The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2342
  • @JLZ JLZ-666 109.860 #2 on the challenge. Was way better than my 105k. But I finally got the 1b, so, nevermind :P p.s. I'm messing with ya, silly :)

    @mvnla2 If you called TWC for a problem, the first thing they'd have you do is power off the modem/router for a minute. I'd power off ipad, then do modem/router. Let it come back up, then power on ipad. If that doesn't help, your ipad is likely the problem. Also two more things to check.

    - When I turn airplane mode off, sometimes Wifi doesn't come back on by itself. I have to manually turn it on.
    - If you were trying to go to a website to see if Wifi worked, try a different site, preferably one that's far away and in the opposite direction from the one you've been trying. (I think ABN's server is in Chicago. If it failed to load for me, I'd try For you, I'd try
  • @bernersenn where's that? I wanna go there now :)
  • Whahooo !!! Only 1k more to find for 2.7 !!! Will someone check that for me.m I'm not good at big numbers lol..I may need 100k ? Naw couldn't be!!
    Drinks on me OB. .I'll catch up in a bit:)
  • @kathy exactly one thousand points
    WTG girl!

    Put @fenikus in his place!

    I'm off to bed really early for me. Didn't sleep much last night, and need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Loads of stuff to do, and a rat is on my tail again

    Go Kathy Go!!!

    I expect to see that 2.7m soon, and OB has that really good champagne waiting on my tab.....
  • Here's me catching up:D
    I did skim notifications but I'm actually reading (kinda) through 3 pages i missed!
    Thanks @Jlz666 for the Oscar:D and you didn't jinx me I got 4th place in level #14 and I'm only 1000 points off @fenikus goal for the ratpack of 2.7 k or m or whatever:P and What! ! You've never heard of a Rubbermaid bin? It's a uhmm plastic/ rubber? Container kidnda like Tupperware but Bigger:/
    Glad that made you laugh @hunnybunny :P
    And back to @Jlz666 sorry to hear you are Again stressed out about the real Oscar:( hopefully maybe is just he's feeling your stress.. more about that in pm♡
  • No time for videos sorry @TomPuss but i promise to watch them later:)
    @mvnla2 I don't know if you remember but i think it was last month..I had a ton of trouble with my tablet. .it was due to being in Airplane Mode and the Date/time setting not updating properly.. sounds crazy but it was! Glad it seems to hear you've got it straightened out:)
    @kelani kelbooty kelbot Kenobi thanks for return my phone lol!!
    @Pa thanks for that 'once a member always a member :D but I'm going to keep at it to insure it and to meet @fenikus challenge !! Did i mention i only need 1000 points? Lol
  • @Kathy ah thank you for mentioning @mvnla2 's wifi is fixed. I misread her last post and thought ipad was still broken. Glad it's fixed, although I suspect fenikus is disappointed. :)
  • OB Aanother marmoset killer please. .one more page:0
  • Thanks @hunnybunny sweet dreams! Night night.
  • @hunnybunny I don't understand your ranting @rat9 with all the **** words?
    Hmm i must read more carefully? I just saw him talking about his dear Robert :( who i know was heartbreaking loss.. why you cussing him?
  • Wtg on the challenge @jlz666 !! Which reminds me @mvnla2 yesterday you asked me something about the challenge level blowing up? I didn't play it but I'd be happy to check the level if you want. Yes I have android.
  • @Kathy I've been looking into that. Apparently it seems to be a rare android glitch. meanguy had it on his Thrive, and HallieGinSB had it on her Xoom. Can't figure out why it's just those two devices, though.
  • @Kelani, skimming the posts today looks like? Mvnla2 also said she has iPad 2 which I wouldn't have been interested in. iPad 3 and up -- yes.
  • So should i bother @Kenobi I have galaxy ?
    @fenikus i see you got a few points today also:D
  • @Kathy unless you start a level and the entire thing explodes, or a little TNT explodes, and the whole level goes airborne, no, you shouldn't worry about it.
  • K Thanks @kelani :) I won't bother unless @mvnla2 says otherwise. .
    In the meantime. . OB another Marmoset killer please. .I need 1000 points:)
  • Oh and just to be clear @hunnybunny like I've said before I'm not trying to beat Any of the RatPack not trying to put anyone 'in there place' I Hope we all achieve Top ten club and hit the 2.7 mark :) good luck for all!
  • Even tho evilfenikus side did peek out a bit on the drive to Chelmsford lol:P
  • Oohhh My @TomPuss !! I've just watched your video! ! Amazing controlled demolition. .I'm sorry you feeling that way:( I do hope and pray everything is o.k ♡ please pm me if you want♡
  • @fenikus I think I see how Eddie got that 95k on HH1. Using that shot we tried last week, The TNT in the bottom center can get flung into the space above that invincible right pole. A hair lower, and the pole'd be gone.

    Speaking of Eddie, wheninthehell did he get in 3rd place?
  • Whadda ya mean @kelani? So forget the over the top shot :?
  • @Kathy the shot we tried last week was the over the top shot.
  • I thought Eddie said he went over the top?
  • Ohh o.k sorry I didn't read @Kelani..*sigh* can't keep up with everything. .still have pm's to catch up on..I gotta quit My job cutting into my life in Slingtown :(
  • So are you bouncing off the top ledge or going straight for the MMarmoset?
  • Ive hit that stone tower Dead on with OB and still can't get it to will wobble a bit. .but can't get it to fall!
  • @Kelani I've been having problems with my router too. It keeps reverting to very slow speeds every couple of weeks. Unplug...they're back. Is this indicative of router replacement time? I just unplugged it for six hours. I wonder how long it will last this time?

    I'm not sure what Mrs. Bunny was on about today @Kathy. I conceded her prowess of TT two days ago. After commiserating with @JLZ666 about pets, I went back in on a Robert "I Love Bunnies" Memorial shoot and I think I got cussed out. I'm not sure. I think she missed me. ha ha
    Although I improved a few scores, I didn't get close to catching her furry little tail. Well, after reading her posts, I went back in with determination.
    Mrs. Buuuunnnnyy, I have a prreeesssseeennnttt for yoooouuuuu!!! lol
    yum yum

    @JLZ666 Please tell me you're just being overly cautious about Oscar. No more misery in 2014. Btw, I think I misunderstood your post more than you did mine. We both got lost in the nuances of the word "kill". But you never offended me. I don't think you could if you tried.

  • Ya @pa that about sums up what i read :/ so my misunderstanding the cussing is not because i missed anything ;) sound about right she hasnt cussed you for a couple days. .musta been building up lol;)
    Bbiab gotta get showas soon.m
  • @Kathy top ledge, pick up plank while airborne. 500 or more attempts and the TNT pitch has only happened once.

    @Rat how old is the router? If it's wireless, the radio could be going bad, especially if it's gotten a lot of power surges from nearby lightning. Usually the first thing to crap out is the modem. Before buying a new one, get a cable tech out to test the modem. Also, it's good to restart them every week, but you don't need to leave it off more than 10-30 seconds.
  • Thanks @Kelani. .whadda ya mean by 'tnt pitch' ?
  • Ok, taking my laptop apart to upgrade it. If I'm not back in an hour, it went...poorly.

    @Kathy the thing that I described in my post, 'I think I know how Eddie got 95k. '
  • Good luck @Kelani !! Why take it apart to upgrade?

    Edit : never mind i don't want to know lol.. cuz i wouldn't understand the gobblydegook tech talk anyway:P
  • @Kelani I took the modem out of the equation. I hooked up directly to my computer and still had the slow download problem. It's the router. I was just wondering if I need to buy a new one or is there still hope for the old one? Maybe a drop test. lol

    Edit: The router is about seven years old.
  • Let's do the Cable company math. AtlanticBB, Charter at the time of the router purchase, wanted about $5 dollars a month to rent their router. So that's $5 a month X 12 months a year X 7 years. AtlanticBB wanted about $420 dollars in router rental that cost me less than $30 dollars to own. Whadda ya think? Own or rent? I think I can afford to buy a new one. lol
  • @Kathy because the geniuses at HP thought it was a great idea to make the RAM slots only accessible by removing 10 screws and the keyboard.

    @Rat Do you have wireless G or N cards? You can get an awesome new router for under 90. Good one for under 50. Yours is about past its expiration date. Don't rent. Their products are inferior, and you can't easily tweak them. Here's the one I just got and love so far:

    edit: {grumble} I'd forgotten how Windows handles a massive ram upgrade: It fills as much of it up as possible.
  • Whatever you do, don't buy the little brother: NETGEAR N600 Dual Band Wi-Fi Router (WNDR3400) It has so many problems, Amazon won't sell it, and the product page is filled with 1-star reviews, followed up by Netgear tech support. lol I've never seen them do this before.
  • I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall tomorrow morning when @HunnyBunny sees how well the "Robert Memorial Bunny Hunt" went. She'll be sooooo pleased. I think it upset her when I said I was leaving Timber Tumbler. She craves the competition. I was serious when I said I was done with TT and that you were the Winner. But I never could deny Robert anything. And he wanted to hunt Bunnies.
    But don't worry Mrs. Bunny. It went so well I'm thinking of making it a weekly event. ha ha ha

    How do I get Rabbit Stew put on the BP menu for Fridays?
  • @Rat I see the high score giveth and taketh away from you today :P
  • G or N what @Kelani? Thanks for the router purchase tips.

    Not sure I need something with a 750Mbps download speed though. Maybe something a little more modest. I don't download massive video files or play highly graphic games online. Atm, I only pay the cable company for 19Mbps. So a little overkill.
  • @Rat It's the wireless spec. 802.11B=11Mb/sec 802.11G=54Mb/sec (common 7 years ago, so your router probably does B/G), 802.11N=300Mb/sec is more recent. Your i-pad can do G and N.

    Oh boy, Cosmic Crystals #20 challenge today. I've been dreading this one.
  • Roflmao!!
  • A moth just flew into my head:(
  • @Kathy I hope it bounced off, and isn't inside your head :(
  • I thought it got stuck in my hair cuz it's wet..but it didn't thank good ness..
  • So @bernersenn left the ratpack to fend for ourselves inn HH and is off to southhamerica?
    I may join him after I reach 2.7 :) doesn't look lkke is gonna happen tonight though:/
  • @Kathy you gonna play Stella next week?
  • Not sure @kelani are you?
  • @Kathy depends on how much ipad time I'll have, and if anyone else plays. If nothing comes out on PC that day, that'll be all there is to do. I've reached my TT/HH patience limit on the tiny screen.
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