The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2167
  • Did a @kathy then
    Posted, decided against it. Left a dot

    Gone flinging, can't say anything sensible, obviously.....
  • Why is it that your most stupid, inane, and sometimes embarrassing post is always the page changer?
  • @hunnybunny @Kathy everything strategy-related I say in here is either already posted, or is on the to do list. You two knew that. :P

    @Lyrian I agree, on #26 It is a pain to make that ship die. I hate weak grav fields! What happened with me is, the nuclear rock or Terence broke off the last segment of each claw, when the ship fell, it went a bit further before hitting. Terence's big butt landing on it didn't hurt either. I just checked @fenikus' video fullscreen, which gave me a migraine, but if anything is different, I may have aimed so Terence hit the first piglet a bit more to the left. Seriously, like 1-2 pixels max. I got it several times in a row, so I think there's a sweet spot.

    That's the thing about some of these levels. If you think of every pixel you can release a bird from, there'll be a diagonal line of 1x1 pixel sweet spots that can give repeatable awesome results, but move one pixel in any direction, and that all vanishes. I think that's why @Rat and others use magnifiers and loupes :P
  • @hunnybunny The funny thing is, if you had put that in your previous post, instead of the dot, it wouldn't be the pagechanger :)
  • Hee hee @Lyrian the 'behind the scenes technicians doing their refining '
  • Lol it's always the way @hunnybunny take it from me I know. .
  • I know I know, it does sound a bit pretentious doesn't it, @kathy? But, I think it's better than some of the strategies we see in the walkthroughs. "Umm, well... I just fired the bird at the thing and it all fell down, I don't know." In fairness, sometimes that does happen.
  • @ kelani yea, having the arms gone is a huge help, but half the time the ship never makes it to the gravity well. It's a catch 22, no arms for better destruction but arms make it easier to drag the ship in. I've gotten really close to beating my score a few times, so I will keep at it. I've just been jumping around the levels so I don't get too frustrated with any single one. I spent way too much time trying to get a 1 bird on 29 a couple days ago and almost threw my phone.
  • @kelani that would be great thanks! I love a good storm......seriously,it's the best show you'll ever watch. I love Mother Nature......sometimes ;)
    Well that's the food prepared for tomorrow so sitting watching "best of the 80's music" Fekkin hilarious! Madness "our house" is playing, Bloody brilliant! I'm waiting on Duran Duran though;D
    10 mins till England game so............ *sighhhh*...........good luck England ;) Haahaaaa!
  • @kathy @kelani @lyrian goodnight
    Can't even fling straight, too much good living today, sunshine, food, a little wine.
    Might be a heretic and crush some candies

    Happy flinging
  • @jlz666 watching also
  • Night @Hunnybunny. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
  • Duran Duran, at last @jlz666
    Now I'm really gone
  • @Kelani, Your walkthough for level 40 is what I was doing. I was wrong about playing shots 2 & 3 like the video.

    I've been playing part 2 back to front today but for now I'm skipping levels S-22 and 34. Those will take quite some time.
  • I'm torn between the footie and 80's memories! Surprisingly so is hubby. It's brought some great childhood/teenage stories out! Happy I got my Duran fix though ;)
    Nighty night @hunnybunny.......or happy 80's viewing lol!

  • No nooo @Lyrian I didn't mean that it sounded pretentious at all. .lol quite the opposite hee hee I had a vision in my head of you and kelani heads bent down together with pencils inn your hands crossing stuff out.. adding different things, flinging, erasing , until you both came up with the 'strat to be posted' lol never mind me I'm nutters been hanging around this pub a while haha
  • Aww night @hunnybunny
    Sorry I missed a bunch. .I took a dinner break lol..
  • Shhhhhhhhoot! I meant to say,you know I'm only joking right @mumsie? No matter what the yes vote maniacs may have you believe XX
  • :/ confused face @Jlz666 did i miss @mumsie42 ?
  • @burpie I don't blame you. S-22 and 34 have a way of sapping your enthusiasm. Same with #31 I finally got an OK score on it, but there's something we're missing there. Also, thanks for checking #40. btw, Is there any reason you play back to front? I've seen a few others do that, and was curious.

    @lyrian There's a phone bungee out there that attaches to a wristband. Might work great if you're prone to tantrums.. until it flies back at you, anyway. I see you also dislike cryptic strategies. if you get bored and need a giggle, my status message on my profile is what I'm tempted to post whenever I see one. :)
  • No @kathy you didn't miss @mumsie,I just didn't want her to see my England comment and take offence. I know she wouldn't but I had to do the old Scotland v Englanjoke ;)
  • Heehee Oopsie! That's Scotland v England joke!
  • Ohh lol @jlz666 hee heee I shoulda known. .
  • @JLZ Surely there's more than one Scotland vs. England joke? :) If not, there should be.
  • @all sorry guys, took a dinner break and was stuffing my face.

    @kathy I was just joking about the pretentious comment. I had a similar vision while I was posting that comment. I have a strange sense of humor sometimes, so don't mind me.

    @kelani I won't really throw my phone. I'm still paying for it, so I can't afford to break it. Besides, my brother broke too many of my game controllers growing up, it taught me not to throw temper tantrums. I saw your profile remark on vague strategies and laughed. PS: my phone has finally learned your name and should longer call you melanin.
  • "Half time"
    Oh @kelanie that's tragic but here's the first single I bought with my own pennies I have to add, aged 9 or 10!
    *hangs head in shame*
  • I'm sorry @Kelani. Didn't you ask for some help with a level? I've forgotten which one it was. I've been distracted by the real world today. Remind me and I'll take a look.
  • @JLZ666 Where was I? I never heard of them before. I hate to admit it, but the teenager in me came out. I kept watching the Blond in the blue dress waiting for an accident to happen. Now I must also hang my head in shame.
  • *snort*!!!
    Oh my giraffe! I wish you could see us on the sofa! Hubby is deep in the game,casting worrying glances over at me as I work my way through old YouTube vids! I won't tell you what he said when he heard "I eat cannibals"! LMAO! This World Cup is better than I thought,I can do my own thing for 90 mins!
  • @kelani, on level 30, I've been playing around with the aiming of the first bird, hitting the asteroid just behind the gravity well in front of the slingshot. Unfortunately, it's the only asteroid I can get a significant aim variation on, the others are too far and a small change means you miss it entirely. I'm starting to wonder if Rovio meant the asteroids as a 1 - 2 punch. Do the video shot, then the one I use. I tried that of course, barely broke 80k, so not a high score strategy.
  • @kelani Also, I seem to remember that when using the video approach, I dropped one of the middle asteroids on the top planet by hitting it with debris from the bottom planet TNT explosion. I didn't get a 1 bird clear so I reset, but it may be another avenue to explore.
  • @kathy omgiraffe. Is that intentional, or your phone being silly?
  • @rat it was maybe a UK single?'re only human! I'm sure there's lots of male heads hanging! I just remember getting my very own record player for my birthday and that was my first buy with my birthday money! My fave ever pressie was an Abba album from my mum and Dad. I've got a cute photo of me on the sofa aged 7 I think,holding it with pride :D you think it shaped my life? Haahaaaa!!
    @lyrian it's an OMG but for *cough* religious purposes someone found it better to say giraffe! I like it now and it comes out before I know it!
  • @JLZ thanks for the explaination. It is @kathy after all, I know her phone can be as nutty as mine.
  • Lol @Jlz666 @Lyrian caught on to my hoodoo voodoo phone quickly her' she's more careful than me hee hee..
  • @JLZ lawl. I remember that one. :) Ya know, if you imagine them with normal hair and better vinyl clothes, they're not bad! :P Of course that pesky "Imagine what they look like today" thought keeps creeping in. *shudder* It's even OK If they were your childhood heroes. Anything's better than the Spice Girls.

    @Lyrian I tried that hit-2nd-asteroid thing on #30 before you posted your shot. It gave me a few low-scoring 1-birders. One of those guys probably has hidden potential, though.

    @Rat I wanted you to find the hidden strategy on #31 just for the sanity of fellow flingers, but it's no rush. I got a (lucky) decent score on it. I did not, however, want you to beat the bejeezus out of #39 :P That score may be beatable, but I'm sure nobody's gonna waste a year trying.
  • O.k I know its not Tuesday but get ready
    *passes out earplugs* level #8 is beyond me!!
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
  • You've caught up quick @lyrian,it normally takes longer to understand @Kathy and her phone....kudos! :D
    Game is over so hubby is back ;( Have fun on the chase peeps! Going to change into jammies and spend time with hubby.
    Nighty night @kathy,@rat,@kelani,@lyrian XX
  • Nighty nighty @JLZ!
  • Was it @fenikus that said this is nothing but a game of billiards? To be able to answer @Kathy's question, I must disagree with him. She wanted to know why a particular shot isn't working for her. The answer is easy. The boulders are NOT round. Hitting a boulder one pixel different causes a totally different outcome. It may go left instead of right. Couple that with different speeds and approach angles; the combinations are infinite. This is the reason I say we've BARELY scratched the surface on the possible strategies and scores. Just stating the obvious.
  • @Rat that's my thinking. If it took us 2 months to figure out the River, this could take much longer. But, it is still billiards, nonetheless. I don't think he meant to trivialize it. At least billiards isn't trivial to me. Anyone with a $100 bet on a game will try damn hard to be accurate.
  • @Pa I've got the shot down pat . .well just about ..I hit the boulder it spins into the canister blows the boulder and debris right up next to the other canister and ..phht phht phht..nutttin'
  • CongRATs on first place @Kelani. I'm not flingin' today but I'll come see you soon.
  • The boulder needs to ride the canister into the fray @Kathy. And then get lucky.
  • Billiards are more precise.. I'm very good at that:)
  • O.k Pa I'll try again. .maybe later i need a break from that one. .for a bit; ) thanks for the tips:)
  • @Rat I expect to be back in 4th again tomorrow morning :P

    Oh crap. The little neighbor kids appear to have obtained a high-powered karaoke machine and turned their pool into a club tonight.
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