The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2139
  • Three starred up to 8-23
    Now I have to go out! Oh no!
  • Oh my!!! My Batphone died on me last night!!
    @kelani - yes, I'll give Space a go!!!!! :)
    @fenikus - I don't have any other tips. Just remember you can play around with the speed!!!!! Mr. @rat9 is the pro in Space!!! ;)
  • Looks like Space update is out!
  • @abcrazy it looks like your score from yesterday's challenge survived!!
  • I've three starred all levels. Fun update! The levels were fairly easy, especially Part 1.
  • @All Am I reading that leaderboard right *44* levels?
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster Add @fenikus and @Me to your list of competitors.

    Had to end up loaning ipad again, but I've been promised I'll get it back at lunchtime. Any first impressions, or too busy flinging?
  • @kelani @fenikus it's on!! I haven't put any effort into getting high scores; mine are probably at the rock bottom 3 star minimum.
  • While I wait, I was scanning the videos. Counted 15 probable 1-birders in the first 20. I hope the second half is more difficult.
  • @burpie Man, that sucks. I hope they get Android straightened out for you soon. I don't know what's worse, waiting 1+ months longer for an update, or getting an on-time borked one.
  • @ABCrazy -- Good to see you! When are you done?
    Didn't I post this yesterday?
  • @all -- Finished the first 20. Combination of fairly easy, as in 3* first or second try, or pretty difficult, as in I don't have 3* yet. Can't figure out what the goal is in the first eggsteroid. Back later, much later.
  • @Kelani, I don't know about LBs but the flashy advert when I opened Space earlier said "40 new space-tastic levels!" I successfully installed the app on iPad and finished level 1. It all seems to be working fine on iOS -- get that iPad back!

    So I'm a little confused re: use of the word "eggsteroids". There is an episode that bears that name but I think you guys are referring to bonus levels as eggsteroids as well, right?
  • @sunshine well, it'll be a pleasure competing with ya. I'm sure Team LadyBP is also glad you're here to help counterbalance all us guys. :)

    @fenikus Yeah, there's hidden golden eggs like the fruits in Rio. When you find them, it unlocks the episode in Eggsteroids
  • Anyone notice they added a separate powerup score column on the title screen?
  • {TrashTalk} Ooooh @Kelani, we've been challenged by a true Space Master. @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster said the magic words: "IT'S ON"! Good thing, cuz the "old guard" apparently has difficulties with failed launches and general confusion re: what they're supposed to be shooting at ;)
  • Hey, what just happened? I improved my level 1 score and went back to LB to enter it. My old score was gone and when I re-entered the new one, I'm in top spot albeit only one on the board. What gives?

    Edit: Oh no, there's already a new sherif it town! It looks like LBs got reset somehow. Mrs. Bunny is going to be peeved.
  • @fenikus {very big shovel} Yep, and don't forget their infighting and overall senility. @Rat can't ever get @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster 's name right. I wonder if he's sitting there now flinging at a dead, empty planet and wondering why his points aren't higher :)
  • It took us 2 months to wear out the tread on 20 BR levels. I wonder how long all these guys will take? We might be getting out the Fall clothes before it's all over.

    edit: how are there average scores on levels with no scores entered yet?
  • ?????? Why are all the scores on all the leaderboards blank? I checked a couple of others ( @fenikus, @Kelani) and they were blank too. ?????
  • Hello @all!
    Sorry @kathy, I wasn't here all day yesterday as had a lot going on around the house.
    I'd love to come along for the ride in Space with you all, @kathy, @kelani, @rat9, @bernersenn, @burpie and whomever-else-I-forgot, if you don't mind?
  • @Rat it looks like LBs were reset about half an hour ago.

    Edit: Oh crap, it seems like ALL the LBs were reset…WTH?
  • @all In that case my bedroom is at 69 degrees and calling my name. See you guys and ladies later.
  • I'm sure there is no cause for panic. BL has backups for sure.
  • Oh good, it isn't just me!
  • Okay, the LBs are back. It seems like the scores entered from at least 12PM EST are not there though, I'll have to re-enter mine (which is fortunately just one level).
  • Half of mine were gone. I've been too busy chasing 3* scores to notice :P

    I wondered why I had so many Top scores, and why levels with no scores entered has an average score listed. lol
  • Well something weird is still going on. On the main Space LB, it says I've not entered any scores in Beak Impact, but when I go to the episode LB, it shows the two of my scores. I think I'll wait a bit before entering any other scores until this is sorted out.
  • Finally, having some time - and have that Beaky thing. @all, let's go
    I actually probably won't.
    When I came up with that name, I was assuming the by three-starring it I had perfected, or 'mastered', it. Turns out I was wrong... Oh well.

    Anyways, it's at least worth a try.
  • Hahahahaha @AngryBirdsSpace[3*Master]…when I started playing AB, I didn't know what the stars were for, I was like "yes! I beat the level!" Then I slowly realized more stars meant you did better. Then I 3 starred all the levels and looked in marvel at my accomplishment and I said "now what?" And then I discovered ABN and that there is such a thing as "scores" :)

    p.s. To my defense, I had a really terrible teacher. My sister was tapping all over the screen after flinging the Red Bird. "No, no, you have to tap at that structure and the bird will go there!" LOL
  • @fenikus I hear ya. I could not figure out how in the hell stars were assigned. I'd nuke a level and get 1 star, then leave half of it alone and get 3. Drove me nuts.

    I may not be getting good scores, but I am finding a crapload of min 3* scores. If you ever get bored with AB try to play a level and get close to a certain score. It's a whole 'nother game.

    edit: My board shows 8 scores entered, but I have 10. lol. Seen that once before.
  • 'Tap that structure to go there'... Lol! Technically if it had been after the RMF Classic gameplay levels then she would've been right...
  • @kelani I though that stars somehow evaluated how fancy your shots were, so I would throw these crazy shots everywhere. It actually drove me to try different things and eventually three star everything.
  • @Kelani, yeah, I entered my scores for levels 3 and 4 and now the main Space LB says I entered 2 scores in BI episode. My total score for the episode does not include levels 1 and 2. Something's going on…

    BTW, @Kelani, played 4 levels so far and have 2 top scores. I know it's early, but I don't know, I just don't know…maybe I actually have a shot at this game!
  • Haha @fenikus not peeved at all
    The joy of entering the first eleven scores "all top" outweighed the annoyance of all those "there's a new sheriff in town" emails. I'll never see that again!
    I've probably had eleven (real not first day) top scores in my eighteen months of flinging. At least two thirds are gone. But what the heck....
    But was worried when ALL my scores disappeared
  • @ABSM perhaps it's better we chase each other up the leader boards, I don't think either of us will catch the true space masters (or @kathy for that matter)
  • I see that the "(borked) I'm not playing, just extending my lead in Eggsteroids" Dutchie is creeping up the leaderboards
    @burpie how could you resist?
  • The dogs tied a gastank on their back - and went into space. This is fun, really fun
  • It seems I have the top spot on 8-14 by a fair margin. Try and catch me!
  • @bernersenn fun to start with
    In three weeks, frustrating
  • @fenikus, you're right. It's early, but two out of two, not bad
  • @hunnybunny, I hope that the highscore players by that time shared their welth - saves a lot of time. I'm on a short vacation in Germany right now. You will manage, the game is really fun as I said earlier
  • @ABSM I'm trying that right now. @fenikus 8-14 is an example of a level that ends too soon. I had 87k with the entire structure floating toward a planet several times. It always times out. Annoying as..

    Last time my # of entered scores was shown wrong was '14 of 15' in RMF. Slim fixed it.

    lol I'm making short work of these exact 3-star min scores. Slim's gonna get annoyed with all the CC's I keep sending him
  • I got everything going after I got home from work. I had to uninstall/ reinstall the game and import my old highscores.lua file. There's probably something wonky with the old settings.lua file in Android.

    For now I'm just 3-starring the episode to get something on the board... and to unlock the eggsteriod levels in the process. That's the one episode where I have a real lead and I plan on keeping it that way!

    I just finished part 1 of Beak Impact and I'm not very happy with it... all of those 1-bird levels make for a fun once through but the degree of wash-rinse-repeat will drive us nuts in the weeks to come :-(

    On to part 2!
  • I've posted my top score strat on 8-14- don't expect to get it on the first try, it's a toughie! @hunnybunny
  • @burpie about that nuts-going: that's gonna happen, I think
  • @kelani I didn't get what you meant by check out #2 on what list?
    Anyway I'm home finally and installed the update yay!! @burpie i have android (both tablet and phone) and I've had no trouble installing?
    I'm not even gonna try to catch up on all these comments haha Good Luck to All even @hunnybunny and AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :)
    Oohhh and @sunshine is gonna join us Yay!!
    We should have tons of fun!!
    OB drinks for all. .on me :)
  • Thanks @kathy! I'm slowly starting right now, and surely do need that refreshing drink!
    Whoopee @sunshine, so good to see you join us!
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