The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2280
  • @ABcrazy those documentaries were incredibly manipulative. They presented highly technical inaccuracies and outright lies as fact. And they did it in a way that at first glance appeared to be common sense. Everyone I know who watched them said they raised enough questions to make them doubt the landings occurred. Some more than others.

    But if you saw my post, I made a list of every claim I'd found plausible, then found valid explanations to debunk all of them. Case closed as far as I'm concerned.

    edit: a rope toy? :P
  • :-) @kel just checking. I think you still questioned why the relaunch dust plume didn't mess up the reflector thingie. My bet is they took that into consideration when they located the reflector thingie. But I'm only guessing. :-) my dad was part of that program. Knowing him ( can't ask now, he's gone) they woulda thought of that.

    Nope not a rope toy. You'll notice she has a mustache on both sides.
  • Btw Pyrs are what I call amazing self cleaning dogs. She'll go play in mud & water & be just as white as ever by the time she dries off. Dirt literally drops off her. Yet that mustache sticks to her.
  • @Abcrazy yeah, that wasn't in the docs, but I was just curious about. All the reflector thingies were small and placed near the landers, so you'd think dust kicked up by the ascent stage would have coated them. I'm sure they considered that, just haven't found any info on it.

    My dog has a rope loop toy, and when we play Tug, it rubs her in those same spots.

  • @kel Have you seen the series From the Earth to the Moon? I was at my aerospace engineering curriculum class the last two weeks. I did a marathon video fest last weekend and watched all 12 episodes in a row. That's obviously a recreation of events, but I was a babycrazy when it happened here. I grew up with the people that did it. Went to school with their kids. I may be crazy :-) but I believe. My dad wouldn't have been part of it if it wasn't real. He was that kinda German.
  • @kel not a toy but something she licks.
    Edit: regularly
  • @ABcrazy, the white stuff in my yard/driveway is northeast variety of winter grass. As you can see in the video, it requires a special lawnmower. I also have a truck with a special blade attached to it (colloquial term: "plow") but when the grass grows too long, I can't use it.
  • p.s. Amber was clearly munching on a bully stick.
  • @fenikus We get excited when we get enough to actually make a snowman. :-)
    Edit: 3 inches high
  • @fenikus She do love her bully sticks but that don't make her mustache.
  • @ABcrazy I may have seen that series. Not sure, though.

    Is it a belt or shoe?
  • @kel A belt? No. It comes from something she licks. And not her butt.
  • @ABcrazy, we had 9 chances to make a snowman in 2013. At least three of those I couldn't use my plow truck and had to clear my 100 yard long driveway with a snowblower because the snowfall was too high. So I actually never had enough free time to make a snowman ;-)
  • She's a big girl. Shoulders & head are at my hip while standing. Always ready for scritchy-scratchy.
  • @ABcrazy some dogs lick leather things. belts, shoes, misplaced purses :)

    All I have left is dirty paw. bike tire/tube, a small tree.
  • @fenikus damn your excessive snowfall. I get one snowman opportunity every 5-6 years. 10 miles up the mountain gets them constantly from Oct-Mar, though.
  • @fenikus I can't even imagine. We have leaves, endless leaves. I've been snow camping in Canada and the Rockies and I thought the snow was a cool (no pun intended) engineering material to create camping living space. :-)
    Otoh flood waters are no fun here.
  • @kel I'd take another clue pic but it's too dark out now for the iPad. We got her as a rescue pup. Don't know how long she was a street dog but she's always been smart and protective of food sources.
  • @ABCrazy, a bone dug out from hiding in the ground? One of my rescues used to bury any bone or rawhide I gave him and dig it out later. But he's got dark fur so the mustache would not show so I don't know if it's that. Anywho, that's my last guess.
  • @ABcrazy s'ok. I'm too tired to remember what food sources dogs lick vs. chew :) I'll sleep on it.

    'nighty awl
  • No dirt falls off her fur when it dries. Not something she digs up. Something that sticks much longer than dirt.
  • Gnight @kel sleep well.
  • Ice cream ? Pudding ? Hi @ABCrazy :)
  • Lol @kathy Hi! No. This is a long lasting mustache. She don't like when I come to scrape it off.
  • Lol. She's apretty girl regardless of the mustache @abcrazy :)
    Scrape it off uhmmm that's a hint? You probably drove @kelani crazy .. guarantee he's laying in bed thinking OR on the ccomputer researching doggie lick toys haha
  • @kathy that's part of the fun, isn't it? Yes it does scrape off usually with a fine tooth brush much to her displeasure.
  • I'm like you @Kelani. I thought it was some sort of sap producing bush or tree sampling. I'm at a loss @ABcrazy.

    Hi Ma. Thought I'd fling a few. Not feeling well enough to go wabbit hunting, but I should be able to bump someone down a notch. Oh wait! Your the one above me. Hurry up Ma. I don't want to trample all over ya.
  • Hi Pa I'm working on it Level #20 got me :(I'm doing exactly like everyone else but most times don't even get 3 stars :/ worst level ever:(
  • @kathy She's a big sweetheart. Funny, in some ways I think from her street days but the biggest luvapup anyone ever met. Just be greeted properly at the front door, else she will let you know you are not entering the right way! (Woof)
  • @rat sticky like sap, yes. But not fresh sapling.
    Edit: look at it, it's dark
  • Maple syrup @abcrazy or honey?
  • Hahaha! @kathy No. The hip high head was a clue though.
  • Remember we live in Tx. BBQ rules.
  • Hahahahahahahamwwaahaha @ABCrazy yep I forgot the TX part hee
  • Ribs:) haha
  • Ribs:) haha
  • Close enough @kathy She licks the grease off the bottom of the BBQ grill. I need to get a pic of her in action one of these days but she's a stealthy girl, only caught her in the act a few times. Yet the 'stache is always there.
  • Tooo funny @ABCrazy I can see her now ... face buried in the pan haha ohhh not even the 'pan.. the grill itself that's priceless
  • I'm glad it wasn't sweet sap @ABcrazy. Grease comes out of fur a lot easier than sap.
  • @rat tell that to Amber. Sticky grill grease pulled out of sensitive whisker fur is no fun according to her. Now licking up T-bone fat? YUM!
  • @ABcrazy Won't Amber let you use a soap product to break down the grease? Easier on both of you I'd think.
  • Yeah @kathy I can't imagine there is much fat coming out the bottom of the grill but her nose is up there licking like its nirvana. And it's charcoal so it's mostly ash. (Shakes head dunno)
  • @rat Amber likes to play in the river when we visit there. She don't like baths much and lucky for us she is of the amazing self cleaning breed that don't need baths much. I'd have to soap her muzzle daily to get that 'stache off I think. I guess it's just become part of her. It doesn't stink or anything. It's just her.
  • Have you ever thought of putting a cover on the grill or moving it @ABcrazy? It makes Amber look like the Joker from the Batman movie. lol

    Run faster Ma. You've got me slowed down.
  • I'm working it Pa inn lm flinging my best:/
  • I took a nap earlier 9-11:30 bad idea :/ now I'm wide awake:(
  • I'm going to take a break and cook. I don't want to see anything but @bernersenn and Kelbutt when I get back. Fling away Ma. lol
  • Kk Pa i be flinging:)
  • Uhmm @pa your already ahead of @bernersenn
  • Something that will make your day!
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