The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2186
  • @rat - just wanted to say hope the AC is nearer to being fixed - or a cool breeze gets up - fat chance I hear you say.
    First of six days of golf, played some great shots but only a few. Played some absolutely awful shots, far too many of those, and couldn't putt if you'd paid me! But it's only a game and it was a beautiful day and I know I'm lucky to be able to play - loads of people out there who'd be happy to play bad golf! Nngb @all
  • Oh crap, @kelani! I forgot about the DCB issue. I'll be right back, need to send a message...sorry!

    @mumsie42, you're just warming up, so it'll be better as the days go by! I hope you get those birdies!
  • @kelani while us Brits love McEnroe (and I mean really love his antics) he just shows us that we are good mannered, you lot are not lol
    Really goodnight now (little hug)
    I now hear a scream coming over the Atlantic, straight from NC. "That's not the cute girl that I had in mind for hugging"
  • Hey everyone !! I'm having an awful day. .woke up with serious back/shoulder pain yesterday and it's got nothing but worse from there on:(
    Not up much for Chatting.. having NO luck flinging..
    So I'll be apopper far now. .good luck everone
    I have WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee though! !
  • @amslimfordy, @hunnybunny, @bernersenn, it took at least a dozen of replays on my DVR to convince myself that Suarez really went for Italian's shoulder with his teeth, but I guess he really did it. Too bad -- such a talented player, but he deserves a stiff punishment by FIFA especially if he had previous incidents (which I didn't know about).

    The game was played dirty by both sides from minute 1 which is in contrast with other games. Let's hope this game was just an exception and tournament continues with great games and great fair play.
  • Thanks @Pa I'm trying. ..;)
    I hurt my shoulder (right under the *chicken wing* at work last year, I think i aggravated it on Sunday playing ladder ball with nephew.. is not really a physical game but i think the repeettive movement aggravated the old injury:( I just put a Lidocain patch on it is starting to dull down to a throb instead of a burning pain..Plus I worked 2 days with it in pain With nothing but Tylenol:/ might as well ate m &m's for all the good those did:/
  • You might want to put a heating pad on it @Ma. Be gentle with it for a few days, we're not getting any younger. lol

    @Lyrian told me the planet on 8-27 has exploded twice on him as well. Yea!!! It's not picking on just me. Ha ha
  • :( don't have a heating pad @Pa I tried to buy one today but they are 25 $-35 $ :/ I didnt have it..I Do have a hot water bottle but can't find it.
  • I thought the prach was helping is not. .
  • @Lyrian rofl. glad you got a pic of it. I'm gonna save that one. Oh and see that up there? @Rat just called you a Him!

    @HunnyBunny It must be hell for you, trying so hard to be grumpybunny when yer a softie. :P

    edit: And I have no particular cute girl in mind to hug at the moment, so I'll just say thank you. :) See? We're not all McEnroe!
  • @kelani well, you know how it is, you get old and the memory starts to go, lol!
  • No excuse for the slip @Lyrian. I like your photo better. I only got surface destruction. You got everything. Whoo Hoo!

    Heat up a damp towel @Kathy. Cheap heating pad.
  • Found Heating Pad WwwooooHoooo!! ;)
  • Uhh.m should i take the patch off. ?
  • Not heating pad Found Hot water bottle; )
  • @Kathy leave patch on. The heat will help get that lidocaine in there. :)
  • K thanks @kelani ;) it's feeling better already ; ) ahhhh..
  • K now to concentrate on flinging:) I can't get past 8-24 .. so I'm moving on. .don't worry @bernersenn I'll be back to it later;)
  • Hee hee @kelani thank you. .I hate being miserable; / I like me better when I'm Happy too; )
    But I'm still gonna get my
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee in lol :)
  • Score one for @Dennis1978. I still can't believe that 106k score.
  • @Kathy -- Oh dear! My recommendation is physical therapy, which is usually covered by med. insurance, which you must have, right?
    @Lyrian -- Did you get points, or did the game just crash?
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I've thought i might need that where it's an old injury and keeps getting aggravated or just randomly hurting now and then. It's never been this painful though since it first happened .. your probably right though. I see my primary care doc next week so I'll see what she recommends. I did Report it as a work related injury when it first happened but I'm not sure a year later they can still consider that. But ya I do have good insurance so PT should vote covered:/
  • Happy wwwhhhiiiiiinnnneeee Tuesday everyone :)
    Awww @rat, you missed me? I hear you're having cooling problems - I hope they get fixed soon.
    I see you guys have been doing a great job ruling the BI boards - congrats to you all! I'm still swimmimg in the River, been short on flinging time recently. I'll offer up a big wwwwhhhhhiiiiinnneeeee for level 19. Now I know why it got a lot of chatter from you guys.

    @kathy I hope you're arm/shoulder keeps feeling better. Physio might not be a bad idea. Thank goodness you only need your finger to fling :)

    @jlz thanks for the link to the video - I'll have to check it out. I've already been glued to the tv as much as possible for the past 2 days. Only 12 more to go!

    Hope everyone is having a good evening :D
  • @karen68 even now the BR #19 whhhhiiiiineeee still makes me tremble in fear. At least there's lots of strategies posted, and you definitely have all our moral support w/it :)

    @all B2 #28 is a big fat RSL. :(
  • @mvnla2, the first time I broke the planet my game crashed, the second time it did not crash, but I did not let the level finish calculating my score. I was worried that it might break my game or something. I'm glad I did that, because @rat lost his high score data. I did get a screen shot of the pause screen with my score at 188k, it may have gone even higher had I let it continue but then I closed the application from the task manager. I figured there was something very wrong going on.
  • (((( @karen68 )))) thanks I may try it.. and yep my finger is o.k lol although it's not helping atm..:(
  • OB please get out the Special Stock for @karen68 ;)
  • ((((hugs)))) right back @kathy! Thanks for the drink :)
    @kelani boy am I in trouble if BR19 still scares you. I'm barely at average right now.
  • @karen68 if you're trying for +130k it means the evil 1-birder, but an average 2-birder should be ok.

    Hmm, I'm gonna have to go back to the river after my Space flight. bryonjames seems to have a thing for 3 of my 4 high scores.
  • Your very welcome @karen68 ;) sorry I'm a popper.. just very uncomfortable atm good luck in The Beakness ;)
  • Oohh soory thought you were playing beak forgot you in the River. I gotta go back there again ssomeday.. it is a fun episode.
  • @Kathy I think you're having a reaction to that lidocaine! The BP has pages and pages of non-fun whhhiiiiinnnnees from you abvout that episode :)
  • @kelani I'd love to nail the 1-birder on 19, I just know I'm in for a lot of rinse & repeat. Same with level 6, have to go back to that one.
    Night @kathy, I hope you can get some sleep :)
    I'm off to peek at the challenge before bed.
  • Night night everyone happy flinging; )
  • Hello Mr. @Rat9, I sure do hope that HVAC guy fixes it right this time! Nothing more miserable than suffering through this heat and humidity especially when you're in pain.
    I guess you and @Lyrian are not the only ones with #27 going whacky. It happened 3 times to me. I was done clearing the level and everything froze and went blank! No planet, just blue background and stars, the slingshot, and three birds. One instance, the score was 131k before adding the bonus birds. My poor dogs, ran off when I started screaming unmentionables at the blank screen!! I didn't want my tablet to get fried, so I closed it from task manager. I wanted to save a screenprint, but was afraid I might damage something.

  • @Kathy no, lidocaine in a patch won't make you @druggyKathy ;P
  • @Kathy, sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you're better in the morning. That hot water bottle will do wonders on your shoulder/arm. sleep well, and sweet dreams.
    *Takes @Kathy's flashlight and gives it a good polishing. Cleans the lens and replaces the batteries. Places it next to the bed, and lights a candle to safely send her off to dreamland*
  • zzz...*snrk*..zzz... Bedtime for me also. All this awful weather's kicking my kelbutt.

    @Sweetp btw, I'm still working on your list. Normally I can get lots of good ones out of the first 1,000 results, but yours is gonna need a 5,000 result run :)
  • Hah! Leave it to me to make it a project, eh? Sweet dreams @kelani.
  • @mvnla I clicked on it and it worked fine for me. My Mum asked me to try and find it for her so this is the link I sent her last night. Woke up to an email from her saying she had watched it so there doesn't seem to have been any problems getting across the pond. Hmmmm,could somebody else try clicking the link to see if it works please?
    @rat Sorry I've just been busy blah blah blah. Popping is the best I can do ATM. I'm actually just about to shred somebody to pieces over at my local council offices. I'm beyond furious at their pathetic sub standard services. I've been battling them for bloody weeks over an issue we've been having with the business and after 5 weeks of good service it all goes to Hell again! Yeah like I've got all the time in the world to sit on hold on the phone.......Arghhhhhhh:(((( that woman better thank her lucky stars I can't actually physically get to her. Bunch of pencil pushing idiots. What a great way to start the day.
  • Thanks @JLZ666. The fact that someone besides myself is getting substandard service made me feel better. It's not just me life is picking on. lol
    Sorry about your problems though. Go get those pencil pushers.

    Edit: The AC repairman is here now. The Cable man is due Friday. Wish me luck.
    Edit #2: As of 11:25 EST, I have massive cool airflow in my bedroom. Yea!!!
  • @jlz666 -- Thanks! Had a bit more time to try it this morning. It came up with a "sound off" icon in the lower left of the YouTube screen. Didn't even know there was such a thing. Will have to look at it later with the sound. It is extremely boring with no sound, but pretty entertaining with the sound.
  • @kelani -- Was that "hallelujah" a sarcastic comment directed at me, or did you manage to score in BI?
    Off to dentist to get my teeth cleaned. BBL
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