The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2343
  • Hmm well I haven't even checked the previews yet so well see. If you do i will. I'm pretty much done with HHm so need to find somewhere to fling. If not I'll try southhamerica :) do you have that one on PC? Trust me I know what its like. Used to be android waiting for update.I gotta go to bed..typing toobhard.. nightly night @kelani
  • @Kathy lol no. The last update for PC was Beak on June 5, and SW RotC on June 13. Even though I hate Seasons, if SouthHamerica did come out, i'd at least give it a shot.

    Here's a short video of Stella Gameplay: It's cute and...different.
  • @HunnyBunny I don't want to jinx you. But you do know you're only 80 points away from the Top Ten Club yourself, right? Not eight thousand. Not eight hundred. Just eighty measly points. Only two levels are keeping you from membership. Twenty points on TT-8 and sixty points on TT-16. So bloody close!
    I'm not even in the running in TT. A fourth of my levels are 10 or above. On the bright side, that gives me plenty of places to find points if you ever get ahead of me again. Oops! Did I say if? I meant when you get ahead of me again. lol
  • Good morning to you all, last day od holiday :-( . 4 weeks and they flew away.
    @kelani the picture is showing the centre of Wengen - Switzerland. Tompuss will go there, 1st of september.
    @kathy yes, I left the Rio including the Ratpack. Was playing this Seasons episode when the new Rio's arrived. It's fun, I think
  • All good things must come to an end @bernersenn. It sounds like you had a very relaxing vacation with the family.

    Good morning @HunnyBunny. Great score on the daily challenge.
  • @HunnyBunny Did HWDNF at least go with you to escort Rex across the Rainbow Bridge. SWDNF made me go by myself both times. She said she wouldn't be able to handle it. Like I could?

    P.S. We had Robert cremated and scattered his ashes on a wooded hillside overlooking a beautiful lake so he could haunt bunnies forever.

    P.P.S. PM me the word you reserve for special circumstances. I'd love to know. I couldn't figure it out. Too many *'s.

    P.P.P.S Did you notice our spouses have the same last name? "WDNF" Maybe they're related.
  • Did anyone else notice that all seven of the Timber Tumbler leaders from the BP have at least one Top Score. Or at least they did. @SweetP unwillingly sacrificed her Top Score so that I might catch a bunny. I didn't know it was your only one @SweetP. Sorry.
  • @mvnla2, I had an iPad2 for quite a while and for some reason if I hadn't reset it for a long time it would start having intermittent network issues so what I would do was go and hold the Home and sleep buttons and then slide it to power it off and then just power back on again. most of the time that works sometimes it didn't and then I would reset my network settings,
    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    My wife has the ipad2 now. I'll have to remember to try the airplane mode thing if she has problems.
  • General announcement. I'm off today. My plan is to finish going through Star Wars (I removed/reinstalled ), get the fancy lightsaber, then try to get the POTJ score addict. My wife told me I could forget the "honey do" list today since I had an unbelievably stressful week at work, and I had some health issues. I have snacks, Mountain Dew orange kickstart, a big pillow under my head and two cats (13 lbs, 19 lbs) and two kittens on/around me, ALL of them purring. I think this could be the most relaxing day I've had in a long time.
  • That's a lot of cat @Jkhab69. Are you sure you can find time to fling with four fur covered tummies to rub? Enjoy your decompression.
  • @Jkhab69 -- Thanks for the suggestion about Reset Network Settings. Maybe that does the same thing as the airplane mode??? Hard close of all apps and hard turn-off and restart didn't do it for me this time.
  • @Jkhab69 -- Unless there is a medical reason for staying in bed all day, hope you find time to take a nice walk. Spending the day in bed is generally bad for your health, especially if you are having back problems. Walking is actually very good for the back, even if the first few step are uncomfortable.
  • @kelani, @kathy -- I'm sure that I will try AB Stella, but maybe not until after 9/12, because I have a piano recital I need to concentrate on, and I know what happens when I start a new game.
  • @rat thanks. And relaxed, ready for a new year full of stress. Starting monday
  • @mvnla2 a piano recital, wow. I'm impressed. Fingers are crossed for you
  • @mvnla2, one day of rest won't hurt me. The issue wasn't my back .
  • @bernersenn You might want to remove that story about wasps before @Kathy sees it. I don't think she can handle that many stinging insects in a bedroom. She'll never go back to bed.
  • @rat you must have bored in the last 18 hours, the number of dings I got!
    Good flinging, but doesn't saying a dead cat made you do it make you sound a little bonkers?
    The GSD was called Max, and we went together :-(
    And my challenge score would have had me whooping with joy, but it was 600 points shy of a puppy....
    Must dash, catch up with everyone else later
  • @bernersenn -- Should have made it more clear. I am taking piano lessons, and this is a student recital, so I play one piece, not terribly well, after a bunch of 5 to 8 yr olds. Don't be impressed. It just causes a rather large amount of stress in my life for several weeks.
  • @hunnybunny darn you ladies. I fling for hours to get my lovely 141k (assuming 142k was a crock) and wake up to the female invasion of 142-143k scores, and even a @Rat edging me out. I really hate y'all sometimes :D
  • Dear UK,
    Please take back Gordon Ramsay. We've had quite enough of him. If we wanted to be screamed at, we'd resurrect Sam Kinison.
    Thank you.
  • @rat are you kieding about the wasps? Or should I remove it (quick)?
  • @mvnla2 I always love it when people play (any) instrument. And, all stars started young...
  • @kelani (was going to be Keelani), @bernersenn -- Yeah, I started pretty young also, but not as young as they start kids these days. Used to be piano teachers wouldn't take kids until they were maybe 8. Needless to say, I was never headed in the direction of stardom, and hated performing in public so much that I switched teachers (when I was 12?) to one who didn't make you perform.
    HWDNF plays the clarinet, but not professionally. He is a pretty good amateur. At the last recital, we played a clarinet piano duo, a tango by Piazzolla. It was great from my point of view, since the piano part was relatively easy, while the clarinet part was difficult.
  • @mvnla2 with music it is as it is with all "the sum is always more than all parts counted together". Not really good english, I guess. Before the scientist among our audience start complaining: this is not applicable on phyics, but it is in real life
  • @bernersenn -- Who says it's not applicable to physics (said as a scientist), now arithmetic.... In American English the saying is "The sum is [always] more than the parts." Always is optional."
  • @mvnla2 thanks (again) for the free course english.
  • Actually, if you had two perfectly matched orchestras playing on each side of a stage, with one's audio being 180 degrees out of phase with the other, the sum of their parts would be nothing. They'd cancel each other out. Yay phase cancellation. :)
  • @kelani keep him
    George Clooney is about to marry a British woman. I'll keep him {please}
  • @hunnybunny the challenge: CC-20. And no, we don't want him. Besides, y'all can always ship him off to Australia. He'll fit in great down there :)

    my bet, Clooney won't stay married 5 years.
  • @kelani just one lucky pre-breakfast shot. Can't get close now.
    Five years with Clooney? I'll take that.
  • bleh. My mom told me today she wants a new fridge. She also wants it NOW, and it MUST be a certain size/configuration. That means I'll have to remove, modify, rebuild and reinstall three upper cabinets. Real simple stuff. Shouldn't take me over a month. :o(
  • @hunnybunny If you'll take Ramsay, I'll make sure Clooney's packed into the crate as well.
  • What is your opionion about players not sharing their high(er) scores in the walkthroughs? Well, not within a week after a game is released, but later? It is annoying (that is what I think).
    When not sharing, why are these people sharing their scores within the community?
  • @bernersenn Do you mean not sharing strategies, or deliberately not posting a better score? If the first one, I agree. Like I said a few days ago, I think it should be a rule, if you post a high score, you must also post a screenshot. (after the new episode delay, of course) We all waste so much time politely asking people to post them, and CC'ing the admins over it. It's a bit silly.

    edit: I'd like to see a strategy post requirement also, for the reason you mentioned. But lots of people disagree with that.
  • @kelani ai was talking about the first, indeed. And I also weren't talking about suspicious scores. When I see a huge score I look at the ranking for the specific game and when there is nothing special to see (say just one score >10k about the others) and when certified nesters are involved, there's no problem with the scores. There is (again to my opinion) with not sharing a different strat.
  • @kelani what about free standing appliances instead of built-in appliances? I don't know how the kitchens are equipped in the US, we over here often use beside the kitchen a pantry. In that pantry all the free standing appliances. When defect, get rid of it and replaxe with a new one. Just an idea.
  • @bernersenn I also wish everyone shared strategies, but for some people, becoming (and staying) #1 is everything. Benefitting a community just doesn't appeal to them. Human nature, I guess.
  • @kelani no, that is not human nature, selfish it is. I'm glad not every human is acting selfish
  • @kelani I'll take the package UPS express delivery please

    @bernersenn on page 2331 I posted:

    @kelani long before you became a nester, I was advocating a message / pop up / whatever if you posted a high score. Just to make you think:
    1. Woohoo, I am awesome
    2. Am I sure?
    3. Should I post a strat? Screenshot?
    4. Bugger, wrong level / score / I just completely &£@@ up

    And, @bernersenn, There is no requirement to post a strategy. We all know those who don't. Best advice. Beat their score ;-)))))
  • @bernersenn All of her appliances are free-standing, and the spaces where they fit between the cabinets are pretty well standardized. There's just a row of cabinets above where the fridge goes that may be a bit too low for the type of fridge she wants. She doesn't have a pantry, but I know she wishes she did :)
  • And @bernersenn @kelani try asking! There's a top flinger in Seasons (Ernor63) never posts, but always replies if asked
  • @hunnybunny agree. It's the best way.
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