The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2275
  • @Kelani, the chews would actually be pretty economical for your dog since 1 chew per day is enough for her (I assume she's under 25lbs). My dog would need 2-3 a day so I usually get tablets (1 per day enough).
  • @fenikus at least you can spell Massachusetts, without spell check I'm stumped !

    Goodnight, good flinging
  • @fenikus nothing is economical about that dog. Her most-used nickname is Money Pit. :) But yeah, $7.45 for a bag of 45 chews at 2/day isn't bad. I was pleasantly surprised they're cheaper than lots of non-therapeutic treats (Greenies, Dentastix). Of course, even with these in the rotation, she'll still manipulate milk bones out of me every two hours.
  • Look like someone's gonna walk away with a DCB high score on BR-12
  • @Kelani, you're not a savvy shopper I see. Get a bag of 45 "large dog" chews for 8.45 and you can give her one a day! Or even half…how much does she weigh?
  • I'm not seeing anyone walking away with DCB in BR 12…admins have not weighed in yet or am I missing something?
  • @fenikus She has trouble eating some things, so the small bag is just a trial run. The funny thing is, it's not even my dog! It's my mom's. I'm just babysitting until all this grandmother-caregiver stuff gets worked out better.

    Ah, you're right, no admins weighed in yet. I forgot the post wasn't that old. I hope someone does look at it. I'm not in the mood to tell him his score's impossible. :)

    edit: no idea how much dog weighs. It's a LOT though. She's a tank.
  • Ooh, I have Kelpad until Sunday evening. *rubs hands excitedly*
  • Thanks for taking care of my flashlight @kelani ;)sorry to hear the pup hurt herself:(
    Sorryi if I miss stuff doing a quick catch up.
    Yes @Sweetp the alumni was called playhaven but now is gone:(
    @fenikus no war of the sexes I thought we were all the BP team? The musketeers and muskerettes? sorry my keyboard is puliing the hoodoo voodo again..brb
  • @hunnybunny I'm not quite finished with TT yet still a few scores to wrap up. .HH next :)
    K my keyboard crazy no more catch up please let me know if I've missed anything
    OB a strong Marmoset killer please; )
  • Ohh ohh @kelani 'ByePad' is now 'HiPad' :/
  • @Kelani, I found the easiest way to weigh my dog is to get on the scale and note the pounds. Then I'll pick my dog up and get back on the scale with him/her then figure out blah, blah, blah...

    I'll make a note in the BR #12 walkthrough and flag the leaderboard.
  • Ahh, no wonder @kelani is back to #1 in TT, @Kathy. We better get busy, because we're quickly falling down the ladder! Aarrrggghhhh!
  • @SweetP thanks. He posted a screenshot, so it has to be a PU or DCB.

    @SweetP I'm not #1 in TT
  • @SweetP, there are also two 110K scores on BR #3 again. It's like a deja vu all over again.
  • @SweetP, that's how I weigh my dogs too! Of course, the bigger one is now 60 lbs so it's getting harder and harder, lol.
  • Doesn't your vet have a big animal scale they can walk on?
  • Yes, but that's only once a year. I like to keep track of their weight on monthly basis so I know if I need to adjust their diet or give them more exercise.
  • @Sweetp Ms. Bunny is currently #1 in TT but i imagine @kelani will be flinging away. .I was #6 not sure now.. but you are coming up:) go girl!! We need team Bp in the top8 which once Pa get felling better I'm sure we will be:)
  • @Sweetp good to hear Bella is doing well. She was your recent rescue right?
  • I swear in level #3 those Marmoset fly off the screen taking your 5k with them! !
    Whine. .
  • @Kathy TT's not being nice today, esp #5. I think you must've destroyed everything on your miracle shot. Even using all 4 birds just to see where the points are, my 2b score would've been 196k.
  • That level is crazy i said i was at the point of just flinging and not realy paying attention and bam I got it..I was half asleep if you remember lol..I followed @hunnybunny strat and the screenshot helped..
  • Ooohhh no never minds that was "#18 hmm idk I'm sure I left an explanation. . Right?
  • Wow!! That came out Big!!
  • Note: For @Kathy's next birthday, the BP should take up a collection and send her an exterminator.
  • Yahooo i fixed it :) and yes @kelani please never mind my birthday no bugs inn October. . Do it now! ! Lol;)
  • @Kathy I was congratulating you for fixing it, when I noticed you CHANGED it :P

    Do you know where the bugs are getting in?
  • So how this! ! I was taking a showa after i was outside smoking.. let's just say there Was NO pinchy bug in the shower till i rinsed my hair!! He MUST HAVE BEEN INbMY HAIR!! Arghhhh !! My very Worst Bug! !
    #1 Pinchy Bug (longStory)
    #2 Ticks (another long story
    #3 Bees (yep you get the picture)includes hornets wasps etc.
    #4 spider
    #5 dragonfly
    #6 mosquito (not afraid off just aggravating)
    And all variety of Flies in general .. not afraid of them their just disgusting!
  • By Pinchy bug, I guess you mean an earwig? Don't worry, unless you wear a wig, it wouldn't have been in your hair. They hide in cracks and under stuff, like a shampoo bottle. The water probably made it go for higher ground.

  • I scoooted him quickly down the drain with the scraper thingie lol..ackkk
  • Sounds like you need to have your doors and windows and house perimeter treated. I did mine with some pro stuff in March and haven't seen a single bug in here since.
  • I think they safe hitching a ride on me when i come out to smoke lol. The other night was a big bettle climbing up my back under my sweatshirt! ! Needless to say I now have my hoodie on pulled
  • The spider idk I'm in the upstairs bedrom And i just tried to scoop him off the ceiling..I missed now i dk were he is:/ sleepin on the couch tonight lol..
  • Gonna fling and take my mind off him. .
  • I would hate to stand outside your house. If I did, I'd have a bottle of spray in each hand, and nail anything that moves.

    Ok, gonna go catch up on sleep. 'Nighty awl.
  • Ohh yes @kelani pinchy bug = earwig
  • I did a run at the trees for you the last two evenings @fenikus. I cheated though. I looked at the walkthroughs. First time I've ever done that on the first run. Lot's of stuff to clean up. Not such great scores. Only one top score in the bunch. If I was a bunny, I wouldn't be worried.

    Edit: It made going through the episode much, much faster.
  • Nice First Run @Pa :) although you did bump me haha..s' k I'm not done yet;)
  • Sorry Ma. That wasn't my intention. I was just trying to help the BP takeover.
  • Night Pa
  • Np @Pa Go team BP Go !! Rah rah shishkoomba! ! Lol I'm overtired night night work tomorrow:/
  • Sleep well Ma. Don't let the bed bugs bite.
  • OB, please hand me @Kathy's flashlight, thank you. And I'd like a tall glass of strawberry lemonade please.

    *takes Kathy's flashlight and gives it a nice polish. Replaces batteries and carefully places it under her pillow. Lights a candle that guides her safely to dreamland.*
  • Be afraid, Bunny, be very afraid!
    There's a @rat behind you .........
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