The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2395
  • @BPC Unless you want one of those $200+ super routers, no discussion needed. :) Here's what I bought, and what I talked Rat into buying:
  • Space! ! @Bonneypattycat ..hee hee well at least you'll have plenty of top notch strats there with the the competition in there lol.. just check with @rat9 I'm sure he wouldn't mind ccoaching ya intobeating the competition lol;)
  • @Kelani did you have a chance to check out high score in abracabscon 2-5 9k above 2nd place with no comment:/
  • @Kelani that is the one I am considering! Netgear will be coming out with another one with 802.11ac, but the one you linked to will do and it is available now.
  • @Kathy oops. didn't see your note about 2-5. But SweetP was who to ask, anyway. I haven't played that level, so I don't know what's possible there.
  • Gotta pop out for a bit I'll be back. .have a good night if I don't see ya @BPC :)
  • pffft. won't be any puppies today. Not with a 66k glitch/PU high score.
  • Oohb o.k thanks @kelani :) I did leave a post on the walkthrough as well:)
  • @Kathy, yeah that score on 2-5 looks might suspicious. I will flag it too.

    @Kelani, oops, that's not the one I was looking at. I want one of those "gateway" models with the modem and router in one box. I usually have fewer problems with those.
  • Thanks @BPC :) it's definitely suspicious.
  • K gotta pop bbiab :)
  • I wish I'd got the gateway modem/router @BPC. @Kelani pushed me into an antiquated NetGear router.
  • @Rat if it is 802.11n, emphasis on the "n" it will indeed soon be antiquated, but should do for most people.

    I am waiting for the Netgear 802.11ac gateway, but no telling when it will be available. I might go ahead and get the "n" gateway as it should do for my purposes.
  • Now I feel impotent. Why did I ever listen to Kel?

    Edit: Ha ha ha I bought it before you sent me the link @Kelani. That's what you get for taking credit for my purchase. ha ha ha
  • @Rat, the router recommended by @Kelani should work fine, unless you do a tremendous amount of streaming or gaming.
  • It will and I don't @BPC.
  • I am the most gullible person on the planet...
  • Speaking of antiquated, I need to start looking for a new modem.
  • No. You're just a nice person @BPC. I was just having a little fun with Kel and you got caught in the middle..
  • @Rat it's okay, coming from a large family with three brothers who love nothing better than tormenting me, I am quite used to it! lol
  • I'm back but only to say good night. .early night for me *yawwwnn* night all. .

    Night @Pa
  • Did nobody hear me? It is IMPOSSIBLE to get above average on Trick or Treat 3-3!

    OH! I forgot....

  • @Rat really? I spend an hour helping you get the best router for the money when you already bought it, and and you're complaining at me about it? Of all the nerve.

    N won't be antiquated anytime soon. Multi-band is new, and most people aren't going to need over 750MBPS wifi.
  • Sorry @BPC, I'm not a trick or treat flinger.
  • We three boys were nothing but sweet to our younger sister @BPC. BTW, I've got some good (swamp) land in Florida I can sell ya. lol
  • @BPC, if you're a t-mobile cell customer, I have a great router deal for you:

    Currently one of the best routers out there, for free. I dare @Kelani to beat that.

    As for the modem, this one has been working flawlessly with Comcast for me:
  • Multi-band... drool :)
  • @fenikus!

    Nope, I am not with T-Mobile. I have a dumb, cheap Tracfone ;)

    Pretty sure I will go the the Netgear gateway. It should do the job and some.
  • @fenikus it is very nice, except for the whole having to use T-mobile part.
  • Hmm. That is quite a deal T-Mobile is offering... Hmmm!
  • T-Mobile can't be any worse than using a Tracfone!
  • @BPC, I've been quite happy with t-mobile for years now. And if you happen to be in a contract with tracfone, they'll pay any early termination fees if you switch to them.
  • @fenikus, no contract with Tracfone, I just pay as I go. I hardly ever use the phone, mostly have it for emergencies.
  • I gotta hit the hay, and dream about a dual band modem and smart phone..

    Goodnight all :)
  • ... and a 50" TV.
  • @BPC, then I assume you have digital (landline) phone service with Comcast, yes? If so, it is no more reliable than having a cell phone that can use wifi to make calls (which t-mobile promotes) -- if you lose power to your house, you have no landline phone. And if you setup your cellphone to use Google Voice (free), you can use any computer in your house to make calls.

    So in other words, it may be less expensive for you to have a t-mobile smartphone than comcast landline and tracfone cell. Plus you get that sweet router they're just giving away :-)
  • Good night @BPC. Tomorrow, I might tell you how to get a free 65" inch TV ;-)
  • @fenikus with or without gunfire?
  • @fenikus My landline is copper wire from CenturyLink. Old habits die hard. Ah, but it DOES work when the power is out, I just have to dig out my old-fashioned corded phone and plug it in.

    I recently signed up for Google Phone, but so far haven't used it.
  • Thanks @kelani no worries there's a team working hard - they never miss anyone!! @fenikus - Loved the Candy crush video - - she was good with that hammer! Better than I am with the game it seems! Hi @BPC hope you dreams come true - i too have three brothers! So know exactly what you mean!
    @kathy you & OB are so good to me - poofing me home - thank you.
    Decisions today go for a swim or go to play golf???
  • Bunny wakes up screaming. Trick or Treat 3-3. Nightmare. Arrgghhh!!
    @rat you must remember it, you challenged me in one Seasons game and picked that one. Even you admitted it was a mad choice!
    @BPC I eventually scored 124,870 (entered on 15th Oct 2013) so it is possible after the glitch was removed to get a three star score. I'm pretty sure, that after at least a trillion attempts, i managed a one birder; the whole thing collapsed in slow motion.

    @fenikus loved the video

    @kelani I failed on the puppy too, if it makes you feel better! I didn't even enter my score, it was so pitiful
  • @HunnyBunny ToT 3-3? Nope, no memory of it. I remember the ToT challenge with you and I remember beating you at your own game. Mwahahahahaha! But not the level we played. I successfully dumped the memory of that nasty level. It gets easier to do that the older I get. lol
  • Have a Fantabulous Flinging Day All:) * off to work*
  • Hi @all! In Chicago right now. Just had to say that a non-wireless,landline phone has much to recommend it if you live in earthquake country.
  • @mvnla2 I live in earthquake country (Seattle, where the Big One is due any minute). I love my copper wire landline. It is reliable and the sound quality is superior.
  • @Hunnybunny thanks for the info on ToT 3-3! I think @Kathy also managed a 1-birder without the instability. Guess I know what I am doing the next five days! lol
  • @Mumsie OK, was just letting you know since wicket got in literally at the last minute.

    candy crush and a hammer? Funikus must've posted a Geico commercial somewhere. :)
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