The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2389
  • Sorry to burst your bubble @Ollygod, but I only had a couple of flinging days in me. I'm back to levels of pain that are keeping me from concentrating again. Now's your chance. You're only 6k out of first. With your skills, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. But watch out for @Romo. He's pushed our scoring in BI #1 to the edge of ridiculous. We both have eighteen of the twenty-two levels in the top five. And nothing above top nine. I had to take your top score on 8-11 just to catch him. Sorry. Btw, where have you been? I haven't seen you in BI #2.
  • And about 8-11 @Ollygod. There's at least another 2.4k for an enterprising individual that wanted to get their Sheriff's Star back. Good Luck.
  • I see the Challenge today is one of my top scores. Take it, if you can. Ain't no way I'm going back there. Dreadful, frustrating, thousands of flings, level.....

    Just popping as the Sunday Lunch cooks.

    See you later :-)
  • Oh, and while I remember @jlz666 glad Scotland stayed with the rest of us. Hope you're enjoying your holiday.
  • Maybe Wales should try that @HunnyBunny. Then the Prime Minister could give y'all some concessions too. Ouch! I bit my tongue saying that.
  • @rat
    (Start rant) The Sennydd (Assembly, for the non-welsh speakers) gave us
    1. free health prescriptions
    2. charged us 10 pence for a plastic bag when shopping (good, too, cut down on non biodegradable waste. You remember to take one with you)
    3. hid the ciggy display in shops before England did.
    Other than that, they just cost us money. I'd seriously think about moving to England if we became an independent country. Lot of lefty loonies, if you ask me (rant over)
  • @rat hope your tongue ain't bleeding.......
  • @kelani no idea on that one. Never heard of it.
    But like the idea of 'cashier window' in a hospital. "Pay or you die."
    We have receptionists. "Ah, you never worked, never paid anything to the state, please come in, bring in your seven children with you, and your scrounging half wit of a spouse. We'll treat them all"
    I'm ranting again.......
    Off to do some fashion blog thing. Not feeling very much like a fashionista in my old tee shirt, jeans and flip flops though
  • The runway models could make what you're wearing the next must have. Work it Mrs. Bunny, work it.
  • I was doing some reading about Wales this weekend @HunnyBunny. It's a good thing you live in Cardiff. Some of the stuff I read about people who live along the shore of Tiger Bay stood my hair on end. Vicious!
  • Nothing is free Someone is paying for it.
    Sorry @kelani that you won't enjoy your filet min jon (no idea how to spell)
    But you can freeze it and have it on those rare ooccasions when you do eat beef?
    Hope everyone is enjoying a nice Sunday is gray and gloomy here:(
  • @Kathy some of it is paid for by cost savings, because the doctors agree to reasonable salaries, much lower than in the US. Sure, everyone's paying for it, but then again, everybody has access to the care. If having "free" health care means spending $3 for a head of lettuce, it still sounds like a good idea to me. :)
  • Agree @Kelani :)
    I don't mind paying extra for those who really need it, i do mind paying for those who dont need it but take advantage, which makes it harder for those who do really need it to get it:/
  • O.k so I successfully backed up all my games should i install Stella and give it a try or just continue to bang my head against the wall in Abracabacon ?
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please and some crispy pig ears :)
  • Quick pop in - @kelani 'free' health care in the UK is free at the point of delivery, however as @kathy says someone is paying for it with taxes & national insurance (BTW @hunnybunny is somewhat mistaken, there are 'cashiers' in hospitals however not many people get a free taxi home, they may get the bus fare! At least that's the way it was for the 33 years I worked in the NHS). One always suspects in documentaries such as the Michael Moore one that the cameras capture what the producer wants the audience to see!
  • Beautiful pic @hunnybunny looks like a nice place to live:)
    Hi @mumsie42 :)
  • @mumsie I was just thinking of walking into A&E and the cashier was there, waiting to take your cash! Otherwise, no treatment!
  • Lol @Kenobi I love your little whatever you call it.. go betweens imaginations!
    I think I've decided to install Stella. .report to come shortly
    Love it or hate it coming soon. ..
    OB I have a feeling i need a strong one. .make it long island iced tea..
  • Time to change the battery:( can't wait to upgrade! !
  • Uhmm where is Stella? Abo ? Seasons ? Help @kelani ?
  • @Mumsie yeah. I suspected his picture was a bit rosier than the reality. :) The truth isn't easy to find, though. Some people say the film was accurate, others have horror stories about mismanaged care.
  • All my apps say up to date except Epic and SW ?
  • @Kathy it's a whole new game. AB Stella. And what do you mean my imaginary go betweens? That happened a half-hour ago at the local Just Save.
  • Don't make me sic Judy on you...
  • Haha lol @kelani I thought you were doing a 'what if' even funnier that it really happened Roflmao!
  • @Kathy I chat with the cashiers all the time, so they're used to my random comments. They weren't busy, so I just asked each one as I went by their aisle :)
  • I was reading back about the 'do nice things for strangers' convo
    I do it a lot but don't say much I agree with @rat9 better left unspoken but it does brighten my day to know I've maybe brightened someone else's day:)
    Then again some are done with thought in mind for instance there was a cop behind me inn DD drive through the other day I thought in my best interest to pay for his order lol..ya ya I know ulterior motive doesn't count. .haha but still!
  • K so where do I find Stella? Is not part of AB ?
  • @Kathy

    better read the walkthrough comments as you play the first 20 levels or so. Also, just try to complete a level and move on. You can come back and 3* everything once you hit the wall of smoke delays.
  • Oh ok thanks @kelani :) good to know installing now I watched the video looks interesting:)
  • Here I Gooooo wish me luck!
  • @Kathy it is fun. Ridiculously girly and cute, and don't bother with the leaderboards unless you can handle disappointment, but fun.

    edit: it'll take some time to get used to how the birds works. It's like the Matrix.
  • K thanks Kel I won't even look at leaderboards for now just checking it out:)
  • @Kathy Stella's been turned into a bulldozer in this game. I wish she had those powers in the other AB games.

    btw, the photographs you collect when you get to a certain # of stars just lets you change the costumes on the birds. They don't do anything else.
  • @Kathy one more keltip. Some of the between-level ads don't show an X in the top right corner of the screen for a few seconds, but you can tap there instantly and get past the ad anyway. :)
  • Kk thanks for the keltips @Kelani I'm sure I'll be barraging you with questions lol:)
    Are there walkthroughs for Stella?
  • K so far so good. Got 3 stars first fling:/
  • Lol no idea what I'm doing but I'm on level #5 3 stars inn all and a picture :/
  • Spoke to soon level #6 only 2 stars:/ k done reporting .. to be continued. .
  • I cant go back and see what my score was on previous levels?
  • Goodnight @all
    I'll leave you with this:
    Anyone else think that a player on the top of two or three leaderboards without one top score whatsoever is a little suspect?
    Or is it just me and my suspicious mind?
  • Night @hunnybunny and well noo being#1 on leaderboards doesnt nessacarily have to have a ttop score in the episode just an overall consistent high score will do it. For instance if all scores are in the top 10 then you could easily be#1 in episode I think? :/
  • @Hunnybunny Sometimes, especially if they have a lot of #2-#5 spots. But then again, my scores are like that.

    @Kathy You have to clear the level again to see your score. Welcome to Stella annoyance #1.
  • sometimes there are people who have few or no top 10 scores, but are still high on the board. they're just higher on average than everyone else. But that's also how fake score posters who want to stay below the radar do it. So you need to look for way too many 2nd-3rd place scores (nobody questions those, after all), and also if their scores seem to favor certain digits. (If any human is told to write a bunch of random numbers, like scores, they always use certain numbers way more than others).
  • Oh yeah @Kelani that's annoying so i think I'll just do a first run maybe if idk or should i just enter scores as i go who cares if they are low..then if i feel like it go back another day. .and what's this talk aboutchanging birds? I see no option for that not that i would but ?
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