The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2446
  • @Rat Really? A C-cell? Ya couldn't at least give a guy the benefit of the doubt and go D-cell? Or even better, 6v Lantern Battery? :o)
  • @Kelani, how are you? Got a PM comin' for you.
  • @kelani @SweetP @Pa -- At last, some sign of life in the BP. Sure has been quiet around here. Unfortunately won't be here for chunks of this afternoon.
  • Hi peeps, just a quick pop in to let ya all know I am still roaming around. Have been busy this weekend with my Father in Law coming over to spend the weekend. So mostly lurking... Mister @rat you can look sheepishly all you want, but I am not buying it... joking of course, with 20 dollars of Wifi I would limit my time staying connected to the internet as well.
  • Woohoo a New Page :) is been days lol

    OB I'll have a SpacePigKiller please:)
    How is everyone?
  • @mvnla2 it sure has been quiet indeed, but looking at my own activity I have the feeling mother nature has put those super Lusty battery @Kelani showed and we all are short on time. Or so it seems on my end. Everytime I take the time to sit down and pop in I look at the clock and it close to midnight again... *looks at clock* bugger... again... only half an hour to midnight :(
  • [[[hugggs]]] @Kathy with the health issues I am sick and tired of them, so not going there, but other than that I can not complain ;)
  • ((((Hugs))))) @Estar sorry bout the health issues ..:( your doing good in spirits in spite of them:)
    Maybe Santa will be good to you and bring something for relief ;) ;)
  • :)) I try to be as I know good spirits are the best medicine for anything. Just not everything apparently. O well, I always keep in mind I am definitely not the only one and I think I can consider myself lucky it is nothing life threatening.
  • Anything new on your end? I saw some chatter about the Jedi badge and for a wee moment got tempted to start SW, but whhaahahahhaha I am short on time as it is. I am still behind on the videos of HamDunk and PigDays I believe.
  • Yeppers @Estar godd spirits are the best medicine and your right there is always someone worse off , not that that makes it easier but sometimes can make you think and be able to be strong:) which i know you are:)
  • Nothing new here. I'm flinging my way through space. Weather is getting winterish yuccky..
    That's about it
  • Looking forward to Thanksgiving Holiday next week..iget a 4 day weekend :) *big smile :D
  • Dinner here b back in a bit.
    Have a good evening @Estar you'll probably be gone when i get back (((((hugs)))
  • Enjoy dinner @kathy [[[hugggs]]] I am indeed on my way to my pillow :)
  • I will ty @Estar Sweet Dreams ☆☆♡☆☆
  • oh and I can imagine a 4 day weekend giving you a big smile... looks like I will be working extra this friday again. so a shorty weekend for me, so enjoy the long weekend for the both of us :)
  • I'll make a point to do something special just for you lol ..soorry you gotta work extra..
    K really gotta scoot..getting the 'look' toodles
  • Helloooo Ms. @MVNLA2! Yeppers, there is some life here in the BP, hope you're doing well.
  • Good night and sweet dreams @Estar! Sorry I missed you!

    Enjoy your dinner @Kathy, I'll be lurking a bit but I'll have to get back to cleaning the house for company coming next week! Gaah, I wish they'd come at Christmas instead! Oh well, it's gonna be fun anyway.
  • Night Pa ♧
  • Night Ma
  • may I join ??
  • Hi @Bird-Watcher! Welcome to the Bloated Pig (BP)! Unfortunately, because your name has a space in it, you won't get e-mail notifications when you are mentioned in this forum, although your @name will work everywhere else on site.
    Please read the first page to become familiar with the rules of the BP. Your first order of food and drink is on the house. You can order anything you want, even if it is not on the menu. You need to be 18 or older to order alcoholic drinks.
    The BP is not a real-time chat room, so you need to refresh the page every time you visit and to see new posts. Things have been pretty quiet the last few days, but pull up a chair and make yourself at home.
    I think I've seen you in Epic? Are you playing any other AB games?
  • @aryamoitra (aka Bird Watcher) You don't need to join the Bloated Pig. You can stop by and read (lurk) or post a comment anytime of the day or night. I'll let some of the regulars explain the rules. Welcome
  • Hi @Mvnla2. It appears we were answering Bird Watcher at the same time. Your answer is much better.
  • @mvnla2
    thank you. I have already seen the first page of bloated pig. It is an awesome site.
    I am not is epic, but I play ABO , rio , SW and SW II.

    thank you to you also !!
  • @mvnla2
    thank you. I have already seen the first page of bloated pig. It is an awesome site.
    I am not is epic, but I play ABO , rio , SW and SW II.

    thank you to you also !!
  • sorry, sent two same massage in a row.
  • @Bird Watcher -- Glad you stopped back in. So if you aren't in Epic, I wonder where I've seen you? I play all AB games, but not all the time. Recently I've been playing mostly Epic plus the Pig Days in AB Seasons.
  • Wahooo!!! Congratulations @Kelani :() my phone now has you on spellchecker in honor of your new status lol!!!
    OB Cristal on the house for the week in honor of our now official new admin!!
  • @mvnla2 ,I had a conversation with you in the ABN map earlier.
  • Hi Bird watcher @aryamoitra sorry i didnt see you here..Welcome please feel free to join in whenever you feel .not always someone here but you'll surely always get a reply .
    Thanks @mvnla2 as always for the proper welcoming ;) and ty too Pa :)
  • @kelani ,congrats from me also.
  • @kathy
    thank you.
    glad to see that, you all welcomed me.
  • Have you been a member for a while @bird watcher? I'm sorry it's gonna take some time for me to put your @name my phone has a mind of its own wren it come to the typing
  • @kathy
    sorry for the commotion..
  • No commotion Bird watcher not at all.. just i have trouble when typing people's names ..
    I just got a new phone so it should be o.k
    I think i got it @aryamoitra is that right?
  • I typed it in so my spellchecker has it stored now:)
  • @all , I am off for sometime.
    see ya later.
  • See you soon Bird Watcher

    I gotta get some sleep..night
  • Night Pa
  • Night Ma
    Your little kitty looks all tuckered out but happy.

    Speaking of tuckered out, SWDNF is looking forward to this weekend. She's only had two nights in her own bed in the last month. She's in Germany till Friday. I almost feel single again. Other than visiting with family over the holidays, I don't think she has anywhere to go for the rest of the year. Yea! Home cooked meals and warm feet.
  • Wow. Those are a lot of trips in a short time.
  • @all
    I am back on track again.
    anything new ?
  • hmm.. it's really quite in BP.
  • @aryamoitra I've never seen it so quiet in here before. You definitely picked the wrong time to stop by. It must be the weather. I only chat and fling when I go outside to smoke and it's been too cold to go outside.
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