The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2282
  • @Kathy attack what episode? :) I've just been trying to get the over the moon badge in my free time.

    @fenikus I live by the delusion that everything that falls out of a tree and crashes to the ground is destroyed. We'll never know, so I just focus on how much debris remains up top.

    edit: HH challenge is coming in due time.
  • Ya know what Ya I'm going to HH..
    High fives @team BP I'm in #4 so i can live with it even if i get climbed over
    I need a change of scenery.
    OB a double Marmoset killer please and send the blues over to HH with refresher every half hour; )
  • @Kelani I'm moving on to Hidden Harbor care to join?
    Uhmm I forget which level is 'over the moon' badge for?
  • @Kathy Moon of Endor 20 or 29. HH was next on my list. Just had to catch up to the bunny first. I'm there tomorrow after byepad time is over.

  • @hunnybunny. Took pic with iPad, not great, but why is it upside down when I try to upload?
  • LOL…just had my High Dive spot back but prematurely sent the 3rd bird on level 16. I think it's time to close shop for the day :(
  • Well off to not a bad start in HH #10 in first level:) first pass I think might go well:)
  • hm, at current rate, the score for that badge is gonna take 46 hours.
  • Good luck @kelani :)
    Just got #3 in HH #2 :) I'm liking this episode so far:)
  • more like good patience.

    @Kathy yeah, I'd imagine so. both your scores are higher than mine, and I've played through twice.
  • Why @Kelani ? No way you played through twice and I got higher than you right of the bat.Hidden aHarbor I'm talkin about?
  • @Kathy Actually, it was more than twice. 1 and 2 I've played many times.

    Now, I've spent many hours on #3. If you beat that score, I give up :P
  • Lol I'm working on that one its tricky..I may have to peek at the walkthrough although i don't like to do that inn my first passthrough :/
  • I have played that level like 5,000 times. Higher scores are possible, but you have to hit both shots right, and get two lucky collapses at the same time. I never did.
  • Oooohhh @Kathy, you beat me too on first two levels. Finally some competition on the way!
  • Lol @fenikus I got beginner s luck I think #3 is stumping me:/ that darn Sail gotta go !!
  • I hate that blanking sail.
  • @fenikus market mayhem challenge tonight
  • Ooooh, I like market mayhem…and I'm 23K below top score on level 12. Rubs hands...
  • I already boosted my score by 30k. Video's 1st shot doesn't work the same on PC.
  • The walkthrough video looked like it was done on PC…

    I don't watch Falling Skies…but if you complain about it to people that don't watch it, is there a point to it?
  • @fenikus Well, no, but I'd feel better.

    I actually found a good recorder for PC. Just need an editor that can crop and I'll be in the movie business with ya.
  • I was gonna say there was someone that posted a couple of super high quality videos (I *think* from PC) and that you could ask them but I see his posts were removed by admins. Rightly so, because they looked like video versions of you-know-who's posts.
  • lol. Just too much info, or were they catching users devices on fire from all the bandwidth? :P
  • So beginner's luck ran out on level #3 HH :/k I'm gonna move on.. ttempted to look at walkthrough but not till second pass:/
  • No, I meant versions of "points troll" posts. The guy was clearly promoting his youtube channel. All the posts were:

    High score: xxx,xxx

    But they weren't highscores, not even above average.
  • Anyway, {Falling Skies spoiler alert & complaint} TV series production costs double each season until they cost too much to continue. One band aid they use is killing off a few characters. This show is apparently getting too expensive for TNT, so tonight, they killed off half of the cast, one of whom was the show's #1 eye candy.

    @fenikus was it anyone we know, or some random guy?
  • And @Kelani, even if you start recording videos, you know your strategy posts are not gonna get any shorter, lol.

    Edit: Random guy, his profile was removed.
  • Yeah @Kelani, I hate when that happens. There is clearly no point in watching the show anymore now ;-)
  • So who was the actor they nixed?
  • @fenikus It just came on again, so I'll catch eye candy's last 3 minutes, then yeah, pretty much done.

    edit: And there she goes. Again. *changes channel*

    edit2: Well they nixed like 10 recurring actors, but the one in question was Seychelle Gabriel, and possibly Sarah Sanguin Carter
  • lol. now I see why they did that. TNT was gonna cancel it, but then they renewed it for a final season. Gotta make it as cheap as possible.
  • At least they didn't cancel it cold turkey. Aside from X-files and Lost, there was never a show I would lose sleep over if it got cancelled. But I did like watching Jericho for some reason and was flabbergasted they they nixed it. Apparently that show has a cult following and they're still trying to resurrect it.
  • Oh thank god, they cancelled the Pete Holmes Show. Even the commercials for that were so bad, I wanted to set fire to my TV.
  • BTW, I looked up the cast of the show before you told me who you considered "eye candy". There were only 3 female characters and I immediately knew which one was your type. Scary, huh?

    p.s. Though I was trying to manipulate you into saying it was a male character.
  • @fenikus No kidding. if the X-files had been cancelled mid-season, there would've been mass riots, and I would've helped. I just wish if they're gonna run a show in syndication, they'd pay for a proper finale. People need closure. :P
  • Who the hell is Pete Holmes?
  • Oh wait, Holmes on Homes?
  • @fenikus But only two of them are cute. You had a 50/50 shot! :) Actually, Mira Sorvino's is a guest star, but they made her look like a lunatic.

    But yeah, dark-haired girl is definitely my type.
  • @fenikus lol no. Pete Holmes is a terrible comedian. Imagine your buddy Tosh and Adam Carolla having a love child with half their average IQs.
  • Wel my beginners luck ran out and I gotta hit the hay!! Work tomorrow:(
    Night night all.
    *passes flashlight to OB for safekeeping*
    Happy flinging all.♡♡
  • @fenikus something I didn't know. Pete Holmes is also the voice of the baby in those E-trade commercials. Fitting, since the baby was also a jackass.
  • lol, this is so bad, I can't believe Spielberg allowed it:
    Man1 runs around, excitedly collecting items from a lab.
    Man2 sees Man1 has a huge glass shard stuck in his torso, and points it out.
    Man1 "You'd think that'd hurt" *instant collapse, obligatory death scene*.

    I can't take anymore bad TV. 'Night :)
  • @mvnla2 For upside down photo problem, see here:

    Basically you have hold pad the right way up, plus you can take pic by using the sound button. Common problem as you'll see if you google "ipad photos upside down". Hope this helps!
  • @bernersenn Wishing you a happy and very sunny day in the Berner Oberland! Oh, that Swiss weather, been there, done that - it's all part of the experience. . .
  • @all wanting to win a @puppy This could be your prize today! Warning: high cuteness factor!
  • Hello, good morning to you all. The weather is getting better. Yet already have 70 degrees, that will be 75 today. During this week it will be better, day by day.
    @tompuss, you're completely right, it's part of the experience
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