The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2278
  • @fenikus that's surprising, as observant as you usually are :)
  • @Kelani, I was hoping you had come up with something different on TT #19. I've been using the shot you describe almost from day 1 but can't seem to do better than 200K even with few 1-birders. How many did you make before hitting 206K?
  • @fenikus about 50, most of which were misses. It was a pleasant surprise after a thousand attempts at the obvious shot. I tried quite a few different shots at that upper structure, and that's the only one that worked for me.
  • I meant how many 1-birders did you make before hitting 206K…surely not 50?
  • @fenikus oops. Just two with that shot.
  • I guess I have no luck with levels 19. I had to hit about 50 one-birders in BR 19 before getting a good score.
  • All these levels do have some pretty crazy damage ranges.
  • @Kelani your HH stock keeps dropping…what's going on?
  • @fenikus Didn't fling much yesterday, Today was woodpile day. Tomorrow I work on my portfolio.
  • Portfolio = CV/Resume?

    Edit: Duh. Never mind.
  • lol. Stocks :D
  • I love it when my stock goes up without me lifting a finger. For example, I was #6 in TT last night and now I'm #5 (without me flinging or entering scores). I could swear either Kathy or SweetP were above me yesterday.
  • Unless someone was removed, how would that even happen?
  • Night Pa :)
  • @fenikus, I think it was Kathy who was above you yesterday. anyway, I just lost my trophy in #6. @Rat9 took it with an extra 300 points! So much for begging to leave it alone. LOL
  • Sorry @SweetP, but I beat your top score by 1300 points in #6. In my defense, I posted before you asked to keep it. I wasn't looking at scores or trophies. I had run through all the levels in TT very quickly, about 8 hours, to help the guys in the BP sexes competition. They said the women were beating up on them and asked for my help. It wasn't until after I posted my scores that I even noticed I had a trophy. But just to be honest, unlike @Kathy, I would have posted it anyway. I take the scores very seriously. I'd never knowingly post a false one. But please know I do feel a little bad about it now. You can have the candy I took from that baby if it makes you feel any better. lol
  • Belated night Ma.
  • No worries, @Rat9. I was just being a bit sarcastic, all in fun! Now, I'll just have to keep flinging (tomorrow) and get another top score! Nice to have you flinging with us again, dear friend!

    Have a good night, and sweet dreams.
  • Enjoy your stolen baby candy (lol) and pleasant dreams @SweetP.
  • @DogLovers Try this:

    For the sake of this breed, we need more videos like this.

    YouTube is already refusing it to me, so hope it works for y'all pYTa pYTa whiiiinnnne. . .

  • Good afternoon guys. Yeah, I am now in Goldswil (CH) and connected!
  • @kelani I just hit 3.8m in TT, it's all yours now! If you could, please don't thrash me immediately ;-))))))
    Off to Beak one, still haven't hit 2.5m there yet
    Then HH I think
  • Morning all:)
    Pa I would never enter a false score, I simply said I wouldn't take some one trophy on purpose .
    Nice flinging in TT @hunnybunny
    Have fun @bernersenn glad you arrived safely :)
  • @DogAndDolphinLovers -- I'm not really into cute videos but this is…cute:

    (Edited link to give youtube version)
  • @Kelani, the Greek site link didn't work on the iPad so I edited it with a youtube version. Yes, I know Greek letters -- it's not Cyrillic but that's where Cyrillic gets its origins.
  • @TomPuss great video thanks! !
    @fenikus I couldn't play your:(
  • @fenikus I kept expecting the dolphin to try to get amorous with the dog. The trained ones are prone to that for some reason.
  • I got it @fenikus that was A Awesome :)
  • lol, I am firmly in last place in this SF challenge.
  • What is SF challenge @kelani ?
  • @Kathy Short Fuse 27-4. or 26-4 for ancient PC ver. Silly little Stella 1-birder. @karen68 just now posted an awesome puppyscore w/ 82k. I'm in last place w/67k :P Congrats Karen!

    edit: whew. got out of last place. now I can go do errands.
  • Oh..I see well good luck
  • @fenikus That video - how beautiful! Thank you for that.

    @kathy Hi, Princess! Have a wonderful weekend!
  • @bernersenn You must be so happy to be back! Eagerly awaiting pix :)
  • @tompuss yes I'm happy. It's always good to be back. Pics? That will have to wait, today we had electrical storm during 2 hours. It looks as night outside. The weather overhere isn't that good. But... Pics will come
  • Hi @TomPuss :)
    Hi @bernersenn oh that stinks a storm on your first day:(
    OB please bring my friends a drink; )
    And I'll have a Marmoset killer please:)
  • @Stocktoad just gave me a heads up that SF 27-4 challenge level is PC-cursed, and it's the worst one I've seen. No PC player can get above 69k (I got one lucky 70,070 in 3 hours). Switch to ipad, and I get 20 72-75k shots in a row.

    Average PC scores are 62k. Average iOS/Android scores are 76k. That's just awful.
  • Perfect. That level is the flagship example needed for the report. It's obvious, easily testable by anyone, and doesn't need special software. This has been a good day, even if I don't get any TT/HH points. :)
  • I'm confused :/ @ bernersenn your back? I thought you were on holiday just starting. .so you WERE on holiday and now your back home?
  • @fenikus cute video (did photoshopped morf into videoedshopped?) guess so, no spellcheck there...

    @all sorry here, fellow muskerettes, I'll take and post any top score I get, I won't try Kathy's amazing one birder, that's a once in a lifetime, never to be repeated.
    And the baby's candy is mine, if needs be

    I used fling to beat personal challenges, now I like flinging in the BP team, WE RULE, but I still set challenges for myself. Hence Beak One 2.5m here I come
  • Same here @hunnybunny I like playing together all of us as a team:)
    Makes more fun :)
  • @kathy for once @bernersenn spoke beautifully in English "it's good to be back"
    Not back home, back where his heart is

    Sorry @bernersenn you always speak excellent English, this time I just knew what you meant
  • Ohhh thanks @hunnybunny I v got confused lol. Not because of the English i always understand @bernersenn without issues. You read the unwritten lol.I missed something along the way of the planning of the trip; )
  • @TomPuss, do pit bulls have a bad reputation in Europe as well? My dogs and I met quite a few of them in dog parks and they were all playful sweethearts. The only dog breed I get nervous encountering when the owner is not around is Rottweiler. That's probably because one almost ATE my beautiful girl Reagan -- here's the video of the encounter:

    That was a neighbor's Rottie and he looked like a good boy but I was genuinely worried what would happen if he fell over the fence...
  • Tip of the day:

    Don't sneeze just after having taken a sip of red wine, whilst wearing pale shirt

    Thankfully I was at home......
  • @fenikus thankfully he didn't get over the fence! ! But i think he could've if he really wanted to so i see no harm in him being just nosy. My sister has a 180 lb Rottie he thinks he's a freaking lap dog lol.
    I think it's all in how they are brought up, just like kids:/
    Btw your dogs are handsome? Pretty.? Not sure if you mentioned if male or female if you did I missed it. Is one a Springer spaniel?
  • Ooopsy @hunnybunny get out the Shout lol..God Bless you!
  • Whoever submitted this SF challenge today is going at the top of my Christmas list. Because of them, I now have the perfect level to prove my theory.

    @fenikus I hate they have such a bad reputation here. Never mind that more people get attacked each year by St. Bernards and lots of little dog breeds, Pit bulls are what makes the news.

    edit: The breeders say they're not really aggressive compared to other dogs, and if they are, puppy training gets rid of it. Their problem is a strong prey drive that can make them snap at smaller animals.
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