The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2189
  • Uhmmm @kelani Why curled up in the aisle?
  • Crap!! I hate when that happens. .I change the page and haven't finished reading! !
  • The Princess @Kathy is in the house! OB, get her a double whatever she wants on my tab, please.
  • Hi and bye @kathy @sweetp
    HWDNF is not working for five days in row! Have to be up and about, bright eyed and bushy tailed, tomorrow.
    @kelani that picture of little Kel curled up, cool, happy, but looking rather strange, in the aisle, is etched in my mind.
    Goodnight @all
  • Thanks @TomPuss for that INSANE video! I think those surfers are extremely brave to ride those humongous waves, especially the one on the 100-footer!

    @hunnybunny, have a good night's sleep and sweet dreams!
  • Night night @hunnybunny sweet dreams ;)
    Thanks @Sweetp :) OB I'll have another. .and thanks for taking care of my flashlight ;)
  • Gotta run for now, must finish cleaning after this nice break.

    Good luck flinging my friends!

  • See ya @Sweetp ;)
  • @Kathy -- @kelani seems to be lost on the previous page. I would imagine that what is forcing him to go to the grocery store is lack of pet food.
  • Lol @mvnla2 maybe he's still stuck in the aisle at the store.haha.

    So Swipe gave the 'FEED ME ' look I guess that could be considered force haha..
  • @fenikus you talking about the axe-based competition, or the Stihl chainsaw competition? Both are fun to watch. I'm so glad my crappy old 1990 TV has improved your life somewhat :P I checked the new TV upstairs, and there was no blur, but cable company's definitely having issues this week. Getting a lot of everyone's favorite noise: digital pops and crackles.

    @Kathy Dog's named Patty, but I randomly call her a bunch of names: Barky Dog, Muttly, Fluffy, Useless, Damn dog, Barkarella, Yaptastic, Bigmouth, Barky the Eardrum Slayer, Floofy dog, Money Pit, Puppy Butt, etc.. Noticing a theme here? Swipe's been a PITA for much longer, so he has a huge name list

    Who ordered me? Remember, I'm part-time caregiver for mom and grandmother. Either one of them needs something, guess who gets the"do it now" order? :)
  • @Kathy Swipe always has food. Better food than I get, even, but that doesn't stop him from yowling at me to go play in the sink. Also, I made the mistake of giving both little pests treats at semi-consistent times, so now whenever i go upstairs, they collaborate and try to trick me into thinking it's one of those times.
  • @kelani -- I didn't think about your grandmother, and I didn't know about your mother. I haven't been in that position myself, but know it takes much more effort than the recipient usually believes or acknowledges.
  • @mvnla2 That's very true. My grandmother doesn't get it takes four home health workers, three daughters, a son in law and three grandkids choreographing schedules so she can spend a few nights a week at her home. My mom definitely gets it, though. She took care of my dad every day of their 15yr marriage. Because of that, she 'doesn't want to bother me' and tries to do things she has no business doing. :)
  • @kelani I did not know that you were the caregiver for mom and grandmother? I must have missed that somehow I'm very sorry; ( I know how hard it is to care for one let alone both. .my mom had demetia at 62 years old so ya she was tuough Beacsuze she Was the 'strong 'one she took care of my dad all their married years. .looonngg story..
    But ya I'm really sortyy GodBless ya your a good guy ♡
  • And well No Wonder I Cant remember Patty Name!! Mopsy could fit right in to that ramblimg of names lol.. Bethca if you anagram that whole list Mopsy will be in there somewhere; )
  • Arghhh My sister is Now texting me non-stop !! I Do Love her..I do I do idooo love her I doo ido idooooo..:/
  • I thought a ' Rogue Wave' was just an abnormally high unexpected surge?
  • I'm really trying to catch up but to no avail. .alas OB I'll have another PigKiller..I really gotta come up with some new drink. .:/
  • Wow!! On 8-28 the fusion explosive thingie was blown into the far left gravity bounced around so I waited..IT Bounced Itself OUT of the gravity field and smashed on the green lava boulder on the far right! ! Weird I thought once something was in the gravity it was stuck there m
  • Ahh OB looks like I'm pulling an @lonelyhunnybunny night. .cept its a lonelykathy..
    *hangs sign*

    'GoNe FLinGiNg
  • @Kathy is ok. :) Fortunately, mom isn't 24x7 care like grandmother, and it's only temporary. She broke her leg in 3 places a few months back, so I'm helping her out with everything and taking her share of grandmother care until she gets 100% mobile again. Actually, I think it's more 'being a good son' than 'caregiver' in her case. Now if I had to bathe/change her, damn right I'd be gold medal super caregiver. :)

    'Rogue wave' has specific criteria now. Funny how until a few years ago, anyone who reported them was called crazy. btw, If I anagrammed that whole name list, mopsy would be there until the server caught fire. With that many letters, It'd return millions of results
  • @Kathy on 28 if it falls to the planet, it'll eventually float back into space. Lotsa weird things on that level. I posted some on the walkthru. I've been trying that level all evening. No luck. I'm dreading the big 'ol whhhiiiinnneee that's coming when you get to #34 :>

    OK, go fling, I'm gonna get some soup and go to bed. Been a long day :)
  • K @kelani I hope your mom get back on track soon and on her way to feeling her strong self prayers for your grandma bless her.and you for being a good Son :)
    Ill have to fully read that walkthrough. .lots of strange things happening in these episodes I got a pic I will upload tomorrow. .totally empty planet! I forget which level. .
    Have a good rest.. see ya tomorrow. .
    And Yay!! After tomorrow NO Work for count em' yep 10 Whole Days. .. you all will be wishing I wasn't on vacation lol..
    I'm going flinging till i pass out on keyboard lol.. night all
  • @Kelani, I was being facetious -- I didn't actually watch that lumberjack competition. I wanted to find the most trivial (to me) event and see if it will play and verify that ESPN is not just waiving subscription for World Cup and Wimbledon to attract viewers. The event had the word "Stihl" in it so I assume it was chainsaw competition. A burly looking bearded dude in plaid shirt and work boots came out to the stage that had this big a** log on it. The next thing I did was click the stop button ;-)

    I guess it could be fun thing to watch if it appeals to the person. Personally I'd rather watch a reality show with Paris Hilton (being facetious again). Speaking of reality shows (which I generally hate), did anyone else get hooked on Naked and Afraid on Discovery Channel? That show is as real as it gets and makes you think of all the things we take for granted in our daily lives.
  • @fenikus No ... not a "reality show"fan the minute you introduce a camera all 'reality' is Lost.. but to each their own..I like NFL football. .now that's reality for now anyway till the 'regulators' have their way..
    Nightly night all;)
    *OB take away my flashlight please. ..I gots to go to bed'
  • Hmmm nobody here all night! !
    Good Morning all! Happy Friday !!
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone ♧♣♧♣♧♣♧♣
  • @Kathy -- Love what you saw on 8-28! Did you get a good score?
    @kelani -- How much longer is your mother's cast on? Hope she gets back to 100% soon. Make sure she goes to her physical therapy until they kick her out and does her exercises at home religiously.
  • Happy friday to you @all, I free weekend in front of me, so the birds are gonna fly. No soccer today, unfortunately. Did the first round till #35
  • Sorry Ma (and all you other BP bar lushes). I know it feels like I've abandoned you, but I just haven't felt up to flingin' or chattin' lately. A little depressed. I think I'm beginning to feel better instead of worst. But I'm making no plans further ahead than the next hour. I hope to be back to my trash talkin' competitive self in the not too distant future. ???? I haven't felt right since I started playing Blossom River a few months ago. I think the AB Gods are punishing me for leaving my Space kingdom. Ha ha!

    BTW, I can appreciate your divide and conquer approach to defeating me @Lelani, @Funnybunny, Funikus, and @Bernersenn. But it won't work. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Remember?

    Well @Kelani, have you about finished with BI #2 yet? Awesome flingin', but don't you feel a little impotent in BI #1? Great work in part two though.
    I enjoyed your story about Mr. Repairman. Carl was it? Don't mistake my lack of comments for lack of enjoyment. You did get a chuckle or two out of me. But it hurts to breath deeply, so you can imagine what laughing does to me.
    Were you serious when you said you knew how to defeat the dreaded "M" formation in 8-20? Details, details.

    Uh oh! @Bernersenn with no soccer, a free weekend, and only a 1k deficit in BI #1. Sounds like the perfect storm. I think I will put what little flingin' I do your direction today. I don't feel that secure with you nipping at my heels. lol
  • @rat, don't be shy, I'm playing around in BI#2. But, you're right about BI#1, didn't forget you.
  • Hey everyone
  • Nor I you @bernersenn. Got a new target for you in BI #1.
  • You were so silent I almost missed ya @silentassasinin. Hey back at ya.
  • @Kelani, are you talking about the fact that they blur contestants' "private parts"? That's obviously expected -- Discovery is not HBO. Re: "controversy" reported by NY Post -- they make no secret they give contestants medical attention if they think their lives might be in danger due to illness. On several shows they showed medical staff (which has to be called in) checking out contestants and some ended up in a hospital. When contestants lose between 20 and 50 lbs in 21 days, there is no doubt in my mind it's real.

    I don't know how no one got bit by a snake so far. BTW, even if I had endurance and skills, I could never do this show because I'm an ophidiophobe.
  • Little bit frustrating is that due to the fact playing Bi#2 the strats are already developed. So in my case there is no talking about 'share the wealth', but 'use the wealth'.
    @hunnybunny, @kathy, how far did you ladies come in #2?
  • Hi @fenikus. How are you finding Space? Bit of a challenge? lol

    Darn it @Kelani. If you had a method for "M", I could get 140k fairly easy. I finished the spaceships in three shots numerous times this morning but kept having Ice and Magma asteroid groups left. I finally looked at the walkthrough after my 130k score. You can't imagine how irritated I was when I noticed @burpie has a good first shot that gets rid of all of the asteroids. I'll need to go back and play it again when I feel better now that I know that little tidbit.

    You just keep on playing BI #2 until you're happy Kel. I love a challenge. But you're running out of areas to improve without some more first places. lol I have faith in ya. There's still plenty of room for improvement in BI #1 as well. But I busted the 2.5 mil mark this morning.

    Now I know I've been depressed. A show, even a reality show, with my personal favorite (nudity) in it and I haven't watched it at least once. I'm worst off than I thought.

    Yea! The AC, TV, and internet are all working at the same time as of 12:00 EST. Whoo hoo! Now, if I can just get my body to cooperate, I'll be a happy camper.

    One more bit of humor for you @Kelani. The return dampener flapper was missing when they replaced the ducting with the new return dampener apparatus. Luckily I was there at the time and told Carl to find it. Sez Carl, "It's OK, it won't cause any problems". "An eighteen inch diameter round piece of metal floating in the ducts won't cause a problem?" sez I. "No" sez he. "Find it anyway" sez I. Carl had to take out about nine feet of ducting and half the plenum to find it. He was just going to leave it floating around in there until it blocked the airflow as it's designed to do. Geez, I think he was trying to get job security. They would have needed to return when it stopped the airflow. One problem averted.

    The weekends almost here @Kathy. Ten wonderful work free days to do what ever it is you want to do! And I agree with you. No reality shows, more NFL.
  • @bernersenn Most of these strategies are "best one so far". There are plenty of levels with undeveloped strategies, and plenty of undiscovered strategies, too. In BR, you found several great strategies despite good ones already existing. I've been watching both Beaks for your posts to see if you found something new :)
  • @kelani, most of the times the ideas come during my second round. Right now I'm enjoying #38
  • BTW @Burpie. Naughty, naughty. I haven't been paying attention. I noticed this morning that you were way too close to me on the overall Space leaderboard. I played the Eggsteroids a little and now I'm back to a respectable 150k lead. I broke the 32 million mark doing it. Now you can go back to you're sneaky approach.
    Sorry, I took one of your top scores doing it. But there is ample room for improvement on that level.
  • @Kelani, where did you dig out a fact that "25% - 30%" of N&A cast members are actors? There was an Aussie stuntwoman on one of the shows, btw, I'm sure she's on IMDB.

    I like survival shows…Les Stroud, Bear Grylls, even Mountain Men though they live in houses but it's interesting to see how they live off the land. Just started watching Dual Survival…I guess it's been going on for a while. One of the guys is a really obnoxious military type but the new guy that replaced his partner from previous seasons is just awesome -- he's got some very interesting techniques.

  • The dampener, in my opinion, could have been riveted back onto the rod @Kelani. BTW, the rivets did not fail from fatigue. No signs of cracking or wear. The rivets were bent over and mushroomed on one side almost as if someone had pressed there leg against the weighted balance arm when they struggled to lift the unit to move the drain pan last summer. I can't prove it without getting a metallurgist expert to evaluate it. But I know that's what happened now. That wasn't done by Carl. You might want to keep your eyes on the trees for another rod incident..
  • Hi @beakers

    Well done @rat for 2.5m that's my target, albeit it's been going slowly over the last couple of days

    I fear @kathy will wipe away my good scores with ten days off work! I fling a little most mornings, come back in the evenings, and am always bumped down a place or two. Don't these flingers have something else to do all day!

    @bernersenn only gave Beak 2 the one pass, dreadful scores......

    Anyone tried LTCStanley's strat on 8-16? I've no doubt it's real, strat posted, screenshot of score, but I can't get anywhere close. @fenikus if you're feeling bored, give it a go and a nice little video may help me to see where I'm going wrong

    And 8-17 I'm obsessed! There's a really high 140k+ score there. So close, so far away. @rat try @bernersenn strategy if you can just catch that gas canister in the right place, so the lava explodes a little later than normal...... You're the rodent for the job!
  • Thanks Mrs. Bunny, but there's a lot of points yet to be found in BI #1 and #2. I've just been flitting back and forth playing just enough to keep the villagers from catching me. But @Kelani is in full on assault mode in BI #2. I'll need to give him the attention he deserves and desperately needs as soon as I'm feeling a little better. I still can't move or think fast enough to play the cannons of level 22.
  • lol @Rat feel free to give your flinging attentions to the @bunny :) I'm going nowhere fast.
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