The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2356
  • Not really @kelani - of my 42 cousins only 14 are female! Though I do have 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters. Oh and 2 nieces ( 4 nephews)!
  • How odd - whenever I return to the BP one of the menus (from the gold bar above) is open and won't go away!
  • @Mumsie The Helen Mirren photo does not look like a woman who's had 5 kids :)
  • Why thank you @kelani but it's true, twin daughters (39) then 3 sons. There are 5 yrs, 5 weeks & 5 days between daughters and son #2 (my daughters told me that when they came to meet him in the hospital!) so then I decided to have a bit of a break and son #3 was born 6 yrs later!
  • Something very odd with the nest still got the menu dropped down and then I could not post - it said I had to sign in! Then when I clicked on the sign in Mumsie appeared and the comment box reappeared! OB large G&T please!
  • @Mumsie or..ahemm @OB sorry my kitty got into the but she was chilly and it was soooo comfy! ! So the guys drove ya to smokin !! Oh my..
    Anyway on a diffent note ive started flinging in Pig Days my oh my..I hear ya on the averages @Mumsie. .!! @mvnla2 will be interested to know I've finally found an episode that iWILL enter under average scores for now. .the first one was a struggle but i made average b the second one forgetaboutit!! Not evengonna keep trying at this Time they are difficult levels. .
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please :)
  • Oohh @Mumsie I got kicked out earlier had the same trouble .. had to sign in?
  • And my gold menu bar has a drop down on 'Forums 'that will not go away
    Calling @admins :/
  • Im gonna try a Hard reset.. shut off phone (gotta change out battery anyway)
    I'll let ya know if it works.
  • Nope still there! ! Odd.
  • Ok I'm off to bed now I'll pop back in the morning!
  • Night @Mumsie Sweet Dreams ♡ I'll try too keep the kitty under control. .hee hee..
  • It's only happening here not on leaderboards or walkthrough pages..
  • There is a disturbance in the Force.
  • Just a quick pop in as it is past PITA time... but while reading/skimming these last few pages I noticed @Kathy getting a magnificent banner from @Kelani! Congratz @Kathy!!
    Did you guys figure out who is runner up? Can not imagine one coming even close, I consider myself a chatty person and I "only" have 6,700 comments.
  • Thanks @Estar it's for all @team really !! After all. .♡
  • And your pop in fixed the problem somehow lol.. not sure if you read that yet !
  • Probably missed tons to comment on, but must dash... night night my feathered friends!
  • @kathy I did read you hoodoo voodoo thing, but I have no clue. But always happy to help even if I didn't know I was hahahahah
  • [[[hugs]]] @kathy sorry I can not stay and chat, enjoy your evening and happy flinging!
  • @estar hi! *poke* :) Oh wait, you left.
  • Sweet Dreams Estar ((((( hugs))))
  • @kelani -- Not everyone who visits the BP smokes, and if you do smoke, you are required to go outside, at least 50 ft from the door. I sure hope I'm not the only one who doesn't smoke? Don't tell me you, @bernersenn and @fenikus all smoke?
    I'm not even sure that @mumsie does.
  • @estar -- Not sure which comment you were looking at, but I do know how to find the ME walkthroughs. There is still one level where the walkthrough hasn't helped so far.
    @kathy -- I've played Pig Days, and have 3*, but haven't checked averages, which probably means I'm close to the bottom.
  • @mvnla2 she does. Don't know about those guys, but I think we're the minority here. Same with marital status. Almost all of you are married as well.
  • @Kelani -- Does that mean you do not smoke?
  • @all -- Just found out that BirdLeader has implemented an e-mail message to new members when they sign up. It references the Message to Newbies started by @TienShenLong! So I think the message is finally a success!
    Thanks to all who helped with the message and the translations.
  • @mvnla2 In my early 20s, I occasionally smoked Djarum cloves, but quit. Good thing, because they were banned in the USA a few years ago. Regular tobacco smoke makes me sick to my stomach and gives me a headache. Can't stand it.

    edit: and if you read his first post, the FAQ is getting updated, too :)
  • @kelani -- Glad to hear that you don't smoke.
    I thought I'd let you tell people about the FAQ update.
  • @mvnla2 Now I have to find those notes I made long ago about stuff to add. When I start working on it, I'll post a draft. If you get bored and have any input, I'd welcome it.
  • @kelani -- Interesting that the main ingredient in clove cigarettes is tobacco, yet it doesn't make you sick to your stomach or give you a headache???
    My tobacco sensitivity is now so high that I can smell cigarette smoke even if I can't see anyone smoking. Hope they apply the same restrictions to e-cigarettes ASAP. I did see a sign banning them (as well as regular cigarettes) from a mall, even outdoors (the mall is not enclosed).
    BTW, I really wish they would ban cigarettes and especially cigars from golf courses.
  • @kelani -- I hope you're talking about the FAQ, not the message to newbies. Not that I think the message couldn't use some additional work, but TSL is the only one who can edit the main post.
  • @mvnla2 the ones I had had very little tobacco. God knows what they replaced it with. The tobacco was also different. American cigarettes smell terrible from all the junk they put in them, clove cigarettes tobacco was more like pipe tobacco, which doesn't bother me. Even if someone kissed you, they couldn't tell you'd been smoking, which made them very popular with kids, and is why they're banned now :)

    Yes, I was talking about the FAQ. You created it, so your input is always welcome.
  • @mvnla2, are you sensitive to tobacco or nicotine? In other words, it sounds like e-cigarette vapor bothers you, which would imply the latter? I did see in NYC when I was there recently that they make people go onto streets to "vape".
  • @Kelani -- All my knowledge about clove cigarettes comes from reading Wikipedia. Very little tobacco doesn't sound right, but maybe pipe tobacco??? Hmm, didn't know the awful smell from cigarettes came from the stuff they put in them. What about Gitannes (the French cigarette, maybe got name wrong)? They smell much worse than American cigarettes.
    Can't believe we're talking about cigarettes! Gaah!
    Oh, yes -- Willing to review your changes to FAQs.
  • @kelani -- Haven't been around enough e-cigarettes to know which smell bothers me, but the idea of having to inhale nicotine vapor is disgusting to me.
    @kathy, anyone else who smokes -- When I was a junior in high school, I took advanced biology, where we did an experiment on baby chicks (maybe on sex hormones, who knows?), but what I remember vividly is that we had to kill them, and the way we killed them was to put a drop of concentrated nicotine on their eye.
    Very effective way to create dedicated non-smokers.
  • Oops! Didn't notice that it was @fenikus who asked the question about tobacco or nicotine.
    So, do you smoke? I hope not.
    BTW, it does seem that a larger percentage of BP patrons smoke than the general population, at least in the U.S.
  • Kimmie smokes clove cigarettes ..
    I am a very considerate smoker..I don't smoke around children (even if their parents do) and i don't smoke around anyone who doesn't smoke even if they say it doesn't bother them.
    I don't like people smoking around me while I'm eating.I only smoke outside.
  • @mvnla2, my understanding was that nicotine itself is only toxic in very concentrated doses (like you used on that poor chick, tsk, tsk), but I thought the same was true for caffeine. So theoretically, vaping on e-cigarette is a bad for you as drinking coffee. Theoretically.
  • @mvnla2 I've yet to experience secondhand e-cig aroma. From all the weird 'flavors' I've seen at stores, I can't imagine it's very pleasant. Djarum cloves, however, smelled exactly like incense.
  • I think lots of AB players smoke for the same reason people smoke in casinos: You're getting a double-shot of dopamine.
  • Ackkk that's awful @mvnla2:( yes i guess that would be a deterrent. .I personally wouldn't haveparticipated in that class. .:(
  • @fenikus -- Wow! Will have to look at caffeine! I do drink 1/2 cup of coffee each day; trying to cut it out, but haven't so far. As far as nicotine is concerned, if it can kill you it probably isn't good for you, which is well known.
  • @mvnla2 -- I think you'd be interested in this article:

    1/2 cup of coffee a day is nothing to be worried about, I think. In fact, if you're grinding your beans just before brewing, they release beneficial oils.
  • Caffeine is toxic to humans above ~10g. LD50 is 150-200mg/kg, which is 80-100 cups of coffee, or 20 quad-espresso Starbux behemoths..(it's happened before). But low doses are good, and help protect against Parkinson's, cancer and heart disease.
  • Good night guys. .sorry not up much fir chatting trying to fling the news away..
  • @fenikus @kelani -- Next you'll be saying smoking is good for you. : D
    Well, I guess there are a lot of things that are good for you in small doses, but can kill you in large doses: most drugs, for example.
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