The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2405
  • Screenshot looks legit, I'll award as soon as I get the go-ahead.
  • Just joking Ma. Good night.
  • @JKhab69 Someone just told me you may not have gotten your Over the moon badge? Let me know, and I'll take care of it.
  • @Kelani @mvnla2 I love hot air hand dryers. At my high school, they used to only switch the heating on when it was freezing. Sometimes. In the winter, the building was so freakin' cold, I spent a lot of my lunch breaks trying to stuff the largest possible part of my body under the only working dryer in the bathroom :D
  • @Annifrid -- I can imagine liking hot air hand dryers if you live someplace where it gets seriously cold.
  • Although it has been a month ago, I would like to thank everyone for the gifts and well wishes on my Birdday. It was very nice of you all to not forget about me.
    I have major popping issues as of late, because I get my heart set on stopping and staying a while, but life gets in the way.
    I hope everyone is doing well.
  • @Annifrid I've done that too! :) We had a mean teacher who'd make kids play outside in winter even if they forgot a warm coat. I forgot a lot of coats, so I'd spend lunch with my face stuck in the air dryer.

    Although, now that I know how nasty they are, I think I'd rather freeze. :/

    hey @rdnzlrips82 Your sudden reappearance and birthday both caused a BP block party. It's nice to not be forgotten, no? :). All's well around here. Everybody's breathing, nobody's in prison or hiding from the authorities...that I know of.
  • Hey all a quick pop in to update all you lovely birdies. Thanks for all the concerns and well wishes btw! it really means a lot to me.

    I ringed the dentist this morning at 9 and could come in at 10. They took a couple of photos and checks. I was hoping it wasn't what I thought it was, as I have been cleaning my teeth and gums like clockwork ever since I got an infection 2 years ago... at the same place. I guess they missed that "pocket" and because it is at the back of my mouth there was no way I could clean it with flossing or using a interdental cleaner. So my guess is back than it started and because I never noticed it, it could grow bigger and bigger. Or I at least I hope so, cause that means this treatment should work over time. They used a laser to clean the pocket and performed a root canal on the molar, have to come back in 2 weeks to have a check up and they will check the other pockets if they are bigger than 3mm they will clean them too (this one was bigger than the measuring device of 10mm!!)

    I am hoping when I wake up tomorrow it will all be better... kinda hoped it would after I turned in this afternoon (slept from 2PM till 7:30PM)... impatient ?? me?? nah hahahahah

    Anyway, my hubby took the afternoon off and has been a gem. after the sedation wore off it started hurting like hell again and I took some painkillers. I feel it is time to take another batch and try to eat some soup, feel pretty nauseous, but haven't had a thing all day besides 3 cups of coffee... so hubby will probably force feed me if I don't eat soon hahahahaha
  • sorry to hear you are having teeth troubles again, @EStar. :(
  • Hi Ripsy, didn't see you there, hope all is well with you, the misses and the kids. Last time you told us you were busy with work, so that's always a good enough reason to not being able to pop in right? Just happy you got your real life back on track :)
  • @estar I'm glad it wasn't anything too awful. You do know that you're nauseous because of coffee and painkillers on an empty stomach, right? :) Get some soup and a blanket and have another Battlestar marathon :)
  • The kids are doing really well. The boys are both in school. Isaiah is in all day Kindergarten and Eli is in Pre-K all day. Maddy goes to the sitter while Danielle and I work.
    The speech problems both boys had are almost non-existent. Their speech is much better than before. We are very proud of them.
    Danielle & I both have dream jobs right now. Our only wish was that we could relocate to our original location when we were first married. But we would have to find new dream jobs there.
    I saw hubby had to fix an iPad the other day. Was that yours or his?
  • @EStar -- Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I think pain pills frequently make you feel nauseous (not to mention the sedative). I always try to stop them as soon as I can stand it. Plain crackers or bread are frequently tolerable. Hope it is chicken noodle soup. Also plain egg custard is what they frequently give you to eat in the recovery room after you have surgery.
    @Rdnzlrips82 -- Good to see you even for a fleeting second.
  • @mvnla2 think you @mentioned enough people in your B&R nomination? :P

    edit: I don't think she trusts me!
  • @mvlna2 I am at the office today and the boss decided to work from home. Therefore, I can be a little less "focused" on work. I do need to get some DC Jacks replaced in some laptops, but I will be lurking about. :)
  • @rdnzlrips82 Thank you so much for saying that about the DC jacks. Recently, I got in trouble here for mentioning how much I love repairing/repurposing broken electronics. :)
  • @ripsy it was not one of our own, but my father in laws... the battery wasn't holding the charge, so hubby installed a new one so we could pass the ipad along to my uncle and auntie. I still have my spare iPad2 while playing on the iPad Air I got at the beginning of the year, hubby is still very happy with his iPad mini :)

    @Kelani yeah I know... it was either a root canal or an extraction. I asked them if extraction would cause issues with eating and they did mention it was a molar one uses for eating, so I figured I would save it. one the one hand I wished I had let them pull the thing as I am not really confident the infection will totally clear with the root canal and cleaning of the pocket. On the other hand if it does work I won't have issues with eating or having a gap there. But only time will tell. Have to be back in in two weeks or sooner if things aren't improving. Guess now my patience is really tested to wait for some result.

    As to eating, @mvnla2 eating anything solid like crackers or bread is out of the question, too painful. But I did eat a bit of herring and had a small bowl of vegetable soup (cooked to mush vegetables) with noodles. No idea what egg custard is, but sounds awful hahahaha sorry... maybe it's delicious, will google in a few.
  • @EStar -- How about creme brulee (without the sugar topping)?
    @kelani -- I do trust you. Just figured Mumsie should be mentioned anyway, and BL is the one who makes decisions on some of the badges.
  • @mvnla2 I was kidding. :) Still, I think you just earned the top spot in @les-toreadors fan club. Never seen so many noms for a single person before.
  • Yay, finally got around to getting an uncaged subscription. It's the least I can do after all the bandwidth I've sucked up from here.
  • @kelani -- The only reason I can see that @lestoreadors doesn't have a ton of badges is that he/she doesn't play the regular AB games, just runs Pigineering, so there aren't a lot of people that know him / her.
  • Hi everyone sorry I haven't come in a bit. Had some stuff to do :(
    Hahaha very funny @Kelani
  • Gonna have to catch up tomorrow :( got my new tablet Nexus Google 7 just done charging and setting up now bedtime I see it came with the error box though: \hmm my comment won't post
  • Oopsy lol
  • @AEX10 Isn't my ereal name, but if it was, i'd imagine I'd be named after the river. :) There's a few weird things that use this name. My old site used to get so many people looking for the Kea Lani hotel that I was able to convince them to pay me for every lost soul I redirected to their site.
  • What's upn with SW 2 downloading assets ?
  • Ahh never mind @Kelani it's no matter Pita is all lol.
    I'm setting up my new tablet and for restore purpose need to play one level of each game and get a star..SW2 I don't even play anyway but when you start it it has a little guy in the corner with 'loading assets' no idea what for but it takes forever.. I'm really going to
    Night night

    Edit: now = very shortly lol;)
  • @Kathy it's just the game telling you it's loading.
  • Oohh o.k thanks Kel I didn't know cuz it said 'assets' I didn't know wtheck.. anyway ty
    Night night see Ya tomorrow. Thanks for holding the fort;)
    Sorry missed a whole day and Ripsy:( getting late gotta hit the hay
  • Good morning @Everyone!

    Well hellooo @ripsy! So good to see you stop in for a bit, and give us an update on what's been happening in your neck of the woods. Happy to hear everything's going well with you and your family!

    @Kelani, PM sent. Thanks for helping out with the B&R.

    @Kathy, where would be the best place to ask our Nesters for more Challenge requests? I was going to put a commwnt on the challenge page, but I don't know if anyone reads past the scores list.
  • @Estar That's nice of hubby to take on that repair. You have to be careful not to Crack the digitizer while opening. I have played around with a Mini and Air both. Both are difficult repairs. The mini has a magnetized side that makes it hard to keep your screws on your screwdriver. But, I figured out some tricks to fight it. :)
    @kelani you got in trouble for talking about electronic repairs? Guess I better not talk about work too much. :)
    @sweetp it was nice to post more than one Comment in a 24 hour period.
    @kathy You get to use a backup program on your new tablet? That's nice. I can only play ABO because I am not a fan of rooting my androids.
    On a separate note, I did my first successful jailbreak on an iPhone 3Gs yesterday. Pretty stoked too add that to my bag of tricks.
  • And it is always good to see you, as well @mvlna2!
  • @Ripsy quickly cuz I'm at work backup not inn tablet. .used Helium with help didn't have to root anything (whatever that means) lol
  • I tried Helium and it didn't work for me. So I am only using the RovioCloud. Which is only available for my old games on my old phone. Right now, that is ABO. I would love to play the rest, but I don't want to mess anything up. When are they going to install cloud support for the old games? Or did they decide against that? Anyone have any info?
  • @Ripsy Sorry, I'm not awake enough to type your full name. Given your status here, you have nothing to worry about. You could launch into a multi-page rant about how half your DC jacks were tip positive, and the other were sleeve positive, and nobody would say a thing. :)

    btw, my take on Rovio's answer for old game cloud support is "we'll do it when we get around to it". But, a newer game (Stella) I think doesn't use it at all. It has some kind of Facebook account-linked backup, so I'm not sure what the future holds.
  • @JKhab69 Yo JK. Been trying to get in touch with you about your Over the moon badge.
  • Hello @all Sorry to be MIA, so busy-busy after hols, I need another vacation already. . Did a quickie swipe of the unread pages, gosh, I'm lost among all the tech stuff, co-ax cables, routers etc, also so many new games. . . well I won't be getting Stella, Epic or Transformers, I love the classic AB best and there's still plenty of room for improvement there - I haven't as yet 3-starred all of Seasons Greedings, for example, amazing as that may seem :-) Loving Pig Days - lots of fun, trying now for higher scores!

    Been busy surfing too - here's a playlist for you

    Wonderful guitar player:

    Dancing on the walls of City Hall

    The owl and the pussycat:

    Drones: where art and technology meet:
    1. To appreciate the 2nd video fully, watch this one first! It shows the nifty dancing drones at the Paris Air Show last year and what they're capable of. .

    2. . . . while the second one, entitled "Sparked", shows them starring in the famous Cirque du Soleil - simply beautiful!

    @EStar Hope you're better! Nasty thing, ewww, PITT! Egg custard v nice tho'
    Hi@ripsy, @kel, @kathy

    Ttfn xoxo
  • Hi @TomPuss!
    it's so clean in here I can't see my feet :)
  • @AEX10 She's better love it. AB helps keep Siri's bosses rich,
  • @kel Yes, love it! Just the first one tho', the 2nd refused on pad :-(
    So many styles of guitar playing that it's hard to rate one against the other. What about this babe?

    and one of my favourites (I posted this already ages ago):

    Course I still fling! Just hate posting scores, that's all, it kills my eyes. .

    @AEX10 Drones cleared the crumbs, Hansel, now you are lost. . .
  • @kelani My status around here should be no different than anyone else's. I fling my birds the same way everyone else does.
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