The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2481
  • @Ma Why won't they let them dump the snow in the ocean?
  • @Ma Why won't they let them dump the snow in the ocean?
    The blue error box is back.
  • Because @Pa they are afraid the 'road salt' and 'sand' will harm the little fishes :/
    HeHalloooo hhahaha it doesn't harm the bunnies, squirrels or deer:/ and wth is in the ocean naturally. .ding ding ding we have a winner Salt and Sand..darn environmentallists:/
  • @Ma I understand being cautious of the debris littered snow. But 90% or better is the driven snow.
  • yep agreed @Pa ;)
  • @Ma Hunker down and enjoy your book and birds. You're not going anywhere for a few days.
  • I'm sitting on 9-8 for about 45 minutes now. battery is suffering i may have to forfeit til another day:/
  • I'm doing the same @Ma. Letting the iPad play for me.
  • ohh I'm Hoping I'm not going anywhere Pa .. they haven't called out work for tommorow yet:(
    the roads are horrendous:/ granted i only have 2.75 mile to drive but me no like driving on snow covered roads:(
  • @Kathy -- Looks like no one has plowed your driveway or sidewalk. When I was little, I thought snow like that looked marvelous: snow forts, snow caves connected by tunnels! Wow!
    As an adult, all I can think of is how much work it takes to get through it.
    Best wishes and good luck.
    @Hunnybunny -- I've lived a lot of cold places (not LA, obviously), and I've never seen anything like your frost.
  • That is some purty crystallization ya got there Mrs. Bunny.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 actually bf was out shoveling and snow blowing all day.. is just coming down so fast can't keep up with it! and yes the ' good old days' lol I remember building igloo in the snow banks haha how dangerous hahha.. but yep now is just a Pita ..
  • Night @Pa
  • Night Ma
  • @hunnybunny You know fine well that that lovely day I had on Sunday was rare so I wouldn't go packing your bags just yet ;) Hope I'm not jinxing us seeing as it's only mid Feb but all in all apart from a couple of storms it's been a pretty good winter for the UK. That photo is awesome! We haven't had frost like that in my garden. Do you think it's something to do with being so close to the salt water? Is it like that on everything in the garden or just on metal? (I'm assuming that's metal railings?) It's beautiful! I can't help with the pic resizing I'm afraid. @estar taught me to do it differently (deleting the pic size and adding "width=" )
    @kathy Did you start late or stay home? I can't see how it was possible for you to get out of there today? I have to laugh at the logic of not being allowed to dump snow and ice into sea water! Yeah possibly the logistics of actually getting it there could be problematic but c'mon!
    BTW @rat9 It's not a high score but I got the glitch on BH 29 going. Only had 40k after 2nd bird and the glitch explosion gave me 21k so I ended up with 91k. Don't know where this leaves who gets it and who doesn't but iPhone 6 ios8 does.
  • Whaaaaa! Am I the only one who doesn't have the car destroy itself on 9-29? I've played on an iPad Air 2 for the last two weeks. I turned in my malfunctioning iPad for a rebate when I got the Air 2. Whaaaa! I could have waited. Maybe? It had power crashed three times already. I was scared it wouldn't power back up. The last crash took an hour before the power button would work. Btw, it had an 88% charge on it at the time. No way am I playing all the missions on my wife's iPad just to get 10k. Whaaaa! Is it Whine Tuesday?

    Edit: OK, I'm not alone. @Fenikus doesn't have it either.
  • I'm not the best one to ask how many times it takes to do it @rat There are more dedicated flingers out there but as an iPhone player I guess I should spend some time trying to figure it out. So far today I've spent a couple of hours but the wheels just explode leaving the car in one piece. What I did notice when it happened was that it blew the wheels,then went still,then wobbled again before kabooming. Don't really want to spend anymore time on it to be honest. Life's to short lol! I'm still trying to tackle the new seasons update. Yet again another glitch and a hard to get 3* :(
  • @jlz666 it's certainly frost on metal railings. Our first floor living room has a balcony, with those metal railings. It's normally very mild here, but we had two exceptionally cold winters about four / five years ago. The picture is the most spectacular I took
    @kathy hope your snow doesn't get any worse. I love snow in right conditions (we don't get much here) so a stay at home weekend in January with some very big flakes sort of romantically falling, with a log fire....

    OB, shaking awake a sleeping Bun, says "Mrs Bunny. Wake Up. You're dreaming. You don't have a log fire, HWDNF hates snow, and two inches of the stuff means you can't get your rear wheel drive cars up the very small slope out of the courtyard....."

  • Oh I've got to share this! @dbkraemer posted this yesterday in the forum so I hope he doesn't mind me showing it in here. This has to be the funniest pet picture I've ever seen! What a beautiful smile lol!!
    @hunnybunny Believe it or not I'm also a dog person but work won't allow them. However......after years of checking out doggy day care & "grandparent" babysitting we may be closer to our pup(s) My cats happiness will always come first though and I'd love to think they would adapt and grow to love it....or them ;) I'm already there but hubby needs more persuasion:(
  • @jlz666 weird doggy picture you posted there, but very cute....
    Nighty night all, more flinging for me
  • Roflmao @jlz -666 Haha that sure is one funny pup picture! ! heehee we've got to get @dbkraemer in the pub to tell us more! !
    @rat9 sorry i forgot to put out the earplugs but i see after your whine OB did a quick job of it! good thing cuz I've got a big one building BH 9-12 I can't even figure how i got 83k never mind caching jlz with 97k
  • Well Pa the whine didn't help with 9-12 but got me ollygod ' s Trophy in. 9-13 :) i wasnt expecting that lol!
  • WTG Ma. You're getting quite a selection of top scores in Brass Hogs. Between you, me, and @Burpie, we have 18 of the 30 possible top scores. Not bad.
  • Thanks @Pa I'm just grazing my second pass atm Then I'll go back for clean up!!
    Hmm me you and burpie !!:)
  • Second pass? What about level 30 Ma?
  • ooopsy Your right @Pa lol i 3 starred level 30 but haven't unlocked it yet. . I'll have to check my score and enter it . haha i forgot that one
    Entered now pretty bad:/ although #10
  • *sigh* looking at my board i got lots of work to do:/
  • That's it for tonight:/
    Night Pa♡
  • Night Ma
  • Here we go again, waking up OB and The Blues....

    Drinkies, please, and any bacon product readily available

    It's so quiet in here you can occasionally hear a small grunt from Piggy Island when one of those darned swine get crushed, blown up, puffed, mutated, and sent to piggy hell Yeah!

    Well, I've started to enjoy Brass Hogs, my Mission (should I chose to accept it) is often something like: complete Cold Cuts, three star Utopia. Things I've never done before. @mvnla2 those Space averages are falling, my scores are appalling! I know you appreciate lower averages.

    Brass Hogs too, is likeable. I ain't doing too bad. One good top score, about five or six in the top ten. How the heck did @rat make his scores, when only flinging on his smoking break? Must be a chain smoker!
  • You can't chain smoke when it's this cold outside Mrs. Bunny. Brrrrr
  • @kathy @fenikus you two OK?
    Seeing BBC news on huge snow storms, yet again, in your bit of the world
  • Mr @Rat Do you have the snow, like New England? I suspect not, but what do I know?
  • @Hunnybunny I can't complain about the weather today. It's very pleasant outside. And although it's been cold and wet, we've never had any snow.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha idiot...Idiot...IDIOT!!

    If you look at the word "Idiot" in the dictionary, you will see my picture beside it.

    I thought maybe the 9-29 exploding car glitch might work on my wife's iPad. So I quickly ran through the levels of Brass Hogs until I got to 9-29. It took me forty-seven minutes. I played level 9-29 one time, and in a feat of stupidity, tapped the double green arrow to proceed to the next level. I knew better than to do this. But I was distracted by taking a picture and I'd just finished tapping that double green arrow twenty-eight times before. It was habit by then. A word of warning to those who may try this feat in the future. You can't go backwards until you've completed all the missions. So after playing it one time, I couldn't repeat it. At least the car did explode. And I did get a reasonable score. But I'd loved to have played it more than once. Whaaaa!
  • @rat haven't got to #29 so can't share your pain
    Do you mean "South Carolina has never, ever, had any snow?" Or just this year? Have you ever lived anywhere with snow?
  • Good night birdie flingers xx
    Let me know about snow tomorrow Mister Rat
  • No snow "this" year Mrs. Bunny. South Carolina does get snow. Just not much or often.
  • @MrsBunny, meh -- we got coupla feet of dusting here in Connecticut. Nothing to write home about though -- we're not cry babies like them Bostonians ;-)
  • Speaking of beautiful dogs, where's @bernersenn? I haven't seen him around lately and he's not playing Brass Hogs.
  • @Kathy -- We lived in Buffalo during the blizzard of 1977, so I know what you're going through.
    @hunnybunny -- Thanks for lowering the averages. Every little bit helps. Try the mirror episodes, not many people are playing them, so it is fairly easy to be pretty high.
  • @Kathy, the pups are doing well -- in fact, much better than I thought they would with me being out of the house during the day with the new job. For the last two years, I worked out of a home office and we were together all the time. They're almost like: "Finally, this bozo is gone so we can run the house the way we want to now", lol.
  • ohh yeah @mvnla2 Buffalo got socked hard in that storm as did we!
    lol @fenikus goodthing they are well trained to hop off the couch and turn off the cable before you get home haha. . good luck with the new job:)
  • Pa Where is the total Space all episodes leaderboard found? my leaderboard says I'm rank 6 overall that's pretty good right? I finished entering eggsteroids not sure what else i have?
  • never mind pa i found it:)
  • Well bout time i hit my pillow g'nite all
    Night Pa :)
  • Night Ma
  • Good evening to you all guys. @Rat I'm extreme busy with my work. Hardly have time for flinging, so the only thing I'm playing - in the short time available - is the Challenge. Brass will follow, first need to play the recent Ham Dunk levels in Seasons.
    I am on holiday starting tomorrow afternoon, for a week. Then I will have lots of time and I will visit the BP more frequently. Gotta fly right now, thanks for asking.
  • Thanks for stopping in with the update @bernersenn. Btw, You haven't seen @Ma have you? I'm looking for her.
  • Hi @Rat I did read some comments of here in the walkthroughs. About the BP I can't say anything about it.
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