The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2447
  • @rat I also think that I picked up a wrong time.
  • But that's good news @aryamoitra. It gives you more time to fling.
    I still have two or three top scores in Space that haven't been beaten yet. Go get em.
  • @Bird Watcher -- I think you're in India, right? Most of the regulars right now are in western Europe or the U.S., so there is a huge time difference. I'm pretty busy today, and there is a new Epic Event coming out in a few hours.
  • Wow it's been soooo quiet! OB I hope you're not lonely.
    I also hope all my flinging friends are surviving the nasty weather in some parts, and the cold. It's arrived much too early this year.
    OB 2 fingers of Scotch please :)
  • Hi @karen68 -- Yes, it's been super-quiet. Glad you stopped by. In contrast to the rest of north America, I'm really enjoying the cold (cool) weather. It's much nicer than the 80+ temps we've been having recently.
    I forget when you celebrate Thanksgiving? I think it's not the same as ours?
    Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Hi all, it is mighty quiet & OB must be lonely as Karen68 suggested.

    @kathy r u around? I would like to continue with that idea.
  • Hi @Justpast40 -- Don't think you've been in for a while? About to read a book, so won't be back this evening.
    Good night all.
  • Belated goodnight @mvnla2. You're right, I'm hardly ever here as my internet is so spotty, sometimes I have no connection for hours
  • @Ma It took me forever to come up with the strategy for level 8. And even longer to get the score I have. It is not easy. So I'll forgive you if you give it a pass. And level 10, forgetaboutit. It took me over a year to get above 149k.
    I'm not flingin with this cold snap. But on the bright side, I'm not smoking too much either. My joints just don't like this cold weather one little bit. I hate letting @Romo keep the lead in BI #2, but I hate pain even more. I'll take care of him once I get my feet warm.

    It's was good to see a few of the ladies stop by tonight. It's been very quiet.

    Night Ma
  • So, what you're all saying is, it's been quiet? :o) Hmm. I wonder if nobody's talking because it's so quiet, and it's created a feedback loop?

  • Or maybe it's just quiet. Jeez.
  • Well, it's certainly quiet in here....

    "Wake up, OB, you have a customer. A glass of champagne, please. No special occasion, but in the virtual world, well you can have what you want"

    @kathy I'm still lurking but busy. And @justpast40 I'm sure I've commented, and probably ranted, on @Kathy's idea, I have on most topics in the nest......
    I came to realise we all have different ideas, and some nesters agree with you, others strongly disagree, the admins are normally too busy to listen anyway. But it's still a great site!

    Why I've been MIA:

    The long weekend in London (and, sadly, not a Mumsie in sight!). We saw the fabulous poppies, the Natural History Museum, had a great night at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, and - highly recommended, for anyone who happens to be in London - Robert Lindsay in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Absolutely amazing

    Back home, Christmas preparations to be done, as this time next week we'll be cruising the seven seas (actually the North Atlantic), so also in a flurry of feathers and bling. This girl cruises in style! And there lies a story.

    We booked the cruise three or four months ago, and HWDNF (built for comfort, not for speed) mentioned that he would like to lose some weight, so his suits would fit better. I agreed. You all may remember the picture I posted where I lamented the loss of my waist. So:

    The Plan - lose weight, regain waist, look fab in existing dresses, that were getting a bit tight

    The Result - lost weight, regained waist, looked at dresses "why on earth would I want to wear those old things?" Bought new dresses.

    HWDNF thinks I've lost my mind!

    @kelani how's the badges research going? Underneath the "about badges & rankings" in the comments section there is a discussion on gold, silver and bronze underdog badges. I like that idea too

    "OB, another glass please, while I try to work out why Seasons won't open on my iPad"

  • Hi @HunnyBunny -- Glad you were / will be MIA because you're having a good time. Not sure I think this is the best time of year to cruise the North Atlantic??? Where are you going?
    I've mostly been playing Epic recently. Although I just remembered -- Isn't there supposed to be a new Pig Days today?
  • @mvnla2 not very North, Portugal and Canary Islands. We'll get a bit of sun and warmth. But North compared to the majority of it!
    And ever since Pig Days came out my Seasons app has been slow to nearly non-existent, and gave up completely about a week ago. I tap on it, it loads, it does nothing, it shuts down.....
  • @Hunnybunny -- I was just having similar problems with Seasons! If you have iPad; try this:
    Hard close all apps running in background
    Do a hard shutdown of device
    Wait 30 sec
    Restart device
    Restart Seasons
    For me, that worked, and Seasons seems OK, but new Pig Days isn't coming until tomorrow.
    Forgot to congratulate you on finding your old waist. And, yeah, you do deserve a few new dresses to go with. : D

  • A very personal update: My mother has been living with Multiple Myeloma (a blood cancer) and recently declined when she had a rare, but fatal reaction to a new cancer drug. She knew she was gambling by taking the drug, but she had run out of options. Almost continuous transfusions kept her going, but she soon decided to go home, foregoing any other treatment.

    Leave it to Mom though, she went out with a bit of drama. She had left the hospital late on a Friday, with only orders for in-home health care. An order for hospice had not been submitted. She had a relatively good weekend, but by Monday we could see she had very little time left. The order for hospice finally went through, but they couldn't have anyone there for a few more days. We had no help at all. My sister (a nurse thank God) and I cared for her the best we could for two days in the middle of a wind storm, losing power on the final night. Several times we asked her if she wanted to be moved to the hospital where she might be more comfortable (without power, we could not adjust her bed), but she was adamant about staying home, so we just did our best to keep her comfortable. On a sunny, but still windy, Wednesday morning, she passed away at age 85. She will be greatly missed.

  • Oh, @BPC -- I'm so sorry for your loss. Even if she went the way she wanted, and it was time, it is still very hard on those left behind. Take care. Take time to celebrate her life and to morn.
  • Thinking of you @BPC
  • Yea! I knew @Burpie couldn't resist a challenge. It's ON....
  • @BPC , it is really a great loss. I don't know what to say in this situation.
    so, take care of yourself.
  • @BPC condolences, a sad time for you and your family xx
  • @BPC my sincere condolences to you and your family. It is hard when losing a parent, and may peace comfort you in the days ahead.
  • @BPC So very sorry for your loss. Such a bittersweet story :(
    Hope everyone else is well and good? Looks like real life has emptied the pub this week. That didn't take long to read back. At least I'm not the only one stuck in the sucky real world.
    Glad to hear your trip was a success @hunnybunny. Fantastic that you got to see the poppies. You do realise that you've just described every woman's pre holiday routine? ;)
    Nice to meet you @aryamoitra
    @kathy I'm going to put out a BOLO for you soon if you don't start responding to pm's....some peeps are getting worried about you missy.
    OB dust off the espresso maker and I'll have a large,strong American to go please. Cheers x
    Back to reality....
  • It surely has been quiet here, but glad to hear you had a great time in London @hunnybunny. And you're about to set sail for a fabulous cruise! You'll be stunning in those new dresses!

    Seems like you had the same problem with the Pig Days update @mvnla2 and @hunnybunny. I thought the problem was only related to Android devices, since someone else flinging in the same platform complained about it. I contacted Rovio support and was told that a "strong wifi connection" would resolve the problem. So after exiting the game, I stood in front of my router and restarted update. Then I went thru the power-down-wait 2mins-power up sequence. When I fired up Seasons, it took awhile "Loading..." and voila! it updated!

    In the meantime, I had a terrible night after someone made me feel like crap thru PMs. Cried my eyes out, and even now still feel like burying my head in the sand. I personally think mean people really ought to not say anything! Sorry, had to vent... *sob*
  • nice to meet you too @JLT-666
  • @Kathy, where are you? I surely hope you're safe and warm after that huge snowstorm that just passed through your area!

    Hello @aryamoitra, welcome to the BP! Pleasure meeting you!
    OB, please get me a nice hot cup of coffee with cream and two shots of TUACA. And another drink for @aryamoitra on my tab please.
  • Thank you for the treat @sweetp :-)
  • Speaking of Pig Days, I just opened Seasons and got the new First Hot Air Balloon Anniversary level!

    *hangs up sign "Gone Flinging!"*

    see you all later!

    edit: you're very welcome @aryamoitra!
  • bye ... see you soon @sweetp
  • @SweetP -- I hope these PMs weren't on ABN. Can't believe anyone here would be mean.
  • @BPC I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, my condolences to you & your family.
    @hunnybunny sounds like a great trip, & you got to see the poppies - that must have been amazing. Enjoy your upcoming trip.
    @kelani I don't play on PC, but what a shame. I realize the people playing on mobile devices are in the majority, but still. I guess you'll never get those last few levels of Short Fuse now.. :(
    I wonder what does "a better experience on mobile devices" mean exactly? More powerups?
    @sweetp sorry you had a rough night.. and that someone was so rude. Can you fling them out of your mind?
    I agree with @jlz666 an American would be really nice right now OB.. to take back to the "sucky real world" as she puts it lol.
    Have a great afternoon all :)
  • @karen68 That "better experience" does sound kind of ominous. Yeah, I had to resort to playing the Short Fuses on iOS. This kinda puts me in a bind, because I'm not giving up my big screen and mouse. Unless I think of something else, I'll basically have to rebuy all the games for Android (already done that for PC and iOS).

    @Hunnybunny congrats on your life fixing quest :) The badge list is still in progress. I'm not having much luck finding a whole lot of those suggestions that've been posted around ABN. So far, the Silver/Gold/Platinum puppy is the #1 most-wanted. I'll definitely recommend that one. However, before it's made available, there will have to be some big efficiency improvements in how the current Underdog is handled behind the scenes, so I'm going to tackle that first.
  • Suddenly BP has its patrons back! Other than @kathy Where are you?

    @jlz-666 I know that's what every woman does, but the best waist I've had in years(!) and the number of new dresses, the cost of them. I'm a happy Bunny!

    @mvnla2 @sweetp for reasons I can't explain, after I tried everything to get Seasons back, the new Pig Days release suddenly sprung it to life again. The previous three releases did not. iOS 8 I expect.

    @sweetp I've had a PM that made me sob as well. I seldom PM any more. Virtual life is OK, but real life is better. Remember your family and real friends, ignore some idiot from "I-have-nothing-better-to-do-than-be-from-nasty-land"

    @kelani now I would offer to help, but every time I do I seem to be going on holiday. Seriously, though, I'm up for being back room badges help.

    @Bird Watcher Hi, and as I always say, meet the slightly mad rabbit

    Off to fling, now Pig Days is available, at last...

  • Ummmmmm It should've been Americano @karen68 but obviously my phone thought I needed a big strong American to see me through the rest of the work day! As for "sucky" yeah,I meant that one. There's no adult word I could've got away with saying in here ;) Sorry you need one as well...I think lol!
    @sweetp I hope you can put aside that bleeping bleep and remember there's more good than bad in this place.? Unless you want to out them? Then game on ;)
    @aryamoitra nice try but no biggie! I've been called worse ;) You wouldn't have got me on @jlz-666 anyway. I've a dash in my name so don't get notifications.
    @kelani and @all pc users. Sorry for this but that was predicted right? Even so,I'd be devastated if my future enjoyment meant having to buy a new device. I can't imagine sitting on a PC playing these games. I guess the big money is in teeny screens ;) Just out of curiosity,how many nest members play on PC?
    Hi @mvnla
    @hunnybunny Lose a few,gain a few...who cares when that means new;)
    Hope all the US tootsies are keeping warm and cosy.
    I'm curled up on the couch with hubby and Lil trying to watch catch up TV. Well hubby is....I'm flirkwatching ;)
    BTW I've now issued a BOLO for a slim,blonde(slightly nutty) co founder of the Bloated Pig Pub. Last seen chasing a snowball in space ;) Seriously honey.....where are you @kathy?
  • Are you lost in space @Ma?

    @BPC, @JLZ666, and @Karen68 I'm very ready for 2014 to be over. As you ladies said, "It's been a sucky year". And now @Kelani has lost his PC releases. Hurry up 2015!!!
  • @rat you've no idea how many of us have fallen under the 2014 curse....:( It started as a softly spoken joke but now? Not so much. It's been a horrid year. Hand on heart,I can't wait to get to Dec 31st. It can only get better right?
  • @kelani, that's really a bummer no PC releases from now on! Guess you'll have to get your iPad and get busy flinging.
    @MVNLA2, no matter where it was, it sure was painful. But I'll get over it. Must keep busy getting the house ready for family next week!
    @Karen68 - I guess I'll have to get my flinging fingers busier than the past couple of days. But you're right, flinging them outta my head is like, "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair..." heehee
    Awww, @hunnybunny that's just not right! (((hugs))) Just another day in the life of someone trying to do good but gets slapped in the (virtual) face anyway. Oh well, this too shall pass. Thank you for the sweet reminder of the value in our family and friends.
    JLZ-666, I wouldn't want anymore drama than already played out, but thank you for the bleep-ity-bleep-bleep kind words.

    @rat9, I'm thinking because of the recent storms, @Kathy's area probably doesn't have internet service. I'm just praying she and her family are alright.

  • Include me in the cursed @JLZ666. New pains forced me onto the flingin' sidelines, FiL died, wife's retirement cancelled due to critical government need. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. My apologies for not whining louder. Come on 2015!!!

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot the icing on the cake. While I'm benched in Angry Birds, a new Space case has been trying to take my crown.
  • JLZ666 You don't think @Kimmiecv was our good luck charm do you? It all started when she left. Come back Kimmie!
  • I had the same idea @SweetP. I'm letting a batch of rice krispy treats cool as we speak.
    My glass of milk is in the freezer. I like it ice cold. Great minds think alike.

    Sorry but I didn't bring the treats to the BP. SWDNF gets home from Germany in a few hours. I need to make sure she gets some.
  • Hear hear, bring on 2015 asp!
    @BPC So sorry to hear about your mom, I wish you and the family all the strength you need! And when ever in need of a good virtual cry out, we are always open (as many have noted already, it's possible OB will be the one taking care of you as things are slow lately, which btw I all blame on 2014 as well!! I have been in a rough week too, so have been laying low).
    @sweetp Sorry to hear that, was it here in the Nest? I am lucky at my worst moment I have steamed with anger, but luckily no one ever brought me to tears. It must have been a real number who made you cry into the night. Just remember, it's a random person, who doesn't know you, in a virtual world, so close that door and give the nearest and closest person in your real life a real big squeeze you tight hug and feel better soon.
    @jlz LOL I love that bolo you put out, but my ow my... where is she?? @kathy voodoo phone and tablet acting up? Both batteries empty? Internet or power outage?? Or did you stumble down the stairs to the basement? OB? can you check??
  • @sweetp those cookies look delicious, don't mind if I do fetch one.

    Mister @rat glad to hear SWDNF is getting home soon and staying home for the most part. If you start feeling like a bachelor, you might start to PM people hahahahha
    btw I wasn't around the last time she came home but I thought your welcome home banner was the best thing ever! A spur of the moment thing, love that!
  • @Estar It's probably the snow. But if she's have fun like me, it could be anything. This month I lost my router, modem, laptop, desktop PC and am having problems with my ISP. And my scanner is too old to work with my new equipment. And my I-Pad is acting up. There's not as much money in the emergency fund as there was last month. X-mas might need to be postponed.

    You might have noticed I've been avoiding you @Estar. That's partly too blame.
  • oh and hi @Bird Watcher nice to see a new face in the BP. Enjoy!
  • yuck Mister @rat that sound like a real 2014 month you have got there. I must admit money wise I always bounce back and in the end it always balances out to a level where hubby and me have just enough to enjoy ourselves. Beginning of the month a horrid dental bill... end of the month Santa Father in Law came by and made me speechless... yup it can happen!
  • @Estar Every time I touch a piece of electronics over the last six weeks, it gives me problems. For a nube like me, trying to find out what's wrong is stressful. Stress increases pain. It's taken every ounce of patience I could muster lately to keep from throwing equipment at the walls. And my stress reliever and technical expert has been out of town.

    Forget what I said about money. That's one of the few areas where I have no problem.
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