The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2165
  • @Lyrian neat! Until a few years ago, I was in Cary. Now I'm stuck in the woods between Boone and Charlotte.
  • @kelani what do you mean 'pop ups' im just not getting any notification at all..I have the gold star checked. I uusually get all notification here..hmm I cleared my browser maybe it reset my settings. Plus my keyboard is very touchy tonight. .gawd I hate this phone:/
  • Aha !! I clear my browser now my phone it's faster that explains keyboard trouble (fornow) but notified r still a mystery even when i get @mention I'm not getting it:/
  • @Kathy remember a week or two back when estar mentioned the new settings in here? Around that time, the popup that shows up when someone @mentions you started working for me. It stayed for awhile, then went away again.
  • @kelani Hah, we were in Cary when we first moved down here. I'm originally from new jersey, and I found out there is an acronym for cary, containment area for relocated yankees.

    @kathy there is a way to edit your profile preference so it pops up a notification in your Internet browser whenever anyone mentions you.
  • Yes @kelani I remember that. .thanks @lyrian I have double checked my settings as well. .just checked my email and lo and behold all the notifications are there. Soo some issue with my phone guess not dinging. Earlier it was doing something strange lol.. who knows. .
  • @Lyrian yeah, we try to keep that acronym secret :P It was funny living there. I was the only NC native at my job or among my friends. Heh, the girl I dated most of my time there was also from NJ. I guess you guys and her must've been part of some mass-exodus.
  • I don't know if you've done this with you phone, but mine has blocking mode. You can set certain hours where your phone won't make a sound unless you have allowed that function. For instance, any emails, texts, notifications and phone calls won't do anything on my phone between 12 am and 6 am unless I have marked that contact as allowed. Did you accidentally turn that on?
  • Seriously, I laughed my a** off when I heard it. There is one for Clayton too, I found out. I moved down here when my dad got a new job at first citizen's. I was in college at the time and since I went home when school wasn't in session, I had to follow. I've stayed in state though because I like being close to my family, I have too few relatives left.
  • Tada thanks @Lyrian ;) :) I must have hit that by mistake I didn't even know i had that option. Good to know though thanks!! I think that's it cuz i just got a ding when you posted. .I usually just shut off email at night. .I didnt realize that was what that 'blocking mode' meant :)
  • Woot! Glad I was able to help. I'm still learning all the things my phone can do.
  • Well I guess its not working; ( I didn't get a dinging on your last post @lyrian but thanks. .I'm gonnapower it off and reboot. .but thanks so much. ..these phones have a mind of their own some days..brb
  • @Lyrian Huh. I never heard one for Clayton. There's one for Garner, but it's unprintable. Same here with the few relatives. Technically I have them, but the different sides of the family don't interact.

    I assume you like it in NC? I loved Cary, except for the monthly reminders that my apartment rent would cover the payment on a 5,000 sq ft house here.

    grr. 840 points. I hope I can catch up with the Serb before he comes unglued from his football games.
  • Yay dinger working just in time for me to say good night .
    Night all have fun. .I have Noo patience for this f'n keyboard tonight.
    Night @Pa
  • @kelani I do like it in NC. Though sometimes I'm confused by a few things, local colloquialisms for one. Please send me the one for Garner in a PM, I haven't heard that one. Anywho, it's time for me to pass out. Zeus thinks 5 am is a lovely time to start the day and I need some sleep before then. Goodnight all.
  • @Lyrian next time you're here, tell me some of these confusing colloquialisms. Maybe I can simplify them :P

    'Night to you and @Kathy with her evil kbd. :)
  • Nigh @Lyrian night all. .
  • night Ma
  • Hello, anyone here? is empty.
  • A (late) goodmorning to you all. @hunnybunny, it was a heavy night. Unexpected walkover of the dutchies after a reluctant start. Went to bed really happy, woke up, walked the dogs, had breakfast and looked at the leaderboard. Argh, @burpie pushed himself to #2. This weekend we have fathersday (do you call it that way?) so have ro visit our fathers. At night again soccer, I'll see what I can do about flinging.
  • @kathy will you stop, please, reading things into my comments that were never there in the first place!!!
    You said you were going to sit in a booth coz no one listened to your whine, I just meant you were using that as an excuse to fling, therefore climbing up the leaderboard in your normal manner. I never mentioned posting strats. You must have posted in more walkthroughs than anyone else on the planet ;-)))
    You can leave paranoia to me, I read all sorts of things in posts that were never there in the first place. I really need to get a life. LOL

    @bernersenn yes we do have Father's Day, but sadly both mine and my father in law passed away some time ago, and as we have no children, the hubby doesn't get visited, so it's a quiet weekend for us.

    Off to fling, I'm surrounded by football fans, both wearing orange, on the leaderboard, and I need to escape their clutches, and hunt down a rodent.
  • @Bernersenn I'm in no hurry to finish part 1. A lot of these levels feel more like a chore than a game. This morning I was back to part 2 and I just left a new approach for level 40.
  • @burpie, part #2 is for future mode of operation. First I will do some damage control on #1, the spare time I have. Saw on tv yesterday that The Hague was turned into a orange ocean, not your thing, all this succer? I just love it, can't get enough of it.
    @hunnybunny, I'm sorry for your fathers
  • @Bernersenn I watch Holland play every 2 years in euro/ world championships. that's all the soccer I can stand. I'm glad I did watch yesterday :-)
  • @burpie, nice said 'that all the soccer I can stand'. I'm a soccer junk, the more the better
  • Please excuse my ignorance @Burpie, @bernersenn, but I don't follow football at all. Was the final last night, and if so, who won?
  • @Rat9 holland was the underdog vs spain, played a weak first half, and ended up winning by 5-1.
  • It was only their first game. the final isn't for a few weeks.
  • @Rat, @burpie was being modest -- it is true that this was only the first game of the group play round, but Spain is a reigning World *and* European champion, a very difficult feat to achieve. Also, I have not seen them allow more than one goal in a game for years.

    I'm very happy for Holland, congrats @burpie and @bernersenn!
  • I might have let y'all play too long in BI #2 without me @fenikus, @Kelani, @Lyrian, @Burpie. It's going to be tough to catch y'all with the lead you have on me. I feel like I'll be playing catch-up for hours. lol
  • Well, you are safe from me for the moment. I'm playing around in the challenge level, since I found my score was 20k below average.
  • Hi @Lyrian. I'm seeing some interesting strategies that were developed in my absence. Some things I'm not sure I would have found. It's opening up a whole new set of approaches. The dust hasn't even begun to settle in part two. Much higher scores will be achieved.
  • Good morning @rat, that's why my scores haven't really been moving. I've been working on some alternate strategies on a few levels, but so far they aren't quite working the way I envision them.
  • I've got to rethink quite a few stRATegies myself @Lyrian. I've already got a few in the works.
  • There's a new sheriff in town @fenikus
    *hums quietly to himself*

    *But it's been no bed of roses,
    No pleasure cruise.
    I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
    And I ain't gonna lose*
  • @burpie Thanks for the #40 thing. About time someone posted something there, but there's a problem with your description you might want to clarify. If someone does your #1 shot, they can't follow the video's #3 shot as you instruct, because the gate is still closed, so it becomes a 4-birder.

    It's weird, your #1 shot is what I've been doing all along, and I have a much better #2 shot that clears half the board and allows a 3-birder, but still only get 121k. btw, you scooped @fenikus who claims to have a video of his 5-birder forthcoming. :)
  • Ok, so #37 does have a 1 bird strat, but it doesn't score as well as kelani's 2 bird. It is a ton of fun to watch though.
  • I was able to follow @burpie's strat on #40 and only used three birds @Kelani. The doors do open on shot two.
  • Hey @kelani, is it just me, or do the mech piggies that are there at the start not detonate on level clear like the second wave ones do? Talking about level 40 of course.
  • Hey ho @birdiepeeps!
    Well that's me just finished with a looooong work week. Absolutely knackered in this sticky,stormy heat. I appear to have lost a couple of days so apologys for missing anything but here goes ;)
    @Lyrian Just a heads up that I'm somewhat of a popper! Unfortunately unlike your fiancé my hubby isn't very tolerant of my birdie/flinging life so I respect that and try not to sit in the evening (my time) on my phone. The time differences make it difficult to spend time with the over the ponders. I've given up wasting my time trying to recreate that level......can't remember which one? I've got some catching up to do in B1 which I've neglected. Don't know if I'll have time to fling this weekend though. It's Father's Day here tomorrow so we're having my outlaws through for dinner tomorrow afternoon.
    @kelani How bizarre to see Cary at the top of the page! My Mum and Stepdad stayed their for 5 years. It would have been around 15 yrs ago. In fact we visited just after the big hurricane. Oooooooo I can't remember it's name. People were wearing "I survived ?" T-shirts. Mums house was miraculously untouched but a train of destruction passed through the houses next to them! I remember seeing the actual path the hurricane took as it ploughed through the subdivision.....scary :( Anyhoo....I digress.....I've fond memories of their time in Carolina
    @all Dutchies! Fantastic game last night! Well done! I'm not a footie fan,nor is hubby really but he will be watching the "better" teams games. I don't think anything will match that one even though it was day 2!! England play tonight but not till 11pm :( I don't know if I'll be able to keep awake till then. I know.....I'm pathetic ;(
    WTH kind of speed is your road @Kathy? I thought you were residential? Obviously not? Good for you taking photos. Something needs to be done. Did you hear how the accident victims were?
    Hope everyone is having fun on their wabbit hunting,rat catching visit in space? I'll just plod along slowly thanks very much ;) Still haven't been to some of the walkthroughs for help yet so looking forward to (hopefully) making some improvements.
    Awwww crikey I've done it again,I've written a novel...sorry!
    Ok that's hubby just poured me a glass of red and given me "that look" so better go. Got to prepare tomorrow's dinner. He can take care of tonight's ;)
    Have fun doing whatever!

  • Hey @jlz666 soorryy I just missed ya (((((((hugs)))))
    Enjoy your evening♡
    Oh I Do Live in a residential area the speed limit on my road is 25 mph but the corner is 15 mph
    But people fly around anyway. .today they have a cop out with a radar gun..speed trap.
  • Good song Pa ;)
    @hunnybunny I'm sorry I guess iDid read more into what you said , I will try not to do that anymore.
    Hope everyone is having a relaxing Saturday afternoon/evening:)
  • @Rat, a new sheriff in town? All I got notified of is the new sheriff @burpie on #40. But I see Beak 2 has the new president and vice president. Well done both you and VP @Kelani. And I see @Lyrian is a shoe-in for being elected Speaker of the House!
  • @Jlz666, in-laws are called outlaws in Britain? Funny, here in US criminals are referred to as outlaws.
  • Wait, @fenikus if I'll be speaker, what's your job?
  • *sneaks in*
    Hey hon! @kathy that's just madness :( a 25mph road and that amount of accidents? I now have no sympathy for the 1 vehicle victims as they were obviously speeding. It's the innocents they hurt that I feel sorry for. BTW happy that all is ok with you XXX
    Good afternoon @fenikus :)
    Nah @kelani I've always called them that! I love them both dearly,we're very close as I've been in the family since I was 16. Father in law is retired police so I just started called them my outlaws as a stuck! MiL needs locked up sometimes though ;)

  • Acckk sorry @jlz666 I missed ya again! ! Yep im sure the car coming around the corner had to be speeding (a brand new Red Mustang) and the road was wet also. And thanks yep all is well♡
  • @Rat I don't see how you're able to do that on #40. Tell me what I'm missing here.
    Bird 1 hits the UFO pig and takes out the floating switch (burpie #1)
    Then if you follow the video:
    Bird 2 hits upper left switch. 1st upper gate opens (Video #1)
    Bird 3 hits the upper right switch. 2nd upper gate opens. (Video #2)
    Bird 4 to king pig. (Video #3)

    Now, on the shot I've been doing all along, it works. (#1 like @burpie, #2 into stone corner between upper switches, taking the whole upper section out, #3 to king pig)

    If it's that shot you're doing, it's nowhere near the video.
  • Very quickly as he's cooking ;)
    @kathy hi again haahaaaa! Ships that pass in the night eh?!! Well the ground did look slick but shouldn't be a problem if you're on the speed limit. *cough* my face is burning as I speak because of my love for speed but honestly,I don't do it in residential.
    @kelani hmmmmmm that wasn't it. That's too long ago. It had to have been in the 90's They moved from Cali in 93 and had been in Cary....or dang it,is Apex a place? God this is raiding the memory banks! Anyhoo it has to have been 93 + Yes they loved it! No it certainly wasn't deliverance lol!!! I'd love to go back and tour around but I say that about every state they've stayed in! Awww jeez...the dueling banjos have started in my head!!
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