The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2289
  • Mrs. Bunny, I think they were in Kill Bill volume 1 actually. I was also sure that I heard that song before so I jogged my memory and I think the DVD had a bonus feature with some 5,6,7,8s songs, "woo hoo" being one of them.

    Yes, brilliant director and also writer (there are some great films he wrote but didn't direct, True Romance being one of them). To this day my favorite Tarantino movie is his first, Reservoir Dogs (followed by Pulp Fiction).
  • @kelani I only ask because your TT#14 strategy works a treat (eventually) but on my iPad 3 the description you gave of the flinging point was slightly out
    I worked it out in the end, doing a count to four and fling thing......
  • Mumsie comes in very cautiously - is it aches and pains week do you think? I started my list very well - went for a swim, went to the supermarket and came home, ferried all the bags into the house and then went to close the boot (trunk) and when I went to go up the step back into the house for a well deserved cup of tea had a shocking pain in my hip - I am pain free if I walk slowly (not something that comes easily to me!) am very careful if I want to turn but if not shooting pains and I cannot go up or down stairs!!! so all other chores (apart from making soup for my very own Mumsie) have all been left for another day - hoping I'll be all better for golf tomorrow but somehow I doubt it!
    G&T to go please OB and commiserations to all fellow flingers who are aching this evening! Mumsie turns around, very carefully, and goes to try and improve her score in todays challenge! Night all
  • @hunnybunny So, flinging when the ball swings into view doesn't work on the big brother? I've seen little differences between my screen and some Android screenshots, but didn't know that happened among ipads.
  • @fenikus off to HH
    Other than a magnificent score on TT#20 I think I'm done with TT
    Watch out for a wabbit creeping up behind you!
    Oh, I did see your comment on TT #18 but I'd be back in the looney bin if I tried that level again.......
  • @Kelani, @Hunnubunny, iPads 1 and 2 have lower screen resolution than iPads 3 and up. If you take TT #14, for example, I bet Mrs. Bunny can see entire tree trunks on the far left and right on her iPad, while they're cut off for Kelani and me.
  • @hunnybunny I was playing in the harbor. Didn't notice what happened behind my back. Any way, great flinging, congrats to it. I'll stay in the harbor, will see what to do about this. Again, well done.
    Btw, today once in a while it's raining again those blue presents. I wished Rovio didn't do this.
  • @mumsie get well immediately, without your golf, and our much loved dusters, ABN will not be the same
    @kelani no, I had to launch just before the ball came into view, hence the counting. I really am doo lally tap (is that a Welsh saying? Or does anyone else recognise it?)
  • Ahh yes...Kill Bill. A classic love story as old as time itself retold with lots of gratuitous over the top violence. Does love get any better? lol
  • @bernersenn see you in Harbour!
    @fenikus this is what I see in TT #14

    Now stop trying to distract me, I'm going flinging...

    Had to edit that, the pic was truncated, the link I hope gives a true picture
  • @hunnybunny Sounds like Welsh or Chuck Berry.

    edit: mine cuts off in the middle of the rightmost tree trunk, *but* I can see another half-tree trunk to the left of the sling. S'not in your pic.
    edit2: s'not in your new pic, either :P
  • @kelani see edited comment

    @rat gratuitous over the top hello!
  • @hunnybunny see edited edited comment :D Or funky's screenshot.

    edit: on PC, I bet I'll be able to see the deforested parts of the Amazon.
  • @fenikus see edit and NO I AM GOING FLINGING
  • @kelani edit edit editing
    I definitely see more rightmost tree than fenni
  • @hunnybunny don't want to distract you, just wanna say that do you did a great job.
    Just wanted to say that the HH games are fun to play. :-)
  • @hunnybunny rightmost tree, yes, but we see another tree to the LEFT, behind the sling :)
  • Soooooooo… @Hunnybunny, I don't want to distract you either (cross my heart!), but do you see more on your iPad screen than what's shown in your picture?
  • Expletive deleted......
  • @fenikus you a QT fan too! Love this director! Great long interview with him, on Jackie Brown, I think, hilarious. Reservoir Dogs best, I think, brilliant.
    @all enjoying TT enormously, slow work tho', not peeking.
    Night night xoxo
  • @fenikus do you think a 1-birder getting a 54k pre-bonus score on BR-12 is possible? Keep in mind the marmosets are worth 35k, so 19k damage. I've been trying to figure out @ozmongoose's score, and a 114k DCB makes sense as a 2b, but a 1b should be higher, especially since they said there was little debris left.

    A normal pre-bonus for a 1b for me was around 60-68k
  • @TomPuss, I don't know why, but I was compelled to google "Quentin Tarantino Angry Birds". This is what came up:

    cc: @Hunnybunny
  • @Kelani idk, I'll play with it (if I get a 114K 1-birder while trying this I'll be eternally grateful to ozmongoose). Maybe the better question to ask is if it's possible to get 84K with 4 birds. The best I got so far is 80K.
  • @fenikus maybe, but disproving the score isn't my interest. -10k 2nd place does that. I'm just trying to see how a 1-birder could DCB itself into 114k. If it was, it must be the lowest scoring, minimal debris 1b shot ever. Doesn't help that the 2b makes the numbers work perfectly.

    This level's in my top 5 most hated. It's PCCL and a RSL. I've yet to break 100k on it.
  • @fenikus @kelani distract me from the horror of HH#14 (and I haven't even tried #15 today!)

    My two most hated levels are both in Season Trick or Treat
    1.3 I conquered, eventually.
    2.12 is there in my nightmares, haunting me.....

    For old times sake, I might just give it a revisit, you never know ;-)
  • @fenikus Seriously? If 354 people play a level, and the top 20 scores are under 102k (unless you count you-know-who's 104k). That doesn't imply an upper limit to you?

    Also, checking total points on this level seems unreliable. Getting a 1-birder requires a certain collapse, which doesn't touch some of those left-side fruit and box points.

    Edit: Hmm, 84k 1-birder. Somehow that sounds slightly more reasonable, even though it's the same numbers post-bonus. I need to stop doing this stuff on sleepy/massive headache days. :P
  • @Kelani, don't get all emotional about me calling your logic bad…that's illogical, lol.

    All I'm saying is that a legit 114K 1-birder is more likely than an 84K 1-birder with a DCB. 94K 2-birder with a DCB is much more likely but the flinger explicitly says he hit a 1-birder. So, it's quite a conundrum, innit?
  • @fenikus It is a pickle. :)

    I stand by my kelogic. If 114k is possible, with all the great flingers participating, there should be a few scores between 104k and 114k. I thought you math guys hated bell curves with big 'ol gaps in them? :P
  • Good night, DBC RSL and bell curves made me sleepy. At least I know what they are
    As for a PCCL, I've no idea ......
    Enjoy your futile discussion @kelani @fenikus better off flinging than figuring
  • Hey everyone :) phone seems to be o.k I canceled the order for the upgrade will wait till Christmas when they have better deals.
    @hunnybunny did you mean 'old' Japanese woohoo song? I also think that's an ad over here but I can't remember what for? Btw nice flinging!
    O.k on to page next. .
  • @TomPuss @fenikus Quentin is one of my favorites!! Although most of his movies i have to watch twice to get it lol.. then I watch them overt and Kill Bill I didn't really get full but only watched it once. .actually i think i saw killbill 2 first so it was confusing. .but reservoir dogs! ! Awesome pulp fiction! ! Great movies. .did he do nnatural born killers? I absolutley love that movie! !everyone i know think I'm a psychopath for loving that one but they fail to see the comedy..irony uhmmm idk the word.. anyway. .
  • Very interesting article @fenikus ..I didn't read the whole thing but saved for later! !
    Figures i missed @Mumsie :( hope your not hurt to badly ..a nice soak inn a hot tub g with an americano inn hand may help. OB can you make sure the blues keep regularly flying over the pond to Bring Mumsie whatever she wantz:)
    And @Estar is right you should all be ashamed for letting her hobble to her rocker without assistance or so much as a Hello!
    Hi @Pa

    Edit : except @hunnybunny
  • Thanks @kelani it's most NBK they think I'm a psychopath for loving lol..
    Oohh well. . Really you wouldn't think I'd like those type of movies hee hee .. my ffavorite:)
  • They don't call you Killer @Kathy for nuthin'...
  • @Kathy nope, maybe it's because the only movies I've seen you mention were cutesy stuff :P
  • Lol @fenikus 'I nevah kilt noobody 'that's my story an im stickin' to it!!
  • Lol yep @kelani I do love the cutsie stuff also !! Heee hee I'm full of surpises haha
  • Weekend @bernersenns Hahahahahaha!!
  • @Kathy glad you liked it. Did I leave anyone out?

    I couldn't believe there was actually a movie called Princess Kaiulani.
    edit: the burpies was supposed to be The Burbs. The only thing film-related I could find was a production designer actually named Burpie Carranzo
  • I think you got everyone @kelani lol..hmm Slim?
  • Bird -addict

    Edit: I know she hasn't popped inn for a bit so. .'meh-' she's got a lot going on:/
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