The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2291
  • @Rat Not if they silently dump high scores on you. :) If he's not a troll, I say he didn't read the sign about powerup scores. Nobody's that good. Not even you :P
  • I agree, @rat9. It does seem quite odd that he only has scores in BI. If I'm like most players, I would start with Smuggler's Den, or if in Rio2, with Rocket Rumble. This guy has been on the Nest only since Jul 26th.
    If anyone wants to add to my comment in #11, please be my guest. If he doesn't reply by tomorrow, I'm going to ask that his scores be removed (all of them).
  • Did I see someone mention "moonshine" in one of these pages?
  • Maybe someone can check his scores in Game Center (Nickname: BeautifulVVorld)? I see he also has a link to his blog in his profile: It contains screenshots of ABN and Game Center leaderboards.

    Edit: I can't read Korean but think I see a screenshot of the cumulative Space Game Center leaderboard on his website. He shows as having more overall points than Rat9, so he probably only entered his Beak 1 scores on ABN thus far.
  • In Space he has more overall @fenikus? Definitely a troll. We can't have someone better than me in Space. lol
  • @fenikus Loved that QT/AB story! Thanx, great start to the day!

    @kathy Ah! Another kindred spirit! Yes, I'm an NBK fan too. QT wrote an original screenplay, which was changed a lot for this film. Yes, it's violent BUT the story is about the interaction between violence and the media, how they mutually feed off one another (symbiosis??), encourage each other until all hell is let loose. The satire is SO funny and, to my mind, the brilliant Tommy Lee Jones can do no wrong. Love the music too.

    @kelani What you said about Pulp Fiction, yeah well, there is one scene I really can't watch, but I do love the rest. My husband is restricted to Jackie Brown and Kill Bill, he loved them both but no way could he cope with the others.

    Thanx for TomPuss in Boots, now I'm a star!
  • He looks awful legit to me @fenikus. I don't understand your screenshot thought. I have 35,000,000 points in Space. Not 20 million as in the screenshot.

    I can't wait until he posts the rest of his Space scores. This could get interesting.
  • With this new guy in town. I can't lay around. I need to get busy. I felt well enough to fling a few in TT and finished up there for a while. Now I'm off to Space tomorrow. Look out @Romo! You energized me.

    Btw, It's time to worry @HunnyBunny. I'm hunting wabbits.
  • @tompuss, thank you for that beautiful story about Tomba! What an amazing cat he was.

    I got a reply from Romo, and he provided a screenshot of his high score. The picture did not look like it was "doctored" with the score, so I'm leaning towards @rat9's vote that he's legit. Sooo, with that said, looks like you guys have got a bit of flinging to do!
    Good luck!

    @JLZ666, what a lovely gift! I'm sure she'll be putting that to good use!

    Hope you're feeling better @Mumsie42. Rest up and watch the PGA Championship this weekend. Some surprising scores in the first two rounds!

    Well @everyone, it's time for me to greet my pillow. Have a good evening/morning/day, it's Saturday!
  • I wonder if @Mumsie42 will be able to fling that walker across the pond and hit you on the head with it @JLZ666. I give her 50/50 odds. All I know for sure is I don't want to be here when she sees it.
  • I just had to post this one for @Mumsie42:

    Ok, back to bed...really am this time!
  • Mumsie wakes up tentatively tries moving her leg - oh much improved!!! puts her bifocals on and looks at what appears to be an old persons walker. " I wonder who that belongs to? Looks a bit closer and frowns ........ "OB" She roars "Who is responsible for this????" OB shuffles over and whispers in her ear. "Right @JLZ666 now you're for it!!!!!!" Mumsie picks up the walker strides out (more slowly than usual) and tells OB to text @jlz666 suggesting she may want to find a good Colorectal surgeon!
    (Don't need to fling it across the pond @rat! Just need to get into the car & head North!)
  • Thanks @Sweetp - wish I could do that on my own!!!
  • @mumsie OMG! Hilarious! I never laughed so much in my life!
    And a resounding "up yours" in celebration!

  • What was I thinking @Mumsie42? Of course you can fling it that far. I could have sworn I heard you in South Carolina when you roared "Who is responsible for this?".
    Duck @JLZ666.
    I'm glad you're feeling younger today.
  • BTW, @Kelani, I am that good. I improved my score in TT by 15k in a few hours last night.
    Enjoy 4th place. Ha ha ha ha ha
    Bunny stew for supper tonight.
  • @Rat, idk. Maybe Romo snapped that screenshot few episodes ago, which would further solidify the point that he's been playing Space for a while. And yes, he seems more than legit to me -- I clicked on some of the links in the left column on his website which bring you to pages dedicated to individual Space levels. Just looking at his Beak 8-11 page, I was impressed -- not only did he have the final screenshot, but a whole series of screenshots with superimposed arrows and such that would put @kelani to shame.

    I think ABN just got a great flinger as a member.
  • Hey @rat I think you're feeling better. Great news, you're quite your old self again, much more fun :)
  • Good afternoon everybody. Flinging starts fine in HH. Well, just look at TT: @rat saw your on your position now. Good flinging my friend. @hunnybunny and myself had their day of honour.
  • @SweetP Is Romo going to be asked to provide proof for his other high scores, or is the one adequate?

    @fenikus can you post the link to this site w/Beak pages?
  • @Kelani, the link to his site is in his profile. Can't post links specific to any episode/level because site is setup to not change URL when you go through different links. Do some digging there and you'll find all kinds of goodies. We all better start learning Korean ;-)

    Edit: Btw, because the site is setup as a blog, all pages have dates on them. I see some Pig Bang pages that were made in 2012.
  • @fenikus Now you went and hurt @Kelani's feelings. Saying his diagrams put Kel's to shame. I agree with you. We got ourselves some competition in @Romo.

    Thanks for the kind words @bernersenn.
    I just had to wait until "Wabbit" season opened. Bunnies and Seasons go together don't they @HunnyBunny? *snicker*
  • @Rat nah, I think Kelani is safe. Romo admits in his reply to SweetP that his English is less than perfect so he can't touch Kelani's dissertations that go with his diagrams. Though there are a lot of words on Romo's site, you just can't read them if you don't know Korean. @kelani, are you aware of any long lost siblings of Asian descent?

    Btw @Rat, good flinging in TT. I'd say that I should finally get serious about this episode but level 10 thoroughly annoyed me yesterday and I have to take yet another break from flinging in TT.
  • @fenikus see above links in my edits. Google translate is your friend. It does a good job translating. It's easier to read than you-know-who's text, but there's still some colorful mistranslations in it.

    edit: Scots-Irish and assorted Eastern European over here. Maybe some English and German. No asian in my tree, unless my dad had a secret fling in Korea, Thailand or Vietnam. :)

    I've had one of those ethnicity DNA test kits on my birthday list for 10 years. Nobody's buying.
  • EEEEK! and with a knitting needle @mumsie? *Insert terrified face* (really need to learn how to do smilies) Please put down the needles,I know how hard you can hit a ball so...........*shiver* I'll remove the offending object ASAP! Unless you've already launched it into the Atlantic that is? Haahaaaa! Good idea @rat,get her flinging in the wrong direction!
    @kelani Loved the movie list but Bob's my Father in law,do you know something I don't? LOL!
    @tompuss What an incredible kitty! I'm going to try to get on top of my pm's tomorrow. UK is in for a battering with the remains of the hurricane the US didn't want so it's a blinds closed,jammies on day. Perfect for playing catch up with everyone me thinks :)
    Right I'm just home so I'm dragging hubby away from the US golf on the telly and heading to the Supermarket for dinner goodies. I'm in the mood for rare red meat so I see a nice juicy steak and a bottle of good red in my future. Add that to a Mad Men marathon and I think that's my weekend off to a good start!
    Still no flinging @kelani ;)
    Have a super Saturday peeps!
    Oh and painted a pretty gruesome picture in your text earlier....shame on you. I guess I should've known not to mess with your girl whilst you're on duty ;)

  • @Rat 4th is nothing. My spots will probably keep dropping until PC ver. comes out. I'm burned out from playing the same 5 levels over a week with no improvement. Worse than zero points, I'm not even getting close to my previous scores on any of them. So each problem level now gets 15 mins/day max. :)
  • Ohh forgot to mention my phone seems o.k now But NOW my tablet is not taking a charge! !
    I remember lady month it did this also then was fine. .I just wish it didn't choose the weekend toact up soooo back to flinging on my phone:( gotta 3 star TT and findthe key to HH anyone remember what level its inn?
  • Thanks @kelani ;) did i scare everyone away?
    @Jlz666 try this for smiles
  • @Kathy nah, they split when I showed up. Ahh, the search page. I wondered how you found those so fast. You do know you keep that site in business.
  • oh yay. 100 points on HH. {blows kazoo} First points in 8 days.
  • WTG @Kelani. You only need 730 more points to get back to second and then be only 11K behind the leader :=>

    Edit: Ouch. That was cold. I'm thinking about replacing it with "." but meh.
  • @Kelani, LOL. On the up side, I see BP crew is slowly but surely converging into HH top 10.
  • Hahaha @fenikus I like that smiley! !
    @kelani I considered not using them anymore because there's a very offensive suicide smiley on there i did send a complaint but guess they dont care and i can't find another smiley site":(
  • Yep @fenikus BP will rule HH soon enough; ) I'm going to the store and get a btw w charger x see if that works. . If not it's time for backup and get new tablet:( lack of $$$ is the issue:(
  • @fenikus along with a few shady characters, it seems.

    lol, I think Frankie75 has @Kathy 's phone voodoo toodoo. In TT 16 he took 3 replies to get my name right. Lelant is a new one.

    @JLZ Bob's your father-in-law? I thought he was your uncle!
  • Thanks @kathy but I can't seem to download any of these, must be a US/UK problem. I've found some but they're tiny.
    Cue everyone using emoticons ;)
  • @Kathy there's a ton of offensive ones on there. The site's supposed to be a complete database of all of them. As long as they're not secretly substituting one of your cute ones with some awful one, what does it matter? :)

    edit: @JLZ google images is just as good, imo.
  • Well @kelani is a long story ..I don't necessarily mind most of the offensive ones just that one I find particularity disturbing.
    @TomPuss I forgot to say about NBK you are sooo right. .most people fail to see the humour in the spoof on the media.
  • O.k I'm off wish me luck:/
  • Ooosy sorry didn't see you there @Jlz666 that's odd you can't get them:(
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