The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2140
  • @burpie master class in those darned space eggs needed. I just can't work them out.
  • @Kathy @2 on the anagram list directly below that sentence.

    I'm gonna take a break. Got to #18, figured out about all the min 3* scores for everyone, and I am digging the air canisters. There are a lot of 1-birders, but less than BR and at least they seem to have multiple possible strategies.
  • OB, drinks are on me, too! On that note, I'd like a frozen strawberry 'rita please. It's scorchin' hot out there, 95°F but it feels like 105°!

    Ahh, refreshing change from BR to BI! Swimming in Space has its advantages.

    You've been busy @kelani! Thanks for posting the 2* and 3* scores.

  • @SweetP no prob. I'll get the rest of 'em after my break. Just hope Slim doesn't ban me for the ~15 Kel @mentions he got in 2 hours. :P

    Apparently finding mediocre scores is my special talent. Gee.
  • @Hunnybunny I'm going to skip S-22 myself for now :-/
  • @kelani there is a badge for that! ! I don't think slim will be mad he probably appreciates the help; )
  • @kelani! ! That's the best you could do! ! Snakelike Kathy turf .. hmm I'll have to think about that. .hee hee..
  • {yet another poor excuse} didn't three star, or indeed, complete all the Beak levels. Must have been the four injections and one hour of torture I underwent at the dentists :-((((
    Or perhaps the Tapas and a glass of Rioja at the local Spanish place, once the pain had gone, that he-who-does-not-fling treated me to?
    Happy flinging (beaking?) all
    I'm outta here
  • Night @hunnybunny hope you feel better. :)
  • I've got 8-34 by a 10k margin- I will post the strategy when I get the chance. In the meantime, go for that one.
  • @Kathy Really? I guess there's a badge for everything :P I didn't do anywhere near that much, though. "Snakelike Kathy Turf" coming up #2 on the list was amazing to me. I made another list of anagrams of all our names combined, and most of them are hilarious, but not printable. Maybe I'll post the censored version in a few months when the BI buzz dies down. :P
  • @all, if you're having trouble with only some of your BI level scores being added to the total episode score tally, I resolved the problem by entering 0 for all my entered scores, thus deleting them. After I re-entered my scores, everything looks good.
  • Lol @kelani it's growing on me ;)
  • {confused} S-21 Min 3* Score: 2,140,000

    That's gotta be a typo, no?
  • @rat @burpie -- One of life's little pleasures: I'm ahead of both of you on the Beak Impact leaderboards!!!!! Of course that won't probably be true even by the time you look, but... I take perverse joy in such moments. Details -- I'm ahead of Rat on Beak Impact, probably #2, and #1 on all of Eggsteroids. Of course, neither Rat nor Burpie have entered all their scores.
  • @fenikus @hunnybunny -- The real advantage of entering all your scores, even 1 stars right away is that you can be first in just about all levels. My schedule has changed, but I used to be able to devote Thurs morning to a new episode, and got perverse glee from getting top scores even with 1*. I do think that was before the new sheriff messages, but I thought they didn't start for a day or two?
    I've 3* all of Beak Impact 1 (regular levels only), but still have a ways to go on #2. Those that are new to Space -- Lots of people, including me, HATE the space egg levels.
  • @kelani -- Slim does appreciate the help, but there is no need to @mention him. He, or one of the other admins will look for 3* mins that are posted in a day or so. BTW -- When they do look, they delete all the 3* min comments, but you get credit for them.
  • @mvnla2 ok, thanks. I'll leave it off the rest. Don't know what you mean by 'credit' though. I didn't know someone kept score of...people keeping score :P

    Add me to the list of people you're currently above. Had to delete all my scores to fix the count errors.
  • You get credit (points toward your rank) for making a comment on a walkthrough. So every time you list a 3* score you get credit for that comment. Somehow the admins delete your comments without deleting the credit. This is only true of comments on 3* scores.
  • *jumps up from @Kathy's booth and does a Happy Dance*
    Whooppeeee! Yes! oh my GAWD I don't believe it, my very first top score!
    Actually it's my second, but the first one I didn't tell anyone 'cuz I didn't know about BP yet. Of course, it's not going to last very long, but I got excited! Scared my dog out of his nap, hubby nearly dropped his soda can! heehee!

    edit: that was in #7 just in case you were curious.
  • @SweetP, WTG! I don't want to spoil your celebration but you should know that there is someone out there cursing your name right about now: "Oooohh that SweetP, she thinks she's a new sherif in town…I'll show her!" :)

    p.s. Ohhh that #$&^%& @bernersenn, he thinks he can be a sherif on #3…I can't let this stand! LOL
  • @mvnla2 I noticed :-) I've taken the lead back in Eggsteroids - hope you don't mind!

    Congrats, @SweetP!

    And right now @AMslimfordy is ahead of @Rat9 overall! (No one will believe you by next week... better take a screen shot :-)

    Good night everyone - I'm off to bed. I'm looking forward to more craziness tomorrow.
  • Hi @mvnla2 Somehow your post didn't come up till this morning. Today was the last day of finals with students + graduation rehearsal. Tomorrow we finalize & checkout. Saturday is graduation for my students. I'm on an extended contract so I work through next Weds. I've got two trips of two week curriculum training in June & late July, then back to school in mid-Aug. looking forward to the break even if I'll be working most of it. Been catching up on my flinging some already....

    @sunshine yup survived the challenge by a mere 100 pts. Whew.
  • @ISSwatchers We should have a nice pass this evening for the general eastern Texas gulf coast area starting at 8:45 CDT. Say hi to my friends for me.

    You beat my score
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster Sorry about 8-14 man :) Your strategy is good, but there's more points if you do something productive with Red, rather than waste him.

    @ABCrazy between clouds, 100'+ trees, moon and being under a major air corridor, I can never find the ISS, even knowing where to look. :P

    @fenikus did ya notice how @bernersenn's been awfully tight-lipped about his strategies? One-liners for all. I think he means business this time.
  • Crap I thought i was doing good then realize i have 2 under average scores entered!!
    I have a thing against entering under average scores! ! Gotta remove them Dagnabit! !
  • rofl. Shame on me. :P Sorry @ABSM That's what happens when you challenge people :P Does it help if I say I really didn't mean to? I got all the stuff to fall to the planet and walk around racking up points.
  • I'm kidding around. That's not a bad thing that you beat my score! Feel free to post your improved shot with Red on the walkthrough!
  • Well that didn't take long lol..I was flinging in one of them and got it while typing.
    Then just went and beat the other one. .all better; )
  • I hate to break your heart @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster but 'even kathy' is ahead of you in the first 6 levels out on my first run through. .:/ just sayin'
  • Don't worry @kathy I haven't even tried yet... Not a single score is above average. Heck, I haven't even entered all of my scores for part 2!
  • Alright, I'm gonna call it a night. I'm ready to boost my scores tomorrow!
  • Night @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I know right we all just getting out of the gate;) should be a great competition when we all get our scores in and really get going.
    Sweet Dreams. . Rest that flinging finger; ).
  • How does someone have a 207k score on 8-19? 2nd place is 133k
  • Probaly a typo @kelani did you flag it or ask the member? Attention @Sweetp :)
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster I will post it. I don't think it made much difference, The luck after hitting the canister is what matters.

    RAWR, I just borked a high score on S-21. 1st egg took out *everything* except 1 pig. Had around 200k. Missed the damn pig with the next 3 eggs. :P

    @Kathy I did flag it.
  • @Kelani, told ya -- I don't read walkthrough comments or watch videos in the beginning for a while so haven't noticed @bern-dawg's tightlippedness. I have no doubt he means business this time around; he always does.

    Boy, everybody is flying through the levels. I'm still on…level 8. Steady, fenikus, steady…you don't want to blow your engine again like in BR. And it hasn't been tested in Space yet.
  • @Burpie -- I knew it wouldn't be long; just enjoyed the momentary celebration.
    @Kathy -- I can't believe you only enter above-average scores!
    Think I'm now 3* on all, but not above average. I'll wait until the average goes down, I hope, to try to get above average.
  • @all, I will say that I'm enjoying Beak Impact. Remains to be seen how I feel after the novelty effect wears off, but I'm liking the graphics and sound. I even played level #7 with sound on as those thrusters sound really cool.
  • @fenikus I'm only on level #8 also and i don't look at walkthrough till after i try the level a few times. .usually my method is the same but uhmm @bernersenn has left a few good tips;)
    Ya @mvnla2 ever since i started i don't like to enter Below average scores. I know by now a lot of my scores inn all episode have probably most likely fallen below though lol..
  • Oops sorry I'm on level #10 @fenikus. .
  • @kelani I have to admit I missed this one too. I only go look occasionally and can usually spot the peculiarly steady moving star pretty quickly. Not tonight. Oh well.
  • @ABCrazy what type of lighting does it have?

    @fenikus well, I was posting the walkthrough comments and there aren't many, so his kinda stood out. Glad you're enjoying it so far. I haven't seen Pt2 yet, but so far it looks like they put some thought into this one.

    Wow, Starting later worked well. Went from last to #1 in Pt 1 and didn't even know it. I'm sure that'll change any time now
  • @estar I see you there at #14 in Gamecenter BI Pt 1. Sneaky girl.
  • @kelani Reflected sunlight is what we can see down here mostly off the solar panels. Otherwise it's pretty much solar powered DC circuitry into some hefty batteries. Lighting is focused inside like we do at home. Outside activities work within the roughly 90 minute light/dark cycle at that orbit.
  • @Kelani, since you finished part 1 in entirety: Is there any level that is NOT 1-birder? So far first 10 levels and first egg level are all 1-birders.

    Edit: Don't tell me specific levels, I'm just curious if this is an ongoing theme.
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