The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2489
  • Anyone there?
  • It's been a long time @iamMighty.

    Good scores on Brass Hogs @Fenikus. @Ma isn't going to be happy you bumped her down a notch.
  • @Rat Hey,nice to see you here. Yeah,been a pretty long time now. Have to manage between work and home. Haven't flung also for a while now.
  • How are the others doing? @kathy,@mvnla2,@sunshine,@estar?
  • @iamMighty Good, I think. I've been out of sorts myself.
  • @IamMighty -- Doing fine; hope you are as well. Your time zone makes you part of the "night crew", which definitely doesn't include me. You didn't ask about @rdnzlrips82, but I would guess you're in contact with him anyway. He hasn't been in the BP much, but I think is doing well. Rovio is keeping those of us who do still fling pretty busy. Right now I'm trying to get above average in Seasons Slam Dunk.
  • hahaha Sign me up for that psych eval @kelani … I made most of the Mirror level vids (180 of the 250) and I did the Brass Hogs. Not sure if the colored version is making it easier or not, but I found Rovio to be diabolical for sure in plenty of levels in the Mirror world. So glad that was over, but now the mind is playing tricks with me… do I finish the remaining 70 levels in the Mirror world to make it a complete set in the leaderboards here or not… will get back on that LOL

    @Fenikus going back and forth with your .lua files isn't wrong imo… people have done it before for that same purpose (santa hat glitch and using an older version of the app) and loads of people do it when they get a new device. So I think you are good :D

    @mvnla2 it took me loads and loads of time before I got the glitch to happen, I thought it was impossible too, but persistence paid off, but just barely… 169k of the needed 163k not nearly the millions the other Slam Dunk badge holders had. @karen68 got it too btw, she got a whopping 170k… so maybe the iPad or iOS7 users can only get the mini glitch?
    I tried to go to iOS8 today, asking my husband about it and (bless him) he tested it on his own iPad Mini. Unfortunately the Jailbreak isn't ready for the newly just updated iOS 8.something… so glad he tested it on his own iPad, otherwise I would have lost my recording capabilities :( So guess I have to wait until the little geniuses have made a new Jailbreak before I can hop over to the new iOS.

    Mister @rat that is a sweet collection of floating blues… it made me smile, thanks!

    Hi @iammighty Long time no see! I am doing fine, flying all over the place per usual, but loving it :D thanks for asking, How about you?
  • @iammighty wow it's been a long time - nice of you to pop in! And you got a page change on your visit :)

    @Estar you have my undying admiration for doing all those Mirror World videos, plowing through all of those in such a short time would have put me in the loony bin for sure. I'm only playing a few here & there for missions but there have been some tough ones. Thank goodness you got through them first.

    So do the missions continue after you open all the levels? I still only have 28 levels open, I haven't seen a 10 point mission in a while. Unfortunately when I get one it's always a level where my score is already really high, or impossible like when I had to beat my score on DZ-4. At this rate it will be weeks before I get level 30 open.

    @mvnla2 I got the "mini-glitch", like @Estar for 170k, and it was on a 1st gen ipad (iOS5). I would guess it took me a few hours all together to get it going, however briefly. Not easy at all.

    Hope everyone is having a happy hump day :D
  • @karen68 -- You continue to get missions after you open all levels. Someone said you get Space Eagles if you complete your daily missions, but I haven't tried since I opened all of them.
    As for 10 point missions, you might have better luck if you play more of the mirror world levels. Not sure, but it seemed to me that there are 3 types of missions for mirror levels: Complete level (only if you haven't); get 3* (only if you haven't and have completed it); and improve your score (only if you have 3*. I found the mirror world to be quite challenging, but fun (well, most of the time).
    @estar -- I am having a great deal of problems getting above average in Slam Dunk, and it turns out there are 2 levels I haven't even 3*'d yet. Your videos have been a tremendous help. Some of your shots are incredible, and way beyond my skill or patience. Would love to know how many attempts it took you to get some of those shots to work!
  • Hey @all

    Grounded by hip problem *ouch*. . . so just popping in with a quickie playlist

    This gives a whole new meaning to the term "cat-house":

    A scenic place in Wales for peace and quiet:

    Lovely song from Maná and Shakira:

    Force of gravity:

    These Guys Pour Paint On A Stage And Let Gravity Do Its Thing

    @kelani, glad you're back, this one is for you:
    2cellos and Lang Lang having fun with "Live and let die" theme music:

    Speed-dating with a difference:

    This Professional Stunt Driver Takes Speed-Dating To A Whole New Level

    Love (((hugz))) & purrs
  • @Estar I glad it made you smile. I really had no idea that was a power-up. It scared me when it happened. I don't use those things, ever.

    Don't feel bad @Karen68. I don't have all my missions done yet either.

    @TomPuss Forget the $50,000 they spent on the renovations for those cats. The food, litter, and vet bill have got to be a budget killer. lol
  • @karen
    yes, mission continue after you got 360pts and unlocked all levels. Each extra 10pts then award you one PU bundle + 7 space eagles. This means that you wil have the possibility to feather any level rather quickly without purchasing any space eagle.

    Btw congrats for stealing my Top Score on today's challenge.
  • @sglouk thanks, & sorry about the top score... you should try to take it back! I'm surprised there aren't more puppies being won today.

  • @karen68 Today's challenge was weird. I always have a wild fling before looking at walkthroughs or indeed thinking. Shot straight on, amazing blue fuzzy rock stuff going everywhere, made 116k, first try. Can't get close now...

    @tompuss driving through Snowdonia a few years ago, one of those planes, at 180 degrees, suddenly appeared around the edge of the mountain that I was driving towards. Took my breath away! Absolutely amazing.
  • @karen68
    So am I. It had not taken me a large amount of time to get this one, and I had actually said on the walkthrough page that it was undeserved that I got it so easily.
  • @TomPuss and anyone who loves planes. When I was working I used to fly into RAF Angelsey and if I was lucky would see
    I counted twenty nine Hawks, but there may have been more. They do a double take off, as seen in the video, and a "touch and go" also in the video. What is not shown is two Hawks touching and going ie nearly landing, wheels touching the runway, then shooting upwards. The two in formation. WOW!!
  • Hey fellows, how's it going? Been a really long time since I've been up in here.
  • Anyone know what happened to the forums? A lot of them have been down the last day or so. Says they have taken a vacation to Rio, but I know better. Reformatting? Quality control? Any word?
  • Goodmorning Bill, great to see you pop in! I am on my way to work right now, guess you are snug a sleep right? Can you specify which forums are on vacation? I could check it out for you.

    @karen68 and @mvnla2 awww why thanks, it's what I like to do best, help my fellow flingers the best that I can! I am currently dragging my feet with the Finn Ice levels as the scores are pretty high and getting a good score is harddddd. But I am sure I will be done before next advent :p

    Mister @rat LOL hahaha I can almost picture your face when you tried that PU. I hate them but Rovio did put in a lot of work to make it interesting to watch though. I had to try them all out for the missions and it was kinda fun to watch. Still won't use them, but entertaining for sure :)

    Well it is a lovely sunny day for a change so I am off to ride my bike to work. See you guys later!
  • @Bill -- Great to see you again. I ran across a post that had gone to Rio, but no forums. It only said gone to Rio, when I asked to update a window that was open. When I opened it in a new window, it was OK. This was the walkthrough post on the new Bad Piggies.
  • Hello @everyone!
    Sorry I've been MIA lately, but real life has been keeping me busy, and with @kelani away I had to keep tabs on the B&R page. Hopefully he'll be back soon.

    How've you all been? Looks like I missed a lot going on around here. It'll take me some time to read back all of these pages!

    In the meantime, go and check out the new Underdog badges that were just awarded:

    Now, to go back and catch up on some reading...

    Happy flinging!
  • Oh, almost forgot...

    Some sad news, Leonard Nimoy passed away today. :(

    "Live Long and Prosper"
  • @SweetP -- Yeah, sad about Mr. Spock. The restaurant where I had lunch today had "Live Long and Prosper" on their chalk board, with no further info. Guess they thought anyone who cared would know why it was there. I had already heard the news; apparently he lived in Bel Air (a wealthy section of LA, for those that don't know).
  • Thanks for the pic @hunnybunny. I'm a Trekkie, too! Didn't care too much for the STNG series, but at least it provided me with enough sci-fi to keep me happy.
  • @sweetp I love TNG, DS9, and Voyager. They always show a couple of episodes somewhere on British TV, mid afternoon. If there's nothing else to do, an hour watching a Ferrengi or two ain't the worst thing I've ever done :-)))))
  • Great picture @hunnybunny. When I was a kid Star Trek was on every day after school & I never missed it. Still love it so many years later. And we have the same now, TNG & Voyager are on every afternoon. I enjoyed TNG, but never really got into the others.
    I'll miss Mr. Spock :(
    Seems a lot of flingers love their sci-fi!
  • @sweetp I thought you'd morphed into @kathy then, rolling around on the floor laughing...
  • @Estar, You have my sincere thanks, too, for all of the videos you've made. I've referenced them a lot lately to get through the Space Mirror challenges!

    Regarding the new Underdog badges, I think they're a great idea but I'm curious if it was the intention to hand out four separate underdog badges to @Karen68, five to @Comex666, etc? I thought the idea was proposed as a promotion system, rather like the regular ranking badges... that you'd graduate from a standard Underdog badge to a bronze one, and eventually platinum. I appreciate how much time it takes to win the Daily challenge 10+ times, but displaying up to five separate Underdog badges in a Nester's profile seems excessive :-)
  • Live Long and Prosper in your afterlife Mr. Spock
    *cclink* to all the BP trekiies !!
  • @sweetp i like the idea of the new underdog badges! and the email notification thing as well")
  • @all -- Got to admit I'm not a trekkie, but I worked with so many, some of it rubbed off.
  • "Future Star Trek movies...won't be the same...without...that them." recent quote from William Shatner.
  • Night Pa♢
  • Goodbye, Mr. Spock: Leonard Nimoy Passes Away At 83

  • @TomPuss, I never knew original Star Trek got cancelled after only 3 seasons! They did make a lot of episodes (30 in S1, 26 S2, 24 S3) so that must be why it seemed the show aired longer. Personally, I was a bigger fan of Next Generation…Captain Picard rules! "Make it so, #1"
  • Did anyone watch Star Trek: Enterprise series with Scott Bakula? I watched Deep Space Nine and some of Voyager episodes but never even knew Enterprise series existed...
  • Hi BP! Long time no see, the school's been keeping me quite busy for the last few weeks, but at least it's actually quite interesting - unlike high school :)

    I've only seen a few random episodes of Star Trek ... but I'm a big fan of Star Wars and several other movies/shows, and can imagine how it feels. Must be a great loss for you trekkies :(
    Anyway ... seems Mr. Spock lived long and prospered, and now he might already be boldly going where no man has gone before. :)
  • Hi Annifrid -- Great to see you! Good to see that you're enjoying your studies. College / university is a great way to rekindle the love of learning you had when a little kid.
    Have you been doing any flinging, or are you just too busy? Most of the college kids who frequented ABN have dropped out of ABN after a year or too, just too much studying.
    Have you decided what you're majoring in? Not sure if they do things in Europe the same way they do here. What courses are you taking?
  • Night Ma
  • @mvnla2 I hated school deeply even as a little kid, so this feeling is actually quite new for me :D I mostly have maths or IT courses ... and so far I seem to be one of the best students in my year.
    As for AB, I only regularly play Epic and AB Friends tournaments now. I'm in Gold League in both. But I've never seriously played for the leaderboards anyway, except for SW.
  • nice to see you @Annifrid :) good to hear that your liking school somewhat and that your doing so well:)
    I'm updating the Seasons app right now @mvnla2 @estar or anyone is taking a really long time did anyone else have any issues?
  • @Annifred -- I was thinking more of the love of learning really little kids have before they start school. School seems to kill that love within a few years, which is sad.
  • Wow @TomPuss, these 2Cellos dudes are awesome!
  • is there a time limit on the Ham Dunk badge?
    @EStar ? I haven't been playing Seasons and i just installed the Update,
    I'm just asking because i feel like a jerk just popping in there trying to achieve a badge after i haven't complete the whole episode ya know. i wouldn't feel that very fair :/ If i even got the badge lol..
  • @fenikus I've watched Star Trek Enterprise. Seldom shown here anymore. You might like Jolene Blalock who played T'Pol!
    Hi @annifrid glad to know you're doing well
    @kathy I've haven't completed all the Ham Dunk episodes, but went for the badge anyway. I like badges!
    But have failed miserably to get today's puppy. Or even a good score. Haunted Hogs is a mystery to me. All those ghostly blocks that sometimes twirl, sometimes rack up points, sometimes disappear, but even when invisible can score points or hold up more solid blocks in the air.......
  • @Kathy The badge is new. And you needn't feel like a jerk, that's my department. I just installed the game last week in order to play this one level for the badge. Well, this one level and the one level required to unlock it.

    I mentioned before somewhere that these single level glitch badges strike me as nonsensical - just give the person who reports the glitch first a prize - but so long as ABN is handing them out, I'll take them.
  • thanks @burpie and @hunnybunny :)
    alrighty tthen here i go lol..2 votes is all i needed heee hee;)
  • @all -- Guess what? It's actually raining in LA! People elsewhere might actually call it rain, not driving or even heavy rain, but it could amount to even an inch, which we desperately need. Some thunder also. It's been raining for a couple of hours now, which qualifies this as a rainy day. : D
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