The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2393
  • @rat trash talking again lol
    I'm sure I whipped you in TT. Take it back if you wish, I'm well out of there
    I'm playing a little Space, doing average in Pig Days, and occasionally three star some Rio levels. I'll let you know when I get my teeth into something again, and then perhaps a toothy rabbit -v- sharp teethed rat competition ;-)
  • Hi everyone :) @Annifrid I'm so happy to hear you got your progress back YaY !!
    @Kelani I never said i didn't believe you .. just questioned if it was true or virtual. .you said true I said funny;0 and happy to hear your enjoying 'coat' weather please keep it down there. .pretty please :(
    @e-star yes i to am confused as to @AEX10 age ? Fess up AEX10 ?
    @Pa is it my imagination did you lose a couple #1 's in a Few space episodes since yeterday? Or did isee it wrong yesterday I thought you were #1 in Every episode?
    OB I'll have a hmmm Hot cup of tea please black with 2sugars ;)
  • Hi @hunnybunnypagechanger sorry didn't see ya up there ! You stole from the Princess!! Oh oh lol;)
  • Hi @HunnyBunny. No, you own TT. Your last score hop took the wind out of my sails.
    Dratz! I knew it was going to happen. Another one of my Space Top Scores has fallen. @Comex666 beat my score on the Daily Challenge. Who keeps putting my scores at risk?
  • Id tell ya @Pa but wellll.. I'm sworn to secrecy :/
  • Excuse me, I'm off out to buy a record player with a really good stylus, and a huge stack of vinyl, some very nice writing paper, and ink for my fountain pen
    Technology ain't that good
    Bose sound system, my Christmas present, worked when it wanted to today
    Email accounts (two) completely failed on both iOS devices yesterday (one resurrected, one not)
    Searching for holidays on PC, keep getting "book by 31st July for discounts"
  • Nope @Ma. I currently have first place in seven of the twelve episodes. I have lost a little ground in the other five though. And @Burpie took first in Cosmic Crystals away from me a few months ago. But overall, I'm still in fine shape.
  • Hi all, just lurking :)
    @Kelani I will take your word for it :) next time you go shopping say hi from the DutchieStar :p

    @Kathy @AEX PMed his age as he was wise enough not to reveal his real age in the forum as no teen should.. what were we thinking right?! hahaha.
  • Hi @kathy I'm sure @kelani is messing with you, whatever he says...

    @Rat I never thought I'd say this, but you are my Saviour. Your last post just made the other iOS device spring into life, email-wise!
  • @hunnybunny LOL back to the stone age for you huh? Sounds like someones voodoo hoodoo is upon you :p
  • Are you saying we won't see @AEX10 in the BP anymore @Estar?
  • Finally! The respect I'm due from @HunnyBunny.
  • Ooohhh @Estar arghh What Was I thinking Sorry! ! I'm happy to hear he had the sense to pm you 'whew' ty ;)
  • Glad to hear your still Top Dog @Pa :)
  • Sorry @Estar. I've got to run. Chores to do before SWDNF gets home. I shouldn't have procrastinated. But I did enjoy my nap.
  • @rat live with that. You surely ain't getting nothing from me anymore lol
    @estar now I seem to have two out four back in the real world
  • Time to change the battery :/ bbiab
  • And I'm hopping too. Space is calling......
  • Mister @rat no worries I am about to watch "just one more" Stargate. As for AEX he is welcome anytime he likes, but we advise teenagers to keep their age out of public view.

    @kathy amazed at your changing rate of batteries but good luck to ya!

    @hunnybunny safe flight into Space
  • @Rat Ah good. you bought the good router with capability to handle dual-band N. iPad handles that, and you could upgrade the adapter in any computers and laptops if you need.

    My Space/Rio catch-up has been delayed until I get some things off my plate. I'm still playing challenges, and a Ratscore is on the chopping block today (RP-26), of course nobody's gonna beat it.

    @hunnybunny ahem? When I'm messing with people, I always include something so it's obvious. :)
  • I found my Whiny level Abracabacon 2-4

    Earplugs everyone .......
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee !!
  • @Rat correction, your high score just got smacked by @comex666 2nd puppy in two days. Jeez.
  • Ya @Estar its a pain.. waiting for a good deal on new phone:(
  • Think he already got that news @Kelani :/ read up ↑
  • I knew about today's whuppin @Kelani. But I had missed yesterday. What'd I lose?

    Sorry @HunnyBunny. But you knew I was in a trash talkin' mood before you came in the door of the BP.
  • Wow!!! The women have some large kennels. @Annach (24) and @Karen68 (22). Poor @Comex666 only has eighteen puppies.
  • @Rat yesterday wasn't Space, so it wasn't you, I don't think.
  • Ya never 2 space Levels in a row just once every 6th day:)
  • I looked to see who's been taking my top scores. It's not @Annach or @Karen68. It's @Comex666. Grrrrrrrrr He's taken three from me in Space lately. As Joan Rivers used to say, "Can we talk?".

    Edit: And the theory holds up. Women, for some inexplicable reason, don't do as well in Space. ?????
  • Go Get em' Pa !! Or better yet invite him here so you can 'talk' ;)
  • Nooooo Mrs. Bunny!! Not Space!!!
  • @Kathy 5 days now. SWII isn't in the rotation. So, more stress for the ratster. :)
  • lol. Space Bunny. Isn't that what astronauts call their groupies?
  • It's not easy to get that many top scores in the daily challenges. My hats off to @Annach, @Karen68, and even @Comex666. CongRATz!!
  • Watch out @Kelani. You remember @PythonBunny don't cha? Or do you want a matching bullseye on your back?
  • Every 6th day..
  • @Rat yes, but those scars have healed nicely.
  • @Kathy Only if you're counting the day of the first Space, which you shouldn't. :)
    The rotation is: Space - SW - Orig - Seasons - Rio.
    If Space #1 ends on Mon. night, Space #2 starts on Saturday night.
    Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat = 5 days.
  • Look out @Comex666! SWDNF is going to Germany soon. Say you entered the scores in error before it's too late. She's vicious when you mess with her man. lol
    She scares me anyway.
  • Day #1 space
    DAY #2 Sw
    Day #3 Abo
    Day #4 Abr
    DAY #5 Ab season
    DAY # 6 tada back to Space
    Like I said every 6th day :)
  • Why is she suddenly interested in Space again, anyway? I didn't know she left any unfinished business on her last trip.
  • Yep @Kelani. It's too late for me. That bullseye is tattooed on my back. Take care young man, take care...
  • @Kelani the Daily Challenge was originated by @TeamBP believe me I know the drill;)
  • So me losing top scores is your fault @Ma? Say it isn't so.
  • @Kathy You don't count the first Space challenge. since you're playing it on that day, the clock doesn't start until the next day's challenge begins. :)

    Different approach. It's Monday, and you're going on a nice trip on Saturday. If someone asks you "how long til your trip?" Do you say "6 days" there also? or if it's late Saturday night, and I ask "when do you go back to work?" do you say "3 days"?

    I'm not picking on you. Some people count days that way. No idea why.
  • Yes @Kelani I say 6.

    O.k so if I can't test a transducer till ' 3 days After second torque and its second torqued on Monday Morning do i test it on Wednesday or Thursday?
  • @Kathy lol who knows. IMO, as long as you don't electrocute yourself or blow out the power to half the city, does it really matter? :) I think you may be remembering 6 from when SWII was in the rotation, (was it ever? It's not anymore). Here's my last example, then I have to go. Someone else will have to explain why 5 doesn't equal 6.

    If I'm halfway through a Space challenge (10AM Monday). It is exactly five days until I am in the middle of the next Space challenge. (10AM Saturday).

    back later.
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