The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2482
  • @Kaaaathyyyyyyy!! You got some 'splainin' to do.
  • *quietly creeps out from under estar booth, * err ahhh ..uhnmmmm Well you see Pa i didn't know it was your trophy. .i ahh uhmm thought it was @Jlz666 cuz of her strat and all and i accidents Quite Accidentally took it from uhm..her..i mean you but i thought. her. ..but then she said It Wasnt hers..But... then she went and stole it from me..eerr... You ya ...she knew it was yours. . but then mine Quite Accidentally. . but then she got i ..i..don't have it:/
    *runs quickly out the door, yelling hii @bernersenn. ..bye.. hope to see youoooo*
  • @Rat FYI, I just got a self-destructing truck 2-birder on 9-29 on iPad Air iOS 8.1.2. Unfortunately, the final score was 87,540 which is just couple hundred points above my best 3 bird score. I only had 37,400 after bird 1…had I had 45K at that point, it still would have been relatively disappointing 95K. Oh well, at least we know it's possible on newer iPads.
  • I'm looking for @Ma, too…how the heck did you get 80K on 9-10? Bikkit's strategy?
  • uhmm I'll have to look at it @fenikus. .i know I've followed @b@bikkit stratedgy on a few levels so probably I'd say yes.but I'll check to see what i did for sure
  • @fenikus more like the video than bikkit strat..itried reversering the second and third shot witbout much luck..but following the video i got luckt somehow and got a 2 birder..i should have posted that in the walkrhrough sorry.
  • @fenikus She didn't use Bikket's strategy.
    Wow @Ma! You're really moving now.
  • what can i say PA i got a good teacher lol;)
  • Hi @all @rat @burpie -- I've been flinging in Space Mirror world. Great that all the Space kings and queens aren't there. Well @Kathy has put in a small appearance.
    Earlier today I was 3rd in the entire Space Mirror world; right now I'm 4th, and I haven't even 3*'d everything.
    FYI -- If you forget about having to play it to open Brass Hogs levels, the Mirror world is very interesting and much harder IMO than the regular world of Space. The levels aren't really the mirror of the regular levels; they typically have way more pigs/structures to pop, and fewer and/or less potent birds to fling.
  • @mvnla2 i am enjoying the missions i have got of the mirror worlds , and I agree they are much harder than the regular levels. and not quite 'mirror' more like distorted mirror lol.
    i do plan on completing them when and if i ever finish regular space.
    Congrats on the great score placement!!
  • Night Pa hope you've forgiven me fir the misunderstanding ..
  • No problem @Ma. I keep all my trophies polished. You never know when someone (Kathy) will win (borrow) one from me. I want them to know they're special.

    Nite nite Ma
  • @Kathy -- The fact that I'm so high on the Mirror World boards is a reflection of how few people have posted scores for all the levels. It also should give notice to the Space greats that there are easy pickings there.
    Hope you get to stay home today; it looks brutally cold today. If you'd send some of the snow to CA (without the salt) I'm sure there are lots of ski resorts that would pay for it.
  • OB can I have a E-Star's Early Bird Special, thanks. I will sit at my booth and try to finish up the last batch of that massive and wicked update of Space. When that is done I can finally return to my beloved Seasons and catch up on my Pig Days and play the new Ham Dunks.
  • Awful toothache arrgghhh!
  • @estar amazed at all those space and mirror videos. WTG, girl, you really should compete with Mister Rat,,,,,,
  • Just got my hardest Brass Hogs mission so far: "Beat your score on DZ-19", they ask. Except that I already have top score, with a 3.5k lead over the 2nd. I think I will cancel that one.
  • @Sglouk I was the first flinger to find the one-birder on DZ-19, but they dropped my walkthrough entry when they whittled them down a while back. Now I'm just an also flung, barely in the top ten. Great score! I'm not going back to compete with you on that one though. It was tough.

    @Ma Your rankings in Space are impressive. Fifth in Brass Hogs and fifth in overall Space. Next task. Get all your scores in Brass Hogs in the top ten. I know you can do it.
  • Good morning to you all. Happy valentine to all our ladies. My first day of holiday, yeah!
  • @Rat
    Thanks. On top of that, I already had had to beat my score twice on DZ-19 because my first top score was not on my main savegame. Yesterday, I did not feel beating it for the third time. So yesterday's missions were to increase scores on 8-40 (easy) and 9-26 (hard, was already 3rd), and I could unlock 9-29.
  • Hello @all ! Forgive me, please, for being MIA for so long. I've been beset by health and other real-life problems, but I never forgot you dear Nesters. . . Special thanks to @EStar, @JLZ666 and @kathy for your support. All I can offer by way of apology is a playlist - I do hope you @all enjoy it:

    Three for Valentine's day:

    The sonnet:

    The video:


    Maria Farantouri sings "Marina":


    Josh Groban and Sarah Brightman: "That's all I ask of you":

    From TEDx Summit "The power of x" (no CGI !!!):

    and how it was made:


    Totally bored:

    Totally zen:

    Naughty but nice (girls - show this to your hairdresser!):

    Love, hugz and purrs
  • Hi everyone !
    Welcome back @tompuss !
    I also wasn't able to come here because my great-grandmother died some days ago : /
    There were some other problems also.....
    forget it....for now, I have to get going in space real fast.
  • ohhh nooo @bernersenn !! when i was young i tried to separate two dogs from beating up My dog, turning out My own dog accidentally bit my face! ihave 2 small scars but it was traumatic.
    hope you heal quickly
  • is anyone having trouble with sending prvate messages ? ihit send and little wheel spins then stops without sending the message?
  • My condolences @Aryamoitra. I hope she had a wonderful life.

    @Sglouk I still haven't unlocked 9-29 and 9-30.That is a lot of missions for very little inconvenience.

    @bernersenn It definitely appears your flingin' hand is injured. A long time ago I was trying to get a neighbor's German shepherd off my small dog. Darn it if she didn't get brave as I held the neck of the shepherd. She went to bite him and bit through my palm instead. Bad dog! That was the only time I saw her try to be vicious. My wife was pinning a diaper on her once and pinned right through a nipple. She never even flinched. She was a good dog.
    The moral of the story is NEVER get between fighting dogs. Isn't that right @Ma? You will lose.
  • I haven't flung for days again. I had 15 top scores when I stopped. I'm down to 5 now. Time to get busy. @Ma, half your top scores disappeared this morning as well.
  • @rat you are completely right. In normal live I always say the same. It happened in a reflex.
    Moreover, both dogs are unharmed
  • arghhhh! ! I've been waiting 4 hours for 9-8 i think. . then i unplugged my tablet and the game frize!! it says 'angry birds not responding...wait...cclose. .or report' I chose wait but it's not responding :(
  • @tompuss I LOVE Josh Groban. What a voice. And did you see him chair "Never Mind the Buzzcocks"? (US friends may be confused here, it's a UK music / comedy / quiz show, search it...) He was intelligent, funny, good looking, amazing.....

    @bernersenn hero dog separator! You'll be fine soon enough to fling again

    A Little Dog Story

    My father died when I was five. My lasting memory of him is going on a bus, to the city centre, changing buses, going to the other half of the city and picking up a small caramel coloured Corgi. Dad put her in a claret and tan zip top bag, carefully carried with her nose sticking up, looking at us, her new owners. Two buses home, a rather exciting trip for a five year old, with her dad, even without the puppy! We came home and Mum and Sis were waiting. We all tried names for the adorable little dog, and settled on Toffee. My dad died months later. Toffee lasted another seven years. Happy and sad memories...

    Will post a picture of Toffee soon
  • @hunnybunny thanks. The wounds aren't that bad, finger functions are all ok. What the doctors said was "dog bites wounds aren't that deep, but infections should get pushed out of the body through the open wounds". In a few days I'm the old one and shall return.
    Your story about your dad was moving for me. And this: I still love dogs. After separating them they were really loveloy dogs, both of them.
  • @TomPuss -- Hope things are going better for you.
    Thanks for the playlist, they're always enjoyable.
    Just finished getting 3* in Space Mirror World, so have a bit of time to enjoy them.
  • Wow, just had some nasty snow and wind down here, now I know what people in the northeast are going through.
  • ((((((( @Tompuss ))))) so good to see you. .sorry didnt read up earlier.. hope your feeling better♡
    well we have another 6" so far of snow and the worse to come over night:/
    gonna plug in now and pray power doesnt go out. have a great night all and enjoy Sunday if i don't get in.
    Night Pa...
  • Mornin' Ma
  • @Tompuss! -- welcome back, hope things are better for you. Great videos, as always (favorite: TEDx).

    @Bird_Watcher, sorry to hear about your great-grandma.

    @bernersenn, that landseer looks like a pup or a very young dog.
  • @fenikus it was an adult dog. Came back from the hospital, it is not good, I need chirurgy. We're driving home now, go to the hospital in Maastricht. That is more convenient for my wife. When I will have the opportunity I will inform you. Could lead to a few days in the clinic. Feeling sad.
  • @bernersenn, ouch -- things didn't sound so serious when you first reported them. Best of luck with your surgery and let us know how it went when you get a chance. We'll be thinking of you, my friend.
  • @bernersenn I am so sorry that you need surgery! Protecting your pets is a total reflex, I am glad that they are both okay. I will be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.
  • @bernersenn -- Sorry to hear you need surgery. Best wishes for a successful outcome and a speedy recovery.
  • @TomPuss -- Just looked at your playlist! Got to say that the TEDx was great.
    Just wondering about the song Marina -- There is an implication that it relates to the story Iphigenia -- Any thoughts about this?
  • @TomPuss -- A super special thanks for the TEDx video. I didn't know what TEDx or TED is. Just googled it. Sounds really interesting, and one of their main conferences is in LA!
    For anyone curious, go to
  • Good luck with the surgery @bernersenn. Have them recalibrate your flinging thumb while their in there.

    Hi @Funikus. You've got nothing but great scores in Brass Hogs. Maybe I should start flingin' again. Maybe not. You've got some tough levels left to play. ha ha
  • Hi folks, I'm back - and relieved. Where the German Hospital suggested a surgery - and because of that we went home - in the Hospital in Maastricht they didn't think this was neccessary. Got a strong antibiotica, and checks every 2-3 days. Thanks for all the good wishes.
  • Hey @bernersenn good news !! no surgery that's wonderful :) praying for you to heal quickly with the antibiotics.
    btw silly question the dog in the picture is the one who was fighting with your dog? is that a neighbor ? how did he come upon being in vicinity. . just wondering and both dogs o.k. no injuries?
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