The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2263
  • Lol @Rat I know, but I have a pretty bad, slow, iPod. It runs out of battery in 32 minutes. But, I'm sure yours is worse if you say it is... ABSM has and iPhone 5S that I can only dream of lol. Is your phone a flip phone?
  • My mom's had a flip phone for 2 years and still doesn't know it opens up.
  • Oh my gosh, really @Kelani ? You haven't told her it does open? Lolol
  • @Bubbles Nooo :) Trying to spare her the confusion. It's all she can do just to use it for calls.
  • Mine doesn't flip @Bubbles, it slides. And it's smart too. It has a calculator, address book, and a clock. Will wonders never cease? lol

    Edit: I've heard rumors that the newer ones have a camera in em.
  • Ditto for my grandpa... @Kelani He claims his thumbs are too big for the little numbers. The only modern thing he uses his phone for is... Nothing! XD

    @Rat That's one sensible slide phone! ;D
  • @Rat smart and pretty snazzy :P My very first one's in the parts bin. More of a car phone. The old corded handset attached to a 10lb battery/radio case.
  • I don't know why, but I still use my SR-10 Texas Instruments calculator. I got that thing in 1972. It still works fine. I don't know if that makes me cheap or ...?

    Probably or...?
  • @Rat practical? I've still got my dad's old one somewhere.
    edit: and my mom's walkman
  • I've been thinking of upgrading to a Walkman as well @Kelani.
  • That does not make you cheap, @Rat my mom won't buy me a new calculator, because her 1975 Texas Instruments calculator still works. (45% or the keys are faded)

    @Kelani That's hilarious! My grandpa got windows 8. I'm afraid his computer is covered in cobwebs...
  • Funny story @Bubbles. I started college in 1973 and they wouldn't let me use the SR-10 calculator on tests. An SR-10 only has add, subtract, multiply, divide, reciprocal, and percentage functions on it. That's all. But it was considered cheating. lol I had to use a slide rule.
  • @Rat Aw, are your 8-tracks finally wearing out? :) I can't make fun of you. I have more vinyl than a pool float factory and two reel to reel players.

    @Bubbles did anyone try to teach him to use it, or was he like "I'm not touching that thing"
  • @Bubbles I gave my TI-84 graphing calculator to my niece last year. She needed it for college and I wasn't using it anymore.
  • Wow, really? Oh, how it's changed! @Rat
    I think I'm going to bed. See ya! (I might not if my dog keeps snoring louder than my dad. And snoring louder than my dad is really saying something.)

    Edit: Oh I tried to help him, @kelani! He just needs a reminder what to do next, every 2 minutes. He hasn't given up though, he says he will try again in the fall... (We all know that's a lie
  • @Rat spooky. A commercial with a guy using a walkman just came on.
  • @Bubbles 'nighty. Nice to meet you. I'm Kel, btw. The BP adopted me in your absence.
  • @Kelani. While my back was turned, Mrs. Rat did a purge a few years ago and trashed or gave to Goodwill all my vinyl and a fantastic turntable.
  • @Rat Ouch. I don't wanna know what kind of turntable, do I? You shoulda put her car on eBay.
  • @Kelani She has some stupid rule about if I haven't used it in a year, I/we don't need it. I better keep up with my husbandly duties or she might pull a "Bobbit" on me.
  • I don't remember the specifics on the turntable, but it was nice. Ironically, I still have all the literature for it.
  • @Rat better get yourself a sturdy codpiece. :D Man, it sounds like she's been watching too much HGTV. Some things are naturally exempt from the 1-year toss-out. I have a 20 gallon rubbermaid storage box full of baseball cards. Written on it in big sharpie "If you sell or trash this box, I will kill you" :)
  • I think it's a one sided rule @Kelani. She has lot's of things she hasn't used in years. Heck, she has a dress in the closet she hasn't worn in thirty-eight years. lol
  • @Rat I guess hiding the dress to make a point would've just put you back in bobbit danger? :) Darn one-sided rules. Maybe I'm naive, but if a Mrs. Kel materializes, my one-sentence prenup will say "paws off my stuff".
  • @Rat actually, if you want to show Mrs. Rat just how good she really has it, I'll send you pics of my friend Joey's accumulated stuff. He had two hangars used for the Manhattan project trucked here to house the bulk of it, and the rest is floor-to-ceiling in the basement of his and his mother's house. His wife is a very patient lady. lol
  • @Kelani I'm not going to rock the boat. I'm quite happy and it works out for the best. If she didn't do her biennial purges, I'd be on one of those hoarding episodes on TV. I don't throw things away. I always think there's something I'll need it for. I hate it when I'm right and it's already been purged. But that's more the exception, not the rule.
  • @rat thanks for the heads up on average ranking - I had no idea
    Also sorry for the misspelling in the post on 8-9
    Hello from the new sheriff by the way, now if I can just find another 310 points before you wake up .......
  • WTG @Ollygod. Did you ever say what part of the UK you reside in? You probably did and I just forgot. You should add yourself to the Members Map to help my failing memory. Btw, no problem with the @mention spelling. I would have noticed your score without any prompting.

    And you scoffed at my power setting description on 8-29 @Kelani @fenikus. Well @Ollygod used my reduced full power setting to score 10k above your score in 8-9. He had no problem understanding it. Maybe I'm not as crazy as you make me out to be? lol

  • @rat - thanks - members map ? Did not know one existed. How do you find it ?
  • Thank you shooting star. You flew by sooo fast.
  • Bunny hops through, reads back *8-19* 10k more!
    Hops off to beak.......
  • I think it was 8-9 @Hunnybunny. But if you come up with a strat to get an extra 10k on 8-19, let us know.
  • @rat just a typo......
    And who really cares, just a little afternoon fling, a beautiful hot (by UK standards) day, a cooling breeze, a nice lunch. And listening to Johnny Walker's Sounds of the Seventies on the radio.
    I know all the words, to all the songs, my era, but unfortunately can't even sing one of them in tune
    As I'm sat in garden, my neighbours might have earplugs in @screechingrabbit
  • Sounds like a wonderful afternoon Mrs. Bunny. Enjoy.

    Edit: Not familiar with Johnny Walker.
  • @rat if you like seventies music (you are of that age) check him out. I have problems posting BBC things here, they have a stupid policy of not letting anyone outside the UK see their TV downloads / uploads / whatever. Silly blonde bunny moment there! What do you call them?

    But I'm sure you can listen to the wonderful Johnny live on BBC radio where ever you are. 3pm to 5pm GMT on Sundays. Check it out

    Johnny was my fave radio DJ as I was growing up, enough said

    Breeze gone, sun hotter, going inside

    Off to 8-9 (got it right this time) again.....
  • @Rat Perhaps you know his cousins George and Jim?

    edit: oops. wrong Walker.
  • @Rat, I never saw @Ollygod mention "reduced full power" shot on 8-9 (he just said that he found the sweet spot). Maybe this was in your head just like that setting is, LOL. But it's okay -- to each their own -- some people believe that we didn't land on the moon and some believe in imaginary power settings :=>
  • @fenikus I believe in Father Christmas but still can't get 77k on 8-9
    Or enough points on Beak one for my target score
  • @fenikus how you doing on that catapult level (18) in TT? Not made an extra point here since I posted my strat
  • @Hunnybunny, try *slightly* reduced speed on 8-9. I think that's how I got 72.6K but didn't try any harder for better score. But I mean *slightly* for real -- have the aiming dots compress just a bit.

    I haven't played TT 18 since our conversation in walkthrough. 202K is enough for right now; I've got bigger fish to fry (i.e. those annoying "flock" levels that are just not cooperating).
  • @EStar - thank you for your help
  • @Rat what was your final opinion on that CC 7-16 score?

    @fenikus by flock do you mean flock favorites? If so, condolences.

    edit: No way. someone just posted a 1-b score on HH-11
  • That HH11 score has to be a typo. 110,960 is reasonable. 120,960 isn't.

    @fenikus so... aleksch booting you out of 1st place in HH doesn't qualify as a bigger fish?
  • @kelani I flagged CC 7-16 I'll flag HH11 if you want.
    Be a man, for goodness sake! Just flag if it's totally unreasonable

    Or ask the flinger..........
  • @hunnybunny On HH11, I asked for confirmation an hour ago. The CC7-16 I was just curious what Rat's final opinion was. He didn't seem to think it was legit yesterday.

    edit: and good morning to you as well :P
  • Sorry @kelani I was a bit hasty there, I just get blanked off by by people moaning and not doing anything.
    Too much time spent working in an environment where moaning was standard, action a rarity...
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