The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2276
  • @Kathy -- Spiders are at the top of my list. Never did like them, but now I seem to be allergic to spider bites. I have a suggestion, which would actually be good for you, but know it would be hard: You could always just [edit] stop smoking. Then you wouldn't need to wear a hoodie pulled tight in hot, muggy weather. ; ) --- Just saying...
    [Edit] -- Course, then you'd be like me, wondering why there seem to be more spiders in our upstairs bathroom than anywhere downstairs. Ugh!
  • @mvnla2 because most of the bugs in a house live in the attic, so the easiest access to the rest of your house is through the exhaust fan. Once they go through into the BR, they like the humid, non-windy environment, and setup shop. Also, others get in from below via the oversized plumbing cutouts, or ill-fitting/uncaulked windows, especially the small ones used in older bathrooms.

    arachnids typically aren't fans of long road trips. If you find them in a room, it's likely their access point was nearby.

    @Rat Welcome to the woodpile. Nice 1st day for you.
  • Y'all should let spiders live. Non-venomous ones, anyway. They can take out as many annoying insects per day as a bug zapper. If you find one inside, put a glass over him, slip a piece of paper underneath so you can pick him up. Then toss him outside about 30' away from your house and you'll never see him again. (your neighbors might, though.)
  • I've started working on that flinging secrets thread. It'll be quite an advertisement for the BP, so if a lot of people read it, you Gold Star people will probably hate me. :)
  • Hey @kelani You can get Judex here:

    Not scary, just fascinating.

    @all Big weekend coming up, BB Monday, sorry such a quickie,

  • @Rat, looking at walkthroughs is hardly "cheating" but it does take quite a bit of fun out of the process, doesn't it? Good flinging in TT.
  • @Kelani, I gave you a bit more complex homework assignment in HH this time around. Good luck.
  • @sweetp @mvnla @kathy @kelani @rat and all those suffering from the heat and humidity
    If only I could get you all here, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, whatever time of day it is In your bit of the world
    Although it's raining, it's warm, fresh, beautiful. Doors open, air streaming in.
    And I'm a very good cook.....
    You're all welcome
  • On the downside. I wanted 2.5m in Beak One. Hit a stone wall
    Now want 3.8m in TT. Same wall :-((((
  • @hunnybunny no heat/humidity here for once. Just cool & rainy.

    @fenikus a bit more complex, indeed. It that PC update doesn't get here soon, I may be out of luck.
  • @All where were your blues hitting in TT5? I must be doing something wrong, 'cause most of the debris always stays on the first platform. With everything else destroyed, that's only 186-190k, but I've not gotten above 188k in 3 days.
  • Hello @all - less time for hanging around here. Saw that the most of you are suffering in the heath. That's aweful, sorry for you.
    Saw that @rat has joined us in TT - matter of time he will pass us. Mark my words. Good flinging my friend.
    Now I'm gonna wish you a good night, have to get up on 5:00 am (to avoid the heat during the ride, we will arrive at noon). Tomorrow night more time for BP - so till then.
  • Well, it's cooling down just a teensy bit here. Yesterday's high was 106°F, but today looks like it'll only be 100°F!! UGH!

    edit: Hello, and good night @bernersenn! You're right, look out Mr. @Rat9 is clawing his way up the ladder! Sweet dreams to ya.
  • @bernersenn sleep tight, have a safe journey, enjoy your holiday
  • @hunnybunny thank you, was going to bed. Just one more fling, the last one... Argh, well that's addiction.
  • @kelani @kathy was a once in a lifetime shot ;-)
  • @berernsenn good last fling?

    Couldn't resist calling you back:-)))))))
  • @bernersenn lost in translation again
    I @mention your name
    You come back to BP
  • @Kelani, where exactly are you seeing smaller font throughout the site? I'm not seeing it.
  • @hunnybunny can't resist of answering your comments - flinging was over. Nighty, nighty
  • @Kelani, yeah maybe…idk. I don't post in forums much so I can't really tell the difference.
  • @fenikus well, you can compare it with the walkthrough textareas. They haven't changed
  • Well, pisces got his TT4 picture posted. Unless it was a DCB, he must've gotten a complete destruction shot with a 3K PU gift bonus. There just aren't 134k points on that level.
  • @SweetP I just noticed something odd on your 2nd screenshot. Top blue's trajectory dots extend past the tree trunk in the background, all the way to the next tree. Even with the same shot, mine stop when he hits the ice, which is 1/4 before the tree trunk. It's probably unimportant, but now I'm gonna lose sleep wondering why it did that :P
  • @fenikus @kelani that Pisces photo doesn't prove anything at all. I can post an amazing screenshot of a TT#5 score. @kelani knows why I won't.
    The double birdy count was proved ages ago
    Guess, unless it's outrageous, we give up on this
    Some unknown player gets one over top score, what the heck?
    It will never affect the top of the board

    And, before you lot say anything, I know I'm the worst for jumping to conclusions, early in an episode! Must try to stay calm.....
  • @hunnybunny You're right, it proves nothing, and it's not even an outrageous score until you compare it to the others on that level. I spent a lot of time playing this one, half of which was using all birds to find the upper score limit. Destroying every last piece, a 2-birder maxed at 130k. So even a PU gift is a stretch.

    Don't get what you mean by double birdy count was proved ages ago, nobody's mentioned it on this particular score. Unless you meant the score related to your amazing screenshot. :)
  • Lol @mvnla2 Yes That's an idea I've been thinking about (quitting smoking)
    Not just because of the bugs of course lol
    @Sweetp Thanks for the care of the flashlight; )
    @bernersenn have a safe trip and a wonderful holiday; )
    What's up with the tt#5 chat? That's where i got my trophy:/ must go check then catch up after!
  • @kelani thanks for the info On how bugs get to the upstairs. . Interesting; )
    I'll try to see what i did inn #5 but i know i basically followed hmm something but i Know it wasn't DBC !!
    OB I'll have a Long Island Iced Tea please the good kind; ) TGIF!!
    Guess I'm caught up enough; )
  • @Kathy Ignore the TT5 chat, we're just trying to get that mean 'ol score of yours removed. :D (I'm kidding!) No, I'm just trying to cross this one off my list. It's my worst overall score, and 4 days of playing it is getting quite old. :)

    edit: I did notice from @SweetP's screeenshot I was splitting earlier- right at the sling. Apparently that is a Bad Thing. Splitting a bit later made those awful nonstop low scores go away. A few mins ago. I missed my previous one by 100 points.
  • Yess I was doing that also @kelani and i remember splitting a tad bitater was the key;)
    edit: please don't steal my one and only trophy:(
  • @kelani all I meant was whether it's PU, double bird counting thingy or whatever you call it, does it really matter at the end of the day? Unless it's outrageous
  • Goodnight @all

    Off to read the next chapter of Brave New World

    Looked at the publication date of my copy, when I bought it new. Two years after Kelani was born.

    Still feeling old.....
  • Absolutely last comment

    Anyone notice Mister @Rat is very silent?

    I just know he's flinging in TT, again

    Watch those leaderboards, we might all be crying in the morning.......
  • @kathy we'd never do that to you :)

    @all my laptop just decided it doesn't want to recognize domain names anymore, so I'm Ipadding this. I dunno how y'all tolerate it. Anyway, looks like y'all are rid of me until I fix this.
  • @Kelani, that screenshot shows where the top Blue hit the glass. Most of the structure had already started falling (due to the 3 second delay after first bird). I refkung again, and noticed Blue hit the glass just under the hollow cement block. That's where the dot line stops. Does that make sense?
  • I know you wouldn't @kelani. . But hey if you get it you get it:/ that's the nature of the game:)
    edit: but you don't have to try so hard lol.:D
  • @sweetp yep. My early split was the problem. Grr. Can't type on this thing.
  • This is weird. iPad can access and but PC can't. PC can access both by IP address, and other DNS lookups work fine. Never seen this one before.
  • @Kelani do that funny command at the command prompt…I forget, was it Flush DNS, lol
  • Ipconfig /flushdns
  • That was the second thing I tried in a list of about 10 things :P
  • C'mon @fenikus, there's better ways to protect your scores than hax0ring me :D
  • whew. Fixed it.

    My cable apparently changed their primary DNS server's IP, and the backup has never worked properly, so I could go anywhere except the two sites I was using at the moment. :P Stupid Charter.
  • Lol @GreenImperial you are the Champion of lurers!! Hee ehee nice to uhmmm see you
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