss with my account, I've lost a few that i was following.
  • Clink to all mums past or present! May as well celebrate 2 mothers' days, they deserve it.
    @Hunnybunny -- I think it's 3.14159, (maybe 3.1415964153???) I didn't cheat [as you can tell, because it's wrong after the 9. I used to know it to 10 or 12 significant figures way back in the day when you had to enter the number by hand in Fortran programs. Got to go look now.
    @Kathy -- On the monitor chatter page in the right column, there is a tweet from BL that will lead you to the list of people and their twitter accounts.
    [Edit] -- So much for memory. The 9 is correct, but the rest not. Should be
    3.141592653897924.... The only similarity with my faulty memory is the 53. Gaah! It doesn't even look familiar beyond the 9.
  • Oh o.k thanks @mvnla2 :)
  • Hi my dear birdy friends! I am back!! Sorry i haven't checked in sooner but the trip was for sure a TRIP! first we (yes both me and my husband) discovered that the reasons we never were the traveling kind was... We HATE flying! Totally surprised by the feeling as I was shooting a video of the take off, my stomach decided to stay on the ground and slingshot back up again stuck in my throat for the whole 2:30 hrs flight. Hubby has fear of heights in a way not by looking down but by looking up towards a very tall building, same feeling one gets on a roller coaster, which I love but he doesn't AT ALL. So for him it was a roller coaster ride from hell that was 2:30hrs long. But anyway, we got there and enjoyed the rest of the day and evening in Helsinki. The next day was the BIG day, Rovio really planned a GREAT day, filled with tons of information and insights into the how and why they come up and produce what they do. We got to see the different departments and got a look behind the scenes of it all. Which was amazing too. All of Rovio are super friendly, no matter who you are or what you do. Even got to chat with Stephen Hed (co founder), not nearly long enough, but he was really interested in the Nest and told me they look very closely to different kinds of threads, but is planning on making the communication between the birdies in the Nest and Rovio. Actually they all were super happy with me coming (and there I was super stoked with their invited, so yeah for the both of us). The night ended at 1AM in a bar :p
    Such a fun day, Not going to report on it just now, I am thinking of writing a post so everyone can see. But need to find my bearings first before I try and fetch all that info from my over excited, nervous and anxious brain cells.

    I am actually writing this as we are in the air on our way back, just as a diversion. It seems the flight back is a lot better for me, we have wind in the back so we will be arriving 10 minutes early so yeahhh! So maybe the way to Finland the wind was stronger? Also booked a seat in the middle instead at the back, maybe that causes everything to be less intense?! Who knows... But still... NEVER going to fly again! We will just take the train next time, just 33hrs :p (but not kidding, we probably will!).

    Yesterday we spend in Helsinki, which is a great city, but unfortunately due to the end of winter, the grit they use to prevent slipping of the cars is all over the cars and building, so it all looks pretty grey and dirty. But lots of different streets with little shops and the food is (even tough pretty expensive) our kind of food.

    Today was supposed to be a day looking at the seaside of Helsinki, buttttttttt plans got a but ehhhh F£#%^#ed while gathering everything in our hotel room, the last check... The ID card... Is in my inside pocket of my jacket... It isn't ?! Face turning red... Yup ID card is gone!!!! We searched the luggage 3 times, the whole hotel room 2 times, went to the reception to ask if someone found it... Nope... Lady at the Reception was super friendly and called the Dutch ambassade, they told us to call the airline to ask if I could travel without one, because we are part of European countries. But the lady of the airline told that we needed to report it missing. The lady of the reception knew there is a police station next to the airport. So we went to the airport way ahead of schedule to get it all sorted. So no visiting the seaside :(( arrived at the airport, walked 10 minutes to find the building where the police should be... Only a doorbell with an intercom. I explained my story and she said she was sorry, but they don't handle these kinds of things... We have to go to vantaa centre to the police station... 30 minutes with bus (we just dropped 45 euro for our cab ride from the hotel to the airport, so kinda didn't want to spend even more. But even by cab it would have been 20 minutes or so) no clue how long that would take, so we decided to ask FinnAir if I could travel without and she told me there are no checks on the flight between our countries. I remembered the flight to Finland not having any check of ID either, so decided to take the risk. Luckily I took a picture of our IDs a couple of weeks ago and those were still on the camera. Anyway... Nervous like crazy to begin with and this topped it all of... But we got thru without any trouble, pfieeeeeuw. Not to afraid of any checks back home, because I will be in my own country and I know my way around.

    So yeah lots of new things, impressions and excitement for me to handle, so not sure when I will be fully into gear and back with a full report, but it was amazing!

    ——> back at home right now and we didn't have any checks at the airport, so alls well that ends well :)
    Going to turn in for the night now… night night everyone!
  • @estar can't wait for the full Rovio story
    And trains are a good way to travel. You can get to the Baltic States, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the list goes on and on. And all of them less than 33 hours! Hope you try and enjoy more travelling xx
  • Welcome back to the nest @Estar. Can't wait to hear who, what, when, where, and why.
  • Woohoo She's home safe and sound!! A big Thank to Estar for representing the Nest to the big birds at Rovio !! * clink*
  • Ob can i have a SpacePigKiller please..DZ is kicking my butt..i need to Wwhhine yes i realize is only Sunday but..please?
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