The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2407
  • I wish I'd missed it @Mvnla2. Bad headache. See y'all tomorrow.
  • @Rat -- Wish there was some way to make you feel better.
  • Unless it's a migraine, strong opioids usually do the trick. Feel better, @Rat
  • huh, remi3241 is playing a challenge. Haven't seen that before.
  • ABSWII Rebels update out now on Amazon store. No iOS yet, though.
  • Is anyone else having issues with the walkthrough videos? They won't play for me :(
  • @karen68 -- You didn't say which one, or if it's several different games. The one I tried works for me.
    When this happens to me, it is usually fixed by clearing the browser cache and restarting the machine. Good Luck.
  • @mvnla2 thanks - I did all that & they don't want to play. When Beak Impact didn't work I randomly picked ones from all the other games & they're not playing either.
    I'll try restarting again.
  • @karen68 mine not working for two days, but seeing I didn't fling much I didn't investigate
    Was only having a before bedtime lurk, so goodnight all
  • @Karen68 @hunnybunny mine aren't working either but i found if you press on the 'you tube link in the top right cornere the video will work:)
  • Night @hunnybunny sweet dreams
  • Ok @kathy, @hunnybunny so it's not just me.. I'll go leave a note in the bugs forum..
    Thanks guys :)
  • @karen68 which walkthroughs, exactly? I tried a few Beak ones, they worked for me.
  • @Kelani I had trouble with a couple Pig Bang videos uhmm I thknk level 5 and 6
    I imagine Karen means seasons or the challenge ..
  • I think i might whine :/
    OB could i have a SpacePigKiller please? I know I know just add a shot of tequila and a shot off Tang to your secret Recipe please?
    'OB goes about preparing the drink.. mumbling something indistinguishable under his breath'
  • @Kathy BL wants to know if you can check Pig Bang 5 and 6 real quick?
  • They worked for me. but..
  • Yep I'm on it :)
  • They are both working now @Kelani :)
  • @kelani they'll play for me now too - but now I have no control once it starts. I can't pause or rewind or anything.
  • thanks @Kathy :) I think it was a youtube issue

    @hunnybunny if you find any more that don't work, do that cache clear thing. If that doesn't help, let me know the walkthroughs. We don't want any broken ones. ;)
  • @mvnla2 love your Escher level :) Did you submit it to Rovio?

    Heh. That will definitely give people headaches. Be fun, though.
  • I already had a headache @Mvnla2. Are you trying to kill me?
    Love your submission to the contest in concept . Not sure about the application though. I'm not sure my brain would survive the reality of such a level if you could implement it. lol
    I heard people talk about other submissions but I never found them. Are they posted somewhere else?
  • @Kelani -- Yes, submitted to Rovio. Don't know if I'll be able to get even 1*, but then...
    Glad you could understand it. Was worried that the sketch was impossible to make sense out of.
  • @mvnla2 It was fine. Also, I'm familiar with the picture, so I could see where you were going with it. And you described it very well.
  • I miss @mvnla2 Escher level? I can't find reference to it What's that about? New update?
    Sorry @Kelani I got busy:/
  • It's a conceptual art piece that challenges perspective @Ma.

    Edit: I just reread my post. Don't I sound all Hoity Toity? ha ha
  • Oohh thanks @Pa what's it got to do with Rovio ? Is that why you got a headache? If so never mind lol. .how are you feeling now better i hope:/
  • I got a call tonight from Nielsen media trying to recruit me to be a Nielsen family or something. Bad idea. If they add me, a lot of stupid programs are going to take a big ratings hit.

    I'm too polite to hang up, so they kept me on the phone for 30 mins asking about which newspapers I read. They would name a NC newspaper, and I had to say yes/no. They did this for like 30 newspapers. Then they did it again for online versions. Then they did it again for TV news stations. I was about to scream. If they call you. DON'T PICK UP.
  • @Ma. No, but if you try to understand his painting, it will give you one.
  • @Kathy rovio is asking people to submit their ideas for levels.
  • Lol @Kelani You Are Polite! ! Not that is a bad thing but you should just say
    'Sorry sir I know your doing your job , but I Am Not interested in becoming part of the Neilson Family and i wouldn't want to waste your precious time in finding the right person, thank you so much for considering me.. you have a wonderful evening. Bye bye 'click'
  • Ohh I see Pa thanks I have a few suggestions but uhmmm probably not acceptable lol;)
  • It's moot anyway @Ma. There's no way they could apply the concept to a Angry Birds level. At least, I don't think so.
  • @Kathy normally I just hang up, but I was too tired, and the lady's voice was not unpleasant to listen to.
  • Lol @kelani
    Idk @pa I'd have to see it.. but it's getting late
    Night night
    Gonna fling a few but shutting down dinger
    Night Pa
  • Night Ma
  • I'm not even going to take a look @kelani. Don't need any more annoyances rightnow, as I've got no patience at the moment! Why? Weeellll...short version...
    Yesterday was our anniversary, I had everything ready for hubby when he gets home from work. A few phone calls later and he comes home in a TERRIBLE mood! Sooo frustrated and angry from what's been going on at work, he can hardly talk. After calming him down, we go to dinner as planned. This morning we get up at 4am to get ready, and I send him off to work. Well, he's getting very peeved and frustrated at what he has to deal with, so now I'm at wit's end and NO patience for any BS!

    Sorry that was long-winded, even for a short version! Just had to get it off my chest. Now back to sleep...nighty, ermm morning everyone. I'll BB later...zzzzzzzzz
  • @kathy -- It's in my album, plus it's now on the AB BirdDay site!
  • Err..Happy Anniversary '?' @Sweetp hope today is a better day:/
    Lunchtime over see ya all later:)
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I'll check it out later:)
  • @Rat -- Did you mean that you don't think my level concept could be implemented as an AB level? I'm hoping it is enough of a challenge for their best level designers, ones who really understand their physics simulation program, that they will figure out how to make it work. If they do, I wonder whether I will be able to complete the level!
  • Hi @all. Just stop by saying hello here. Too much busy until tomorrow. Hope to have some room/time this weekend and play ABSp. TT
  • Thank you @Kathy, it can only get better, right? Going to do a little shopping again, for the dress I was eyeing before hubby called me yesterday, and I rushed out to get home. Going to a wedding tomorrow and nothing in my closet is made for a 100°F afternoon!

    Where are you flinging these days? The FF needs to fly together again!

  • @mvnla2 Cool level :)

    I'm currently #1 in all levels of the new ABSW2 update's pork side!! ... well and in 10 out of the 12 levels the only person with a score entered :D
  • Probably be a long wait, too. what with all the iOS8 issues.

    edit: or not. Update's out on iOS now. Yay.

    And I just realized when I switched to PC, I left RotC locked on iOS, so Rebels is too. lol.
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