The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2017
  • No problem @AngryBirdsSpace(Waster)*

    *Frank Zappa was thought a waster for squandering his musical genius on the pursuit of juvenile satire. (This one seemed apropo somehow)

    Enjoy your camping and may your satirical app make loads of money for college.
  • @rat9 You have a sister Minnie? Is her last name Mouse, Haha, Driver, Riperton or 'the Moocher'? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Oh, if you and @burpie don't want Cold Cuts, I could be persuaded to take it over. Once I fix that %$*& 770th on 2-10. The only other levels I'll be doing any heel nipping are Utopia and CC. I have *no* idea how I got 5th in DZ. I'm gonna recheck that one for typos.
  • Good afternoon everyone:)
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I hope your surprised when you get home, enjoy your camping;)
    @kelani thanks for not making me break out the map;) Hey we're almost neighbors;)
    Yes @rat9 had a sister Minnie is alooong story.... When Pa tried poofing without a license he somehow landed in the wall, soon after his sister's kids started running amuck and multiplying at amazing speeds. They are pretty well behaved now just give em'a nibble of your dinner once and youll have friends forever;)
    OB I'll have a PigKilller please, and have the blues keep deliveringto gggl level 18 on the hour;)ty
  • @Kelani Minnie and her kids were staying with me until the poofing incident. After seeing how spacious the walls at the BP were, I moved them there. They're happy. I'm happy. Win/win. They keep propagating so we do a purge occasionally, sending a passel of them to live with whoever is on the naughty list. We're do a purge so don't irritate anyone for a bit. They're friendly and clean. @Mumsie even kissed @Heyyou#42 on the tip of his nose. It was touching. They've bonded and are inseparable. So if you notice the walls in the BP are bulging, let someone know and we'll call the piper.

    Note: While they were staying with me, there were so many of them, I was always saying "Hey you get outta my way". I said it so often that they came to think that was their name. Minnie even started naming all of them from that time on Heyyougetouttamyway. It was easier. We shortened it to Heyyou. I've lost count, but there are over three thousand Heyyou's in the walls at this time. If you have a wheel of cheese laying around that you're not using Ken, bring it to the bar. You'll make a lot of friends.
  • Hi Ma. Have you had any luck with level 18?

    As far as I'm concerned, you can have Cold Cuts @Kelani. But you might need to clear this with @Burpie. I think he's only got first place in two Space levels at the moment. He might not take kindly to only having one. At one time we had all the first places in Space between us.
  • Well Pa I've improved a tad.. still not even enough for top 100 so im marathon flinging right now. .crap the mom just in with groceries brb.
  • @rat9 @kathy I'm sorry, I lost you at 'poofing without a licence and landed in the wall'

    I'm a little bit out of practice at Secret Code, but that sounds like either a serious digestive issue, or a dangerously illegal highway stunt. :)

    Hmm, wheel of cheese. I have some Pecorino I've been using as wheels on my go-kart, but I can part with 'em and anything containing Gorgonzola, Stilton, Stinking Bishop (yes, that's the real name), Limburger, Epoisses or Livarot.
  • Ah Ha! @Kanlani You've just told everybody you didn't read the rules of the Bloated Pig on page one. It specifically states, "No amateur poofing". The originators of the BP are the only people that are allowed to instantaneously poof from one location to another. It's too dangerous. On my first and only attempt at poofing, I ended up in the walls of the BP instead of the Seniors Forum. Think of it as the transporter on Star Trek without the sparkles and funny noises.

    As far as the wheels. If it's cheese, you're in like Flint.
  • Hee heei was just about to say @Kelani did ya read page 1? Pa ya beat me to it..kudos on the cheese;)
  • @Kathy Oh, THAT poofing. Yes i did read it, but it didn't really register. Is an ok rule, though. Poofage of any kind isn't exactly in my repertoire. :)

    @rat9 who the heck is @Kanlani :P I know what you're up to. Yer trying to sell that 'I'm just a poor old fart with slow, fat fingers' bit. Well, nobody's buying it! :)
  • Well i have just enough to take over 97th place:( not gonna post it.. im Not! !
    *weeps into OB wing *sniff** puleeezeee help puleeze send a message to your fine feathered friends im desperate:( oh and ya keep the blues delivering; )
  • *poof* hi @Kelani sorry I'm on a mission. ..* poof*
  • lol. Rock on, @Kathy :)
  • Mumsie comes in cos she keeps hearing her name - "what's that OB? Oh it's just Mr Rat wittering on again! Ok I'll read back .......... "
    Hi @kelani - yup Mr Rat is correct HeyYou#42 is a particular favourite of mine or was it #4242 - not sure now! Well I'm back from the wedding - the cake was a success, or at least it looked good - hubby and I left before it was distributed - pity cos I would really have liked a slice of the chocolate one!
    Off to bed now - golf in the morning - forecast rain - again!!! Will probably pop in in the afternoon to sit in the rocker and knit! Nngb!
  • (((((((((Mumsie))))))) gn sweet dreams happy tohear the wedding is fine and the cake was a hit; )
  • @Mumsie -- Did I miss something? Did you bake the cake yourself? Who got married?
    I think weddings are way, way too expensive these days, at least in the U.S. I was married in my parents' house, and the cake was baked by my mother and grandmother. I made white chocolate roses for decoration. That was back in the days when I was pretty adept at cooking and baking. Don't think my husband would even believe it now!
  • @mvnla2 I blame Food Network and all those wedding-themed reality shows for a lot of that price increase.
  • I don't know where @Kanlani came from @Kelani. I think it means really handsome, so don't be offended. It's great that you're not buying into the old blind fat finger fart, but I see him in the mirror every morning. What age bracket do you fall in?
  • Hi @Mumsie. Heyyou#42 missed ya. How do you keep going? You're like the "Energizer Bunny". Do you ever think about slowing down in your golden years?
  • Same here @mvnla2 my wedding in the backyard of my husband parents. .very nice. .everyone brought a plate of something; ) and we got to keep the money in the card without oweing it to pay the wedding expense. .
    But ya I think @mumsie42 made the cakes ;)
    Not sure how things are done in the u.k.
  • Don't waste your time with birds four and five on level 18 @Kathy. If you haven't gotten 90-100K by bird two or three, reset. The big scores are two birders.
  • Ok pa I've kinda got to that point.. question? Ive been throwing wb all the way to the right as in @loox strat ? Should i go straight at it like the video. .idk wth I am not getting here:(
  • Maybe a WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee will heck with Tuesday! !
  • BTW @Burpie, you're getting close to bumping me out of first in Space. I did the math. You only need six million, four hundred and ninety thousand, eight hundred and ten more points. You're soooooo close.
  • The only way I could get a good clear for the second shot was to go high and come back down on the first structure. Almost touch the bird to the sling. But don't use that for accuracy because he sits in the sling differently every time. Use the sling itself and line it up on the left with the scaffolding brace underneath. If you can clear the debris out of the way, and it won't happen that often, you want to again go high and drop deep into the hole you made to knock over everything with the second shot. You can still get 90k+ with the third shot if you've removed the diagonal bracing from the left side of the structure. If the bracing is still there after shot two, reset. You'll never bring the remaining structure down. Hope this helps.

    Edit: The best clears on the first shot for me were attained by going through the two long vertical blocks on the right.
  • Pa I definitely got the first shot down with yb high and speed down to destroy the whole left side and get that damn X board out of the way. .my question is now throw wb to the far right like loox? Or to throw into the front left even though its down:( I feel like I've done it just perfectly and it just isn't comming together:(
    No Fear I Am Ferocious! ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧
  • @Kathy go for the front with a high lob like @rat9 suggests not the far right. Then cross all your fingers & toes & anything else you can think of.
    Be ferocious my friend!!
    OB, I'd love a Scotch please?
  • Thanks @Karen68 ;) OB break out the special stock for my Ferocious friend ;)
  • Front left! FRONT LEFT!!! No doubt about it @Kathy.
  • Hi @Karen68. I see you sneaking up on me again. Good luck.
  • Lol well jeez nooo wonder. . Why dinja say so in the furst place says the wizard of oz lol...hee hee rember that one;) now Av'e Got cha;) left left left..
  • @Ma You want to drop that egg at the crux of the remaining supports. Almost touch the nexus before you activate.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha Did I say that out loud? Sorry Ma. OB, give me some of that good stuff @Kathy is passing out.
  • Yuck...Scotch?
  • Yup @rat9, Scotch. Thanks for the good stuff @kathy.
    @rat9 I'm trying to sneak up on ya some more but those extra points are hiding from me. I need to sneak up on them. Level 15 is annoying me at the moment. The 1-birders I'm getting are not scoring high enough. Waiting for the big one.
  • I hate 17 myself @Karen68. Every time I get everything to come together for a 100k+ score, that structure doesn't kill the pig when it collapses. I had to do a bloated pig approach from the top just to get to the 100k. I also don't care much for level 2. Can't quite get the big score.
  • I just remembered which level 15 was. Good luck with that @Karen68. It's definitely a luck level. Hate those!
  • I haven't flung for weeks now @Karen68. Life has been getting in the way. But if you get any closer, I might just come out of retirement.
  • @rat9 I never tried 17. Or level 2, isn't that one which used to collapse? I decided those scores were good enough. But I may have to check them out if I want to catch you :)
    And level 15 is totally about luck. I agree, not my favourite kind.
    I have no doubt you'll knock me back down if I should be so lucky to pass you! We missed you on the last couple of space challenges, courtesy of @burpie.
  • I hope to be here for the next one @Karen68. From all the talk between @Burpie and @Kelani, it will probably be one of my top scores I need to defend.
  • Level 2 never collapsed for me Karen. Is that how people got scores higher than 141k?
  • K is way past my Bedtime..I swear these piggies Know they Know I changed strategy! ! Damn them! !
  • Get em first thing in the morning before their good awake. Night Ma.
  • 10 more minutes. .hee hee..
  • Yep :( night Pa tomorrow. .*sigh*
    *places flashlight in Kimmie special safe * *
  • BTW @Karen68. If I had waited for a high scoring one birder on level 15, I'd still be waiting. I got a good clear on my second shot. Those piggies on the right have more lives than a cat.
  • @MA You're trying to get away with extra flinging time in the evening because Kimmies not here. I'm going to tell her you were a baaaad girl. Try not to get keyboard marks on your forehead tonight.
  • Okay okay your right .. I'm going lol .. night Pa (((hug)))
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