The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2357
  • @mvnla2 yeah, and distilled water. Amazing how many people don't know drinking a gallon of it in a short time can kill you.

    I think nicotine and its derivatives may have unknown medical uses, but smoking, definitely not. :)
  • True dat @Kelani (re: nicotine). I just read this article, very interesting:

    I thought drinking too much of even non-distilled water can kill you. Wasn't there a marathon runner that died from overconsumption few years back?
  • @fenikus It will, but the more minerals/electrolytes it has, the more you have to drink to die a horrible death.
  • This is a few days old, but interesting story in the New York Times about Rovio C.E.O stepping down:
  • @BPC first story sure explains why they're pushing powerups so much. Second one was pretty funny. :)
  • @Kelani, you are forced to "wait" to continue play or fork over coins?

    What the hay?

    I don't like the sound of that one little bit.
  • I realize game app producers like Rovio need to make money, but I am totally turned off by "in-game purchases". I was playing Word Chums for a while, but quickly realized how much money other players were spending on "hints" and "word bombs". I have returned to playing real Scrabble on a real board, with a real dictionary and pencil and pad at hand. Call me old-fashioned, but I like it better that way. And I only have to buy a new Dictionary once in a great while.
  • @BPC that's what dmrsal said. I haven't seen the game yet. Don't much like the idea of that, either. That article did make a good point, other companies are charging $3 for purchases, and Rovio has $60+ options. Not sure if that a sign of greed, or just wishful thinking.

    It's not old-fashioned to like board games on an actual board. I do as well. On computer, you can't cheat or 'accidentally' knock the board off the table when things don't go your way :)
  • @Kelani way easier to cheat in Word Chums than Scrabble. Who knows when you are using an online word search? Lots of websites offering to find just the right word for your play. Actually, it became rather obvious when other players were making use of these websites, but impossible to prove. With Scrabble, I just have to keep an eye on my sister when I go to the kitchen for a cookie. Bathroom breaks are a little trickier ;)
  • @BPC - love scrabble! Play once a month with old school friends and as we are all 'old' we allow the use of the scrabble book to try for high scores! Much chat and laughter too can't beat it!
    Mmm only $37,000,000 profit for Rovio in 2013- think I could survive on that! Well if they get really greedy I could just concentrate on improving all my below avg scores - there are soooo many it will take me years!!
  • Good morning all from another Scrabble player :-)

    About smoking:
    I am a heavy smoker, two weeks ago I bought an e-ciggy. HWDNF does not smoke. He cannot smell the vapour.
    Anyway, in the first week I cut my cigarette consumption by 50%
    This week by another 30%
    Ultimate goal: no cigarettes
    I don't use the e-ciggy like a cigarette, just have one puff when I get a craving.
    Highly recommended to all you smokers out there.
  • @mvnla2 unfortunately I am a smoker, yes.
  • And drinking lots of coffee, as black as can be. Must I be scared now?
  • @Mumsie we actually play a very family-friendly game of Scrabble. One can look in the book to verify a word before playing it, but they are not allowed to just go shopping for a word. One must also play within a reasonable period of time so the game doesn't go beyond 1.5 hours. If a player is working hard on a big play, we will give them an extra few minutes. Sometimes, I think we are too nice (sister is usually the one with the big plays).

    Our family has been playing for many, many years. Years ago, when we play at Mom's house, we began using a journal to record our final scores and make note of events in the family. They are really fun to read through now. Sadly, when Mom could no longer play, the journaling came to an end.
  • @BPC that's how we started - just checking a word- but then we moved one step further and we can now look them up! Oh and another in-house rule is that once the blank has been played you can substitute the letter it represents on the board from your rack! Therefore the blanks can stay in play! So much gentler than the way we used to play!
    @fenikus - interesting article re nicotine - though I have been saying for years that smokers don't get Alzhiemers - they don't live long enough!!
    I come from a family of smokers, Mom and her sisters never smoked, her eldest brother smoked and died at 80, her youngest brother gave up at 65 (90 in Dec) - all but one of my Dad's family (9 siblings) smoked but heart disease very prevalant on the maternal side (his Mom died at 56 - didn't smoke) and 3 died before 55 (including the non smoker) 1 in their 60s, 3 in their 70s and 2 in their 80s- his father had smoked since the age of 12 and died at 90 with over 100 descendants!
    Hubby hasn't smoked for over 20 years, none of the children smoke - I only smoke outside.
    Have to say @mvlna2 I don't agree that the e cigarettes should be banned from all buildings as (here in the UK) there is growing evidence that banning them is more likely to mean that if people go outside they will light up a real cigarette not 'vape', so less likely to kick the habit!
    I do agree its a filthy habit and I would like someone to wave a magic wand so I just stopped!
    Gosh didn't mean to go on for so long about it all!
  • @BPC -- Haven't checked yet, but the news about Hed belongs in Dr. Omega's newsroom.
    Very interesting that their profit went down so much. My speculation is that it is directly related to the exorbitant prices of their IAPs. Looks like someone didn't understand the basics of the supply/demand curve.
    I also resent the fact that I was "forced" into choosing between spending lots of $ or creating a facebook account solely for the purpose of continuing to make progress in AB Epic. I am now through all the levels, due to availability of some level 41 friends with great birds and complete sets of weapons. BTW, since the world-wide release, the max level has been reduced to 29, and it is much, much harder to accumulate lucky coins to get complete sets.
  • @scrabble players -- I used to play scrabble with HWDNF, until he racked up 300 points on a single word (that was many years ago). If I remember correctly, the word was "jonquils" (notice the j and q), and was nicely situated on triple word and triple letter squares). He had ALL the 2 and 3 letter words memorized. For quite a few years our relatives would play with him, until they realized they never won.
  • @mumsie -- Have to admit, I haven't yet been very close to anyone with an e-cigarette, so don't really know how bad they might be.
    Best wishes on trying to stop, I know it's very difficult. After reading @fenikus' link to the benefits of nicotine, may have to reconsider!
  • @mvnla2 in the store, I saw some of the e-cig flavors, and they were like coffee, root beer, mojito, juicy fruit, some tobacco-flavored ones, and even "pine cone". Unless there's a Mentos one, I don't wanna smell any of those. :)
  • Long live Queen @Annach. According to Game Center she is now the overall point leader in Space. Poor @Romo and @Ollygod are going to be quite disappointed. @Romo had a link on his Angry Birds Web Log bragging how he was #1 in Beak Impact and soon to be #1 in Space. Now he isn't ranked because of Pig Dipper. He, @Ollygod and I scored too high in Pig Dipper and had all our scores removed by Game Center. Whaaaa!
  • @Rat being king off the hill doesn't seem so great now, does it? :) I replied to your post.Surely there's got to be a way to appeal that.
  • @eCigDiscussionPanelistsAndLurkers: e-cigarettes/devices don't really produce smoke, rather a very fine mist that looks like smoke (called vapor, thus the term "vaping"). It mostly doesn't smell but when it does (if it's a flavor specifically designed to do so), it does so only while the vapor is still in the air which is couple of seconds. You could vape all you want in your house and your clothes and furniture will not smell of vaping.

    High quality "e-liquids" have only 4 ingredients: Propylene Glycol (USP), Glycerine (USP), N&A Flavorings (GRAS), Nicotine (USP).

    This is in comparison to 4,000+ ingredients found in tobacco smoke. For this reason I am flabbergasted re: why medical community in U.S. is so against e-cigs for cessation of smoking. Doctors will prescribe nicotine patches but tell their patients vaping is bad for them.

    Nicotine patches take care of the nicotine cravings, but do not deliver the "throat hit" which is what gives so many smokers pleasure. If anyone is considering stopping smoking and taking on vaping, please don't buy ready made e-cigs found in convenience stores. They do not do justice to vaping and will probably turn you off from it. Feel free to PM me for suggestions on some good "starter kits".

    Disclaimer: I am not promoting e-cigs here. If you're not a smoker/vaper, please stay that way. But if only one BP patron that smokes stops doing so as a result of this discussion, I think that's a positive thing.
  • The irony of the situation in Game Center is that the hacked scores are now returning. After all is said and done, all Game Center did was remove the valid high end scorers. Go figure?

    Edit: There is an up side to all of this. I assume I will no longer get 10 friend requests every day now that I'm not in first. Yea!!!
  • @fenikus I'm amazed so many companies make e-cigs that look like actual cigarettes. Anyone pulling one of those out in a non-smoking area is just asking to get yelled at.

    @Rat Maybe your scores will return when gamecenter syncs with your device?
  • @Rat -- Not sure, but isn't @annach a King?
  • @mvnla2 I don't think so. Profile doesn't say now, but I could've sworn it said female once.
  • @fenikus -- I know / knew that e-cigs produced vapor, but was not aware that it didn't smell like cigarettes. I'm still thinking that if someone were vaping right next to you, you would be likely to inhale some of the vapor and therefore nicotine if that's what they are using.
    BTW -- To be fair, I don't appreciate people who wear tons of smelly perfume either, but I think being forced to inhale nicotine is worse.
    Hope you are successful in cutting down / stopping smoking, if that's what your goal is.
  • @mvnla2 the ones that are tobacco flavor probably smell a little like them. You'd think so, anyway.
  • @fenikus - I went to PM you as I was sure we were friends and not only are you not in my friend list I can't find you in the members list!!! Please 'friend' me!
  • Duh! Mumsie being a numpty (again) found you @fenikus!! Please accept!
  • @Kelani, the best vaping devices look nothing like cigarettes. Best I can describe it is they look like small clarinets perhaps. But then I read a report of a woman taking a couple hits from such a device at a store checkout and some other woman thought she was doing drugs. So you can't win here, it's always going to be controversial.
  • So, enough nico-talk who's playing Stella tomorrow?
  • @Mumsie, we're now officially friends! :-)
  • People smoke in churches???
  • Thanks @fenikus - pm sent!
  • @kathy - I seem to have adopted your blue error box!!!
  • @Mumsie I'm sure some people would like to. Especially during those 4-6-hour services.
  • Good grief 4-6 hours! The joys of being a Catholic! Ours never go beyond 1 hour except at Christmas & Easter!
  • @Mumsie The Catholics are who I was referring to! :P OK, there are some long-winded Southern Baptists around here, and the AME churches have been known to Start at 10am, get into the music, and keep going until 6PM, but growing up, my friend's parents used to drag him to 5am masses, and he'd never get home until after lunch. I know, 'cause I was always riding my bike around his house and waiting. :)
  • Sorry @Mvnla2, you're wrong, @Kelani is right. @Annach is definitely a Queen. She goes by @Golda8 in Game Center.

    Edit: Did I get enough @mentions in the previous message? lol
  • @Kelani is right. I do love hearing that. :)
  • @kelani - never heard of a 5am Mass in my entire life! 6:30 am yes! 5am no - and never been to a Mass that was longer than 90 mins - excluding Christmas, Easter and a Bishop's funeral! And I've been to Mass in whole of the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Canada & the USA ( Rochester NY, Kissamee Fl, Ponte Vedra Fl) methinks they went for a huuuuuggge breakfast somewhere!!
  • @Mumsie Hmm. Maybe he had ballet lessons or something afterward and didn't want me to know. Every week, my friend and his family would come rolling in about 1-2PM. All 5 kids looked like they'd just been freed from prison. The first time I had a sleepover at their house, the parents woke me up at 4:30 and told me to go home. THEY had to go to church! After that, whenever he'd invite me to stay over, it was

    Chris: Wanna sleep over?
    Kel: Got church?
    Chris: Yep!
    Kel: Nope!
  • Hee hee! Sounds a wise move on your part! I'd have said the same! Bedtime for me - Nngb!
  • @mvnla2 On Scrabble board layout you can a word land on two two triple word scores (that is probably what it was) but not a triple word and triple letter.

    One of my better plays, not because of the total score, was the word "beautiful". It did land on two triple word squares. It was, of course, beautiful :).

    I don't recall my best word score, but my best game, was in the high 400s, not quite cracking 500. Someday....
  • I see "BP Seven" is back to holding the top 7 spots in TT. WTG @Kathy!
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