The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2187
  • Hurrah @rat - lie back and let the cool air flow over you!
    (I assume @kelani - it's a Hallelujah for @rat being cool! )
  • @all dear friends. I've been away for an awful long time and I'm so sorry about that. Briefly, I was ill but at last I am better. So let's draw a line under that.
    First of all, @hunnybunny, @mumsie 42 and everyone else whose birdday I missed, please forgive me. I feel dreadful about it.

    Wow, what a lot of catching up to do! Well it'll have to be little by little. . .
    I'm amazed by the BR crowd! What should I call you? I was reminded of starlings and the way thay chatter and flock together, weaving incredible patterns in the air. When I looked it up I found this is called a "murmuration". Did you know that one already, @mvnla2? You love words, I know.
    This is really beautiful:

    But maybe I'll just call you "The Gossip Guys"!

    @JLZ666 As I write, I see your comment above - and sympathize wholeheartedly. . . Boy, doesn't bureaucracy suck?! Plenty of that here in France too! When I was applying for one of my pensions, I wrote to them first, asking for the forms to fill in. No response. So then I got Hubz to look on the computer; he found the forms and printed them out. So I ploughed thro' them in pencil as a draft. OK, I said to him, now I'm ready to do the definitive one, print them out again. Guess what! In the meantime they'd changed the forms completely! That's when I lost it, I screamed and shouted and threw things around the room. Hubz said afterwards that I'd terrified him. I found out that it is actually their policy not to reply. . . charming, huh? Hey, you're a demon lady, aren't you? Use your powers and go cast the most evil spell ever on those council wasters!

    @bernersenn Loved the foto of your dogs! We go every year to the Bernese Oberland (the nearest to heaven I shall ever get) and often see beauties just like yours.

    @rat, @kathy It was great to see Robert's picture up for while as an avatar. Yes, he was handsome, and noble and elegant too. He puts me very much in mind of the Duke of Wellington.
    I see you two are both suffering from aches and pains - get well soon!!

    All for now - here's a playlist I hope you all enjoy! Love, hugz and purrs xoxoxoxo

    Maru and Hana from an unusual angle:

    Love will keep us together:

    TomPuss took this train to Brussels to visit dear friends:

    For piggy fans:

    Most awesome surfing wave ever:
  • @mvnla2 Actually it was directed at @Rat and "The Return of Frosty Air". Great timing, though. :) I also had that audio mute problem. There's a known problem with..either java or flash media player that makes it happen. I had to switch to a different player to fix it. Since you said you heard the video with sound, I assume you fixed it. If not, , let me know and I'll dig up the info for you.

    @TomPuss nice to see you back. Miss @Kathy has been most worried. :)
  • I understood what it was for @Kelani. Thank you.
  • @Tompuss - welcome back ((((hugs))))
  • @Tompuss welcome home! Whatever the problem was I'm glad you're ok now X
    Unfortunately my demonic side makes it difficult to deal with these people as I can't keep a clear head and civil tongue. I start off polite and to the point but after getting passed from pillar to post from one department to the next with the constant "oh I'm sooooo sorry,that's not my area" or my favourite "ummmm yeah I'm afraid that department are a bit behind with updating information" WHAT? Seriously? If I treated my clients that way I'd be out of business so why is it ok to to have to accept these excuses? Oh yeah because they know we don't have time for it. They're hoping I just walk away. WRONG. I'm paying for a service that isn't being done so they're getting no more money until they get their act together. I imagine when they realise that I've stopped paying them they'll be ever so helpful ;)
    Thanks for the vids @tompuss! I've missed them! I've always wanted to see the starlings en mass like that. We've got a much smaller display near us that I've seen on occasion but that amount must be spectacular! The clip of kitty at 4 mnths was adorable! I want another one!!!
    The wave is just...well it's breathtaking. They are complete nutters but WOW!
    @rat congrats on having cold air again! I have a very disturbing image in my head of how you are celebrating this new fresh feeling but heyho! Enjoy!!
    @kelani you have waaaaaaaay to much time on your hands! That's incredible! Kudos!
    @mvnla I've never seen that issue before? Glad you got to see it with sound!
    Hey @mumsie!
    Just finished dinner so going to relax on the sofa,watch the recaps of today's tennis,although......... no spoilers here..........the Djokovic game is still going on and it's awesome!!!!
  • Hello @kelani Yes, it's nice to be back and to see you again. Somewhere (I can't find it just now in all the pages that have gone by) you were talking about your music. Do you know The Penguin Café Orchestra and all the wonderful musical references in their work? Also a CD called "O'stravaganza", where Vivaldi meets Irish traditional with remarkable results?
    OMG I just read your news report - brilliant, it made me laugh SO much!

    Hey @mumsie, thanks for the warm welcome back (((hugz))) back atcha!
  • @JLZ666 Yeah, no wonder you're mad! Just keep a tight hold on that cash and they'll be grovelling!
    So glad you liked the vids. Internet is full of wonders!
    Now taking iPad into bathroom for a hilarious 45min with News Quiz Extra lol
  • And me with no alibi @Kelani. Did I tell you they hit my last nerve this morning when they showed up early and woke me up from what little sleep I've had in days?

    Grrrrrr @JLZ666 If anybody asks where we were, we were with each other. That gives us both alibi's. They'll never get a conviction on either of us.

  • "Where we were, we were with" I'm not sure that's correct grammar, but I like it.
  • Good evening all, first comment must be "Welcome back, Tom Puss" glad to hear you're feeling good enough to post again. Haven't watched your vids yet, though. A treat for later.
    @kelani naughty boy.....
    @rat enjoy your cool bedroom. Some prefer it hot!
    And for @fenikus and @bernersenn
  • Hello guys, no Ipad for me today, terrible headache. Even the light of the Ipad is to much. Hope to see you tomorrow
  • And @rat did you growl last night at the thought of a (hug) from Mrs Bunny! I hope not, old friend.....
    Off now to water the garden, and take my mind off one snarling piggy from 238k on 8-20 and one smirking one from 138k on 8-17 gggrrrrhhhh!
  • @bernersenn hope you recover soon
  • @Rat grammar be damned, it's poetic! No, you didn't tell me that tidbit, but after everything else, it's not that surprising. Did you get a look at the broken part? Just curious if it was a plain strip of metal they could have temp-fixed for you, or some complex part.

    If the cops ask, just show them your flinging appaRatus.That should convince them you weren't capable of treeing poor Carl. Or it might convince them you're smart enough to find a way. :)

    @bernersenn That's no good, hope you feel better soon. :(
    @hunnybunny *bows* I do try.
  • Woot-woot, @Rat9! Ahhh, soooo nice to hear you've finally got AC again.

    Hello @TomPuss! So good to see you here again, you've been missed! Thanks for sharing those videos. I loved the starlings video, so pretty and breathtaking.
    Cute kitty videos! And wow, that Maru is a big, chubby kitty but Hana doesn't take any crap either! LOL. I think even if piggie was a cat or dog, they'd be the same way. Heehee, OINK!
    That monster wave is off the coast of Washington State! I never knew there were waves that big there. What an awesome ride that guy had.

    Here's a video of surfers riding "Jaws" on the north shore of Maui, HI. Considered to be the biggest waves on Earth:

    @bernersenn, I hope you feel better soon!

    Hello @hunnybunny! I'll give you a whhhhhiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeeee to bring some luck to you when you get back to 8-17 and 8-20! Hope the AB Goddess will be kind to you!

  • @Tom Puss -- Good to see you back, and even better that you are better!
    Wow! I'd never heard the word murmuration before, and had no idea starlings created such an awesome sight.
    A tangent thought -- Were starlings the birds in The Birds and/or seeing a murmuration in real life Hitchcock's inspiration? It would take someone with a perverse imagination to turn something so awesome into a nightmare, but I would guess his imagination was one of the most perverse.
    Will have to save the rest of your videos for later.
    @kelani @rat -- I missed Rat's second edit. Was wondering how everyone knew his cold air had returned. So I second Kelani's Hallelujah.
    @kelani -- There was a sound icon in the lower left corner of the video, and it was on off. I've never noticed that before.
    @all -- Glad to see all of you.
  • I would like to say that I wouldn't have hung him by his feet,that's not my style.......;) So you've got a slacker who went into the woods.....alone,no name on his call sheet and only deals in cash? As for the teeth marks on the body @kelani. Would you trust meth loaded detectives to give an accurate account of events after they've eaten.......nay,gnawed on anything that happened to land on their BBQ? The steel rod? Kebabs possibly? Nope,it's all Lucy in the sky facts. Me and him was both together...;D Fighting injustice the legal way. That's all I have to say M'lord ;)
    Awwwww heck I've just realised that as we were together this afternoon @rat,the "disturbing image" is now reality! Lmao!!!!!
    Time to pop off for some hubby time.
    Feel better soon @bernersenn
    Have a great night @all
  • Hello @JLZ666! I sure hope you gave those idiots a piece of your mind! I hate it when I get the "run around" and end up at the same place I started. That's when I put my foot down and ask for a manager. usually ends up to be a simple solution in the first place. And I pay these people to give me a bunch of BS...NOT!

    Here's something cute!
  • @kelani, hope that weather clears up soon so you can start feeling better! Oh, BTW the contact is on holiday until middle of July, so hopefully a reply will be forthcoming? Talk about slow service....GRRRR!
  • Arrgghhh! There's a Dutch man only 50 Points between me and fourth place @burpie thought you weren't playing much?
  • @kelani Hey thanx for that PCO tip on the Brazilian Woolly Monkey! It is ballet music - just see what I found on YT:

    Yes it's our favourite marmoset! And highly appropriate for Rio fans. . .
    Sorry you're not feeling well - and you too @bernersenn. Better soon ((((good vibes)))).

    Nice to see you @hunnybunny! And @SweetP, thanx for that awesome surfing vid. There's also a huge wave somewhere in Portugal, will check it out tomorrow.

    Hi @mvnla2 Well, @kelani answered your question! Crows and ravens certainly are extremely intelligent. . . Another thing to do tomorrow is to check out Daphne du Maurier's original story to see what birds she described.

    @rat Chill! Envy you your AC - all I got is a fan!

    All for now - goodnight and sweet dreams, everyone xoxoxo

  • @TomPuss, sleep well and sweet dreams!

    Go get 'em @hunnybunny, I know you can do it!

    @Kelani, it was sent soon after I forwarded the letter, so yes, before the vacation started. I'll have to think on the wording for you...there is a way that won't compromise the actual sequence of events.
  • @TomPuss -- Loved the Wooly Monkey!
    The videos are coming faster today than I can watch them.
  • @Hunnybunny I'm mostly playing to stay in the top 5 in both parts. I returned to part 1 a few days ago and I've been trying desperately to catch up with you since... I finally managed. When you set your mind to it, you're one fierce bunny!

    It's bedtime for me now. No doubt you'll have a solid lead again by tomorrow morning :-)

  • No @burpie bedtime for me to. Good flinging!
  • @SweetP Thanks SO much. Knowing Rovio got it makes me feel much better. :) Proper h4x0r etiquette would be for us to give them a reasonable amount of time to fix it, and if they don't, then we post the full, unedited report for the world to see. I've never been one for observing proper etiquette, so that's not gonna happen :o)

    @TomPuss well, imagine that. Nice find! :)
  • @TomPuss @SweetP -- Isn't the wave in TomPuss's video in Australia??
    Found a site that listed the 10 deadliest waves in the world. Three are in CA! The only one I've heard of is Maverick, which I tried, and failed, to see once. Got poor directions on where to go, and it might not have been a good day. Oh, well.
  • @mvnla2

    It's an example. Lots of the big wave spots have live video feeds. Nothing amazing happening in the above one, just some interesting-looking beachcombers, and a guy with an itch who doesn't know he's being filmed.

    edit: and a list of California cams
  • @kelani -- Thanks. I'm not really a surfing fan. There's nothing more boring than a flat sea, especially if the webcam looks as if someone misaimed it. I looked at the one for Mavrick. If you want to see good waves, suspect you do better with YouTube.
  • @all You lot can have those big waves. Give me a beautiful sandy beach with gently rolling waves and a waiter to bring me drinks. Ahhh...heaven!
  • @Rat After that description, I'm surprised you didn't post that 1970s beach pic that looks like a Cialis ad. :) It's a perfect match, except for the waiter bit.
  • @TomPuss Air conditioning is not a luxury in Aiken, South Carolina with a July average high temperature of 94 degrees Fahrenheit. Compare that to less than a 66 degree average in Paris for the same month. Apples and oranges!!! And don't get me started on the high humidity. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to cool your house when it got unseasonably hot, but it doesn't get there that often. And you have the luxury of not paying extortion money to the repairman. lol I do hope your fan keeps you cool.

    Edit: July is the hottest month for both locations.
  • And @Hunnybunny, I growled when you said we were ill mannered on this side of the pond. I didn't know you tried to hug me. eewww
  • @all @kelani -- I think there are some die-hard Frank Zappa fans in the BP, but can't remember who. Just found out that he also composed classical music! Who knew? Probably kelani, but...
  • @mvnla2 lol. nope, you got me. That's the first I've ever heard of that. I think the fans in question are @hunnybunny and @JLZ or maybe that was Dweezil.
  • @jlz666 -- Just watched a bunch of the Murray video and really enjoyed it. Hope he does well this year. Haven't been watching Wimbledon much, but HWDNF has watched some, so probably will see some.
  • Ack! You're right @MVNLA2, @TomPuss' video is of a surf spot in Western Australia. It's called "The Right" because the waves break only to the right. And @kelani is right, there are many surf spots that have gigantic waves (20ft or higher), but I've only seen the ones in Hawaii, where I was born. Surf competitions abound during the winter months.
  • Wow, @HunnyBunny you're a really good flinger! WTG, #4 in Beak1!! I'm sadly waaay at the bottom trying to catch up to at least the top 20. Hmm...back to flinging.
  • Hello Everyone! !
    No way can I catch up with everything so..Quickie catchup

    Welcome back @TomPuss (((((((hugs))))) see how everyone missed you and loves you. .have not had a chance to check the videos not i will♡♡♡♡♡
    @Pa WahhhHoooooo A.C working !!! And i swore I saw you and @Jlz666 out at lunch that afternnoon how nice of her to take you for a drive in her air conditioned fancy car..
    @kelani strange story about that pooorrr HVAC guy. .but jeez whadda the cops do down in those parts Meth smoking backwoods POLice..hmm I've heard of those crazy ones! ! And what a freak Storm that kicked up huh!!
    Anyway my battery half dead.. spent the evening with my crazy ass sister.. its becoming an every Wednesday ritual I think. .but Hey I only got one sister and ya can't pick the family ya just holy to treasure the time you git right. .
    The flinging 'eh not going as planned and now is almost midnight AGAIN:/ gonna fling a few and fall asleep on my tablet lol.. someone ding me around 12:30 so i can at least wake up and go to sleep properly. .Pain in the shoulder is dissipating a tad bit.. down to a dull throb..gonna take a motrin.No hot water bottle tonight it was kinda botheresome in the night. .just the pain patch (not lidocaine) salonpas.. but is o.k
    I'll be lurking for a bit. .
  • @bernersenn @fenikus What's UP with the guy Biting the other Player!! That's just crazy. ..he think hes Mike Tyson? !!!!
  • @Kathy ding ding. It's 12:42 Go to bed sleepyhead! I'm heading out myself. Getting pretty yawny over here.
  • Heehee thanks @kelani lol ya caught me just in time. M eyes are drooping..
    Thanks night night; )
  • Good morning guys, feeling much better today.
    First things first, @Kathy, @JLZ666, @Sweetp, @Hunnybunny, thanks for the wishes well - they helped me a lot.
    @Tompuss, "Berner Oberland", you said? We also go to this region, each year. First saturday after August 1 - for 3 weeks to Goldswil. Thanks for the comment on my pictures.
    Now first at work. Have a good day @all
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