The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2277
  • I'm sure @kelani is happy for your help @greenimperial :)
    edit: that was mean of me..sowwwy:( @kelani my sister p'd me off today, not mean to take it out on you. :(
  • And the princess n the house! !
    @kelani now you know how i feel trying to type! ! And I'm on a 3" screen! !
  • @Kathy whenwherehow were you mean to me? Did you sneakyedit something out? And yes, I have a newfound respect for all you who can pull off that tiny screen stuff. You're nuts for doing it, but still impressive. :)
  • Yes @kelani I sneakyedited it.. Iearned from the best:D
  • Please don't go after my one-and-only score in #6, pretty pleeez?
  • Ewww that just sounds plain nasty @Kelani! ! Really? !!:ptthhh pthhh.. yucky
  • @SweetP you're s'posed to bat your eyes when you try that :P Don't worry, the only levels on my todo list for now are #1,14,16,17,18 :)

    @Kathy it's one of their finalists this year. I never saw the ones they did last year in any stores.
  • Nope @Sweetp there's a pact 'No BP musketeer /muskerette will go after another team member trophy'unless you are rat9 or fenikus or kelani. .hmmm must just be a pact 'No going after the ladiea Trophy's or there's hell too pay!!' Heee hee
  • I personally would not take away someone trophy that i was playing on a team with. .even virtually..I can only speak for myself.
  • Noo @kekani your right is not fair at all!! The ladies don't go after anyone else trophy but the guys go after each other. .not fair at all you should have a talk with the men on this team BP ;)
  • Hey, guys? I was strollin' around the internet and found this. Look familiar? (It should...) Be sure to scroll down... Not too much though. Just a little.
  • I guess that came out wrong..I meant we ladies wouldn't take away each other trophie but you guys seem to be in competition and dont mind whisking away each other trophy:/
  • Weell Hello @Fooly8 Welcome to the Bp ;) are you new to the nest?
    Sorry I'm a little leary of clicking on links when i don't even have the pleasure of your acquaintance
  • @Kathy so if you accidentally beat Sweet's score on #6, you wouldn't post it?

    The only scores I'll intentionally go after are non-BP people, especially those who don't share strategies, and the other BP guys if they beat one of mine first.
  • I am not really new... I'm just not here very often. Page jumping, y'know? Juggling websites is hard. Or something. Bleh.

    Anyway, that thing was just that in is new game, (wazzit called... Super Smash Bros.) they just released information on this new minigame which is quite similar to Angry Birds... except that with Targets. And Bombs. And you having to get Mario to punch the Bomb and into a Bad Piggish building. And with Nintendo characters. The similarities are not hidden well.
  • Ooh thanks @Fooly8 didn't mean to be suspicios but you never know;
    Your welcome to a drink and a meal on the house !! I'll definitely check that app sounds interesting; )l
  • Wahoo we are on our way to 20k !!! Amazing! !!
  • I wish the # was shown on the Username / Time / Flag line. Nobody will remember to check :P I was looking for my 3,000th, and missed it by 76.
  • And to answer your question @kelani I wouldn't try hard enough to beat Sweetp score once i got close. And IF I did beat it accidentally NO I would not take the trophy..I would tell her maybe in a pm or maybe just keep in my own head that i did it;)
  • I know thats a good idea @kelani. How did you know it was 19k?
  • Uhhmmm dont tell me your counting your posts @kelani? Your really are bored huh? Lol.. why you counting your posts?
  • Brb I'm going to pick up some bugs! !
  • @Kathy click your username in one of your comments. There'll be a comments tab with a number on it. That's it.

    OK, so explain this to me. Say SweetP has a 200k score and you have 170k. You then get 205k fair & square, and you'd leave your score at 170k?! Or would you enter 199,990 or something?
  • You're not going to let @Kathy take the high road are you @Kelani? We, on the other hand, are vicious. We'd steal a high score from a baby. Heck, we'd actively wrestle it from the baby's little hands. Our top score! Ours!
  • I'd leave my score @Kelani. I wouldn't post a phony score . If it was gonna leave me way behind like i said i would pm her and I'm sure Knowing all the friens here that' I know. .she would say 'np post it you win it fair and square' and I would say the same if the situation were reversed:D
  • @Kathy not posting a high score is also a phony score :)
  • Yes, @Kathy fair and square I agree! I wouldn't want to give you a shock either, so I would send you a PM beforehand. And I'd give you a big (((HUG)))

    @Kel, I would post only my TRUE score, nothing fake.
  • That's just not true @Kelan i. .now your grasping at straws:/ I'm dissapointed:(
  • Y'all ladies treat those high scores like they're your best friend's boyfriend :P
  • Uhmm @kelani expect a pm about your #9 score soon. .or would you rather I send the sheriff?
  • I don't understand this discussion…what "trophies" are you guys talking about?
  • @fenikus I said that i wouldn't steal one of The BP team trophy if I beat there score ..I would send them a pm if it left me far behind.ahh is a long conversation.say if I was in second place I wouldn't even try to take your trophy.. but if I did accidentley beat your score.I wouldn't post mine.. I'd send you a pm letting you know that's all.@kelani doesn't think that's fair he thinks I should just post my score and take the trophy!!
    If it was a random player I would, but if one of us I wouldn't.
  • I just thought we were flinging as a team rather than every man/woman for themselves.. guess my tthinking is off:/
  • If one of us always took all the trophies, I could see that. But all of us have our moments. Every one of us has had at least one trophy in the last few episodes.
  • And @fenikus if anyone does beat my score and take my trophy that's all well deserved I don't mind..I was just trying to be polite about the whole process. .
    Just forget it!
  • @Kathy we can be a team and still compete against each other. Just have to direct most of our energies towards non-BP high scores.

    edit: Polite is one thing, you said you'd sacrifice your own score. That's what I don't get.
  • This is what started it @fenikus

    Kathy 10:29PM EditFlag
    And to answer your question @kelani I wouldn't try hard enough to beat Sweetp score once i got close. And IF I did beat it accidentally NO I would not take the trophy..I would tell her maybe in a pm or maybe just keep in my own head that i did it;)
  • Oh you're talking about that buggy looking icon that appears before "Top Score" if you have one. I guess I never noticed it was meant to be a "trophy".
  • Yes ! @kelani we go after Non BP scores NOT each other. .I wouldnt take away hunnybunny trophy I came in second and quit trying! !! That what i mean! ! And with her help no less!!
    The fun part your missing I think :D
    *hangs sign ..GoNe FLiNgiN' *
  • Yeah, if you ever beat any of my top scores @Kathy, just post it. I care more about overall episode scores.
  • Yea @fenikus it looks it used to be Gold but they changed it @BirdLeader why?
  • K @fenikus will do :)
  • @Kelani, it does look like a cup if you actually look at it. But I never did, until now.
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