The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1654
  • Is anyone here ? Or is my dinger broke?
  • @kathy you mean rooted as in software or a virus or something. Uuuuuhhhhhhmmmmm.... You'll need to be a little more specific. Our vegetables are rooted...
  • Oh great! ! Page change now I'll never know! !
    OB A Pigkiller please:) Hoth is tough make it a double:)
    Heyyou shooo and take getouttamyway with you please I'm not in the notin the mood
    ZGREAT!!! Now I'm playing hide&seek with the error box!!
  • Hi @Kathy, I'm here. Just got back in from watching Man of Steel in 3-D. My eyes are still readjusting.
    How are you?
  • @kathy those snow bank levels seem to go on forever!
  • I dont know @ABCrazy ? The phone or tablet? In order to back up and restore on certain devices you need to know if it's rooted?
  • I heard the movie was great:) andyou right the snow bank levels are long lol I'm only on level 3 and hating it! !!
  • Mmmmmmmm... You got me on that one Kathy. My computer/gadget skills are mostly self taught. I was fussing with a nano-wifi thingie today that I'm hoping to use in a wifi handicapped hotel on vacation in a few weeks. ..... But I digress.
    In general terms, I think rooted means code at the core of the operating system. I'm guessing that a phone or tablet that is rooted is probably similar to one that is jail broken so that you can load software or do other things with it that you normally can't due to restrictions by the provider.
    There I'm over my head, I'm sure someone more knowledgable will step in & correct me.
  • The movie was good, better than I thought it would be. The new Clark is hot. The new Lois is only a little annoying. :-) The special effects are spectacular & the fight scenes are longer than they need to be in my opinion. They were the best part & perfect in my son's opinion. I learned more about Superman as a character than I knew before.
  • Can you do that again @ABCrazy? I was away from tablet sorry
  • Ding ding:) thanks @ABCrazy:)
    OB drinks on me please:)
  • @kathy Are you playing with a new toy?
  • I'm trying. Can't fling on it yet. ?. Well I can but ,.,
    Tomorrow I have an app to try out if it doesnt work then I'm returning it. ?need to know about rooted or not no idea this keyboard hard to get used to going back to phone loloooh idk
  • As usual bf wants to argue at midnight i should start putting it on my schedule!!! Sorry if i don't respond quickly in the middle of not responding or getting yelled at for responding..i can't win...OB a double..make it a triple PigKiller please...
  • Hang in there @kathy. Maybe @ripsy or someone can help with the tablet?
  • @kathy I looked it up, rooting an Android device is the same as jail breaking, say an idevice. I don't think it's hard to do, but does carry some risks and may void any warrantee. Is is marginally like hacking.
  • So when you have a new device it is NOT rooted :) shooo I think this backup will work tytyty:) ((((hugs))))(
  • I am gettting error messages all over the site gonna sign off ty ty :)
  • Actually I'm still here lol..just signed of tablet:) but its getting late I'll be lurking
    I'm very excited gonna try this backup tomorrow..its called Helium supposed to be able to backup and restore between different operating systems:)
  • G'nite @kathy I'm gonna fling a few more & call it a night. I finally improved my score on a particular level after working it all day. Still not quite where I want to be, but glad to see the improvement!
  • @kathy yeah, I've been getting the error messages too. Must be a lot of work going on in the databases...
  • Good night @all, watch out for the rats :D
  • Hello all
  • Well heyyou #1130 and getouttamyway #56 just us and OB and the blues
    Guess I'm out so you can call your sisters and brothers just be careful sometimes it gets busy after us east coasters are you saw last night...
    *places cheese wheel near entrance to @rat hole in the wall..places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth, treat bags for all The Kitties and a vegetation milk bone for Boo:)
    Yep sorry heyyou i said Kitties Kitties Kitties Kitties!!!
    Ohh bad Kathy bad sorry I'm over tired good night all..
    *picks Up heyyou and gives him a little (very little/ ) kiss on the nose *
    Night all:)
  • @Kathy Aaawwwww, somebody likes us.
  • HI! I am glad the maintenance is done, and almost all of Tatoonie! I seem to be recovering quick.
    OOH cheese! *nom*
    Oh.... sorry @rat.....
  • I know you're here @aman
  • @mumsie kum 2 teh blowted pihg.... it's boaring.
  • *Poof*
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see what's left of her night safely through Dreamland, collects all the yummys and stuffs them in special pockets to deliver across the globe and sets out assorted cookie crumbs in a gallon trash bag next to rats hole with a couple of torn parts in the bag for easy access*

    Sorry your bored @tas :/ Ive been over busy and now I'm off to fling!! ;)

    Everyone have a great Day\Night! :)
  • Nice avatars, @firebombbird, are you going to wear them in the corresponding seasons/holidays, just like E-Star:D
  • Nice avatars @firebombbird, love them :D
  • Sorry @theanonymoussomeone ,
    I was busy in playing FRY ME TO THE MOON
    Thus, can't saw your mention :)
  • Hello @everyone. How are you doing today? Hope you all enjoy weekend and summer.
    @rat I am glad to meet you virtually. I noticed your amazing scores in AB Space and I am very surprised when realized that you are one of seniors.
    @mvnla2 as I can see from comments you play Icebreaker-Viking Voyage. I tried it but i am not impressed at all. I am not sure if I am going to complete it at all. Do you like it? Complete all levels already?
  • @cosmo2503--Hello back at ya. Shouldn't go stereotyping people by their scores. Lol
  • @Kathy--As my grandmother use to say, "Ya dun' stepped in a big ol steamin' pile of it now". You were seen kissing Heyyou #56 this morning. You can't do anything in secret when you have 2530 eyes watching. Couple that with the cheese you've been leaving, at least what's left after @tas gets done noshing, and all of Minnie's kids are now jealous. BTW, how did you know Minnie named all her children Heyyou Getouttamy "way"? I never mentioned that. Did I? @kimmie I heard a few of them talking fondly of you as well. Beware! It's too late for @Kathy, they've already renamed her "Ma Colby". They have trouble saying Kathy and there's no greater honor than to be named after a cheese.
  • ROFLMAO !!!! @Rat it was just a little kiss on the nose lol!! I couldn't resist he's so darn cute hahaha:) I guess Ma Colby is an honor among rats so ty Heyyou#56;)
  • @cosmo2503. Haven't reached the end of Icebreaker yet. I don't know how far you've gotten. The game says I'm 53% done with UnderDwell, but it looks like I'm more like 3/4 the way through the map. So I guess I'll finish. Don't know about getting par and collecting all the coins, though. The beginning of Hammerfest is pretty boring. Levels get more interesting and harder the further along you go. Wish I knew what the "secrets" are. I may have collected some, but not sure.
  • Can't wait for IceBreaker to come out on Android:D
  • @rat You have some amazing scores in AB Space! I have no right to name myself "AngryBirdsSpaceMaster" with you around... :D
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster--"What's in a name? That which we call a rose...By any other name would smell as sweet."
    Hello dere. I couldn't find you on the map. Where you be hailing me from? BTW, Happy one year anniversary. Were almost twins. You joined two days after I did, like AB Space and are good at it, and by the sound of it, have some testosterone in ya.
  • Happy anniversary @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :)
    Hello everyone:) OB a PigKiller please @rat i guess the kiddos are sleeping or rummaging the site for goodies lol..didn't sit on anyone x so i guess a good start:)
    OB a PigKiller please and...hmmm let me go look at the menu:)
  • I'll have the Shrimp Salad over zesty watermelon please:) thanks OB your doing a wonderful job as usual and thanks for not complaining about the rat babies :)
    I know i know they do tend to get underfoot but..ya ya..* listening to OB 'NOT.' complaining about rat babies* Yes!! We will do our best to keep them from behind the bar..and in your quarters..:)
  • @Ma_Colby--Good luck with "that" promise.
  • @tas--MS State is in the final for the College baseball tourney. Yea! Most of my in-laws are MS State alums. Dad, brother, sister, even two years there myself.
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