The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2492
  • @TomPuss -- The video with sound does a good job explaining in laymen's terms what this is all about (at least from the perspective of a non-layman). I do expect to be able to make complete sense of the paper, but haven't had time to read it in detail yet.
    Will be sending it on to interested friends. Thanks again!
  • @mvnla2 So glad it was of interest - it'll make a change from Epic!
  • @TomPuss -- Friends who work in photonics had already seen it!
    Those who don't liked the video.
  • *E-star bounces in* Heeeeeeeeellllllloooooooooooooooooooo my lovely birdie friends!! It is me!! No I am not hyped on a sugar rush, nor have I drank all the bubblies in the cellar. But I am highhhhh as a kite... ehhh plane... eh no, I am going on a plane. Whohooo... okay need to take a deep breathe so I can make sense again.... inhale..... exhale.... ahhh better.

    For some of you this will come as a shock as they know me well enough to know me and my hubby never travel much or far for that matter. We never have flown, we always travel by train or bike. But this is all going to change next Thursday... we are going to hop on a plane to fly off to... FINLAND! and yes.... I am going to pay Rovio a visit!!! whoooohooooooo!!!

    *E-Star spreads her arms and starts making weird noises... brrrrrrr.... prrrrrrrr I am a plane hee hee*

    Okay maybe a bit too much for those that travel on a daily bases and the excitement probably isn't the flying itself... more likely it's the opportunity to visit the source of my madness, the place where the masterminds came up with the game that has made me wanna toss my iPad thru a window, made me cry in tears when I lost my progress, made me scream of sheer joy when I got that ONE highscore... in public! But it has also lead me to the Nest and all the wonderful people in it! So many friends I have made truly remarkable!

    Pfieeewww that's a relief! I didn't get the all clear to tell you all before today and I felt like a lurking inflated balloon ready to pop at any moment hahahahaha... sorry for I have not caught up with the messages in here and I know there has been a couple of things I wanted to respond to... so I am going to reread the pages and come back.... prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... prrrrrrrrrrrrttt
  • Wooooosh And She's Off lol!!
    Oh my @E-star that IS definitely exciting !!!!!°° to say the least haha ..
    I Think you've given OB quite a start as he's turned a curious shade of Really bright orange I've a never seen!
    Blues break out the Crystal .. yep bring up All the cases Is time for Celebration! !!
    Woooo Hoooo Estar going to Finland * starts dancing and spinning, singing and chanting "Estar going to Rovio Wooottt Wooot!!!! "
  • @estar this will be a well-deserved visit to Rovio! I wish I could go there as well.
  • Boy oh boy oh boy.... I am hopping from one place to another. I said I was going to reread the messages, but in the meantime I saw a note in my email from Pops I wanted to respond to and I see @kathy has opened up a bottle of Crystal! Clink! Cheers Kathy! Here is to the wonderful world of the less than happy birds!
  • ahhh thanks @Sglouk! it amazes me how many people share that thought... all but me. I still can not comprehend that little me, who flew in here almost 4 years ago, made so many friends and get so much love from all over the world. It's all of you that are wonderful! I wish I could bring you all with me!
  • *Double Clink* @Estar ..i know right @sglouk a very well deserve visit at Rovio. . wish we could all go lol.. but i can't think of a better representative of the Nest than our beloved Star☆☆
  • Midnight... no time for me to actually catch up for reals... so forgive me in advance... but I will give it a go...

    @bernersenn !! how is the hand??? Infection down yet?? Sending a dose of healthy vibes your way!
    @hunnybunny huge smile I indeed do know her! Mister Dick Bruna made him! Love what we call "Nijntje" aka Miffy.
    Mr. @Spock (he deserves an @mention right) thank you for all your wisdom and may your soul rest in peace! I loved watching Star Trek and all the spin offs (if that is the right word for it)
    @TomPuss you are always a such a pleasure to see pop in the BP. Sorry I haven't had a chance to look at all the videos you posted, but when I do I know where to find them. How are you holding up?? kills me to see such a vibrant lady in such pain she needs to stay in bed. Feel better soon sweet TomPuss
    @JLZ of course we have our "little" notes in other locked corners of the nest (read PM), but you never told me you ate in the dinner of Abby! WOW and the first thing that popped in my head was that amazing picture of TomPuss rocking that black umbrella Abby style. How cool is that! As for the glitch, I feel your pain! I don't play on the iPhone, so no clue if the glitch isn't there. Maybe try to play a while without the internet?! I have no evidence this actually helps, but I do feel like Big Birdy is watching me all the time, laughing is behind off when I can get it to work. So I just close the curtains (read turn of the wifi) and play in secrecy ;)
  • Mwaaah @kathy you always make me smile and I love them Star Icons! I wish I could use them, but the apple emoticons aren't working on this website... or so I think. In the PM's they make whole messages disappear after using one of the emoticon.
  • I wish I could stay a little longer, but in order for me to have the time off on Thursday I need to get all my work done before Wednesday afternoon and although it has been slow goings lately, the clients decided to come in all at the same time... go figure right :/ But not complaining as every bit of work is a good thing to keep the business afloat. I wish you a marvelous afternoon/evening/night !
  • ahhh @Estar.. lost a few pm' s that way hee hee using my iconz..who knew?
    Get some rest ((((((hugs))))) Sweet Dreams. . I'm sure I'll se you before you fly off♡☆☆
  • Yes @bernersenn How is the hand? I'm sorry i hsve not popped in lately to catch up:(
    real life and lots of flinging going on. I've made 3rd place in BH and ty for your help. . now when you get flinging again i expect you'll catch up! !
  • @estar When you see Rovio's people, don't forget to ask them why they removed two pairs of maces in Cosmic Crystals 7-5?
  • lol @sglouk !! good question..jjeez i could think of a few..hhee hee..llike why aren't the same versions available on free and premium space? you'd think the paid version would be updated first or at least the same time:/
    I'm sure estar probably will be so blown away she won't be asking to many questions lol.
    just being there in Awe that she's even there! haha.
  • @EStar -- WTG! A trip to Rovio! Wow! Is this a reward for being the marvelous E-Star? How did you manage to get invited?
    Are you getting a special VIP tour?
  • @EStar -- If you feel like asking questions that will probably guarantee you won't get invited back, here are a couple, both having to do with Epic:
    1) Does Rovio intend to fix the arena so people cannot cheat? The latest update fixed some of the ways to cheat, but by no means all.
    2) Is Rovio going to get rid of the intentional "backup" for filling arena leagues that creates "ghost" competitors who "compete" in a lower league when they are actually playing in a higher league, and thus can get more points for winning a battle?
  • Hi @mvnla2 * clink* raise a glass to Our Estar of the nest;) On the house of course:)
    jeez i haven't attempted Epic yet sounds like i may not if there are so many issues.
    I'm sure there are a ton of questions we would love Estar to ask but your probably right in that guarantees she wouldn't be invited back:/
    to bad we couldn't put together a list from members of the Nest and somehow submitting it ourselves?
  • @Kathy @EStar -- Forgot to toast E-Star. Clink!
    As for Epic, it is currently only the arena that has major problems, the rest is OK, I think.
    Don't know how to send more that a tweet's worth of questions to Rovio management.
  • I wouldn't know where to begin to do that either @mvnla2 i rarely use twitter lately, and if i do ask a question i get the standard "we will look into that" answer:/
  • my most want to know the answer is Why do Ios users seem to hsve an advantage over android! but hey is only a game and is obviously attracted all of us. and i wouldn't trade for anything the friendships and bonds that we've all created over the years!
    i Just hope Rovio realizes that without the Nest i think many of us would have finished each episode and been done. The Nest has definitley kept many Rovio customers interested i believe; )
  • Night @Pa ..
  • Night night @kathy, sweet dreams!
    Goodmorning people, just a quick pop in before work. @sglouk hee hee, no clue about what you are talking.... Maces? Hmmm have to google that word because I don't have that on in my english to dutch brains dictionary ;) as for asking all kinds of questions, I am sure I will have the oppurtunity, but as Kathy already mentioned, not sure how much I will remember when stepping in the amazing HQ of Rovio haha
    @mvnla2 it's an offline event for a selected few people and I get to go to represent the Nest. Guess it pays off to be in europe as for the guys a trip would mean probably 20 hrs of flying there and back again and you know how busy the guys are, so it made sense :)
    As for you epic questions, as mentioned, not sure if I will even remember any, but epic is one of the games that I have absolutely no clue about, so even if I were to remember, I am not sure I wanna go there, knowing I wouldn't understand a thing if they were to answer the question.
  • Off to ride my bike to work, sleep tight my Other side of the pond friends! And good morning to those that just wake up!
  • @estar it was not a very important question (by "mace", I meant something like this: ; there are many such spicky things on this level, but they then reduced their number, which prevents from getting good score as compared to previous versions).

    But I really wonder why, from time to time, Rovio people slightly change some level design without any obvious glitch in them. Something that could be interesting is to know some of us at ABN could have someone to talk to when we notice some issue with one of their game.
  • @TomPuss I love the story and the picture of the wings. What a sweet idea to do!! [[huggs]]] I will sure try to takes as much pictures as I am allowed!

    @Sglouk ahhhh yes I know why you referred to mace, they do look like that indeed. I always thought of them as space mines. Fun fact (or so I think it is LOL) we Dutchie call that weapon a "Goeiedag" which also means a "Good day" in our language... Not sure if there are any words with similar writing that couldn't be further apart in meaning. Because I don't think the weapon will bring a pleasant day for sure ;)
    hmmm... I understand it isn't that important, but I have to say you triggered a ... why indeed?? in my brain and I think I would love to know the answer as well. Why does Rovio go back to old levels and rearrange them when there is nothing really wrong. Taking out a glitch I can understand, but taking out random pieces is a curious thing.
  • @estar Well in English, I think that such things can be called "morning stars", although I do not know whether it is closer to a mace or a flail (i.e., whether or not there is a chain between the spiky thing and the rest). No idea why it is called that way.
  • Good evening to you @all.
    @estar @kathy the hand is still infected. Got my fourth Antibiotics. It was almost gone, till the infections - they were almost gone - became larger and more red. Still estreme tired from all those pills. Thanks for asking. This friday back to the doc, this saturday this shit is going on for 4 weeks. It's though to handle the Ipad, so very less flinging. But, I'll be back. OB, serve these guys whatever they want.
  • Wow @Estar A trip to Rovio! And Finland is a great place, although I've only been there once. And you might just like flying. And do it again. So much world, so little time...
    @bernersenn please get better soon, I'm sure you will, missing you in Brass Hogs. The BP crowd need you xx
  • @kathy amazing flinging in Brass Hogs! WTG girl!
  • @rat got another top score for you to beat, as you will.......
  • @hunnybunny me too miss you guys. Started the Brass Hogs, came till #2 with 2 stars! The only games I can play at this time are the challenge and a new pig days - when this is released. But all of this not that long as I wished. As I said before, I will return. I will and must
  • Thanks @hunnybunny Believe me i flung my heart out lol.
    @sglouk Wow is really strange you said maces sometime referred to as 'Morning stars'
    i Had never heard that term used until recently while listening to my new favorite series of books by R A. Salvatore of Dwarfs and Dragons and such folklore!
    @bernersenn Oohh jeez 4 Weeks now of antioboitics and .minimum flinging:(
    all drink for you on the house till you heal.. hope it starts healing quicker soon..aww my friend i feel so bad:(
  • @sglouk a mace is closer to A morning star than a flail. .
    a flail is an 8 foot pole (stick) that can be broken down into 2 or 4 parts attached also by chains or can be used as in whole. so 3 weapons in one 8' ,2 four foot lengths or 4 2 foot lengths. also can be used in a way as to fold the 2 four foot sections in half to be used as a walking stick.
    not sure i got that right but is the idea ;)

    That is in accordance with the book i am listening to..
  • @bernersenn -- 4 weeks! How awful! Feel better soon and come back to flinging and the BP. OK, I did see your post in the Pig Days, and from the score, one wouldn't know that you're still hurting. Didn't check the average today, but yesterday it actually went down, so my latest score was close, but still under.
    @EStar -- Have a great trip! Sample some traditional Finnish food for us. Are you going to stay more than a day?
  • It's scary that you know that much about a flail Ma.
    @bernersenn You're beginning to worry me. Get better soon.
    How are you not in first place with all your top scores Mrs. Bunny? Great flinging. Speaking of great flinging, has anyone else noticed that @Ma is about to take over Brass Hogs? Keep on flingin' Ma.
    @Estar If you get a chance. Ask Rovio why they won't allow the "King of Space" to have his scores displayed on Game Center.
  • Night Pa♢
  • haha i missed that above note @rat9 i know a little something bout' a lot of things... or is it i know much about nothing lol?? whatever i only know from my book. reading opens a whole new avenue of learning..ever heard of T.S. ahh what's his name famous writer think that was one of his quotes. .ssomething like that. .
    Nighty Night ♡
  • @Ma Were you referring to this quote by T. H. Huxley?
    "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."

    Night Ma
  • @bernersenn Four weeks. . you must be exhausted! Here's another Swiss airplane video to cheer you up (I hope). No snow this time, but very pretty. Get well soon (((vibes)))!

    Swiss Airbus A330 and Patrouille Suisse flyby:

  • @kathy, @sglouk, @EStar Yes, they are morningstars! Here they are along with more evil medieval weapons - knock yourselves out! (or not). . .
    @EStar, maybe show Rovio this, it might give them some ideas, lol -:)
  • @estar
    Congrats on being selected to go to Rovio. I am delighted for you. Hope you will be permitted to share the details of what the event entailed. Maybe a new game or set of games, who knows but it is exciting to speculate. Have a wonder time!

    More importantly, enjoy yourself with your first plane ride. Flying is magical. It is like reading a fairy tale or watching a movie. If one permits it takes you away from the reality of being on the ground and provides a new world to enjoy. When you take off, go through the clouds, see the mountains or the earth below it just presents the child-like wonderment of "ah" about the world we live in and everything you can observe. For me it is like a magnet that keeps drawing you towards it. I had the opportunity of fly two small planes with the pilot who let me take over the controls and it was magical. I was a 100k member when I worked international, for a few years, and the process of flying and what you observe from the sky has never ceased to amaze me even after all these years. Observing the earth from high is just one of those natural "highs" of life. Enjoy it as I know you will!!!!
  • yep Pa that's it:)
  • @kathy
    estar = pure joy
  • @wrw01 You're so right, she's wonderful, and our guardian angel too ❤ ❤ ❤
  • Wow @E-star that's amazing, visiting Rovio.. I hope you have an amazing time! Love to hear all about it, whatever you can share when you return.
    @bernersenn sorry to hear your hand is still giving you so much trouble. I hope it will get cleared up for good soon, so you can get back to your excellent flinging.
    I know it's Wednesday, but I didn't hear any whining yesterday so if OB doesn't mind I'm going to whine a bit now. The most recent Pig Days level is sending me round the bend. Can't even make average. Whhhiiiinnneee....
    And has anyone noticed there's a new Nester calling himself "wrw02" - I assume this isn't the one-and-only original @wrw01 creating another profile for himself?
    OB a large coffee to go - have a great Wednesday everyone :)
  • @karen68
    Ha, Ha, just what I need another profile, cannot deal with the electronic one I have now. It is not me or anyone that I know to my knowledge at the writing of this post.
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