The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2358
  • Am I still even in the top 10?
  • Hey guys:) I'm not in on the smoking vs. ecig talk..I smoke , tried patch-didn't work, tried ecig -didnt work, I smoke. I also don't like the smelly cologne or perfume either and yes it Can be harmful to others especially children with asthma.
    Scrabble I loove also hours of playing with my family that and parcheezie (spelling? ) I haven't seen that game for ages since i was a kid! Every Saturday night we three kids were 'forced' to play 'family night' we actually looved it lol.
  • Thanks @fenikus :) now i don't know where to fling?
  • @Kathy Top 10 on TT. btw, it's Parcheesi, but I like your spelling better.
  • Lol thanks @kelani..I haven't checked but ya your part f BP7 and we are all on top. .I'm in 7th..
  • The last time I looked at TT rankings I was in first @Kathy. But with the comments in the BP by a certain Bunny, I'm assuming that is no longer the case. lol
  • Nope @pa I think your still #1 :) brb I'll check; )
  • Nope hunnybunny #1 rat #2 fenikus #3 kelani #4bernersenn #5 Sweetp #6 me #7
  • Battery change brb..
  • How the blanketyblank did I get to #3? I thought i was like 6th. Oh wait, that's HH.
  • So, I asked earlier if anyone was playing Stella tomorrow, nobody replied. Y'all going to sit around twiddling your thumbs, or what? :)
  • I might @kelani..idk I will check it out. .right now I'm trying @Romo BI #32 strat he got my trophy:(
  • @Kelani I will be skipping Stella and any other game that employs Telepods, swappable characters and/or other high-priced in app purchases. I prefer to pay upfront, knowing what the actual cost of the game is before getting roped in.

    Today, I downloaded Monument Valley. Currently stuck on level 10 ;)
  • Awww Stella has Telepods!!? I won't be playing it either @BPC in that case:(
  • Is o.k I have plenty of levels to get progress back..just not sure where i feel like flinging. .
    I think I'm gonna try Seasons SouthHAmerica
  • Yep that's where I'm going. .@bernersenn you still there? @kKelani can you play that?
  • @Kathy nope. doesn't exist

    edit: kkelani is a new one!
  • Even on your SometimesPad @kelani? kk..
  • @Kathy Don't have it tonight, and don't have seasons on it, either. :)
  • How come you don't have Seasons on it @kelani? You don't like Seasons? I thought you were the Seasons guy? Hmmm maybe that @fenikus. .nooo he's the Rio guy. .or Am I backward m
  • @Kathy c'mon, you know I despise seasons. Actually, I think it may just be the oldest episodes. I played some of the golden eggs, and they weren't too bad.
  • Freaking battery low again. .the one i put in I thought was fully charged but the "'charging phone "must have been'on the whole time i had it off has cracked screen so i cannot tell on or off:/ darn.. at 39%
  • Ohhh yeah Now i remember. .you better edit that before 'youknowwho' sees that comment; )
  • Hello? Anybody here? OB, I'll have a double espresso please, with extra foam. Got a lot of flinging to do and I'll need the strength!
  • Yeah, I will be busy three-starring 80-some levels in Season. I've been picking away at it for the past year :) Other AB games, I do my best to get above average on all levels, but I'm throwing the towel in on Seasons. When I get done there, I would like to go back and work on raising some scores in Classic and Rio. Unless of course Rovio turns out a new game that meets my criteria.
  • @BPC I still have a lot of original Seasons to replay and ABO classic is my favorite (I think) lol
    Either way lots to improve on. I'm not bothering to update any more. .:)
    Hi @Sweetp welcome back
  • Sorry can't chat. I gotta have a full battery before bedtime. Alarm clock broke need phone.
  • Ta da! I finished Monument Valley! It's one of those games that you play once and then you're done, but for a few bucks it was about 1 and 1/2 hours of challenging cuteness and fun. A way better bargain than going out to a movie. I gave it four stars.
  • hey @SweetP I was about to send a search party after you. :)

    @Kathy South Hamerica does look fun. If it ever comes out on PC, I'd play it.
  • @BPC looks like one of your top scores is in the crosshairs (literally) on today's challenge. :)
  • Thank goodness the'charging phone'charged this battery up.. but it draining fast..
    Gnite all. .happy flinging:)
  • Sounds like there's something wrong with that battery
  • Hi @Kathy, good night dear friend! I'll take care of your flashlight for you. Sweet dreams, hun.

    Hi @kelani! It's been awhile since I've been here, but with good reason. Hubby and I took a nice bike trip into the Sierras, started out on Thursday morning and stopping in Bishop, Mammoth, June Lake, the first couple of days. Then went over the Sierra Nevada Divide into Carson City, and then our final destination Virginia City. I haven't done any flinging while we were gone! Had such a great time there wasn't any time at all to think about AB or the Nest.
    I haven't read back any of these pages, and I have no interest in doing so, either. We came home Monday night, and it took all of yesterday to unwind and just relax at home doing absolutely nothing. *Sigh* life is GOOD!
  • *gets @Kathy's flashlight and disassembles it. Carefully inspects all the parts, cleaning and shining each piece. Replaces batteries with new ones, reassembles everything and silently places it under her pillow. Inspects the Scentsy wax warmer and gives it a wipedown, adds a cube of wax to the bowl. Turns on the soft glow of the warmer that will see her safely to dreamland.*
  • @Sweetp sounds like a great trip. Good thing I didn't send the search party. They'd never have found you. :)

    edit: you didn't miss much, BP-wise. Aside from @Rat's Space gamecenter scores getting booted with the fake ones, and @TomPuss luggage going somewhere other than where she went, it's been quiet.
  • @Kelani Thanks for the heads up! That is one top score that wouldn't hurt to lose. I almost felt guilty getting that score, it took all of three minutes. Just one of those very lucky moments.
  • Is chivalry dead? Shame on him. I intentionally stopped short of taking your trophy in BI #32 @Ma. Well, I have a trick on that level I haven't implemented yet. Let me give it a fling and get back to you. Maybe we can make him pay for stealing your trophy. If it works, I'm only going to tell the BPer's in PM's. Ha ha
  • @BPC well after two hours at it, I think I can say the PC users won't cause you any problems. :)
  • You know summer is over when you light the pilot light on the gas fireplace....

    I would have waited a bit longer, but I have a cat DEMANDING a fire. He keeps sitting in front of the darn thing crying. I managed to get the pilot lit, but so far no flames. Sigh...
  • I want a fire :( I hate I only get to use my wood stove 2-3 months a year.
  • *rubs eyes*
    Forgot to shut dinge off..
    Thanks@Sweetp mmmm smells good in here:)
    Thanx @Pa ya right he stole it right under my nose m but at least he did say how after the sherrif wake mev up. .
    Night @Pa :)
    Mumsie don't want the kitty inn her wool.. and I'm to tired to fetch another. .night all
    *yaaawwwwnn* ' dinger off..*
  • Flames! Yes!
  • Installing Stella. At least it's free, although we know what that means.
  • Well... if it's FREE I guess I will give it a go..... wait.... NO!

    Dang, that was close...
  • It's cute, and the pig trampoline mini game is fun. Aside from that forced delay, and it not showing you your scores, and the fact that when you trigger her, it pauses the game so you can aim as long as you want. it's not bad.
  • Night @Ma. Don't stay up waiting on level 32 strategy. I'm having problems finding the right combo. It's there, just hidden under layers of gunk.
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